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Love Collides (Fate's Love #3)

Page 5

by L A Cotton

  The first time was just sex. Drunken, messy, hot sex. Staci was confident in her own skin, a firecracker between the sheets, but when I woke up wanting to go round two...she was gone. It didn't bother me too much at first. I chalked it up as a lucky escape—no awkward morning after or clingy chick to contend with. But I never forgot. She lingered in the back of my mind. I just never figured out what it meant. Why she got under my skin like that. I still didn't get it. But one thing was for sure—if Staci was in Gainesville for the foreseeable, it wasn't the end.

  Chapter 4

  ~ Kade ~

  "The wife finally let you out then," I called over to Ethan as he approached our booth, earning snickers from Keefer, Morris, and Ashton.

  "Hey, I gave her a pass out. I wear the trousers in our relationship," Ethan joked, picking up the spare beer and shuffling in next to me.

  "Yeah, yeah. Tell it to someone who believes you, man. First Ashton, and now you; Keefer’s next, and then I'm stuck with Morris as my wingman."

  Morris choked on his mouthful of beer, slamming a hand against his chest. "Fuck you, Ford."

  "How did it go with that cute blonde from the other night?" Keefer asked.

  I shrugged not wanting to reveal that she’d had a total breakdown on me, and instead of getting laid, I'd spent the night consoling her with bad coffee and forced hugs.

  "She didn't turn your ass down, did she?" Morris said, and when I didn't answer, a wide shit-eating grin spread across his face. "She did, didn't she? The infamous Kade Ford is losing his touch."

  I launched the coaster in his direction and raised my eyebrows when it landed square on his nose and bounced off. "Never going to happen."

  Before Morris could respond, the door to Planters opened and a group of rowdy girls sprawled in.

  "You've got to be shitting me!" Ashton chuckled under his breath as the five of us watched Livy, Hayley, Sharn, Staci, and a couple of other girls strut to the bar, dressed to kill and clearly already tipsy.

  I turned to Ethan and cocked my eyebrow. "Tell me you didn't tell them we'd be here."

  Holding his hands up, he replied, "I swear this isn't on me."

  I flicked my chin to Keefer and Ashton who just looked at me cluelessly.

  "So, why are they here?"

  "Looks like we're about to find out." Morris' eyes widened to saucers as the girls approached us clutching their vodka coolers and bright colored cocktails.

  My eyes were only interested in the tiny blonde stitched into a skintight, knee-length navy dress that scooped low on her tits. I straightened in my seat. Staci looked hot. No, more than that. She looked beautiful, to the point of my eyes only being able to see her.

  Ethan stood to greet his wife, and Livy beamed. "Hi, husband. We thought we'd come down here and surprise you. I hope it's okay?"

  Wrapping an arm around her and drawing her into him, Ethan said, "Of course, it's okay. You look amazing." He kissed his woman and an unfamiliar feeling spread through me. Shaking it off, I moved out of the booth to give the girls a seat and pulled over a couple of stools for me and Morris, who was still gawking, paying particular attention to the slim blonde with the pixie haircut.

  "You guys remember Grace, right? And this is her friend, Jenna."

  Jenna was hot. Exactly my type, and from the way she was looking at me, the feeling was mutual. But despite her obvious eye-fucking in my direction, my eyes were only interested in Staci, who had managed to seat herself right in the middle of the curved booth. If I didn't know better, she was trying to avoid me.

  I hadn't seen her since she turned up at the shop two days ago, but from her unusually quiet demeanor, I could tell she was uncomfortable. And if she was uncomfortable, it was because I had gotten under her skin. And that I could work with.

  "So, how are you finding Gainesville, Staci? Is it exotic enough for you?" Morris asked from beside me, laughing at his lame attempt at being funny.

  Staci forced a half-smile, looking across the table but keeping her eyes on Morris. "It's no Ecuador, but it's okay."

  "And how long do you think you'll be staying?"

  She shrugged and her dress bunched up revealing more of her perfect skin. Skin I wanted to taste again.

  "Depends on school. I'll be traveling back and forth, though. I don't like being tied down." Her eyes flickered to mine for just a second and then back to Morris.

  Was that what she thought? That just because I’d asked her out on one date that I wanted something serious? If she did, she had me all wrong. I wasn't looking for serious. Period. Serious led to messed-up. And I liked my life drama-free. But, I could do.

  And looking over at the blonde in the navy dress, I could just imagine how much fun we could have. If she'd just give it a chance.

  Drinks flowed and we fell into comfortable conversation with the girls. Turned out they were more fun to be around than I thought. Morris was making a total fool of himself trying to hit on Grace, and soon Planters filled up with people all looking for a good time. The dance floor was crammed with bodies.

  "Let's dance," Livy exclaimed, knocking back the remainder of her drink. She grabbed Sharn's hand and Jenna, Grace, and Hayley scooted out for them.

  "Watch that baby of mine," Ashton called to Hayley playfully, and she smiled back at him before following the girls to the dance floor.

  Jenna lingered next to me, a little too closely, moving her body in time with the music, sucking seductively on her straw. Usually that kind of thing would be my cue, but I was more interested in the girl burning holes into the side of my head.

  Staci had spent the last hour ignoring me. I felt her eyes look in my direction more than once, but every time I swiveled back to face her, she dropped her head. Now I could feel her watching me as Jenna all but gave me a lap dance.

  Morris whistled through his teeth and whispered, “She wants you, man.”

  Jenna’s lips curled up in a knowing smirk, and I nudged Morris to shut him up.

  “Come dance with me, Kade?” Jenna wrapped her hand around mine and pulled gently.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Staci straighten, but I when I turned to look at her, she launched into a conversation with Ethan and Keefer. If that’s how she wanted to play it, that was fine by me.

  “Sure. Lead the way.”

  Jenna didn’t let go of my hand the whole time as we moved deeper into the swarm of bodies moving and grinding to the beat. I spun Jenna around, pulled her back flush to my chest, and let her move up and down my body. Livy shot me a confused look, and I wondered if Staci had been less secretive about us than she let on.

  Jenna could move. Gliding up and down my body, she leaned into me, sweeping her hair over one shoulder while throwing me seductive glances now and again. My dick was enjoying her, but my mind was elsewhere. I could just make out our booth from across the crowded floor, but Staci was no longer there.

  I was about to brush off Jenna to go in search of Staci, when a flurry of blonde hair whipped past me and joined the rest of the girls. Staci didn’t even acknowledge us as she started moving to the music as if she was born to dance. Her hands extended high over her head as she swayed her hips in time to a pumped up version of Florence and the Machine.

  Grace weaved in our direction and glanced back and forth between us, and Jenna stilled slightly under my touch.

  “Drink?” Grace mouthed to her friend.

  Jenna turned to me and shouted over the music, “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

  Without thinking, I pushed further into the crowd, catching Staci’s hand and yanking her along with me. It was so busy that no one around us seemed to notice. Pulling her into one of the darkened corners of the dance floor, she ripped free from my grip. I turned to face her. Her cheeks were stained red with anger, and she growled, “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”

  I loved this side of her. Her no shit attitude was sexy as fuck. I’m not sure if she knew it only spurred me on, and before she could t
hink about running back to her friends, I stalked toward her, backing her further into the corner of the room. “Dance with me.”

  She bit down on her lip and shook her head. But I was done having her run out on me. Brushing her long curls off her shoulder, I dipped my head and whispered into her ear, “Just one dance.”

  Her body shivered under my touch. It always did. She might have said one thing to my face, but her body always said another.

  The beat changed into something slower, and Beyoncé sang about being drunk in love. It had Staci swaying gently. The tension crackled between us. She wanted to fight me on this, to run, but her body wanted to dance…with me.

  I looped my arm around her tiny waist and drew her to me. Her killer heels gave her a few extra inches, but her head still tucked underneath my chin with ease as I held her close, pressing her into me as close as I could get. What is it about you? She relaxed, moving her hips from side to side, but it wasn’t until her hands skated up my sides that I knew she was relenting.

  Pulling back, I looked down at her, and Staci smiled up at me with a glint in her eye. Part of me wanted to pull a dick move to get a reaction from her, but I didn’t want to risk ruining this moment. Fuck. The thought winded me. I was standing in Planters, arms wrapped around a girl I couldn’t get out of damn mind, and I didn’t want to ruin it. What the fuck was happening to me?

  Staci mouthed something, but I couldn’t hear her over the music. My eyes questioned her, and she inched nearer learning up to my face.

  “Just tonight.” Her lips brushed over mine so soft I almost missed it. But my dick didn’t. In one swift movement, I had her pressed up against the wall, slamming my lips to hers.

  One more night would never be enough with Staci Jameson.


  What the hell am I thinking?

  That was the only rational thought to perforate the lust-filled taxicab ride back to Kade’s place. But every time his lips touched my skin, the little voice in the back of my mind drifted into oblivion. I craved his touch. It wasn’t just a sexual starvation thing…it was a Kade Ford thing. My skin didn’t hum that way for anyone else—even my favorite battery-operated boyfriend. He made my whole body sing.

  “Wait, wait…” I panted out, aware that the cab driver was getting a good view from up front.

  Kade mumbled something against my neck, but I found the strength to push my hands into his hard chest. He narrowed his eyes at me, pissed that I was calling timeout. I nodded toward the driver, and Kade just shrugged and resumed teasing my skin with his lips. His hand traced the inside of my thigh sending delicious pulses through me, and I sank back into the leather.

  It wasn’t until the driver coughed that we broke apart. I smoothed my skirt down and climbed out of the cab, waiting for Kade to settle the fare. Stepping out into the cool night, the sexual tension from inside the cab evaporated into the atmosphere, and all of a sudden, I felt very exposed…and very unsure. Did I really want to do this again? My traitorous body did, but my head wasn’t so sure. There was no denying that Kade made me feel. I just didn’t want to acknowledge what it was I was feeling.

  “Stop overthinking this.” Kade wrapped his hand around mine and tugged me gently toward his building.

  And I followed.

  It was too late to back out. I was wound up to the point of no return.

  Kade’s hand remained clasped around mine as he led me to his first-floor apartment. I’d ended up back here once after visiting Livy for her birthday a couple of years ago. Entering the room, it was exactly as I remembered. Typical bachelor pad. Neutral tones, La-Z-Boy in the corner, and a huge black leather couch in the middle of the room facing an even bigger flat screen. There wasn’t much in the way of personal items. Just a couple of photos of the guys and one of Kade and an older woman, who I assumed was his mom. My eyes followed the hallway off to the side of the kitchen. His bedroom.

  “Don’t look so worried; I don’t bite.” Kade stepped in front of me and smirked. “Unless you want me to.”

  I batted him away, rolling my eyes at him.

  “Hey, it’s just you and me. Just us. Does it need to be anything more complicated?”

  I sighed, dropping onto the couch. “That’s the problem, isn’t it? You and me.”

  He joined me, raking a hand through his hair. It fluffed up and fell over his eyes a little. “That’s a problem?” He cocked his eyebrow as if my statement confused him.

  “I just… fuck. I don’t know how to explain this.”

  Kade laughed, shaking his head at me. “You’re not like most girls.”

  My head snapped up. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “You have a filthy mouth. I like it.”

  “Oh, I thought you meant there was something wrong with me,” I said, a defensive tone to my voice.

  He shuffled closer until our knees bumped. Staring down at me, he brushed a stray hair out of my face and said, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You. Are. Perfect.”

  My whole body shuddered. I wanted to say it was just his touch or the alcohol lingering in my system, but it was something about his words and the sincerity in his eyes. My flight instinct started to kick in. But Kade saw it. He caught me rubbing my hands across my skirt nervously.

  “You’re not running out on me tonight.”

  “I-” Before I could formulate my defense, Kade stood and pulled me up, scooping me into his arms. My shoes clattered to the floor, and I shrieked at him to put me down, but he ignored me and started in the direction of his bedroom. My heart slammed against my chest so fast it left me breathless. Part of me wanted to fight him, to demand he put me down, but logic and reason weren’t going to win out against the desire coursing through me.

  Kicking his door open, Kade stalked into the room with me still in his arms. He lowered me onto the bed and stood back observing me. Something about his messy hair made his face look softer. More playful. I liked it.

  “Just give me tonight...” His words came out quiet, but I heard them.

  I gulped and nodded, shuffling back onto his bed, trying to keep my legs clamped together to avoid my skirt riding up, and to lessen the ache. I wanted to ask ‘and then what?’ But I wasn’t sure I was ready for the answer.

  Kade moved over to his dresser and hit play on the docking station, filling the room with music. As he turned to come back to the bed, his hands hooked underneath his shirt and he yanked it over his head. My hungry eyes traced the planes of his chest, all tan lines and smooth ripples. He stood at the foot of the bed and curled his finger, beckoning me over. Moving on my knees, I shuffled over, letting him reach for the hem of my dress. His hands ran the material up my body until it gathered at my shoulders. Waiting for him to pull it over my head, I gasped loudly as he ducked and pulled my lace-covered nipple into his mouth. Heat exploded across my skin, and I arched my back into him.

  “Oh, my God,” I cried as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin before pulling away.

  He removed the dress and dropped it to the floor, running his eyes over my body. “You are so fucking perfect. One more night will never be enough.” Confusion passed over Kade’s face as if his own words had taken him by surprise, but he quickly recovered, unbuckling his belt and kicking off his jeans. My tongue swiped over my bottom lip watching him stalk closer until his chest pressed firmly against mine.

  Kade’s hand massaged my ass gently before lifting me up. I shrieked again, but soon realized what he wanted me to do and wrapped my legs around his waist. Tiny compared to his huge stature, he made lifting me seem like easy work as he kneeled onto the mattress and shifted us further to the middle of the bed, me still wrapped around his waist. Our eyes locked. The air whooshed around me as he dropped me back on the mattress and covered me with his body, his erection pressing into me at the perfect angle with only his boxers and my panties separating us.

  His lips brushed over mine and he dipped his tongue into my mouth, swirling it with my own. “You taste like h
eaven.” Breaking away, he moved down my body, tracing patterns with his tongue along my collarbone, between my tits, and down past my belly button until he reached the edge of my black lace panties.

  My body shook with need as his fingers carefully inched them down my body while his mouth feathered kisses along the inside of my thigh.

  “Kade…” I panted.

  He smiled against my skin. "Just relax. I've got you."

  A burst of hot breath hit my center, and I bucked off the bed. Kade stilled my body, clamping his arms around my legs and caging me to the bed. My fingers gripped the bed linens, anticipating his next move. His tongue swiped across me, and he groaned low in his throat while I squirmed underneath him, needing more.

  "More, Kade. I need more," I begged.

  Kade's laughter filled the air as he dipped two fingers inside of me, and waves of pleasure crashed over me. He slid back up my body working his fingers in and out while I panted for breath. With his free hand, he yanked down the lace covering my nipple and lapped at my skin, sucking and tugging. My head rolled back and my whole body started to shudder.

  "Look at me."

  Too lost in the sensations flowing through me, I hadn't realized Kade was now looking down at me. My eyes collided with his and heat exploded in me.

  Kade's lips crashed into mine as he stole my screams.

  He didn't even let me catch my breath before he had reached over to the nightstand, grabbed a foil packet, rolled it onto his dick, and slammed inside of me.


  I stretched my legs out, trying to avoid disturbing Kade as he snored softly beside me. Managing to twist in his arm, I watched him sleep. It was a definite first for me. Sticking around for the awkward morning after wasn't my usual M.O., but my whole body ached, in a good kind of way, and I was still too beat to move. The whole thing threw me for a loop, and I didn't know whether to feel pleased I was finally getting over myself, or terrified.


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