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The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set

Page 10

by KT Morrison

  She looked up at Omar’s face for a moment and bit her lower lip. She let them both go and lay back again, reached out for their balls. She arched her back and Mitch could see she was levigating her sex into her heel tucked up underneath her. She was drunk with arousal. She squeezed Omar’s balls hard and Omar groaned.

  Kate squeezed again, much harder it seemed. She said, “I’m going to squeeze every drop out of these huge balls.” Omar doubled in pain, his chest and head leaning over top of her now. He let out a cry that turned to a growl.

  “Ah, merde,” he said, “Fuck, I’m going to come.” He stroked harder and placed his hole right over her nipple. She raised her breast up to it. All three watched him. Watched the plump cock head slide around on her clenched bud. Kate’s breaths were coming as rapidly as Omar’s. For a moment Mitch thought it might not happen but then Omar made a brief exclamation and he let out a slick sounding stream of cum that skipped off her nipple and flopped across her other breast.

  Kate let go of their balls and used her arms to scoop up her breasts and squeeze them together to make it easier for Omar to come on. Mitch was horrified at how overcome Kate was by it all. Omar furiously jerked himself off on her now. He held the back of Kate’s head with his left hand and let a stream of come onto her neck just at her jawline. Kate didn’t even close her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said, That’s it baby, come all over me. And he did. Come swung from the tip of his dick and splashed in spots all along her clavicle and collar. He dropped his dick onto her slippery tits, made them ripple with its weight, and it still was surging from him. His left hand moved to clasp around her neck tightly almost choking her and he gripped his cock just as hard with the other, strangling the last of his come out of it. He let out another growl and a final stream spurt from him and went down her cleavage. Kate was still gyrating herself into her heel, and Mitch though she might be coming. She just kept saying Yeah over and over while he did it and biting and sucking on her own lips. She was definitely acting like she was the one coming. Mitch was overcome with a dreadful grief at the sight of her covered in Omar’s semen, his big cock draped now across her cum-slick breasts, and her ecstatic upturned face.

  She felt disgusted, terrible at the thought of what she must look like if she could see herself. But it felt like there was a fire in her belly, she felt like she could come again right now, a third time, with a touch. She could feel the weight of Omar’s manhood across her soft breasts, felt it slippery against her skin, wet with his semen. She felt so ashamed that this would turn her on. That this could give her an orgasm. But it did, and that was a fact. It was horrible but now she knew. And now Mitch knew.

  Mitch was jerking himself hard like he was almost ready. “Come on, Mitch,” she told him. Omar slumped back next to her and she wrapped her hand around his half-hard cock dangling between his legs. She stroked it gently downward, soothing it. She looked down and saw a milky stream come out of him, more drops beading on the couch beneath it. Would those stains come out? How do you explain it to housekeeping? She missed Mitch’s orgasm but saw that he had come, spittle flinging from his knuckle. He grunted and tried to push out more onto her and then sat back exhausted. She could tell by his expression that he was having trouble with this. He looked a little horrified but in typical Mitch fashion was keeping it all sewn up inside.

  She looked down at herself, at the mess on her chest and felt a little ashamed too. She cupped her breasts, held them up a little against her, asked Omar to pass her her shirt.

  When she looked up she saw that Kiley was standing in the hall as well, watching. Kate was a little startled, felt like she’d been caught doing something. But everyone here was an adult, right? It was all okay.

  Kiley quietly said, “That was…hot.” She stood there, leaning on the wall, she had a little yogurt container in her hand. She was quiet a moment, held up the yogurt, presented it to them, said, “Just a little hungry, came out to get…you know.” She turned around and faded into the dark hall.


  Evening Out

  Mitch took her out in the morning and they had a fantastic breakfast in George Town. The place wasn’t on the water but the food really was as great as the reviews they’d read. Then they went and walked around the National Museum. Mitch had wanted to see the new McCoy collection and he loved it. It was pretty colourful but she was dying from the heat. She’d needed to dress up a bit for the restaurant, she didn’t have anything brought with her to wear. She bought a little Gucci dress at a shop in West Shore, just outside the resort. It was literally clinging to her right now. It wasn’t fifty degrees out when she’d bought it and now she felt it scratching at her skin.

  It was humid, oppressive, where you could feel the wet heat in your nose and mouth as you breathed it in. But it was beautiful out, scorching sun coming in through the open Jeep, brilliant blue sky.

  Kate touched the hem of the pink dress where it clung to her mid-thigh. Saw the sheen on the skin of her legs. This heat might make her crazy.

  She watched Mitch as he drove, the wind coming in the open top and rustling his wavy hair. She’d shown him last night. He didn’t squirm away, he didn’t break down. He took it. He participated. He was hard. She’d held them together, their cocks, kissed their tips together. Mitch had let her. Anything could have happened last night. She’d shown him how dark she could go. He didn’t grab her by her hair and drag her out the door and close it behind her, yelled through it that he never wanted to see her face again. That had happened once in another lifetime. He didn’t slap her, call her a whore. He watched her do it as she put herself on display for him, demonstrated who she really was. He didn’t jump for joy, but he made the best of it.

  When she woke up this morning she felt so ashamed of herself. She stared at the ceiling while she listened to Mitch sleeping, breathing next to her. She held on to the moment, stretched it out, the longer it lasted the longer they were still together, still okay. She dreaded him waking. When he did, he just put his arm around her and pulled her to him. She kissed him and felt something so enormous for him, like something she couldn’t contain. She kissed him passionately, felt her eyes well up. He held her, and she pushed herself into him, wanting to feel him against every part of her. They’d slept in like that another hour almost, him holding her lovingly, still dirtied from the night before. She could smell the semen in her creases.

  Kate felt her badness building again. She could sometimes go months without it coming, she was like a different person in that time. Clear-minded, productive. She could function like everyone else. Then the darkness would come. But she hoped that it would always come. She loved that feeling, she wanted it. When it arrived she always welcomed it.

  Kiley lay fully spread out on the putty coloured couch in the living area, feeling the chill of the air conditioning on her bare legs. She could see out to the patio past the tips of her toes that Omar was out there. Looked like he was sleeping. She looked up at the high, vaulted ceiling, the fronds of a palm hanging over her. Good old Mitch, she thought. She knew he came from money but that he was a bit of an outsider to the rest of his family. Knew that he’d worked incredibly hard to help build his own thing with his brothers.

  When he first started dating Kate he seemed nice enough. He never let on about where he came from. I mean, it was obvious that he was smarter, more mannered maybe, than some of Kate’s other consorts. She and Kate both knew he was going places. He kept his treatment of Kate pretty neutral as far as taking her places or giving gifts. Like maybe he didn’t want to just buy her love. Or maybe he was really on the outs with the rest of the Suttons back then. Who knows?

  She got up and stretched, walked to the window and looked out at that lucky son of a bitch sleeping in the brutal heat out there. That thing between his legs could destroy her friends. It didn’t even look like he was breathing.

  Maybe he’d died of a heart attack. Kate could have worn him right to death. She had the reputation. She shook away the sudden image of
what she’d witnessed last night. That spectacle on the couch. That was something. It was hot, she’d said. But was it? It made her feel a little sick inside thinking of it. She’d been drawn to the sounds, then couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was beyond what she’d anticipated. She stayed because she wanted them to know she saw them, wanted them to know they had been seen, witnessed. Like a message to Kate. But when they turned around she lost her nerve, acquiesced. That was hot she said instead. For Christ’s sake.

  Kiley went to the fridge in the pantry and got herself a bottle of water, sat back on the couch with her feet up on the lip and sipped at it. She didn’t know how Mitch could stand this.

  Omar woke with a start and looked around. He was alone on the patio. What was that dream? He felt like he’d been falling, or flying. His legs kicked him awake.

  He looked over his shoulder and yawned, saw Kiley in there. Wouldn’t come out and sit with him. Too hot, she said. She could stay in an air conditioned room and be anywhere. Back in Chicago or wherever she lived.

  She’d become very strange. She maybe wasn’t talking to him now. Just one word answers. He saw her in there, drinking her water by herself, playing with her toes. She was chilly like her air conditioning.

  He knew he was going to take advantage of everything offered to him here. The food was incredible, the room, the service, everything. He felt like a lion. Like a pampered, groomed stud. And Kate? She took everything he gave her, and looked into him. Her eyes told him she wanted even more. And her husband was practically paying him to do it. He paid his own flight and that was it. Who knew that Kiley had such amazing friends. He hoped they would get back soon, he was getting hungry.

  The temperature in the elevator was a relief. He leaned against the back wall of it pretty sure he was fogging it up behind him but the cold felt so good against his back. He saw his reflection and he looked like shit. His eyes were red and tired. At least he was getting a little colour on his face. He looked over at Kate leaning with him, right up against him, and smiled at her. She was lost in thought, staring straight ahead, maybe seeing herself over there. She did not look like shit though.

  He thought about how he’d seen her last night with Omar. Was she used to such sexually aggressive boyfriends? Ones that would ask her if she’d like to see them come. She’d said yes as though it weren’t absurd. Like that was something often offered. Maybe it was, what did Mitch know. Mitch’s sex life before Kate, he imagined, was not even remotely similar. The way she enjoyed being defiled, the way she desired it. Fuck though, it was that crazy energy that he’d fallen for. And as much as the rational part of him was disgusted by seeing her turn her chin up to allow a man to come on her he couldn’t deny that even the thought of it right now began to stiffen him.

  He looked into the mirrored walls and could see a million of her. Every angle of her face reflected back at him as she looked stone faced straight ahead.

  “Mitch, it’s fucking oppressive out there. If I go out it’s going to be to sleep and get some sun. Last thing I want to do is have to walk around out there.” Kate pushed the service cart away from the table, their empty lunch plates piled on it.

  She was right. It was too much. But there was that feeling again. Like he didn’t want to be cooped up with these people in his home. Not Omar for sure. Kiley was okay.

  Omar went outside to the patio and took off his shirt and lay on the lounger. Kiley sat on the couch looking at Mitch strangely.

  “Go get your book and come sit outside with me,” Kate said. She walked outside and stood on the patio looking out over the railing.

  He looked over at Kiley. She was looking back at him, her arms around her legs, an orange in her hand, chin resting on her knees. Mitch asked her if she wanted to go outside with them. She twisted her mouth, said I’ll do whatever you’re doing. He sat a moment longer watching Kate spread out a towel on the patio.

  He got up and said he might as well get his book and went to the bedroom. He splashed some water on his face and grabbed a towel and his reader and went back out. When he got to the living area he could see them all outside. Kiley was sitting in a chair in her over-sized T-shirt, peeling the orange, looking over at Omar. Omar was talking and smiling at Kate who was standing between them. Kate stood naked, right down to her bare feet. She was talking to Omar, waving a brown bottle of suntan oil, laughing about something. She squirted some into her cupped hand and started to rub it over herself, her heavy breasts swinging as she did.

  Omar watched Mitch come out and look at his wife standing there naked. He couldn’t figure that guy out. Was he whipped or something? Mitch sat down on the lounger next to Kiley and they both looked at her. It was obvious what Kate wanted. He watched her as she put on a show for all of them. Her petite full figure, as she bent over, her huge tits hanging off her, swinging as she rubbed the oil into her knees. Kate wanted to put on a show and she clearly had an audience. He waited for his invitation, knew it was coming.

  She said to them, “No one can see us up here, we should even ourselves out.” She turned at the waist and grabbed the white, oiled flesh of her ass to show them what she meant. She got on to her knees and waved the bottle of oil to Omar, asked him if he wouldn’t mind. There it was, he knew it was coming.

  He didn’t even say anything he just stood up and pushed his shorts down and stepped out of them. He took a few steps let them all see it swing and then got down and crawled to her.

  Kiley watched her friend laying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, sort of wag her ass, taunting Omar to come over, service her. Oil my back would you? Yeah, right.

  She watched Omar come right to her, no hesitation. Kicked his shorts off, got on all fours and crawled around Kate. Kiley got a good look from this angle, his lopsided sack and that huge thing dangling between his legs from behind. He sat back on his heels, his balls hanging down behind him on to the towel.

  Kiley looked over at Mitch but he was surprisingly blank. He was getting inured. Well, she thought Mitch, look lively, we’re on deck it seems.

  Omar’s strong hands looked so large on Kate. Reminded him how small she was. He could see her soft flesh yielding to him, rippling under his pressure and glistening in the light. Kate’s face was behind her black sunglasses, turned up to the sun. Omar massaged her back, rubbing into the muscles she liked to have rubbed at the small of her waist. He went over her cheeks, down over the back of her legs right down to her heels, then over her feet and she pointed her toes out for him.

  Mitch was aware of Kiley turning and watching him but he didn’t look over at her. Kate’s sweet little body shone in the sun now. Omar’s hand came steadily back up her legs, and then in between her thighs. He could see Kate part them for him, the sway of her ass as she did. Omar’s middle finger stroked her, spread oil between her folds, up between her cheeks and slowly back down again.

  He knew what was expected next. He’d have to disrobe in front of them all in this intense, bright light. Everyone would really see him if they wanted to.

  There was no patio above them, no neighbour on this floor, but there was a roof. What if there was a worker up there today? He could see parasails out on the ocean, but didn’t people bring binoculars up there? Maybe they didn’t. Or some goddamn kid with a drone, shit, he’d seen one flying around a few days ago.

  Kiley had her hands together sitting on the lounger watching Kate and Omar. Omar had his hand between her legs and she could see Kate bringing her hips off the towel, helping him get in there. Kate put her sunglasses up on her head and got Kiley’s attention. She didn’t say anything just made a gesture with her eyebrows. Kiley stood up and she pulled her shirt off over her head. She turned and stood over Mitch wearing just a bikini bottom and white berber slippers that came with the room. She said, C’mon, and held her hand out for him, and he took it and stood up. She kicked off the slippers and walked him over to the towels. The heat from the patio was intense, stinging at her feet, she hopped on to the towel holding Mi
tch’s hand.

  Mitch took his shirt off and she untied the string of her bottoms and threw them aside. Mitch turned away from her and slipped his shorts off, hiding himself from her and then lay face down. C’mon Mitch, I like you, you can let me see it. She sat down cross legged next to him, her back to Kate and Omar.

  She felt Kate’s hot hands on her shoulders and it made her jump. She was rubbing the oil onto her back for her. She could smell the coconut. Kate’s hands ran across her, down her sides to her waist. Her stomach tightened as she thought of what Kate might be doing. She held her arms close together, her hands covering her breasts and bent away from Kate. Kate’s hands went down to her waist, came up again over her shoulders and then down the outside of her arms, and then they were gone. It gave her a chill and her nipples hardened. She looked over her shoulder and saw her sitting up with Omar right next to her, his arm draped over his knee. Kate was squeezing the brown bottle into her hand. Kate put it over next to Kiley where she could use it on Mitch, then picked up Omar’s cock and started stroking it.

  Kiley got the lotion and rubbed Mitch’s back.

  Mitch had got hard while Kiley rubbed his back. Feeling her foreign hands, not his wife’s hands, the heat, the fragrant oil—it all got to him. He was able to sit and turn to her, his erection sticking straight up, let her see it. She rubbed his chest and down his belly and he leaned back so she could touch him. He wanted her to touch him. Her hand felt hot wrapped around it. She said, Do me, and he rubbed oil onto her collar, and she arched her back for him too, letting him pluck at her nipples and run his hand down between her legs and feel her smooth shave down there.


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