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Gage (Contract Killers Book 1)

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  The truth was she liked having him tend to her, care for her, even if she did heal faster than a “normal” person. It was strange feeling these things for someone she hardly knew, but this man had come for her, saved her, and he didn’t try to stop how she felt. He might have come to her because of her father, but there was chemistry between them, a connection she felt when he looked at her.

  He applied a generous amount of ointment on the cut to her shin and then secured a bandage on her leg. He looked at her, but didn’t remove his hand, which rested on her upper leg. She swallowed, her pussy becoming wet, her nipples hardening. She wore his clothes, and the material smelled like him: darkly rich, woodsy, and masculine.

  If he knew she was aroused, he did a good job out of not acting like he knew. He stood and cleared his throat, and as if on instinct her gaze lowered to his crotch. That was when she felt her eyes widen when she saw the massive bulge pushing against his pants. He quickly turned away, running his hand through his short hair, the muscles in his back and arm flexing beneath the shirt he wore. She could make out the tribal-like swirls of ink on his arms, the tattoos making him seem even more dangerous, more powerful, if that were possible.

  “We should probably get some sleep. We have to leave early tomorrow.”

  She nodded even though his back was to her, but didn’t argue because she was exhausted. But that was when she noticed there was only one bed in the room.

  “I’ll sleep on the floor, don’t worry,” he said to her unspoken question. Without looking at her again or saying anything else he walked to the bathroom, stopping right at the doorway. “I’m going to clean up,” he said over his shoulder. “I’ll be out in five minutes. I’ll leave the door open so that I can hear anything.”

  “Okay.” She pulled the covers down and got on the bed, a sigh escaping her at how good it felt.

  True to his word, he was out in five minutes, steam emerging from the bathroom and saturating the room. She turned onto her side, watching with female appreciation as he came into the room. He wore another black t-shirt and a clean pair of black military fatigues, his short, dark hair damp. He grabbed several blankets from the closet, a pillow from the bed, and made a pallet on the ground in front of her bed, between her and the front door, and his gun beside him.

  “Try to get some sleep, Neeka.”

  She reached out and turned out the light, the room going dark, and only a sliver of moonlight coming through the part in the curtains. Although she felt safe with Gage, every little creak, every little whisper of wind against the window had her on edge, because all she thought about, could see when she closed her eyes, was Rye. This couldn’t be over, not so easily.

  She was so tired, but her heart was racing, and she felt fear take a stranglehold on her. Looking toward Gage on the ground, but not seeing anything but his broad back, she whispered his name. “Gage?”


  “I feel like I’ll unravel.” She didn’t know why she’d said that, but she had to believe he’d know what she meant, that she was hanging on by a thread, especially as the silence penetrated the darkness, covering her, surrounding her in this suffocating blanket. “Will you lie beside me, just until I fall asleep?”

  He didn’t respond right way.

  “I just want to feel another warm body beside me. I don’t want to be alone right now.” Silence greeted again for a stretched period of time, and she feared he would refuse.

  What did you expect? You’re his charge, nothing more. He doesn’t owe you anything but getting you safely back home.

  “That’s probably not the best idea.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed out. “I know. I’m sorry for asking.”

  But only a few moments later she heard rustling as he rose from the floor and got on the bed beside her. He didn’t get under the covers, but his presence beside her was good enough. Neeka inhaled his masculine scent, her skin tingling, her heart racing. His body heat seeped through the covers, warming her and wrapping her in a feeling of safety.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. They were silent for several heartbeats, and just as she felt herself drift off to sleep Gage’s deep soft voice speared through the darkness, rousing her.

  “Tomorrow will you tell me about what happened?”

  She bit her lip, her heart starting to race again at the thought of telling him everything. Maybe if she got it out she’d feel better? She took a large, steadying breath, feeling resolve wash through her. Why wait until tomorrow?

  “Rye Vincent was our family doctor. I loved him like a father.” She squeezed her eyes shut, emotions boiling inside of her that she didn’t want to surface. She was aware of Gage moving closer to her. Neeka felt safe with him, like nothing in the world could hurt her.

  She spilled the rest of it, telling him about Adaym and the other “soldiers” Rye had made using her blood. There wasn’t anything she left out, because what was the point? Tears slipped down her cheeks, and she felt emotions crash to the surface.

  “Although I know this isn’t my fault, I can’t help but feel responsible for it all. I’m the reason Adaym is locked up and God knows how many others.”

  It was then that Gage wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close to his body. There wasn’t anything sexual about him holding her, because it was all about comfort, and she desperately needed that right now. It was in his warm embrace that she let herself fall asleep, and let herself push the nightmare of Rye to the back of her mind, at least for the time being.


  Gage listened to Neeka’s deep and even breaths as she slept. She’d fallen asleep fairly quickly, and although he could have let go of her, he found himself holding onto her tightly. He didn’t want to let her go, didn’t want to stop touching her, giving her comfort, protection.

  He hadn’t planned on getting bed with her, but the sound of her voice, the fact he knew she was emotionally hurting and scared, had him going to her.

  I can’t deny her.

  He knew he should have just kept on driving, knew that stopping was a bad idea because he wanted her really fucking badly, but he’d seen how exhausted she was. He felt weak with her, like his walls crumbled when she was around. He honestly didn’t know what it was about Neeka that made him feel this way, but Gage liked the feelings she brought forth in him.

  As he breathed in deeply, the scent of her filled his head. He lifted his hand to touch her arm and sucked in a breath when she shifted in bed, rolling over so that she now faced him. Her breathing was still deep and even, her face almost illuminated in the darkness because of the moon coming through the partially opened curtains.

  He knew he shouldn’t, but he extended his fingers and ran them over her warm flesh, a soft sigh escaping her as she unconsciously moved closer to him. He should go sleep on the floor, he knew this, but he didn’t want to, and had no strength to move. A small lock of her hair fell across her cheek, and he didn’t top himself from reaching out and brushing it away.

  Damn, her skin is smooth.

  His mouth watered to taste her, to run his tongue over her freshly washed flesh, to see if she tasted as good as she smelled. Damn his cock for getting impossibly harder. She shifted her legs, and with every move she made, her thigh would brush up against his erection, teasing him to the point where he thought he would come right in his pants.

  He squeezed his eyes shut, knowing that he would just need to hold out until he could deliver her to McCarthy. Maybe he’d just been too long without a woman? He kept telling himself that, but he knew deep down that wasn’t the case, that he was just inventing excuses for the emotions Neeka brought forward in him. He was afraid that when the time to turn her over to McCarthy finally came, he wouldn’t be able to do it.


  Neeka opened her eyes, the room dark, the moon still coming through. The old clock on the bedside table said it was three in the morning, and although she was still so tired, she felt her body waken at the sensation of Gage still beside her.
As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she took note of Gage sleeping right next to her, his hand wrapped around hers. Her heart skipped a beat and then seemed to stop altogether when he opened his eyes and stared at her. Even though she’d just been a prisoner less than twenty-four hours ago, she couldn’t stop herself from feeling these things, having this warmth move through her at the man that saved her life.

  “Gage,” she said his name softly.

  He cupped her cheek, an act so gentle she was slightly stunned by it, but she yearned for more.

  “What’s happening, Neeka?” he asked just as softly.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t want it to stop.” She was being honest.

  Her heart slammed against her ribcage when he leaned forward and pressed his mouth against hers. They didn’t move for a suspended second, their mouths barely touching, their breathing mingling as one. Gage pulled back, and she felt her face heat, not from embarrassment, but because this all felt so right.

  And then he leaned in again and kissed her. Gage opened his mouth and ran his tongue along the swell of her lips. He made a deep sound in the back of his throat and pressed himself closer to her. She opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside and press against her own. His erection was prominent as it prodded her belly. He was big and thick, no doubt about that, and her insides clenched.

  Their breathing became erratic as their kiss became more intense. His other hand speared into her hair, gripping the strands tightly as he leaned over her. She rubbed her legs against his, the rough material of his pants seeming to make her even more aroused.

  She was so wet for him. Her nipples stabbed against the material of her shirt, rubbing against his chest as they pressed as close together as possible.

  “We should stop,” he said against her mouth, but he was still kissing her.

  “Do you want to?” she asked back.

  He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged. Gage didn’t answer her, but instead brought his mouth to her neck and slowly sucked her flesh.

  “No, I don’t want to stop,” he said after a few seconds. She arched her back, scissoring her legs and causing friction to start between her legs.

  Gage had his big body on top of hers now, and she spread her thighs, allowing him to fit in the space. He pressed his hips against her, his cock hard and big against her mound. He slowly started to thrust it against her, mimicking what she wanted to do so badly. It felt so right, so good, to have him like this with her. Maybe this was all so extreme, but she didn’t care. She wanted more. He’d saved her life, and because of that they were linked. At least, that’s what she told herself, how she felt.

  He groaned and pulled away. “No, Neeka, we have to stop.” He looked down at her. “This is crossing lines.”

  She wanted to tell him she didn’t care about crossing any lines, that she wanted this, but maybe he was right.

  “Let me just hold you and keep you safe, okay?”

  She looked into his shadow-covered face, knowing he was right, but wishing he wasn’t. She nodded, and he lay back down beside her, pulling her close so that her head rested on his chest. Even if they didn’t go further, she couldn’t lie and say this didn’t feel incredible, as well.

  Chapter Ten

  Gage drove down a barren, paved road, most of the asphalt cracked, dirt covering patches of it, which told of how often the road was actually used. Neeka sat beside him in the passenger seat wearing the same sweats and oversized shirt he’d given her last night. They were about five hours into their trip, and even though he would have preferred to drive straight through, he knew that wasn’t the best course of action. No doubt her captor was scouting the area, so Gage kept to the deserted roads and off the main ones. It would take him twice as long to reach his destination, but his first priority was to keep Neeka healthy and safe.

  He gripped the steering wheel tighter, clenching his jaw and shifting when his cock started to harden at the thought of their kiss last night, of how she felt under him. His shaft had been hard all night, and every time she’d moved, she had somehow pressed against his dick, rubbing sensuously and making him ache. His cock throbbed with the need to be buried inside of her pussy, to feel her long legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her, licking and biting her neck, her hands tugging at his hair as she screamed out her orgasm. Gage nearly groaned from the image he conjured up, knowing he needed to rein in his desires or they would both be in trouble.

  They’d left the motel before the sun had risen, because he’d wanted to eat up as much distance as he could. After letting his organization know he’d gotten Neeka and they’d stopped for the night, he’d let her call her father. There had been a lot of emotion in her voice, and she’d even cried. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, keeping his focus on making sure she was okay. She was his priority, and even if he had been hired to rescue her and take out anyone that meant to harm her, he still felt the need to make sure she was safe above all else.

  “I’m not feeling so well,” she said softly, her face looking ashen.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “I think the car ride, and the fact everything is still crashing through me, is taking its toll.” She rested her head back on the seat and closed her eyes. “I think you might need to pull over.” She sat up and covered her mouth, her eyes wide, her face looking even paler.

  He pulled over and came to a stop just as she opened the door and jumped out. He heard her throwing up, but before he could get out to see if she was okay she was climbing back in the car. Gage handed her a bottle of water, his feelings for Neeka making him sloppy in his resolve to get her back. He wanted her safe above all else, but he wasn’t sticking to the plan of just getting her home.

  The shock of what she’d been through, and of speaking with her father, igniting all of those emotions, was obviously wearing down her body.

  “I’m fine now.” She closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of the seat again.

  He didn’t say anything for several seconds, contemplating on whether to keep going straight through. But looking at her told him he had to think about her welfare, as well.

  “Do you want to stop so you can rest a little more?” Normally he would have kept going, but whatever was happening between him and Neeka was having him far from rational.

  “I think I’ll be okay,” she said softer this time, but he could see she was uncomfortable. She was shifting on the seat, a light sheen of sweat covering her forehead.

  Deciding he couldn’t continue the long drive with her in the state she was in, he pulled back on the road and started looking for a motel.

  Half an hour later he was pulling into the parking lot of an off the road motel. They could rest here for an hour or so, just enough for her to get settled, and maybe feel better, but he wanted back on the road.

  The motel’s name was The Wild Thistle, and it looked rundown as fuck. The small, one-story building was situated out in the middle of nowhere, but Gage liked that, because it meant there wasn’t so much activity that he wouldn’t miss something important.

  “Stay here. I’ll check us in and you can rest for an hour or so, maybe sleep in a bed to help.”

  She nodded, her eyes still closed, her breathing picking up as she clearly wasn’t feeling the best.

  Once out of the SUV he grabbed his cell and sent a message to the main compound that he was stopping to let Neeka rest. He’d get shit for it, would get flack for last night as well, but they could fuck off. He knew what was best, and that was making sure he didn’t push Neeka too hard. Was it stupid to go out of his rational thinking because he felt things for her? Yeah, it was really fucking stupid, but he was confident in knowing he could protect her no matter what.

  He walked into the front office, the feel of the fifties era surrounding him. An ancient-looking air conditioner sat in one of the windows, rattling and chugging as frigid air blew out of it. Burnt-orange carpet lay beneath him, numerous stains sporadically dotting
it. The walls and ceiling were also covered in brown stains. A few chairs were pushed against the wall, the velvety-looking fabric on the seats printed with a hideous brown and mint green paisley design. A scuffed and chipped coffee table sat between the chairs, a few dog-eared and stained magazines scattered on it. The place smelled musty, like it hadn’t been aired out in years.

  He stopped at the front desk, the yellow counter with gold flecks looking worn and abused in several places. Gage pressed his finger down on the silver bell that sat on the counter, the ding loud in the small office. A second later a middle-aged woman shuffled out, her feet covered in what used to be white fuzzy slippers, but now looked more brown and tattered. A bandana was wrapped around her hair, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.

  “Yeah?” she asked in a scratchy, smoker’s voice. She popped her hip against the corner, eyeing him.

  “I need a room for a few hours.”

  The woman looked out the window, presumably seeing Neeka. “We don’t do pay by the hour. We aren’t that type of establishment.”

  “I’ll pay for the whole night. I just need to let my companion rest.”

  She looked him up and down and then out the window again. She reached under the counter and pulled out a sign-in book, laying it on the counter and flipping to the day’s date.

  “And the room at the end.”

  She eyed him again and then shrugged.

  “I only have a single bed.”

  “That’s fine.” He didn’t need to sleep anyway.

  She pulled out another book, ash from her cigarette that hung from her lip falling on the counter.

  “I’ll give you room twenty-six. It’s the farthest one down.”

  She handed him a key, and he took it, and turned and walked back toward the door. Once he was back in the SUV he pulled up to the room. He left the vehicle idling and got out. He grabbed the duffle bag he packed earlier and unlocked the door. He threw the bag on the floor, checking the room and making sure it was secure before going to the passenger side door and helping Neeka out. He shut the door and got back in the car, pulling it around to the back of the building and shutting it off. There was no dumpster to hide the vehicle behind like the last motel, but there was also no access road where vehicles could easily see the SUV in the rear of the building.


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