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Page 19

by Alla Kar

  Despite the fear in my gut, I slammed the gas pedal down and took the closet dirt road where I could lose them and get to the house. I knew the roads like the back of my hand. Cooper would take me back-roading on his four-wheeler, and he knew every mile of town.

  They tried to keep up but the dust from the gravel blocked their view. Several minutes later I pulled into our driveway and hid dad’s truck behind the gym.

  My heart beat drummed quickly, and I felt it in my throat. My hands still clutched the steering wheel. I yanked myself from the seat and ran toward the gym.

  Through the crowded room, I found Rage first. He stood at the punching bag, his eyes glued to my face but his hands still moved. I could tell he saw the fear in my eyes. I walked past him toward the hallway that led to the locker rooms and waited.

  He rounded the corner a few seconds later. “What happened? You’re pale.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I went to my mother’s grave and a vehicle tried to follow me home. It was a dark SUV with tinted windows. I lost them and hid the truck in the back of the gym. I’m so scared.”

  Rage’s jaw locked.

  “Who do you think it is? Don’t they think you’re dead?”

  Rage swiped his palm down his face. “Yeah, I don’t know. Don’t leave the house until I find out what they know. I’ll call Dante after practice. Don’t leave, Neveah. Stay at the house. Fake sick, I don’t care what you have to do to stay in.”

  “I promise.”

  He licked his lip before kissing me on the forehead. When he pulled back he palmed my cheek. “I’ll keep you safe.”

  “I know you will.”

  “What are you two doing?”

  My pulse skyrocketed. Rage dropped his hand and stepped backwards, his attention turning to my dad standing in the hallway. His hands were shoved down into his pockets, and his eyes glued to Rage.

  I’d seen that look before. He’d used it on my dates growing up but this time it was different. It was serious. “Neveah looked pale so I came to check on her. She fell this morning on our run.”

  Dad’s gaze flickered to mine. I wasn’t the best of liars but when it counted I normally could pull it off. Dad’s eyes searched my face, and I hid my nerves with a small smile. “I’m fine. Rage is just overprotective.”

  Dad met Rage’s stare again, and I prayed he was keeping it together. All I could see was the back of his head. “Neveah why don’t you go fill up the water jugs.”

  Rage’s fists were tight beside him, his shoulders tense when I walked out of the hallway. I could feel his glare on my back and prayed my dad didn’t jump to any conclusions, even though they were spot on.

  Ten minutes passed before Rage stormed out of the hallway. He had tunnel vision and didn’t stop or stray until he got back to the punching bag where he’d started.

  I watched Dad leave the hallway, his eyes met mine. I couldn’t pinpoint the look. I quickly lowered my eyes to screwing the water jug cap on.

  Dad wasn’t stupid. I knew he’d saw the way Rage looked at me. And by the heated glared, I knew he’d warned Rage one last time.

  But Dad didn’t know we were too deep to warn. We’d gone into the deep end with no life jacket.


  Dad watched from the doorway as I cooked dinner, and I had a good feeling I knew why. He was scared to leave us alone which he had every right to be. There wasn’t one place in the world I’d rather be than under Rage Cohen.

  “Smells good,” he said.

  Clutching the wooden spoon in my hand, I forced a smile his way. “Thanks, it’s chicken spaghetti and it’s ready. I just need to take the garlic bread out.”

  The back door closed, and I felt the tension rise in the room. Rage’s heavy footsteps drew closer, I bit my tongue and didn’t turn to look at him.

  “Dinner is ready,” Dad said. “You can go ahead and take a seat.”

  The bitterness in his voice was loud and clear. Rage didn’t respond. I listened to his footsteps carry toward the dining room.

  I carried the meal to the table and greedily took him in as soon as I broke the barrier of the room. The V-neck shirt he wore was tight to his muscles, showing me everything that I’d clutched the night before. When I finally meet his gaze, his face was grim. “Hey,” I said, trying to act nonchalant.

  His frown deepened. “Smells good.”

  “Thank you.”

  We ate in silence. The clock was the only noise in the entire house besides the sound of Dad’s fork against his plate. He slowly pushed it to the side and leaned back in his chair. Instead of leaving like always, he kept his seat. I swore I heard Rage’s teeth grind together.

  When I finished, I excused myself and locked my door. Lucy was asleep on my bed and opened her eyes at my entrance. I curled up beside her and silently cried into my pillow. My dad wouldn’t ruin this for me. I couldn’t let him. I wouldn’t let hm.


  Something trailed against my leg, and I jerked awake. Rage stood over my bed, his hand patting Lucy’s head gently. I guess he’d become stealth like working for a guy like Denver.

  “Hey,” I rasped out. “How’d you get in?”

  He smiled. “The window. I guess you never locked it back after you snuck out to check on me.”

  I flipped him off and grabbed his wrist, pulling him on top of me. The moment he was close enough he kissed my lips. It’d felt nice to sink my fingers into his hair. “What happened today?” I asked when he pulled back.

  “With your dad or the people following you?”


  “I called Dante, but he said nothing seemed out of the ordinary over there. He hasn’t heard anybody mention my name or yours.”

  Relief swarmed me. “Then who could it have been?”

  Rage’s eyes darkened. “I have no idea. You stay here as much as you can. If you see anybody acting suspicious, let me know.”

  “I will. Now tell me what my dad said.”

  His frown deepened. “He reminded me of my promise and warned me to keep away from you. Neveah, there isn’t any changing his mind. I can see it on his face. He’s protecting you from me. He’s got real good intentions.”

  I shook my head. “Well, it’s not his decision.”

  Rage nodded. “But it’s his gym and house. I have nowhere to go, Angel. I’m here because your dad gave me a chance. We need to tell him gently. We can’t just rip the Band-Aid off. He’s the only reason I’m here with you now.”

  His chest muscles flexed when I placed my cheek against him. “What do we do?”

  His fingers stroked my arm. “We keep our distance for a while until he thinks we’re staying away and then work up the nerve to tell him. I don’t see this going anywhere good. He’s going to be pissed.”

  He was. He’d be beyond pissed. I knew my dad. “I’m an adult, and I can make my own decisions. We don’t have to live here. We can get a place. I have money saved up from college refunds and work. He’d have no choice but to get over it.”

  Rage closed his eyes. “As good as that sounds, I can’t let you take care of me like that. I only have the little money your dad pays me and not enough saved to do anything. I need to get established before we move in together. I just need to save some money for a deposit—,”

  “I don’t want to wait forever, Rage. I hate hiding you. I hate tip-toeing around my dad. Just let me do this, and we’ll find you work. Aunt Shelly works for the city, maybe she can get you a job there.”

  He pressed a kiss to my forehead and held me to his chest. “We don’t have to make a decision now. We’ll talk about it. I need to get back to my room before he decides to check on you.”

  I whined, but his narrowed eyes cut me short. “I’ll be sneaking inside in a few days because we both know I can’t stay away from you.”

  “Okay,” I whispered. “But I need something to remember you by. Since I’m going to be lonely for a few days.”

  He lifted a brow and sat back on his knees, dragg
ing his T-shirt over his head and leaning down to kiss me. “Just wear this to bed, and think about how warm I make you feel.”

  I could have drown in his mouth, but he pulled away too soon. “Lock your window, Neveah.”

  Nodding, I watched as he walked back over and slid out. “Don’t scream my name when you dream of me, Angel.”

  I rested my head against the pillow and smiled. “No promises.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  I blinked several time at my text from Dante. The sleepiness in my eyes vanished, and my heart rate tripled. I pushed the covers from my body and dialed his number. After seven rings his voicemail picked up.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, my head reeling. I dialed his number again, and listened to my heartbeat until I got the voicemail.

  Nerves flooded me. What had happened? Had Denver found out I was alive? Or had something happened to Hannah? I pulled on a T-shirt and jeans, before heading out the door.

  When I stepped onto the ground I heard the backdoor slam shut. Wes charged down the steps with Neveah on his heels. “Daddy, please. Just stop.”

  Oh shit. Not now.

  Tears streamed down Neveah’s face as she grabbed at her dad’s shirt. “Stop, don’t.”

  Wes snatched from her grip, his eyes taking in the T-shirt she wore—my T-shirt. Dammit. “Wes,” I said calmly.

  He jerked from Neveah and before I could counteract, he’d slugged me in the jaw. Fucking shit that hurts. “Don’t you fucking say a word,” he spit. “You promised me you’d stay away from my daughter and now she’s wearing your clothes? Do you think I’m fucking stupid? Come on and fight. I told you not to touch her.”

  I clutched my hands into fists. I didn’t want to fight him. I didn’t want to hurt her, and fighting her father would do it. I wanted him to see that I was good for her. That I truly loved her. “Wes,” I held my palms outward. “Let’s just talk about it, please. I’m in love with your daugh—,”

  I blocked his right hook and fire rose in his eyes. “Dad stop!” Neveah screamed. “Please, I’m so in love with him. You have to understand. You love Momma, you have to know how I feel. How we feel.”

  He let out a hysterical laugh. “Sweetheart,” he said, grabbing her shoulders. “He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t deserve you.”

  She screwed her eyes shut and shook her head. “He does. And I love him. Please don’t do this to me.”

  The pain on Wes’ face crushed my chest. “You’ve brainwashed her,” he said, squaring off with me. “You’ve made her believe you love her. Tell her the truth. Tell her you’re just using her.”

  “No,” I said. “Because I’m not. Your daughter saved my life, and I plan to spend the rest of it with her.”

  Wes ran full speed toward me, his shoulder slamming into my chest and knocking me to the ground. He slugged me once and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. I couldn’t let him beat me to death, but I didn’t want to hurt him. Slinging my leg over, I straddled his waist.

  But it was no use trying to hold him down. “Dad get up! Stop it!” Neveah yelled, her voice hoarse from crying. Wes broke free, his eyes wide and his guard up. He wasn’t going to stop. I promised I’d leave his daughter alone. I promised I wouldn’t put her in danger, yet I had.

  Neveah turned and ran into the house, and I hoped she was calling for help. I couldn’t keep him off without hurting him much longer. “I should have listened to my gut when I let you stay here,” he said, shaking his head. “How many times have you fucked my daughter, huh? How many times.” He swung and grazed my cheek.

  There was no denying he’d been a great boxer. His jabs were quick and powerful. Each one stung like a bitch. “I’m not fucking her. I love her.”

  He threw a two-punch combo to my jaw and eye. Stars danced along my vision, blocking out most of the sight. “Please,” I said. “I don’t want to fight you. I’m in love with your daughter. I’d never hurt her.”

  Wes bounced on his feet, ignoring everything I said to him. In his eyes, I was fucking his daughter. I was going to hurt her, and he wasn’t going to sit by and watch. I admired and feared him all at once. Not that I couldn’t take him because I was sure I could but because I wouldn’t.

  I wouldn’t hurt Neveah’s father, he was all she had left besides me. The back door slammed shut.

  “Wes, fucking stop it!” Shelly screamed.

  I wasn’t sure what calling Shelly would do but then I noticed Chase trailing behind them. “Coach,” he screamed. “Stop.”

  “Get out of here Chase, I’m taking care of this.”

  Chase closed his eyes briefly but wrapped his arms around Wes’ chest and pulled him back. “Let go!”

  Sweat dripped down my eyes, but I didn’t blink. I watched as my hope of being with Neveah washed down the drain. “I want you out,” Wes barked. “You’ve got to leave.”

  Shelly cleared her throat. “Wes, you’re overreacting. Neveah is a grown woman—,”

  “Shut up! You’ve taught my daughter nothing but to party and be easy. And now look where that’s gotten her. She’s fucking a deadbeat that gets left for dead in the woods. She’s fucking the one person I wanted to keep her away from. And she got all of this from you! Rachel would have never raised her like this!”

  Shelly lowered her gaze and pink flushed her cheeks. “No, she wouldn’t have. But she isn’t my child to raise. I was there to show her things a father shouldn’t have to. I was there to be her friend. I never wanted to replace Rachel, Wes. You need to get over her. It’s been nineteen years. Move on.”

  Wes jerked from Chase’s grip and fell to the ground. The broken man in front of me sobbed like a child. Nothing but his cries filled the air. No one else said a word. “Get out,” he whispered. “Get out of this house.”

  Neveah shook her head. “Dad no!”

  “Shut up,” he snapped. “I want him out of this house.”

  The only light in my heart flickered out. The emotions coursing through me felt like a landslide to end my life.

  I only want her …

  Shelly placed her hand on my shoulder. “You can come stay with me,” she said. “Get your things, we’re leaving.”

  Wes didn’t respond, he sat with his face between his knees. Neveah’s tears broke my beaten heart. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  I shook my head, itching to step forward and touch her trembling mouth. “It’s okay, Angel. It’ll be okay.”


  Shelly lived on the outskirts of Huntsville about ten minutes from the gym. Her house was two or three bedrooms and cozy. I didn’t necessary feel manly with pink and orange everywhere, but I’d take what I could get.

  After my shower, I tried to call Dante again but it went straight to voicemail. “Dammit.” I had no idea what had happened or if he was still alive.

  Shelly knocked on the door and leaned against the doorjamb. “You okay?”

  I sighed. “Not at all. I want to fix this, but I don’t know how?”

  She smiled. “You hungry?”

  I nodded. “Actually yeah. I haven’t eaten today.”

  “I ordered a pizza. It should be here soon. You want to come in the living room and talk? No one knows my brother better than me.”

  I nodded and followed her toward the couch. My fingers itched to call Neveah, but I was scared of what she’d say. Of what Wes had done. “Wes was in love with Rachel. They’d dated for years before they married and had Neveah.”

  Shelly propped her feet on the coffee table. “And when she died it took half of his heart away. I always thought that if Neveah hadn’t been born that he would have died without Rachel.”

  I knew the feeling. It’d grabbed a hold of my heart in the woods that day, and I hadn’t been able to shake it since. Love is something not even the best of us can run from. Once it strikes it’s like a poison that slowly takes over your life.

  “He promised that he’d take care of Neveah and protect her
. That’s what he thinks he’s doing by keeping you away from her. You’re not what most dads want their daughters to end up with. They don’t trust you. You’re mysterious and have way too many secrets for him to completely trust you. But I know Neveah does. She loves you.”

  Shelly watched my face, waiting for an answer. “And I love her.”

  She smiled. “I know you do. It’ll take a little while, but Wes will calm down. I suggest you wait until then to talk to him. He needs some time.”

  I bit my lip and took the water bottle she offered me. I chugged half of it when the doorbell rang. “It’s probably the pizza.”

  Shelly opened the door, and Neveah stood behind it. She searched behind Shelly and when her eyes landed on mine she began to cry. I all but ran toward her and brought her to my chest. “Angel,” I whispered over and over, not knowing what to say to her.

  How do we fix this fuck up shit?

  “I’m so sorry. He came in my room and recognized your shirt. He never does that. It’s all my fault—,”

  I silenced her with my mouth, prying her lips opened, not caring that Shelly was in the room. I needed to feel her. I had no idea how long it’d be before I got to do it again.

  “I can’t take it,” she whispered, shoving against my chest. “I want him to understand so bad. Why can’t he just understand?”

  Shelly cleared her throat and stepped beside me. “Sweetheart, he just wants what’s best for you. He’ll come around. Give him some time.”

  Neveah frowned. “I don’t know if I can wait, Aunt Shelly. I hated today. I hated to see them fight.”

  “Me too, sweetheart. But your dad loves you, and once he realizes how much Declan loves you, he’ll come around.”

  I looked down at Shelly and smiled. “Remember all those secrets you were talking about?”

  She lifted a blonde brow. “Yes.”

  I stuck my hand out. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Rage.”

  Shelly’s mouth flopped opened but a giggled popped out. “Jesus Christ.” She took my hand and shook her head. “Now that’s not going to help your case with Wes.”


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