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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 33

by Kelly, D.

  “Speaking of dresses, have you seen it? April won’t tell me what she bought; only that she hopes I will like it. You guys know how self-conscious she is. I know she’s going to look amazing, but I wish she would have let me have a preview.” I start busting up and Jake throws an evil look my way. “Man, you have no idea how hot April is going to look tonight. I don’t know what she bought, but Kate has said more than once that the way April looks in that dress makes Kate want to take her home and fuck her.” Jake and Connor’s reactions are priceless when they hear me say that.

  “Is it wrong of me that I would totally be up for watching that if the girls would go for it?”

  “I asked Kate pretty much the same thing and she said she doesn’t swing that way, but that is just how great April looks in her dress.”

  “I can’t wait to see them all. Hopefully, April will listen to your girls and she will feel beautiful tonight. I wish she had more self-confidence. No matter how much I love her, tell her how beautiful she is, and worship every single inch of her she still doubts she’s beautiful. I really hope that will change once we’re married, but for once I don’t mind all the photographers that mom hired lurking around tonight; maybe she will finally see it for herself.” I’m sort of angry because April is my best girl friend and she really does have issues that are needless.

  “She’ll get over it eventually. Unfortunately, because you guys fell in love so young she didn’t experience other men wanting her. Once you staked your claim that was it. You don’t touch the captain of the football team’s girl. Every girl in school wished they were April, but some of them were mean. They called her names, told her she was a sympathy fuck, that you were just using her. It began to get to her and she wondered if it could be true. Instead of using your love to empower her, she wondered if she should leave you so that you could get what you deserved instead of what you had.” Jake and Connor both have that same dumbfounded look on their faces.

  “You know that’s how she feels for a fact?” I nod my head; this isn’t going to go over well. “What the hell, Daniel? Why wouldn’t you tell me this? Do you have any idea how I could have made things easier for her?”

  “You couldn’t have and she didn’t want you to. She came over one night crying. April wanted to leave and break up with you so that you could be happy. I convinced her that you were happy and that you had just as much dickhead in your personality as Connor did and if you didn’t want to be with her you would leave her. She confessed some of the things the girls were saying. I was so pissed, pissed enough for all of us. I promised her I wouldn’t tell you. I tried to help, though. Anytime I would see April in the hall I would tell whoever I was with how beautiful I thought she was and I wished you two would break up. That’s how the rumor got started that I was in love with her. I made it known that she was desirable. The other guys agreed with me and when the mean girls put her down they would correct them. Eventually the mean girls stopped but the damage was done. April knows you love her, but her pride took a hit, and those are the hardest hits to recover from. Her issues are her own, though. She doesn’t question your love for her. She never thinks you’re cheating on her, she just doesn’t always think she’s the prettiest girl in the room.”

  “Thanks, Daniel, you’re a good friend to both of us. I never knew how much helping you were doing behind the scenes, but I appreciate it. I’ve gotta go get my girl because Mom and Dad have pictures set up early for us. Connor, don’t forget that Mom wants some pictures of me and you. Daniel, Mom said once Mike gets here she’ll get our pictures. Then she wants all the girls and some special pictures of Kate with Connor She also wants couple and family pictures; this woman is going to drive me crazy. Later, guys.”

  After Jake leaves, Connor gets a serious look on his face. “Hey, Daniel, truth time?” I nod my head. “Did you really never want April?”

  “I love her probably just like you love Kate, but I could never be with her because she’s already been with my brother—blood or no blood, we’re brothers. You don’t do that to your friends, but you really don’t do that to your brothers. If they had never dated, though, I definitely would have asked her out.” Connor is quiet for a minute; he’s really full of reflections today.

  “Me, too. I know she isn’t my normal type, but April is one of a kind. Since I have to go be the bestest brother and Best Man all at once, you are going to get the first glimpse of my amazing girl. Do you mind walking her and Kate down to the party together?”

  “Mind? I don’t mind, but you might not get her back; I’m the lucky bastard that gets to walk in with two beautiful girls on my arms.”

  “Don’t get any ideas. Only one of them gets to claim you. Here, make sure you give this Hershey’s kiss to Jess for me; it will help with her anger. And, uh, I kinda let it slip to Jess that you had a surprise for Kate. Don’t be mad. I didn’t realize how secret you were trying to keep it. I responded to her text on the way to Ben’s, but all I said was we were going to get a surprise for Kate.” Of course he let it slip; Connor has a bigger mouth than a girl sometimes.

  “It’s alright. I’ll just tell her she has to wait for it until the party is over. It’s not like I wasn’t going to show her tonight anyway; I can’t wait to see her reaction.”

  “Good, because I thought you were going to kick my ass. Come on, let’s go.”

  Once we get downstairs, we grab a drink from the bar. Jake and April are getting their pictures done and I see what Kate was talking about—April looks ravishing. Connor and I both stare at them openly. Jake can’t take his eyes off of her, and I bet he’s sporting a nice pair of blue balls right now. I hope April can see how desirable she is to him; God knows the rest of us can. Linda and Bryan are standing together and she has tears in her eyes. I know the look well. It’s the ‘I can’t believe my baby isn’t a baby anymore’ look; she and my mom give it to all of us at every special occasion. Connor takes his turn with the happy couple and April steps out for a bit so they can take their brother pictures. I take the moment to wrap her up in a hug.

  “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen; you’re absolutely breathtaking, sweetie.” April smiles a relaxed smile and a flush creeps into her cheeks.

  “Always the flatterer, but you haven’t seen your girl yet; she and Jess look incredible. We had a great day at the spa. Thanks for arranging for private time for us—it was pure bliss—and I know the three of you boys were responsible.”

  Giving her a quick kiss on the cheek I let her out of my embrace. “You’re welcome. We had fun plotting that one. I can’t wait to see the girls; I’m sure they look amazing, too, but it’s your night and you have a glow about you that can’t be beat. I’m sure it’s just happiness, but you’re not pregnant, are you?” I guess I shouldn’t have asked that question because she punches me hard.

  “Bite your tongue, Daniel McCormick! There is no way I’m walking down the aisle a pregnant bride. This glow is all from happiness.”

  “Sorry, sweetie, but if you glow this much from happiness I really can’t wait to see your pregnant glow—when you’re ready of course.” I hear the doorbell ring and that’s my cue to get the girls since the guests are starting to arrive. “I’ll see you in a bit. If I don’t go get the girls I’ll never hear the end of it from them for being late.”

  “You’ll probably have to wait for them anyway, but you’re right, you shouldn’t be late to get them. I’ll see you in a bit; you owe me a dance, don’t forget.”

  “Never, best friend of mine, you’re always at the top of my dance card. Just come steal me away from Kate when you’re ready.”

  As I walk down to the guest house, I just keep thinking of how excited I am to be spending this weekend with Kate. Sharing her with my friends and family has been amazing so far and I can’t wait to introduce her to everyone else. I see my parents, Ben and Callie and April’s sisters all walking up the path on the other side and wave. There are lots of people arriving now; I hope the girls are ready. Even tho
ugh I know I can just walk in, I give them the courtesy of knocking so they can have their element of surprise. Jess opens the door for me; she’s absolutely stunning in a beautiful black dress that shows everything and nothing all at the same time. Connor is going to flip his shit knowing he can’t have her tonight. I feel sorry for both of them because he’s going to whine like a baby.

  “Kate’s still getting ready. I took too long and now she’s mad at me.”

  Kate yells from the other room, “I’m not mad, Jess, I know how you are; I just hate being late.”

  Jess rolls her eyes. “See, what did I tell you? She’s mad.” She’s kind of cute when she stomps her foot, especially doing it in her red-soled shoes. I laugh and she gives me a murderous stare. “What is so funny?”

  I reach into my pocket and pull out a Hershey’s kiss. “Nothing, Connor just told me you might like to have this.”

  Her eyes sparkle and she pops it in her mouth. “That was perfect, but now I need to go run a toothbrush across my teeth; be right back.”

  I hear heels so I turn around, wondering how Jess finished brushing that quickly, but it’s not Jess—it’s Kate. If there was any piece of my heart that still belonged to me, it’s gone. The angel in front of me has my entire heart in her hands and I couldn’t care less.

  “Kate, you are the most breathtaking woman I have ever laid eyes on.” I don’t know why God decided to give her to me, but I’m so glad he did. She looks beautiful in a long green satin dress with shiny silver shoes, no red soles which makes me grin. Her hair cascades down her shoulders and back in beautiful curls. Her jewelry is understated and stunning at the same time. The best part of the whole outfit is the way my ring flashes with the emeralds matching so perfectly with her dress and her amazing eyes. I’m an idiot because I’m just staring and I haven’t moved a muscle since she came in. That’s when I notice—much like the first night we met—she’s looking me over just as much as I am her. I see the appreciation set into her eyes; she likes what she sees.

  “Daniel, do you want to skip the party and just stay here tonight?”

  “Hell no, just because you both look so unbelievably sexy it’s ridiculous it doesn’t mean you get to blow off the party to have sex. If I don’t get sex, neither do you, at least not right now. Besides, Kate, remember that favor Jake asked us for when he picked up April? We can’t bail on him. And where the hell is Connor? You’re not leaving until he gets here, but you don’t get to screw while we wait, either.”

  Damn, I should’ve brought more chocolate. I figured Connor would have texted her and told her I was taking them both. Before I risk Jess ripping my head off, I cross the room and kiss Kate like there’s no tomorrow.

  “I hear you have a surprise. Can we see it while we wait for Connor?” Jess asks nicely and Kate just shrugs, apologizing for her friend with that one movement.

  “I should have brought more chocolate,” I mutter while Jess gives me the evil eye.

  “No surprise until tonight when I have Kate alone in bed. Sorry, Jess. I thought Connor texted you. Linda had him and Jake taking pictures before the party and it ran really long, so I get the honor of escorting both of you beautifully stunning women up to the party. One of you on each arm; I’m going to be the guy everyone wishes they were tonight. Shall we go?”

  Kate nods her head. The look she gives me proves I’ve smoothed things over with Jess.

  “So, what favor are you doing for Jake?”

  “Oh, he said he found out some things that maybe made April self-conscious today and he wants to sing Little Things by One Direction to her tonight. The only thing is, he needs at least three singers to pull the song off, so he asked us to sing with him. How could we say no to that?”

  Wow, I guess what I said really bothered him, but lyrically it’s a great song even if I don’t particularly care for the band. I think it will definitely make an impression on April because she loves that song.

  “I can’t believe we’re going to sing again. At least I know if I fail at all else in my life, I can make a living as a wedding singer.”

  I pull her a little bit closer to me. “Not going to happen; you’re going to be great at whatever you do. Don’t worry, you’ll have no problem bypassing wedding singer and shoot straight up as Mariah Carey’s competition before you know it.”

  Jess laughs and Kate just smiles. God, how I love these girls. I see Connor on the side of the house talking to someone; he must have started walking this way and got sidetracked by an incoming guest. The closer we get I can tell it’s Mike. Tonight’s going to be a blast; we can finally all hang out together. The girls are so busy looking ahead at the party unfolding—ooh-ing and ahh-ing at what they see—they don’t notice the boys until we’re right on top of them.

  Mike sees us first and a look of absolute terror and heartbreak crosses his face. Connor notices it, too, because he turns around immediately and stands next to Mike. Jess and Kate both stop dead in their tracks and look at each other. I’m not sure who says what first because I hear it all at the same time.

  Kate says, “Michael.”

  Mike says, “Katherine.”

  Jess pops off with, “Is this some kind of sick fucking joke?”

  Connor ends it all with, “Oh my fucking god.”

  Jess launches off of me like a rocket and Connor jumps ahead to keep her from Mike. I feel Kate start to fall and I grab her to steady her. When I finally get a look at her, it’s heartbreaking, and suddenly it all kicks in. I don’t know how none of us put it together before. My Kate is Mike’s Katherine. The love of my life is the love of his life. All of the pain our girls have gone through has been because of him, my brother, one of my best friends. I feel like every piece of happiness I will ever know has just been ripped away from me because no matter how this ends, I know it can’t end well. For once in my life, I have no idea what to say or what to do.

  Chapter 20 – Kate

  I haven’t had the wind knocked out of me since I was nine years old and fell off the monkey bars onto my back. It was awful and I never wanted to feel that way ever again. Except without being injured in any way, I feel that way right now. I’m completely breathless and unable to move the muscles which enable me to breathe. Seeing Michael standing with Connor, joking and laughing as we walk up, is shocking. The harder I look, trying to convince myself it isn’t him, the more I realize it is. How could I have been so stupid? How did all of us not figure this out? I know how--because it’s only been two weeks. Because I go by Kate now and he obviously goes by Mike. We were Katherine and Michael back then; I guess I wasn’t the only one that needed a change.

  Mike—the rough sex guy, the womanizer that wants his ex to forgive him and fall back in love with him. Oh my god. I’m trembling; my knees start to buckle and I’m falling. Daniel senses my weakness, and his grip on my arm tightens. I know he won’t let anything happen to me. I have to fix this now before it’s too late. I have to do something, anything, because as much as I want to freak the fuck out right now, we are not going to wreck Jake and April’s night. I just need a second to take this in. Everyone is staring at me. Connor has Jess somewhat calmed down now.

  I take a good look at Michael. He looks good—so manly, so grown up. Better looking than he ever was and I ache for him. At the same time, I bleed out on the inside. My heart is being torn to shreds because I know this is wrong and it’s not going to be okay… but for right now, for tonight, it has to be. I do what Jess hates, I have no choice. I slip into my shell and I know I won’t come out until tomorrow once I’m home crying it out in bed.

  I reach my hand out to shake Michael’s hand. It’s so odd; my body is screaming for me to give him a hug. I’ve missed him so much. “Michael, how are you doing? It’s been too long; have you talked to your mom lately? She gave me your number last week. I was actually going to call you tomorrow, but since you’re here I guess maybe we can sort some things out tonight.” Daniel and Connor exchange extremely worried glances as they notice t
he difference in my demeanor. I know it, and I’m so sorry, but I have to be like this.

  Jess, on the other hand, has no problems speaking her mind. “NO FUCKING WAY, KATE! This is not happening. Son of a fucking bitch, you haven’t slipped into zombie Kate in almost two years and you are not going to start now. This is not okay, damn it! See, Daniel, this is what she does when she’s protecting herself. Can you see the difference? You asshole, this is YOUR fault, you fucking son of a bitch! I just got her back. Finally got her back after almost four years of absolute hell and torture, and I’m going to lose her again because of you. Why do you have to be him? Why couldn’t you just stay away? You’re so fucking good at disappearing, why show up now?” Jess is crying hysterically, and Connor is trying to calm her down. I can’t bring myself to look at Mike so I have no idea what he’s thinking in regards to her outburst.

  “Jess, I’m fine; everything will be fine. Connor, you need to take her back to the guest house and get her some water. Each of you needs to listen to me right now. Tonight, we’re going to do this my way. All of our emotions are high and all of us have things we would rather be discussing right now. This is not the time or the place; right now is about Jake and April and their undeniable love for each other. It’s pure and unspoiled by life and sadness, and we are in no way going to inflict what we’re feeling right now onto their night. We are all going to smile and be happy, and absolutely none of us are going to have more than two drinks; there will be no drunken scenes and no more emotional outbursts. We will all talk about the things we need to say and get out of the way first thing in the morning. Michael, you have a lot of catching up to do, and I guess the rest of us do, too. This stays between the five of us tonight. All of us are going to walk over there as a group and we are all going to be happy as clams. The only thing I will bring you up to speed on right now, Michael, is that we’re about to be step-brother and sister; my dad and your mom are getting married. Welcome to the family. Now, let’s go before things look suspicious. Besides, I need my first drink now.”


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