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Rage's Redemption

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  It wasn’t too bad looking at the first four houses that are going up for auction. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the last two. They are in dire need of repair and I don’t know if Grim and the guys are going to want to put the money in to them. It’s a shame though because they’re both in ideal locations. They’re by the clubhouse, but on a lot of land. The houses sit back so you have to know they’re there to find them. These would be the houses to use for children with disabilities. I know the girls have been reading up on different therapies for disabled children including the use of animals. I’ll bring that point up when I talk to them about the places and see what happens.

  Pulling up to the house, I see a few cars and Skylar, Cage, and Joker walking up to the porch. Immediately my mind goes to something being wrong. So, I jump out of the truck after barely taking the time to put it in park and shut it off. Running to the door, I see the guys stopping and waiting for me to get there. Skylar is already inside and that’s where I want to be. That’s where I need to be.

  “Where’s the fire Rage?” Joker asks.

  “What’s wrong with Keegan?” I ask, worry and concern lacing my voice.

  “Nothin’. The girls are over here helpin’ her get ready to go tonight.”

  “Thank God!” I breath out, trying to calm myself down.

  “Fuck! You seriously thought somethin’ was wrong?” Cage asks.

  “Yeah. I saw the cars and you guys and immediately went into panic mode. I know how firefly has been feelin’ and it’s not good.”

  “Sorry man. You know we would’ve called you though.”

  “I know. I just can’t help but worry about her and the twins.”

  “We’ve been there. We know what you’re goin’ through. Go see your girl, get a shower, and get ready. We’re leavin’ in a half hour.” Cage responds, walking into the house.

  Even though I know my girl is okay, I still practically run to the bedroom to see her. I need to lay eyes on her. Opening the door, I see her sitting on the edge of the bed. She’s wearing a black dress that shows off our babies and leaves her upper back and arms bare. Keegan looks amazing. Turning her eyes to me, I see the pure happiness radiating from her.

  “Hey babe!” she greets me. “You okay?”

  “I am now. You look gorgeous firefly,” I tell her, walking over for a kiss.

  Darcy, who is working on her hair, backs away so I can get some lovin’ from my girl. Keegan wraps her arms around me and pours everything she has into this kiss. Honestly, I want nothing more than to kick everyone out and show her how much I love her and how happy I am to see a smile gracing her face again. That can’t happen right now though.

  “Later,” I murmur in her ear.

  “Promise?” she asks breathlessly.

  “Absolutely. Don’t get too tired firefly.”

  She nods her head as I grab some clothes and make my way into the bathroom. Quickly showering, I am ready to go in record time. The quicker we leave, the quicker I can get back home. That’s the only thought on my mind as I walk back in the bedroom and see Keegan sitting on the bed alone.

  Darcy has curled her hair and left is flowing down her back. Whoever did her make-up made her look like she’s not wearing any at all. The glow radiating from her outdoes all that though. Looking at my girl, I fall in love all over again. She’s so pure and light I can’t help but want to be surrounded by her.

  I give her a lingering kiss that neither one of us want to stop. Unfortunately, we both have to go. Everyone in the club is waiting on us. While it is our night, they have gone through planning a special night for us, so we can’t stay home. This is our family pulling together to show us how much we mean to one another. And, I’m pretty sure that we’re going to Dander Falls so that the girls could stay here. Not that I want to be that far away from Keegan right now.

  “We have to go,” I say, finally pulling away from my girl.

  “I know. Have fun tonight and I’ll see you later.”

  “What do you mean you’ll see him later?” Skylar asks, coming to the door.

  “When the parties are over, we’re comin’ back home.” I answer like it’s the most logical thing in the world to expect.

  “No. You can come home. You’re not seeing her until she walks down the aisle tomorrow,” she informs us.

  “What the fuck?” I bellow out. “Why is that?”

  “It’s tradition. You can’t see the bride the night before the wedding.”

  “I am goin’ to be seein’ my girl. No one can stop me!”

  “Not happening stud. You can wait until tomorrow. It’s late morning so you won’t have long to wait.”

  I can tell by the tone of her voice and her stance that Skylar is going to stick to this rule. And I was planning on coming home to show Keegan just what she means to me. She’s finally feeling good enough to do something, not that I’m complaining about the lack of sex. I want to take full advantage, so I hope tomorrow she feels just as good as tonight.

  “Alright babe, have fun and I’ll see you in the morning,” Keegan tells me, leaning in for another kiss.

  “Firefly, be safe and if you need me, call. I don’t want to hear any nonsense about you not wantin’ to interrupt my night. I’ll call and text throughout the night.”

  “Okay. I love you!”

  “Love you too firefly,” I tell her, giving her one more scorching kiss before walking out the door.

  We arrived at the Kitty Kat Lounge and see that Gage has closed the club for the night. This amazes me because I know it’s one of their busier nights, Friday. I never expected them to do this. I figured he’d set something up so that the guys from all three clubs could party and be separate from the rest of the strip club.

  “Gage, why did you close the club?” I ask.

  “We’re havin’ a party for you and I don’t want any interruptions. It’s not a big deal,” he responds with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “It is to me. Thank you, brother!”

  I’m pulled by Grim to one of the tables in the front by the stage. Crash, Trojan, Killer, and Slim are already sitting there. They all give me head nods before turning back to the stage to watch the show already going on. I’m not sure who the girl on stage is, but she doesn’t hold a candle to Keegan. I still appreciate a beautiful woman, but the girl up there now, looks young. That’s not my thing.

  “What are the girls gettin’ up to tonight?” Slim asks Grim, who has taken the seat next to me and handed me a drink.

  “Bailey hired some strippers. Other than that, it’s goin’ to be pretty chill. They don’t want Keegan to overdo it.”

  “She hired what?” Crash and Trojan ask at the same time.

  “Don’t get your fuckin’ panties in a twist. Darcy hasn’t ever seen strippers before. She’s not goin’ to know what to do so she’ll probably sit back with Keegan and just enjoy the show. Same thing you two are doin’ right now,” Grim responds.

  “I don’t fuckin’ think so!” Crash bellows, standing up.

  “Sit the fuck down!” Gage says. “You want this girl to be yours then let her have her fuckin’ fun! You two go in there all cavemen and ruin tonight for them and she really won’t talk to you. You’ll never find out what’s goin’ on with her.”

  Crash reluctantly sit’s back down, knowing that his President is right. Darcy is slowly coming around to the idea of them wanting her. Even if she’s not admitting it to herself. Anyone that sees the three of them together can see the longing and lust in her eyes. I can see the two men looking around the strip club and I know who they’re looking for. Wood.

  “Where the fuck is he?” Trojan asks Slim.

  “Who?” Slim asks, innocently.


  “Oh, he’s on babysittin’ duty with Boy Scout. I think they’re almost to Clifton Falls.”

  This time Trojan stands up so fast his chair flies backwards and crashes into the table next to us. Slim is trying to hide the smile playing on his lips.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Wood coming from the back, fixing his pants. Now, I can’t help the laughter from escaping.

  “The fuck you laughin’ at?” Trojan asks me. “He’s the one that gave your girl her nickname. And they went crashin’ to the floor when we were all shoppin’.”

  “You’re right. But, I know my girl has eyes only for me. I’m not goin’ to let a few accidents bend my dick out of shape.”

  “What’s up guys?” Wood asks, walking up to the table.

  Trojan and Crash look from Wood to Slim and I can see the rage building. Slim starts laughing so hard I wonder how he’ll stay upright in his chair. Especially holding his beer. The rest of us can’t contain our laughter anymore. Meanwhile, Wood is standing there trying to figure out what’s going on.

  “That will teach you not to trust a brother and your woman,” Slim tells them when he finally catches his breath.

  The two men sit down and look at their drinks. They know that they’re in the wrong, but when it comes to Darcy they can’t help it. If Keegan was being standoffish like she is, I’d probably be the same way. Something has spooked her and she’s afraid to give them a chance at being something great. Add in everything that has happened between her and Wood, and I’d be worse than these two have been.

  Wood joins us just as one of the strippers comes up and starts rubbing herself all over me. I could honestly care less about her fake tit’s and over made up face. She thinks she got it, and for some she may. I don’t like the look though.

  “I hear tonight is your last night as a single man, baby,” she purrs in my ear. “Why don’t you let me show you a good time?”

  “Nope. Just because I’m not married yet, doesn’t mean I’ll cheat on my girl. She means more to me than a few minutes with you.”

  “No one has to know baby,” she continues to try, running her hand down my chest towards my cock.

  “Not. Happening,” I tell her again, grabbing her hand and pulling it off my body.

  “Harley, get ready to go on stage or leave for the night. He’s not here for pussy, he’s here for a good night,” Gage says, coming over to the table.

  “Yes, Gage. I’m sorry,” she says, walking to the back of the building.

  “Sorry Rage. She’s been tryin’ to get someone’s attention for the last month. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on with her, but she won’t open up. Can’t help if I don’t know what’s goin’ on.”

  “It’s all good Gage. None of your guys like her?”

  “There’s one that does. I’m just not sure he’ll go for it. She’s a good girl, talks a big game. I doubt she would’ve done anythin’ with you if you went in a room with her. I’ve heard from a few guys that she’d rather talk to them or give them a massage. Somethin’ simple like that,” Gage responds, taking a sip of his beer.

  Pulling out my phone, I send a message to Keegan. I need to check in with her. For some reason, I’m getting a weird feeling and I don’t know why. The threat from Sam and her dad is gone, so I don’t know what else could go wrong.

  Me: Everythin’ good firefly?

  I take a sip of my drink while I wait for a response. It’s been a few minutes and I’m ready to send another message or call when my phone beeps.

  Keegan: I’m good. Having fun with the girls. You should see Darcy.

  Before I can ask what she means, another message comes through. It’s a picture of Darcy on a table dancing. She’s surrounded by the strippers and I can make out one of the prospects trying to get to her. Holy fuck! Trojan and Crash will go ballistic if they see this. Grim, Gage, and Slim all start laughing their asses off when I show them the picture. Thankfully the other two aren’t paying any attention to what we’re doing. Looks like the girls are having a good time.

  Me: Love you firefly. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow mornin’.

  Keegan: Love you more!


  Sitting in the clubhouse, I’m drinking virgin drinks while the rest of the girls are getting drunk. I’m having a good time watching them all let loose. Especially Darcy and Riley. Those two really need it. Maddie sits down next to me, and I admire the work Riley did on her hair again. Riley is an excellent hair stylist and I can’t wait to get her to do my hair again.

  About an hour after we got here, the strippers Bailey hired showed up. I could see the looks exchanged by the prospects. I’m sure they’d rather be anywhere else but here right now. But, I guess they’re on babysitting duty tonight. They’ve been keeping my glass full and making sure that I don’t need anything else. Hell, one of them even brought me over a plate of food right before the strippers got here.

  “Are you having fun?” Maddie slurs out.

  “I am. I’m almost grateful that I can’t drink tonight seeing how quick you all got drunk.”

  “Bailey makes some potent shit,” she answers.

  Her mouth drops open when the strippers start putting on a show for us. I can just imagine the thoughts running through her head right now. But, I’m sure the only man starring in those thoughts is Tank. He’s gorgeous and I know they love one another the way I love Rage.

  Before too long, all the girls are sitting in a semi-circle enjoying the show. I’m not sure exactly what got into Darcy, other than strong drinks, but she ends up on a table dancing. I start snapping a few pictures. The male dancers suddenly surround her, and I can see the prospects getting nervous. Everyone knows that Crash and Trojan won’t be happy if anything happens to Darcy, or someone puts their hands on her. Especially when it comes to other men. We better get her down from there.

  Just as I go to try to stand, I get a message on my phone. It takes me a minute to pull it out because somehow it fell between the side of the chair and my leg. I’m trying to pull it out when Riley comes to my aid. She grabs the phone and hands it to me. She’s had a few drinks, but is definitely the soberest one here that can drink.

  “Thank you! It would’ve taken me forever to get it out.”

  “It’s okay. I’m going to go see if I can help Darcy out.”

  I see that it’s a message from Rage and I feel the smile break out on my face. To show him some of the shit the girls have been up to, I send him one of the pictures of Darcy on the table. It’s kind of funny and I hope that he doesn’t show her men. Guess we’ll find out if they come storming in here.

  Looking up after telling my man I love him, I see that not only are the strippers down to their little underwear, if you can call it that. But some of the girls are also beginning to lose their clothes. Oh my! Darcy is on the table, Bailey is down to her leggings and bra, Skylar is in the process of stripping out of her shirt, and Maddie and Melody are sitting on the sidelines looking like they want to join the party and strip. I don’t know why they just don’t go for it.

  “The prospects are the only ones here, go for it. I can see that you want to,” I tell them.

  Maddie and Melody look at me and after shrugging their shoulders, the two stand up and join the rest of the girls. I laugh at their antics until I know I have to go to the bathroom. One of the prospects sees my dilemma and runs over to help me get up. Just as I go to stand up though, I feel a sharp pain in my back. It almost takes me to my knees and the prospects looks at me while pulling his phone out.

  “Don’t you dare make that call!” I tell him, breathing through the pain. “I’m going to interrupt his night for no reason.”


  “There is no ‘but.’ I’m fine. See, it’s already starting to go away. I haven’t had any other pain. It’s probably just from me sitting in the same position for so long,” I tell him, standing all the way up again. “Thank you for helping me. I’ll be fine now.”

  Making my way to the bathroom, I’m waddling as fast as I can. Hopefully I make it in time and don’t have to go back over to the house to change my clothes. That would really suck! But, it’s one of the joys of being pregnant I guess.

  As soon as I walk back in to the main room, the strippers are descen
ding on me. Oh lord! What have the girls done while I was gone for a whole five minutes? They lead me over to a chair that has been moved to the middle of the floor and help me sit down. Before I can say or do anything, they’re all dancing around me. It’s like getting multiple lap dances at one time. Don’t get me wrong, all the men are hot as hades, but there’s no way they’ll ever compare to Rage.

  Not knowing what to do, I just sit there and let them do their thing. Bailey walks over to me and brings my hands up to rub down one guy’s chest. This is not happening right now! I can only imagine what Rage will think if he catches wind of this. So, I pull my hands back and cover my face as a barely covered cock is right there.

  “Come on Keegan, get a few touches in before you’re a married woman!” Skylar calls out to me. And to think I thought she was the mild one.

  “I’m good. Thanks though,” I say, my face turning a bright red.

  No matter where I look right now, there’s a cock in my face. What am I supposed to do now? Darcy is down off the table and making her way over to us though. I’ll pull her in and let her have some fun. It’s what friends do, right?

  Darcy is in all her glory as Riley helps me out of the chair and away from the dancing, almost naked men. Man, I wish I could have a drink right now! It would make dealing with a bunch of drunk girls easier. Hell, I would be having as much fun as they are right now. I’m having fun, just not quite as much as them. I’ll be the one to tell them all about it though. I guarantee none of them will remember tonight though.

  It’s been a few more hours of dancing men and drinking girls. I’ve been given food, water, and virgin drinks all night long. At some point, one of the girls put a tiara on my head and a sash around me. I’m ready to fall asleep now, and I know some of the girls are starting to pass out.


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