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The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set

Page 11

by KT Morrison

  He could see, just over Kiley’s shoulder, Kate sitting side to side with Omar, tugging at him clumsily. It looked ridiculously large in her shiny little hand, still spongy. It was off-putting.

  Kiley caught him looking and she told him to lay back. She straddled his legs and took his cock in her hand. So small compared to what he’d just seen. She inched up over his hips and guided him into her. She was tight and warm and he closed his eyes and felt himself slide into her. She rocked her hips against him, fucking him. She bent over to kiss him and he felt himself slide out. She kissed him, reached back and guided him in again and sat on it. She rocked and swivelled, holding his gaze but he desperately wanted to see what Kate was doing. He could tell she was up on her knees now. He felt like he might have lost some of his hardness.

  He felt the pressure to perform here. He wasn’t able to finish last time but thinking about it made it worse. He was definitely losing it. He wasn’t sure he was inside her anymore.

  Kate bent over him and put her mouth on his and he felt her hand on his chest rubbing him. He opened his eyes and saw her smiling at him. She was on all fours next to him. He could see between her hanging breasts, Omar was getting himself behind her on his knees. He saw that big, oily tool now dangling between her legs, saw it slide against the inside of her thigh before Omar held it and then lined it up and very slowly entered his wife. Kate gasped and he felt her breath on his face. Kate whispered, Oh God, as he got himself into her. Mitch hardened inside Kiley as he watched Kate’s face, wishing he was the one who could give her this kind of pleasure. He closed his eyes and felt Kiley grinding him, he was hard as a rock again while he heard Kate panting in his ear.

  He looked over, between her swinging breasts, saw her belly jiggle as Omar pounded himself into her. He watched Omar’s balls, heavy from the heat, swinging between her legs and slapping against her legs and stomach. He held one of her breasts, pushed it up against her chest and squeezed, felt how hard her nipple was against his palm.

  Kate’s hand ran down his belly and in between him and Kiley. She raked his skin with her nails and he felt her fingers split into a V around the base of his cock. He slid out of Kiley, running up the front of her folds. Kate wrapped her hand around his dick and then kissed her way down to it.

  Kiley sat back on his legs. Omar slowed and was going in and out of her very carefully and Mitch watched Kate’s breasts swaying back and forth. She had him fully in her mouth. The thought that she would do that after he’d just been inside her best friend had him on the edge. Kate was just the worst, but Fuck, she turned him on.

  Omar was pulling himself all the way out, and then pushing himself only partway back into her, teasing her, drawing her back to him. He saw Kate, how it frustrated her, pushing herself back onto him, wanting that thing up in her. But Omar pulled back as she pushed, and Kate’s mouth came off Mitch, squeezed his balls a little too hard. She arched her back and yelped as Omar stabbed it into her deeply again.

  Kiley slid him back inside her and it felt good, the way she worked her hips in circles on him. Kate, sideways to him now, was taking it from Omar hard. He watched her breasts slap together and swing, her flesh bounce as he fucked her with a furious pace. She wasn’t gasping, just letting off a long high wail that warbled with his thrusting.

  After a long while he slowed again and she slumped, exhausted, Omar still deep inside her. She shone from the oil, and sweat was dripping from her nose, she was panting.

  Kiley was still gently, steadily, grinding herself around him. He looked up at her, surprised he’d not noticed her, how beautiful and sexy she looked sitting on him. She was leaning back but looking down at him while she fucked him, her hands behind her on his thighs. He watched the ripple of the muscles in her stretched back mid-section as she worked on him. He squeezed his fingers into her thighs, ran his slick hands along them, felt how fine she felt.

  Kate’s face was over his again, kissing him, his mouth and then down his neck. He smelled her hair as it greasily clung to his face and felt her being pounded again, rocking into him as Omar fucked her from behind. He put his arms around her, hugged her and held her close to him. She started to let out little yelping gasps.

  He heard her in her breaths, say, I’m coming, I’m coming, again and again, he watched her face tighten like she was screaming but no sound came out but a croak somewhere in her throat, the cords stood out in her neck and she stiffened. Mitch crushed her tightly against him, and she dug her nails deep into Mitch’s chest until it hurt, then dropped her head on to him and groaned. Mitch was about to come.

  Kiley could see Kate’s claws dig into Mitch, raking four jagged lines into his chest as she orgasmed. She could feel how hard Mitch was inside her, he was practically throbbing.

  Mitch had his arms around Kate, holding her to him, and her back was heaving with her breaths. It was turning her on. She wanted Mitch to come so bad right now and she could feel he was very close, feeling him pushing himself up into her.

  Omar pulled himself out of Kate slowly and Kate rolled off Mitch looking a little pained. She collapsed on her back next to Mitch, her hair still tangled up on him. Mitch’s head was right back now and she realized he was about to do it. She got off him, slid herself back and grabbed his hard dick and stroked it. She was going at it fast and hard as she could, her fist wrapped around him tightly, squeezing and jerking, the tip of him just peeking out above her thumb, red and scrunched. She wanted everyone to see, didn’t want it to be missed that she made him come, Come for me, Mitch, she said. He let out a sound and a spurt came out of him and landed on his belly, then it was just pouring from him, mixing in with the oil as she kept stroking him. He was very hard in her hand, she laughed out, There we are, Mitch, and then she lay herself on top of him, rubbing her hips against him feeling his slippery semen between them. She held his head with her hands and looked at him, said So, you do like me. He looked away embarrassed but he was laughing.

  Mitch lay there actually feeling quite content, Kiley had made him feel really good.

  He held Kiley to him, felt her light lean body against him, slippery. She smiled over him, her hair falling around his face, blocking out the sun. She looked very happy, the two of them looking into each other’s eyes under the tent of her long hair.

  She got to her knees then sat herself next to him, facing him. She put her sunglasses back on and leaned back on her hands, turning her face up to the sun. Her long shining legs splayed out, her feet by Mitch’s head, twisting them and rotating them. Mitch rolled himself onto his side and watched Kate, put his hand on Kiley’s ankle.

  They were both watching Kate and Omar, them on their knees, Kate kissing Omar around his neck, biting him. She was stroking him very slowly while they kissed, her wrist resting on her hip, her hand working over the wide swollen end as she gently squeezed and slid her open fingers over the head, and it gleamed, practically bursting.

  Omar came without warning or making a sound, just a long stream up into the air and it fell across Kiley, her thigh and onto her stomach. Kiley shook, startled when he came on her. He saw her stomach suck in, she held her breath. He could see her stiffen but she didn’t jump to wipe it off her. She just wasn’t expecting it. She stayed seated that way, tan, gleaming with Omar’s semen in running blobs across her tight belly. She looked at her stomach and watched it run down, some pooling in her scrunched up belly button. Mitch could see her crinkle her nose.

  Kate was on her hands and knees her lips stretched around the end of Omar’s cock, he was coming into her mouth. Omar was grunting and pushing himself into her, his balls pulling up and releasing as he shot into her. Kate was drinking it up, he could hear her breathing hard through her nose. She pulled her head back and looked over at him, a silver thread of semen still connecting her bottom lip to Omar.

  Mitch was watching Kiley’s face, saw it change, as Kate got down and put her mouth over the semen, sucking it up, and licking it off Kiley’s belly. He saw her eyebrows raise right abov
e the sunglasses. Her lips even came apart a little, the start of a gasp. Kate worked her way down, flicking her belly button with her tongue, sucking the semen out, following the trail as it led between the crook of her outstretched legs.

  Kiley brought her thighs together and raised her knees, she said, Okay, honey to Kate and put her hands on her shoulders.

  Kate just lay back on the towel, a big smile on her face. She stretched, her arms up above her, her hands linked together, her breasts flat like two big white dinner plates.

  Kiley got up and quietly excused herself. She picked up the towel she was on and ran back inside with it stuffed between her legs, hopping from the patio heat biting at her feet.

  Mitch was left alone on his towel, like a little island, separated from his wife and her lover by a hot channel.

  Mitch lay back and put his hands behind his head, the fingers laced together, and looked up at the sky, watched the clouds crawl along up there. He felt for Kiley. That was pretty extreme.

  It felt quite nice to have the sun’s heat on his bare body. When he got back he should make a real effort to get more exercise, it’d be nice if he would not feel so self-conscious naked.


  Treading Water

  It was raining when Mitch got up so he sneaked Kate out and they went and had a little private breakfast on the beach near Rum Point. They sat under an awning and looked out over the dark grey line of churning water and the smear of mottled, storm-heavy sky. He held her hand while they ate and they listened to the waves. They were the only ones out there.

  He didn’t want to take her back yet, so now they were in a plaza on West Bay and he could have spent all day with her like this, walking side by side like they were normal again, poking through shops.

  “You looking forward to being back?” she asked him.

  He laughed, “Of course I am.” He squeezed her hand. “I mean, it’s been fun, but...”

  The mall wasn’t busy despite the rain. There were shoppers out, mostly couples like themselves. They kept walking, slow pace, enjoying the quiet.

  “Do you want to go away again next month? I think we should make it happen. Just you and me, we could go somewhere we haven’t been, you know. Explore it together,” he said, imagining it, wherever it was, very far from here.

  “Yeah, it’d be nice.” She had stopped him in front of a boutique, looking at a little lace bustier dress on a polished maple mannequin. “Just the two of us.”

  He walked her into the shop and they looked around a bit but she ended up at the dress in the window, feeling the material.

  “You can get away?”

  He said, “No, but I will.”

  Kate turned the mannequin on its swivel and felt the lace trim along the tasteful bustier.

  “Does Kiley seem happy to you?”

  “How’d you mean?”

  “Well, not like, Is she having a good time here, but I mean does she seem like she’s a happy person?”

  “I think so, she seems all right.”

  “I worry about her. She works very hard.”

  “Yeah, she does.”

  Kate told an associate she wanted to try it on and they found her a size. Mitch put himself in the leather chair and waited for her.

  She came out and it was stunning, she knew it was. She turned for him, all the way around, let him get a look at it. He watched her legs work a little dance, flexing and bending, her feet making soft sounds on the glossy floor. Her hands pulled the skirt out to the sides and let it fall. He was so in love with her.

  “Do you think Omar is any good for her?” she said.

  Definitely not. “I don’t know, she doesn’t seem very close with him.”

  “No, she doesn’t,” she said, fixing the straps, watching herself in a mirror. “I can’t believe I’ve found a little dress like this, that you know,” she motioned with her hands, covers my breasts. And it did look fantastic on her, little straps over the shoulders, high-waisted, and very short, just halfway down the thigh. Not the style of dress that should look that good on her shapely figure.

  “I think she’s good, Kate.”

  “I worry about her. I feel like she’s just treading water sometimes.”

  “Yeah? She seems like she’s got her little business together. I think she does well with it. That’s probably not easy.”

  She turned again, looking at herself, how she looked from behind, smoothing out the front of her dress, standing on her toes.

  “I’m going to take it.”

  She bought some Gucci shoes that she thought might work with it, and then a handbag as well.

  Kiley’s legs quivered, her toes balled up trying to get a grip on the wet marble tile. Hot water splashed off her, running down her legs and over the shower floor. Goddamnit, it seemed like there might be three people who would want to get her off in this suite, but here she was with a shower head between her legs.

  The thought of Kate’s mouth running over her, her puckered lips drinking the semen off her, freaked her out. It made her jump out of her skin, creeped her right out. But Fuck!, she didn’t hate it. It was just too wrong. Way too wrong. Never going to happen.

  She thought of Mitch, she thought of making him come on the patio, how good that felt. She put her hand between her legs, opened herself, let the pulse of the water hit her.

  Handsome Mitch who was kind and decent and loved his wife and did everything for her. Took care of her. Gave her whatever she wanted. She slid her wet back down the marble until her butt cheeks touched her heels. Oh God. Fuck it—she thought of Omar. Having a bath with him in the room they rented in Sousse, the way his huge dick swung between his legs as he stepped into the tub, looked like it was halfway down his thigh, the time he fucked her in that little Mini they rented and she couldn’t get away from him in that tiny space. He fucked her ferociously from behind, her face pressed against the cold side window. They laughed after at the perfect imprint in the condensation, of her open-mouthed expression, he said you could tell she had been coming. She pushed her first two fingers against herself, rubbing herself hard, breathing fast…she thought about Kate’s hot oily hand down her back, her fingers on her waist, how it tickled, she thought of her kissing the semen off her and what if she’d let her mouth go down her smooth shaved mound, the hot oil, her soft pouted lips, how would that feel? She came hard, moaning loud and long in the shower, not caring about the echo.

  She slid her legs out and slumped against the marble, the shower head throwing water straight up in the air, a mist clinging to her eyelashes. She laughed, five days now into this sexy little trip to Cayman for her friend and that was her first orgasm.

  They stood on the landing between two flights of stairs that ran outside the plaza. The rain was coming down, loud on the cars in the parking. They stood huddled together there, leaning on the railing, outdoors but protected by the overhang.

  “Could have brought the umbrella,” he said.

  “You hate walking around with it.”

  “We’ll wait it out, can’t be long.”

  She looked over at him, leaned in and kissed him on his chin and he put his arm around her.

  They watched the rain, watched it come down, getting stronger and louder. The hotels, the sea across the street, all dissolving to grey. He could feel her watching him, smiling at him. He looked over at her.

  She took him by the front of his raincoat and pulled her into him, her back against the railing. “Kiss me,” she said. He held her and kissed her and she put her arms around him hugging his waist under his coat.

  He felt a passion for her and his kisses got deeper and he was aware of their breathing getting rapid. The sounds exhaling in raspy snorts. He wanted to get her out of here. Felt it now. He could take her in the Jeep.

  He felt her hands grabbing at his ass, squeezing him and pulling his hips into her. She was doing it all under the coat, no one would probably know if they were to pass. But the kissing may have been a little intense for mid-day at
a shopping plaza. Her hand moved between his legs clutching him through his shorts. He had a brief flash of worry, did he feel smaller in her hand now? Did she think about that? He pushed it away, thought how lucky he was right here in this moment with her. He pulled his head back and looked at her, her half-lidded eyes, glazed with passion. He was hard in her grip, and she stroked him, underhanded, looking into his eyes. She kissed him again, working along his neck. She whispered in his ear, “I liked watching you fuck her.”

  He froze, didn’t know how to respond. He pulled back and looked from the corner of his eyes, made sure they were alone, he slid his hand down the front of her skirt, and ran his finger through the V of her mound, feeling her wet through her panties. She gasped and squeezed the back of his arm.

  She licked her hand then slid it down the front of his pants. He sucked his stomach in, felt her fist pushing into his briefs.

  “Did you like fucking that Daddy’s little good girl?” Her mouth just at his ear, whispering.

  “She can’t be that good she’s fucking her best friend’s husband.”

  “She’s my good little girl now.” He felt her thumb and forefinger circle around him, stroking his tip.

  “You’re the bad girl, are you?”

  “Tell me I am,” she said, teasing him, working her fingers over him so slowly.

  “You are the bad girl.”

  “How bad am I?” Their heads pressed together whispering into their ears.

  “You’re breaking my heart.”

  “Put your fingers in me, Mitch.”

  He got his hand into her panties, slid through her coarse hair and he put his two middle fingers inside her. They went right in, he could feel her wetness spreading on his palm, in between his fingers. “Good girls don’t get finger-fucked in a mall in the daylight.”

  She moaned. “Why don’t you stop it then?”


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