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First Time Femme

Page 22

by D. L. Savage

  “Uh, yeah,” I replied. “That’s me. How did you know?”

  For some reason I felt weirdly shy talking to him, maybe because of how his striking blue eyes never quite seemed to leave mine.

  “Word travels fast around here,” he replied in a lazy drawl, ruling his eyes, “that and the fact that this place is so goddamn boring there’s nothing much to do but gossip.”

  “Oh, uh right,” I said, trying to force a laugh. But it just came out more like an awkward cough and for some fucked up reason I felt my face reddening, my heart picking up pace as he took another step toward me, bringing with him a sweetly spicy scent, which I guessed was perfume.

  I tried to wrack my swirling brain for something else to say, but before I could think of anything he arched a slim eyebrow and looked me up and down, before saying, “Anyone ever tell you how much you look like your cousin Alex?”

  “Actually yes,” I replied.

  “Although your hair is way prettier,” he added with a smile, causing my stupid blush to deepen further.

  I’d been growing out my hair for the last year, partly because it pissed my mom off and partly as a way of hiding behind it in school. It was pretty long now, just past my shoulders, and I kept it in as good condition as I could, but nobody had ever called it ‘pretty’ before.

  “Here,” he said, reaching out and plucking that green crystal pendant up from the table, my attention flicking to his long pale fingers as I noticed that his nails were painted black, “this one’s on the house.”

  I felt myself freezing in place, my heart in my throat, as he actually reached out and placed the necklace part over my head, then let the green crystal fall down onto my chest.

  “Uh, thanks,” I croaked.

  “Don’t mention it,” he smiled, his striking pale face right up close to mine.

  “Well, I’d better go,” I blurted out, taking a few awkward steps backward then almost tripping over my damn feet as I turned to head out of the store.

  “I’m Jody, by the way,” he called after me. “See you around ...”

  My heart was racing as I stepped back out of the store and into the blinding light of the sidewalk, my head spinning, and the strange events in the store playing on a loop in my mind.

  I felt myself marveling all over again at just how fucking weird and unlike home this place was. I always thought small towns were really uptight and conservative, but here at least, it seemed like anything was possible...


  “How was it?” Kate asked as we sat at the dinner table that night, watching on as I dabbed my finger on my plate to mop up the very last crumbs of her homemade apple pie.

  “It was awesome,” I replied.

  It really was too, making me realize just how awful the microwave stuff that mom always bought was because she was in a rush after work.

  “Glad you enjoyed it,” Kate grinned, her round face lighting up. “So how did you find the town? If you can even call that tiny place a town?”

  “Uh ... not too bad,” I replied, hoping it didn’t somehow show on my face that I’d been thinking weird thoughts about Jody all the rest of the afternoon. It was so fucked up. I mean, I didn’t have a crush on him or anything, I was definitely only into girls. But still, I’d never met anyone quite like him before and yeah, he seemed to have infiltrated my thoughts.

  “That’s a pretty necklace by the way,” Kate added, nodding at the green gemstone that had been dangling from my neck ever since Jody gave it to me. “Is it new?”

  I felt a weird pang of embarrassment when she called it pretty – the second time I’d heard that word today about something to do with myself – and I felt my face reddening as I reached up and quickly tucked in under my shirt, mumbling something about how I’d actually bought it as a gift for my mom, but had put it around my neck for safe keeping.

  “Of course you did,” she smiled, but her face told me that she wasn’t buying my story for a second.

  To my relief, she pushed herself up to her feet, then said, “Say, I might take a bath in a little while. If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I love a good long soak and a read in the tub. So if you need the bathroom I suggest you either go up there now, or else you take your chances out in the back yard, understood?”

  I nodded, again marveling at how totally different she was from my uptight, boring mom, and wondering how the two could even be related ...

  * * *

  Back in my room, I futzed around with my phone for a while, trying to get a signal, but with no luck whatsoever. I began lazily scrolling through all the apps and games I‘d downloaded but for some reason none of them really appealed, and I set the phone down by my bed and looked around the room, wondering if there was anything of Alex’s old things that might hold my attention for an hour or two.

  My gaze roved over the small bookcase, packed full of computer programming text books, with a few fantasy novels mixed in, but neither of those really appealed either. And anyway, reading just made me feel like I was back at school, and this was supposed to be my summer vacation.

  There seemed to be nothing else of any interest in the room, I thought as I looked around me with growing frustration, just the bookcase, mirror, bed and the closet.

  Wait, I haven’t actually taken a peek inside the closet yet, I realized. Sure it was probably just filled with junk, but even so, I felt my curiosity rousing as I pushed myself up off my bed and began to walk towards it, my eyes fixed on that small white wooden door.

  As I approached it, I briefly wondered if it was wrong to go snooping through someone else’s things, but in the end I figured what the hell, a little peek couldn’t hurt. So I reached out and took hold of the small round handle to the closet door, pulling it open to reveal a stack of three large, plain cardboard boxes within.

  My intrigue growing, I lifted down the top one from the pile, which was relatively light for its size. I set it down on the floor, then paused, listening to the sounds of Kate’s house, making sure she wasn’t about to come bursting in on me while I was snooping through her things. But from down the hallway, I could hear the gentle splashing sounds of her in the bathtub, so I knew I was safe.

  I gingerly lifted the lid and took a peek inside, my spirits falling a little when I saw that all the box contained were clothes, folded neatly in a pile.

  Damn, I’d been hoping for something to help save me from boredom, maybe Alex’s retro video game console or whatever.

  And I was about to just close the lid of the box and set it back atop the pile, when something made me reach instead and lift out the first neatly folded item, which was made of pastel pink fabric, unfurling it to reveal what looked like a tight stretchy dress, the kind a girl might wear to go clubbing.

  I stared at it in confusion, wondering who’s it was. The tag said it was an 8 and that it came from Forever 21. I knew it was way too small for Kate and anyway, that kind of store was for young girls, not middle-aged hippies. So who’s was it?

  Did Alex maybe have a girlfriend and he was looking after her things for a while?

  It was about the only explanation I could think of, and before I even realized what I was doing, I’d reached inside the box again, this time pulling out a tiny black mini skirt, again in size 8. It was so damn short and slutty, and it confirmed all over again that this box of clothes definitely wasn’t Kate’s.

  I rooted through the box a little further, which seemed full of a mysterious girl’s clothes – leggings, skirts, dresses, a few tops – before my attention turned to the second box on the pile. Maybe this one would give me some new clue as to who the hell owned all this stuff …

  Again I paused, listening for a few seconds to the sound of Kate splashing in the tub, before I lifted it down from the stack. It was a similar weight to the first and I guessed it contained more clothes. I set it down then lifted the lid, and when I peered inside, I saw with a small jolt of surprise that it was packed full of underwear.

  I reache
d in, gingerly lifting out the first thing my fingers touched against – which turned out to be a tiny black g-string.

  I felt a flutter of horniness as I stared at the slinky little tangle of black satin straps. I’d never actually seen a g-string in real life before, just on girls in porn. So there was something kind of intriguing about actually holding and examining one. I set it aside then reached into the box again, this time pulling out a lacy black bra. The tag told me that it was a 34-B, which I guessed was on the small side although I wasn’t totally sure.

  But in my head, I was starting to form an image of the mysterious owner of these clothes. She was slim and petite, and from the kinds of clothes she wore she was obviously proud of her body – enjoying showing it off in super tight mini skirts and leggings. She was confident and sexy and pretty too, and I felt my intrigue growing further as I continued to root through the box, still wondering who the hell she was and why Alex or Kate was in possession of her things.

  Then right near the bottom of the box, my fingers touched something that wasn’t soft silky underwear. Instead it felt like another smaller rectangular box, and when I lifted it out, I saw that it was made of plain white cardboard, with no indicator on the outside as to what it contained.

  Maybe this would give me more of a clue, I thought as I set the small white box down and gingerly eased it open.

  But I felt my eyes widen as I stared down in shock at the box’s contents.

  Because laying there inside that plain white box on a bed of rumpled tissue paper were two scarily realistic breasts ...


  I sat there on the floor, stunned, staring down at those strange fake tits, as the pieces of the puzzle slowly began to slot together in my head. So this was Alex’s stuff and my cousin was a secret ... crossdresser?

  I tried to remember the last time I’d seen him, recalling a visit that he and Kate had paid to our house maybe five years ago, which would have made Alex at that point seventeen or eighteen. Back then, he’d been super shy and definitely on the skinny side – which made total sense with the size of the clothes. And actually, I realized, he was pretty much exactly the same slender shape as me.

  “Hello Hayden?”

  Aunt Kate’s voice broke me out of my thoughts and I felt my heart leap into my chest.

  “Uh yeah?” I called back, willing my voice to sound normal while my mind raced, as I wondered if I had time to stuff all this crap back into the boxes and get them into the closet before she walked down the hall and burst in on me.

  “I’m going to bed now,” she called back a second later.

  “Okay, goodnight,” I replied, as a wave of relief washed over me.

  I held my breath, listening to the heavy tread of her footsteps on the hall and then the soft thump of her bedroom door, and once I was sure she was safely in her room, I quickly stuffed everything back into the boxes and set them back in the closet ...

  * * *

  That night I just couldn’t get to sleep. My mind was too awake, still churning and racing from the fucked up discovery I’d made about my own cousin earlier in the evening.

  And there was something else too; an odd new thought tugging insistently at the back of my brain, a thought I almost didn’t dare acknowledge. But as I lay there in bed, tossing and turning, it seemed to get stronger and stronger, a teasing voice, whispering to me, telling me to try on the panties, the bra … After all, I must be about Alex’s size, right? Hadn't everybody been saying that he and I looked so similar?

  Eventually I just couldn't take it any longer. It was like I was overcome by some force outside of my control, my body moving of its own accord as I flipped back the thin cotton bed sheets then climbed out of bed, the room illuminated only pale blue moonlight that seeped through a crack in the drapes.

  My heart was thudding hard in my chest chest as I padded toward the closet, opening the door and then lifting out the boxes one by one setting and them down before me.

  It was only then that realized I hadn't opened the third and final box yet. It felt slightly heavier than the other two, and my intrigue spiked as I eagerly lifted the lid to discover that it contained what looked like a huge collection of make-up.

  I put my hand inside and lifted out the first thing I touched, a small cylindrical object, which turned out to be a stick of bright crimson lipstick. There were all kinds of other tubs and pots, sticks and tubes, all the different powders, creams, and whatnot a girl could need, and I realized it must have taken Alex a crazy long time to collect all that stuff. There were brushes and sponges too in various sizes, and in amongst all that stuff there was also a clear plastic package, containing what looked like a glossy chestnut blonde wig.

  But of course I didn't need a wig. The memory fluttered into my brain of Jody complementing my long hair, calling it pretty, and how his weird choice of words had made me feel awkward. But in just a short space of time, it felt like something had switched or transformed inside me, and now I found myself actually feeling a certain sense of pride in my ‘pretty’ long hair ...

  Spurred on, I eagerly lifted the lids of the other two boxes as my mind raced with thoughts of trying on a few of the sexy, slinky items. I turned my attention first to the box of underwear, feeling a surprisingly powerful charge of horniness as I began searching through the box to pick out a pair of panties. There were quite a few different styles to choose from: everything from tiny g-strings to sporty thongs, lacy full-bottom briefs to shiny cheekies, and in every color of the rainbow too. In the end I decided to try what I hoped was a simple, classic look: a pink cotton thong.

  I quickly began to undress, my body tingling with the weirdest mixture of excitement and nervousness all at once. Then, once I was naked, my body bathed in the pale blue moonlight, I gingerly stepped into thong, sliding it's soft fabric slowly up my thighs before tugging the waistband high around my hips, loving the way it tightly cupped my cock and balls while the string part at the back slipped tight between my ass cheeks.

  I raced over to the mirror and stood on tiptoes to examine myself, my excitement growing stronger as I finally caught sight of my reflection. It was so crazy; I’d always hated my body, thinking it skinny and boring, and often found myself wishing I was stocky and burly, like all the popular guys at high school. But now, it was as if I saw myself in a whole new light. Because with just that single edition of the skimpy pink panties, my body finally seemed to make sense.

  I stared in awe at my long toned legs and surprisingly thick thighs, and when I turned to the side to take a peek over my shoulder I felt a powerful rush of excitement as I caught sight of my ass, realizing that actually it was kinda pert, the pink v of the thong perfectly framing my peachy round cheeks.

  My only frustration was that in the moonlight, I could see the blonde fuzz of hair that grew on my ass and thighs, and I wished in that moment that my body was silky smooth everywhere, to truly complete the illusion that I was a girl.

  More excited than ever, I raced back to the box of underwear, searching through its contents until I'd pulled out what I was searching for: a matching pink bra. Then I lifted out the other smaller box too, the one containing those eerily realistic breasts, lifting them from their nest of tissue paper, before fitting first one then the other into the cups of the bra.

  I don't know where from exactly, but somehow I knew just how to put the bra on: clipping it first around my waist belt, then shuffling it into place, making sure the fake breasts were sitting over my pecs, before hitching the slim straps over my skinny shoulders.

  And just as I suspected, it fit me like a glove.

  Once again I raced over to the mirror, my whole body fluttering with excitement as I set eyes on myself, staring in awe at my body, unable to believe how feminine and sexy the underwear made me look. I even found myself moving in new ways, trying to make my motions as girly and graceful as I could, teasing my blonde hair down over my skinny shoulders, and looking at myself excitedly from all angles, unable to believe that was
really me in the mirror.

  I wanted to go further still, to try out the make up too, and maybe some of the dresses and mini skirts, but by now I was so worked up with horniness I just couldn't hold off any longer, letting out a soft shivery gasp as I finally allowed my hand to slip inside the tight confines of my panties, my fingertips brushing against the aching heat of my cock.

  I’d never been particularly well endowed in that department, and in the past it had been yet another source of worry and frustration; I’d often taunted myself with the idea of how damn disappointed my first girlfriend would be when she discovered I was packing such a tiny dick.

  But now? Now my small cock actually seemed like a blessing. Because tucked away in the panties, it made sense somehow.

  As I stroked it, I sucked on my bottom lip, my eyes closing in pleasure as I gently teased the head of it like a clit, working it in circles with the tip of my middle finger as the flutters of pleasure spilled out by my trembling body, my mind rushing with sensuous fantasy images in a way it hadn't done in so long.

  Back when I’d had the internet, I just jacked off to porn like any teen boy, always gravitating towards the same kind of regular boy/girl videos, always beating my meat as quickly as I could until the job was done.

  But this felt totally different, so slow and sensual, and I found myself wanting to take my time and truly enjoy it. I even felt intrigued to see where I my imagination wandered, as I closed my eyes tighter, allowed my thoughts to drift, picturing myself standing in the middle of a packed nightclub, my face fully made up, my hair flowing in golden waves over my bare shoulders, my slender body encased in a tight, slutty pink dress that showed off my curves to perfection.

  Then I imagined somebody coming to join me from behind, their hands moving to my waist, their mouth pressing against my neck in a hungry kiss and I shivered, pressing my slender body back towards them, grinding my butt against them, the hard heat of their cock pressing into me from behind.


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