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Gage (Contract Killers Book 1)

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  These off the road motels were a dime a dozen every so often, pretty much built the same, as well.

  He examined the back of the building, noticing that small windows were placed in perfect intervals running alongside the brick wall, bathroom windows he surmised. He walked around to the front and entered the room. Neeka was already on the bed, her eyes sleepy.

  Gage set his keys and one of his guns on the bedside table and went over to the window air conditioner. He cranked it on full blast and shut the blinds.

  “I’m so tired all of a sudden.”

  “Car rides, the heat, and getting your life fucked over will do that to a person.”

  She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes, stretching her arms out.

  He swallowed, letting his eyes roam over her exposed flesh, her shirt riding up so her tiny belly button showed. She looked like an offering … like his offering. He started to sweat, definitely not from the heat. His dick was pressed uncomfortably against the zipper of his pants, pulsing and aching with the need to be buried inside of her.

  The one person that fueled his desire was only a few short feet away, lying on the bed, her glorious body laid out like she was waiting for him. She maddened him, inflamed him, and drove him crazy.

  And he knew what he wanted to do, what he probably wouldn’t be able to stop himself from doing, was be with her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Neeka opened her eyes. She didn’t know how long she’d been sleeping, but she felt better, exponentially better in fact. She sat up and reached for the bottle of water Gage had set on the bedside table when they’d first arrived, and drank half the bottle. After setting it back down she scanned the room, her gaze landing on Gage. He sat in a chair in the corner of the room, his gun on his lap, his hand covering it.

  “Gage?” she said his name quietly. As the second ticked by she swore the heat in the room climbed. They continued to stare at each other, a sliver of light coming through a crack in the thick, closed curtains.

  What’s happening?

  “Neeka,” he said her name softly, deeply, and she found herself heating, her body coming alive with arousal.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I don’t know what’s happening,” she breathed out. Even from the short distance the scent of him invaded her. He smelled like a man, like he was violence, masculinity and rawness, all wrapped into one. And it turned her on. They were in danger, so much danger, yet here she was thinking about being with him.

  He stood and took a step toward her, but instead of staying where she was, she stood and moved to the side, away from the bed. She didn’t want to feel vulnerable to her emotions. He moved closer still, and she felt the wall stop her. She wasn’t running from him.

  He placed his hands on the wall, one on either side of her head and leaned forward. She let her eyes travel down his thickly corded neck, over his rippling muscles only covered in a dark t-shirt, and stopped on the bulge she could see pressed against his pants.

  “Do you like what you see, Neeka?” His voice was deep and gravelly, so sexually laced that her whole body heated with awareness. Against her better judgment she nodded, licking her lips again and noticing how his gaze dropped down to her mouth.

  “I should be a professional and keep my distance,” he murmured.

  “Maybe I don’t want that.”

  He groaned, and in the next instant crushed his lips against hers, speared his hand through her hair, and pulled her even closer. Her body molded to his, and she was very aware of how soft hers was compared to the hardness of his. She tilted her head and opened her mouth, moaning when his tongue slid inside and tangled with hers.

  He ground his shaft into her, his cock like steel, monstrous and ready to take her. She spread her legs wider, Gage using the opportunity to move closer and press his erection against her mound. Despite the clothing they wore she felt everything. He broke away from her mouth, breathing heavily as he kissed a trail down her throat.

  “Fuck, Neeka. What you do to me.”

  She let her head fall back against the wall and closed her eyes, loving the feel of his tongue dancing along her flesh. His other hand gripped her waist, clenching and unclenching as he slowly moved it up. She thrust her breasts out, needing him to touch her, aching for him to caress her throbbing nipples. He took the hint, cupping the heavy mound and running his thumb over the engorged tip. She should have been embarrassed at how the nubs stabbed through the material of her shirt, as if seeking Gage’s mouth, needing that hot cavern or they wouldn’t be satisfied.

  He took his other hand and reached around, cupping her ass and lifting her slightly. She teetered on her toes, gasping as his cock nudged her clit. He slid his hand over the globes of her bottom, slipping between her cheeks, and running his fingers up and down the center of her body.

  “I can feel how wet and hot you are for me, Neeka.” He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear, and she shivered. “Tell me we need to stop. Tell me right now, and this will end.”

  She had no intention of doing any such thing, not when her body was more alive than it ever had been. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see him staring at her, his expression fierce and serious.

  “No, I want this just as much as you do.” She moved her hand between their bodies and gripped his cock through his pants, her eyes widening at his size. He hissed between his teeth and then groaned, dropping his head slightly so that he was looking at her with half-lidded eyes. He kissed her again, his tongue sliding along her lips, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.

  Both of his hands were now on her ass. He lifted her, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. His mouth was pressed hard to her, working her over as he clenched his hands on her ass. Gage set her on the floor, her body sliding down his in a sensual way. She moved to the side and felt the bed bump against the back of her thighs, the reality of what they were about to do finally taking root. He stepped away from her, and she took a deep breath, her body primed and ready for him.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Take off the clothes, Neeka.” Gage spoke low, giving her plenty of time to change her mind. If she was going to do it, she needed to do it now because he knew once he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop. Her mouth opened slightly, and he thought she might call it off. It would be for the best, he didn’t dispute that, but he was rock hard for her, his feelings making everything seem intense.

  She didn’t stop, though.

  He tried to control his breathing as he watched her small hands move to the hem of her shirt, grabbing the material and lifting it up and over her head. Of course she wasn’t wearing a bra, and when he saw her small, high breasts, his mouth watered and his cock throbbed.

  “The sweats, too.” He was barely reining in his control. All he wanted to do was go to her right now, tear the clothing off of her, have her sprawled out on the bed beneath him, and slide his shaft into her willing body.

  He needed to keep his head in the game and his cock in his pants. Of course what he was supposed to do, and what he planned on doing, were two very different things. Being with her when he should be taking her back to her father was fucked.

  But when she pushed down the sweats, showing him her sweet pussy, all common sense left him. He ran a hand over his mouth, felt the stubble, and didn’t hold back his groan.

  And then there she stood, nothing on, her body on clear display for him. Neeka lifted her leg slightly to kick the sweats away, and he sucked in a breath through his teeth. Her movements caused him to get a glimpse of her pink pussy lips and the moisture that had started to coat them.

  That was his breaking point. He was in front of her in the next instant, wrapping his hands around her waist and all but tossing her on the bed. Her body bounced twice on the mattress when she went down on the mattress, her legs slightly open and her pussy clearly visible to him.

  He all but tore his clothes off, needing to feel her naked form against his. He loved the way her gaze roamed over hi
s body, slightly widening when she saw his cock. He was a sick fuck, because he grabbed his dick and started slowly stroking it, loving that she watched the whole time. “Tell me you want this, Neeka.”

  “I want this. I want you, Gage.” She rested her upper body on her elbows, and spread her legs even wider. “Do you think this is crazy?” she whispered.

  It’s more than fucking crazy.

  “It’s how it’s supposed to be, baby.”

  Don’t say shit like that. Saying those things will make this real, irrevocable.

  He clenched his hands at his sides.

  You’re about to do the irrevocable.

  He tightened his grip on his cock and stroked himself as he looked at her cunt. She was a soft pink color, her pussy so damn wet for him. He knelt on the bed, slowly moving toward her, his gaze trained on her face now. Gage wanted nothing more than to push into her, to stretch her tightness with his length, but he needed to go slow, needed to control himself.

  When they started kissing again he couldn’t help the groan that spilled from him. She tasted like honey, so smooth and sweet, and he knew her pussy would be like that. Kissing a path down her throat, he stopped at her breasts and slid his tongue along the stiff nipple. Her areolas were small and a light peachy color. He sucked one of the buds into his mouth, pulling on it with his lips, nipping at it with his teeth. She made soft mewling noises, and he sneaked a glance at her. Neeka’s eyes were closed in pleasure, her hands gripping the sheets. He sucked harder, moving his hand to her other breast and tweaking her nipple with his thumb and forefinger until it stood as stiff and hard as the other.

  He alternated between breasts, sucking and nipping, letting them come out of his mouth with a resounding pop that fueled his desire. He moved lower, kissing and licking over her ribs, down her flat belly, and dipping his tongue in her navel before running his teeth along her waist. She lifted her hips, thrusting her pussy toward him.

  “Spread your legs for me, baby.”

  She slowly spread them wide, the smell of her desire like a pheromone to him. Her cunt spread open like a blooming flower, her hard, little clit coming into view. Her pussy hole was small, tight. He knew he would have to get her primed and ready for when he pushed his cock into her. He knew it would be bliss, an exquisite pleasure that would not compare to anything else.

  He kissed her clit, a gentle motion that had her body twitching in response. He moved a little lower, adjusting himself so he was lying between her spread legs, her swollen cleft right in front of him. He flattened his tongue and ran it from her pussy hole to the top of her mound, repeating the action when she moaned aloud. Gage groaned at her taste, so addictive and intoxicating.

  “Oh yes, Gage, more, please more.”

  He obliged, licking her until she was thrusting her hips up to meet his actions. He teased her pussy with one finger, her moisture making his finger slick and causing it to slip into her easily. He pushed it all the way in, her pleasure-filled gasp urging him to use another one. He sucked on her clit as he pushed the second digit in, scissoring his fingers and preparing her for when he pushed his cock into her tight little cunt.

  “Oh yes. I’m so close.”

  He looked up, her head thrown back in ecstasy, her neck straining as he pumped his fingers in and out of her and sucked on the little bud, faster, harder. He growled around her engorged flesh when he felt her juices coat his hand. Her groan of pleasure was low, her orgasm causing her whole body to tighten up. Her inner walls squeezed his fingers, milking them as he knew she would do to his cock when he was pushed deep inside of her body.

  “Come again, Neeka.” He was panting now, thrusting his cock against the mattress, the pleasure almost too much to handle. Her pleasure was his, and when she climaxed for a second time, he pulled his fingers out and slanted his mouth over her clenching hole, lapping up and swallowing her fluid while grunting in delight. He stopped pumping his hips when he was about to come, taking several calming breaths and moving so that he was covering her body with his own. He kissed her slowly as she looked up at him with a pleasure-induced high.

  “I want you inside of me so badly.”

  That was all it took. He gripped his shaft and guided it to her pussy, running it over the length of her cleft and gently pressing it against her clit. She gasped and then moaned, lifting her hips and urging him without words as to what she really wanted. He pressed his cock head against her opening, gently pushing in and gritting his teeth as she stretched around him. She was so tight and hot, like an iron fist squeezing him. He pressed his hips into her, his dick dragging along her inner walls, the sensations so intense sweat started to break out over his skin.

  “It feels so good to be inside of you, Neeka. Fuck. Does it feel good for you, baby?”

  She was staring up at him with slightly wide eyes, her breathing quick and shallow. “It feels so good, Gage.” She whispered the words, her breath coasting over his face in sweet puffs of air. When his shaft was completely buried inside of her tight cunt, he stilled, letting her body adjust to his size. He could feel her pulse around his cock, her inner muscles clenching and unclenching. He closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath, willing himself to stay in control.

  He slowly started to pull out, her pussy contracting along his shaft, her pussy cream making his penetration wet, juicy. They were both panting, their breath mingling as their bodies tensed. He slid almost all the way out, his cockhead resting right at the entrance of her body. He pushed inside, a little faster this time, both of them moaning in unison. He pulled out and pushed back in, over and over again until his hips were moving on their own, slamming into her as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He brought his mouth to hers, their tongues thrusting in and out of each other’s mouths and mimicking what his cock was doing to her pussy. He pumped into her, sweat coating their bodies, her hips lifting up to meet his. He rolled onto his back, never breaking their contact as she now straddled his waist. She didn’t hesitate as she lifted her hips and pushed them back down, her mouth teasing his, the bed slamming into the wall from the motions. He gripped her waist, pumping his hips up, thrusting his cock into her every time she pressed her pussy down on him.

  In and out. In and out.

  He ripped his mouth away from her and cupped her cheek, her hair damp from sweat, the strands sticking to the sides of her face. “I want you to come all over my cock, Neeka.”

  Her face took on a look of extreme pleasure.

  “I want you to come right now. I want your sweet little pussy to milk my dick.”

  She opened her mouth and cried out, tossing her head back, her breasts thrust out. A deep red flush started to spread over her skin, her impending orgasm obvious.

  She leaned back and rested her hands behind her, on the tops of his thighs, digging her nails into his flesh as both of their bodies tensed with their climaxes. She picked up her motions and then stilled, her juices flowing out of her and covering his cock. That was all it took to send him over the edge.

  He grabbed her waist and slammed into her once, twice, and on the third time he shouted out his release. Her pussy continued to contract around him, her gasp of pleasure an aphrodisiac all on its own. She sucked in one last lungful of air and collapsed on his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her, running his fingers up and down her back as they both breathed heavily. He moved to his side, Neeka making soft sounds as he pulled out of her, grimacing at how snug she was around his shaft. He looked down at her as she rolled onto her belly, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.

  He slipped on his boxers and brought his gun to sit next to him on the bedside table. She could rest for a little while, but then they had to move, had to leave. She was his priority, her safety on the top of his list. But it wasn’t just because he’d been hired to get her back, but that he was feeling things for her, intense and emotional things that threatened to break down his wall.

  Gage couldn’t help but pull her into his
arms, her body fitting perfectly against his as he breathed out. How long had it been since he’d felt this way?


  It was then that he finally let himself feel the emotions that she awoke in him. Never had he felt such strong feelings for another person. But even though he knew how much he cared about her, knew how much he wanted her, he also knew he couldn’t have her. His life, profession, was too violent and shady, and being with her was putting her in a hell of a lot of danger that was always around him.

  He would have to leave her with Edward McCarthy and not look back. That was what was best for her.

  Then why does it feel so fucking wrong?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Neeka, wake up.”

  Neeka slowly opened her eyes, the darkness like a cloak, but fear not assaulting her. She could smell Gage’s intoxicating aroma waft all around her, could feel his body heat surround her, and finally felt safe for the first time since her capture.

  “Neeka, wake up.”

  His hand was on her shoulder and he shook her gently.

  “You need to get dressed.”

  She felt him leave the bed, and she wrapped the blankets around her body, not ready to get up. The air conditioner was still blowing out arctic air, and the fact that she was nude wasn’t helping her stay warm now that she was alone in the bed. But as she finally woke up she realized she wasn’t safe, not as much as she’d like, and not even though Gage was here. Her life was still in danger.

  She sat up, seeing Gage already dressed and by the window. A sliver of light speared into the room, the setting sun evident through the small crack in the curtain. She heard car doors slamming, which made her heart rate pick up.


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