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Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2

Page 12

by Janelle Peel

  I swirled the tincture with the blade for a moment. Turning to Sasha, I pushed my will, “Cut your palm and add your blood to the bowl.”

  With robotic movements, she did as I asked.

  Stirring it once more, I took a sip and blindly passed it off to someone’s waiting hands. Violet flames pulsed through my center as I raised my fingers and touched Sasha’s face. “It’s okay,” I whispered, “we’ve got you.”

  I don’t know how long I knelt with her before the bowl was placed back in front of me. Taking it by the base, I lifted the rim to her lips, “Drink, Sasha.”

  Please work, please work.

  Upon her first sip, while light lit the grass. The full Moon blazed like a beacon in the night.

  Agony ripped through my chest. I collapsed against her knees and my world darkened.

  “Sora!” Blaze shouted.


  “Soooooorrrraaaaa…” A bell like voice sang.

  Slowly, I blinked and took in my surroundings. The sky was cloudless, revealing the full Moon in all her glory. The sand beneath my back was powder soft as I grasped a handful and sat up. Waves crested and broke near my feet, sending a warm, salty spray against my bare legs.


  I turned to the voice. A bright light greeted my eyes, causing me to squint.

  Tinkling laughter sounded. “Sorry about that. It’s been so long since I’ve been in the presence of mortals.”

  The light dimmed and I blinked away the spots obstructing my vision. Her pink lips curled into an amused smile while Her pale blue eyes twinkled with starlight. No matter how hard I tried, those were the only things I could see. Her face shifted and rippled through a thousand shapes, never settling on one long enough to commit to memory.

  “All Mother?” I asked in a small voice.

  “Yes, Daughter. I am here.”

  My brow furrowed in confusion. “Here?”

  She smiled and shook Her head. “Is that really your question?”

  I thought for a moment. No, it wasn’t. “What am I?”

  Delight graced Her changing face as it brightened once more. Bells chimed as She replied, “My Chosen.”


  Rough hands shook me, “Sora!”

  I opened my eyes to Sasha’s worried face.

  “Oh, thank God!” She shouted with joy, “She’s awake!”

  My voice cracked as I corrected her, “Goddess.”

  Her dark brows lowered questioningly.

  “Goddess,” I repeated. “Thank the Goddess.”

  She nodded and bent her head to my ear, “Thank the Goddess you’re alright.”

  With a satisfied nod, I smiled and passed out.


  I could sense the Goddess’s presence around Sora when she collapsed from the expenditure of magic.

  She woke for a moment and Sasha shouted, then she promptly lost consciousness again.

  Doing the All Mother’s work was clearly taking a toll on her half human body.

  Blaze scooped her limp form to his thick chest and strode away.

  Mel approached me, “Hey, are you doing alright?”

  I nodded, taking in his brightly colored Hawaiian shirt, grey board shorts and flip flops. His chest puffed up at my appraisal and I blushed. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  A hesitant smile lifted the corner of his lips, “Some show, huh?” His brows raised as he nodded to Sasha.

  I rubbed my chest, feeling the echo of agony that Sora had taken the brunt of and scoffed, “Yes, some show.”

  His brow furrowed. “I meant no offense. I’m Mel.” He lifted a thick arm and extended his hand.

  “I know,” I said and rose my own in response.

  As our fingers touched, a static charge shocked up my arm and I gasped.

  His brows lowered and he inspected our joined hands while we shook. He inhaled and rumbled, “Huh.”

  Confused, I asked, “Huh?”

  Releasing my hand, he stepped back. “Pleasure to meet you, Natalie.”

  Then he was gone, lost in the crowd while I wondered what the hell that was all about.


  I watched from behind the bar as Sasha racked the balls for another game of cutthroat. Her pink lips lifted into a smirk at something Allie said and they laughed.

  It was surreal, like Jake’s death had never happened.

  Natalie fingered a pool cue, unsure of which weight to use for breaking.

  “Try the 21oz,” Allie said with a jerk of her head.

  “Ok,” Natalie replied, grabbing the stick.

  Sasha helped her into position, coaching her on how hard she should hit the cue ball.

  I polished off my whiskey and poured another.

  Jackson entered from the side hall. As my gaze met his, he gave a slow nod. I released a relieved sigh, Sora was okay.

  He settled on a leather stool while I poured four fingers for him. I wasn’t sure if I was drinking from the stress or drinking to celebrate. Hell, maybe it was to take away the small hollow ache in my chest from Sasha’s grief. It was a small price to pay to have her back though, and one I would gladly pay a million times over.

  “Hey,” he rumbled, grabbing my hand.

  My face softened and I smiled. “Hey, yourself.”

  He tipped his head, “Some night, right?”

  I nodded, “You doing okay?”

  His brows lifted, “Yes. It’s hard, but for the first time in a long while things are clearer. I feel grounded, if that makes sense.”

  Cocking my head, I quipped, “Yeah, it’s because I’m a super awesomesauce Mate. You lucked out big time.”

  He smirked and replied sarcastically, “That must be it. I don’t know how I ever managed to survive the centuries without you.”

  “Damned right,” I grinned. I knew he meant every word despite his tone, and I felt the same. Well mostly, minus the century thing.

  “Want to get out of here?” He asked with a mischievous twinkle in his sapphire eyes.

  “Hmm, I don’t know,” I tried for a serious face. “This is really good whiskey. What could you possibly have in mind that’s better than good alcohol?” I rolled the glass between my hands for a moment before reaching for the bottle.

  He grabbed the bottle before I could blink. “Maybe we should bring it with us and I’ll show you?”

  With mock sadness, I sighed. “I suppose.”

  He lifted his corded arm and tapped my nose with one finger, “You’re it.” Then he flashed out of the room.

  Ack! What an ass! He took the fucking whiskey!

  “Bye girls!” I shouted over my shoulder as I zipped after him.


  “So, I think I have you to thank for the grief ritual?” Sasha asked with a raised brow.

  I blushed. “Not really, I just told Sora something that I’d heard about in LA. She’s the one that figured out the details and performed the ritual.”

  Allie piped in with a toss of her red hair, “Don’t sell yourself short kiddo. Without you, we wouldn’t have even known it existed in the first place.”

  “Right,” Sasha nodded. “So, thanks.” Her rouge lips lifted into a genuine smile.

  My ears reddened and I stammered, “Um, uh, you’re welcome.”

  These two were insanely nice. I loved them instantly.

  Sasha moved around the table, her long mocha legs made short work of the distance as she pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

  I patted her back awkwardly with my face crushed against her boob, “Can’t breathe!”

  She released me and leaned back with a grin. “Sorry. It’s usually all Vampires here and I forget my strength.” She flexed a toned bicep.

  “Hey,” Allie interrupted. “Why didn’t you choose to be turned anyway?”

  My brow furrowed, “And stay 19 forever? No thanks. I want to see if I can get some of those,” I nodded to her large breasts that were barely contained in her green corset.

giggled and looked down at them affectionately, “Good reason.”

  My cheeks pinked, again. I wasn’t usually so open with anyone.

  “Aw, look Allie.” Sasha said jovially, “You’re making her blush.”

  I tucked my chin to my chest in embarrassment and hid behind my hair.

  “Nope,” Sasha tipped my face up. “You’re too beautiful to hide. Pretty soon we’ll rub off on you. You’ll be just as outrageous as we are.”

  Allie chuckled and leaned on her pool stick, “Truth.”

  We played a few more games. I’d never laughed so much in my entire life.


  Sora stretched languidly beside him on their king-sized bed. Covering her mouth, she looked over and whispered, “Hi.”

  He pulled her hand away from her face and rumbled back, “Hi, Love.”

  She smiled and slapped her hand back to her mouth, covering a wide yawn. Rolling to her side, she shifted to get out of bed.

  “Why are you covering your mouth?” He queried.

  She stopped and lifted a brow, “Um, morning breath?”

  He chuckled and watched her perfect rear as she padded naked to the bathroom.

  When the water turned on, he reflected on the previous night’s events. She’d nearly given him a heart attack. Again. He still had no clue what had happened, but whatever it was, it had worked. Sasha was almost normal. He could still feel a pinch of pain in his chest, but it was barely noticeable. Then again, spread throughout the entire Clutch, it made sense.

  Sora padded back to the side of the bed, “Shower?” she asked.

  He shook his head and patted the mattress. “Tell me what happened.”

  Fidgeting with the tie of her silver robe, she sat and rolled her shoulders. “I really don’t know. One moment I was in front of Sasha, then this horrible pain hit my chest. It felt like I was being ripped apart.” She shuddered, “Then I was somewhere else.”

  He grabbed her fingers and nodded for her to continue.

  “I was on a beach, surrounded by the glow of the Moon. I think I met Her, the All Mother. Her eyes were pale blue and they twinkled with starlight.”

  He squeezed her hand, “Like yours?”

  Her brow furrowed.

  “When you do magic, your eyes light from within and swirl. They do it almost all the time now. It’s beautiful,” he said softly.

  She shrugged, “Okay. I tried to see Her face, but it kept changing. I could only make out Her pink lips and eyes.”

  He answered, “She is the Goddess of many, so that would make sense. What did She say?”

  “She called me Chosen. Then I woke up to Sasha yelling in my face.” She paused, “What’s happening to me, Blaze?”

  Tugging on her hand, he pulled her into his arms. “I don’t know, Love.”

  Chapter 11


  My boots tapped out an impatient cadence as I paced the marble floor of the Seattle Stronghold. What could be taking the Council so long? This was urgent.

  I’d submitted my failure to find the source of the hotel that had been burned to the ground with dire-fire. Then as punishment, I’d been sent back to that godforsaken desert. If I was honest with myself, I probably would have gone back anyway.

  Something was happening down there, and Sora was the key. I still couldn’t believe she was with those corrupted creatures. I shuddered, swallowing bile as my breakfast threatened to make a reappearance. Disgusting.

  The chamber doors opened and a hooded figure in a black robe silently moved into the hall. “The Council will see you now,” he said.

  About time, I thought, bypassing him and stepped into the room.

  The stone walls had stood for over a thousand years and were once a part of the original structure of Seattle. We lived beneath the feet of the humans above, out of sight from their miniscule, little lives. The great fire of 1889 hadn’t breached our walls then, and now we had grown even stronger. It was easy to manipulate them, to take their money and continue fighting for the greater good.

  The large round room consisted of a raised dais with a polished semicircle stone table. Six hard chairs of the same material sat around its length; to remind the Councilmembers that ruling wasn’t a comfort, but a necessity. Tall red banners draped the walls, each with a different element embroidered on their wide panels. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

  The side door opened and the Council members moved single file to their seats. Their robes were all scarlet, denoting their position. I couldn’t tell if they were women or men, the thick hoods covered every inch of them and shadowed their faces.

  Silence reigned as they settled into their chairs.

  “Daisy Montgomery,” a male voice boomed from everywhere and nowhere at once.

  I dropped to a knee in submission and glued my eyes to the floor. “Yes, Councilmember.”

  “You failed in your first task to find the cause of the unauthorized dire-fire.”

  “Yes, Councilmember,” my shoulders rounded at the weight of his words.

  A female voice continued, “You have disappointed us. Now you return with stories of a woman, Sora, whom we cast out. A woman we determined had no magic; yet you reported she has been Turned.”

  Sweat beaded on my brow, “Yes, Councilmember.”

  “Do you understand the gravity of this situation?” A soft female voice asked.

  Gritting my teeth, I answered, “Yes, Councilmember.”

  “According to your latest report, this Sora,” disgust laced his words, “has magic. Magic that you have seen with your own eyes.”

  I waited, daring not to answer until a question was asked.

  “Miss Montgomery,” another male voice boomed. “Have your read your reports?”

  My brow furrowed in confusion. “Yes, Councilmember.”

  “Then tell me, how could one that had been Turned, been out in daylight during your first visit?”

  Shock iced my veins. It had been daylight. How could I have missed that? Stupid, stupid, stupid! “Apologies, Councilmember.” I cringed, “Please forgive my ignorance.”

  The soft female voice answered again, “None are needed. This is incredibly valuable information.” She paused, “Tell me of the magic you witnessed.”

  I sighed in relief and answered in a factual tone, “It was a full Moon. The entire Clutch had gathered on the lawn to bury a body. A casket was beside a large hole that had been dug into the earth. Sora strode forward from her place beside the Master of the Clutch. Power amplified her words and I felt the Goddess’s presence. She said, ‘Daughter, I bring you home to where you are welcome, where you will be safe. This is not the end of your journey, but the beginning.’ Sora’s fingers lit with white light and she drew a shimmering form out from beneath the lid of the casket. Lightning came down from the sky without thunder. When my vision had cleared, the apparition was gone.”

  My heart pounded hard as I awaited my judgement. If I was found to be lacking in any way, my magic would be stripped and I would be cast out; shunned by my own kind, and completely helpless in the human world.

  Another minute passed when I dared to look up. Every member sat perfectly still, frozen in time. I waited some more as I studied their poses.

  “Chosen!” The male voice roared and stood.

  I started at his outburst and fell back hard on my ass.

  They all began talking and shouting at once while I righted myself once more.



  “A Dhampir? Now?”

  “It cannot be true!”

  “She spoke?”

  “It has begun…”

  “Silence!” A different male voice raged, causing my ears to ring as his power slipped and invisible whips of energy ruffled my hair. He rumbled with fury, “Are you certain?”

  “Yes, Councilmember,” I whispered. “I swear to the Goddess that is what happened.”

  Thunder rolled through the room while everyone held their breath, wa
iting for the Goddess to strike me down.

  Silence reined in its wake.

  I cleared my throat and dared to ask the one question swirling in my mind. “What does Chosen mean?”

  “Out!” The female screamed, lifting her hands. Red flames lit her white skin and flickered malevolently. The light raced toward my kneeled position; striking me square in the chest. My body lifted from the stone floor and slammed against the door.

  Panicked, I tried to move but couldn’t. I was pinned. My white tunic began to smoke when finally, with a loud screech, the door gave way and spilled me into the hall.

  Boom! The doors slammed shut before I could raise my head.

  With trembling fingers, I gritted my teeth and checked my scalp. My hand came away covered in crimson. I took a deep breath and my ribs screamed in protest.

  Picking myself up off the ground, I limped back to my room with my thoughts spinning wildly. What was this Chosen?

  The pain was almost unbearable as I sat on my cot. Lifting my hand, I called on my healing powers and lightly brushed my fingers over the worst damage. Warmth filtered through my nerves and I sighed in relief.

  Goddess, that was awful. What the hell had twisted their robes in a bunch anyway? More importantly, how could a Vampire possess magic and walk in the daylight?

  The thoughts continued to roll in my skull like angry bees while I showered and dressed in my small bathroom. Pulling my wet auburn hair into a low ponytail, I lifted my pink polo and inspected my chest. Angry red welts marked my skin. I’d tried as hard as I could, but healing them was beyond me. My green eyes glared back at me from above my upturned nose while I peered into the mirror. I’d really fucked up.

  I grabbed a granola bar from my bag and paced my tiny room while slapping it against my palm.

  If they weren’t going to tell me, then I’d figure it out for myself.

  Looping my bag over my shoulder, I closed the heavy oak door and made my way to the library.

  Chapter 12


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