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Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2

Page 13

by Janelle Peel


  Once things had settled, I decided it was a good time to work with Natalie on her magic.

  “Close your eyes.” I said to her from my seat on the bench in the courtyard.

  She closed her eyes and mumbled, “Okay.”

  “Look deep inside yourself, find your magic. Describe it to me once you’ve found it.”

  While I waited, my mind wandered. What was all this Chosen business? What exactly did it mean, and what was the Chosen supposed to do? I’d ransacked the library, but couldn’t find a single reference to it. Everyone I’d asked seemed to know of it, like Blaze, but it was all just hearsay. I had nothing concrete to back it up.

  Natalie whispered, “I’ve got it. It’s like a purple candle flame.”

  “Good. Now, put your hands onto the soil beside you. Try to coax that flame down to the earth.”

  Her brow furrowed, “Wasn’t it red before?”

  “Yes,” I said dismissively, “now focus.”

  I’d picked the courtyard intentionally, just in case there were any mishaps. The infinity pool had the water element covered. Earth was beneath her rear on the ground. The retractable roof covered the air aspect, leaving fire. Everything out here was green, so with a bit of luck the topiaries would be safe.

  Scrunching her nose, she doubled her efforts before sighing in frustration. “I can’t. I see it, but it’s just stationary.”

  I stood, “That’s fine. My magic works differently than everyone else’s. I just figured it was worth a shot.”

  Her hazel eyes opened. With a skeptical look, she quipped, “Lucky you.”

  I guffawed. “Looks like the girls are rubbing off on you, huh?”

  Her cheeks pinked and she slapped a hand over her mouth, “I’m so sorry. I really don’t know why I said that.”

  “It’s fine,” I waved a hand. “I’m happy to hear your thoughts. Although, I would not classify my magic as lucky. I can make things happen, but I have to wing it. You can study a book and get the exact results you want.”

  Her face turned thoughtful as she lowered her hand, “I guess you’re right. So, what’s next?”

  I held out a hand and pulled her upright. “Next, I have a meeting with Mel.” My brow lifted as she blushed again. “You should probably get a book on each element, so we can experiment.”

  She tipped her head to the side curiously, “Is he bringing Rowe?”

  “No,” I shook my head, “His text said he was bringing someone though, and that we should meet outside. I figured here in the courtyard would be good.”

  She looked at me imploringly.

  I smiled. “Yes, you can come.”

  A grin lit her face, “Back in a minute, I’m going to grab those books.”


  The compilation of books was somewhat limited. We were in a Vampire library after all.

  I skimmed the offerings and selected one on each element at random. No matter what I found, knowledge was power right?

  Clutching the books to my chest, I popped into the smaller kitchen to grab a snack.

  “Good evening, Miss Natalie.” Julian said, issuing his standard half bow. “What can I assist you with?”

  “Hey, Julian,” I smiled, taking in his starched white polo. “Do we have any jerky?”

  He nodded, “Of course, one moment.” Tucking the clipboard under his arm, his shoes squeaked on the tile floor as he made his way to the pantry. “Is there a specific flavor you had in mind?”

  “Not really.” I replied, “Original, teriyaki, I’m not picky.”

  A rustling sounded and a plastic bag crinkled as he reappeared with a bag. “Original.” His brows lifted, “Is this to your satisfaction?”

  I grinned and took the bag of Oberto from his outstretched hand. “Yup, it’s perfect. Thanks, Jules.”

  He smiled fondly, “Not a problem, Miss Natalie. Will there be anything else?”

  “Nope.” I turned to the swinging door while he bowed again. “Have a good night,” I said over my shoulder.

  It was weird being called Miss, I mused on my way back to the courtyard. It was also strange that I didn’t have to skulk around and try to be unnoticed. No one attacked me or made me feel unwelcome. I’d really lucked out here.

  My bare feet slapped against the marble floor as I rounded the large pool and stopped.

  Oh, my Goddess! A puppy! I rushed the last few yards to Sora’s side, bouncing with excitement.

  “Hey, Nat.” Mel rumbled.

  I nodded, not taking my eyes off the exuberant bundle of fur attacking the bird of paradise blooms.

  Sora bumped me with her hip, “Nat, meet Bex.”

  “Bex,” I whispered, stepping forward.

  Bex’s ears pricked. Ice blue eyes met mine from a snow white furred face and a lupine smile smudged with orange flowers.

  I slowly lowered to my knees, setting the jerky and books on the bench beside me.

  His or her head cocked to the side before disappearing beneath the shrubs. A rustling sounded just before a flash of white shot out from beneath a bush, headed straight for me.

  Mel stepped forward and plucked the pup from the ground by the ruff. “No,” he rumbled sternly.

  Bex whined and my shoulders deflated.

  Turning, Mel placed the disgruntled ball of fluff back in front of me.

  I smiled in response and lifted my fingers.

  “Bex,” Mel grumbled a low warning.

  Bex chuffed through his or her nose, completely unimpressed with his reprimand and padded closer to me.

  Mel chuckled, “Bex is female, and quite the handful.”

  “Hi, Gorgeous,” I whispered.

  She sniffed my outstretched fingers with her cold nose. Turning, she brushed her silky white fur against my open palm. She circled and repeated the motion twice more.

  “She likes you,” Mel said in a pleased voice.

  Bex cocked her head and looked up to Mel, then back at me. Her tongue lolled as she turned to my discarded jerky bag. Touching it with her nose, she whined.

  I lifted my gaze to Mel, “Can she have some?”

  He smiled, “A piece or two shouldn’t hurt, but don’t let her sweet talk you for any more than that.”

  Nodding, I grabbed the bag and tore open the plastic.

  Bex sat and watched attentively. Her tail drummed an excited beat on the grass.

  “She’s my sister’s pup. My sister,” his voice cracked, “she uh, she didn’t make it.”

  My brows lowered and I looked to Sora for clarification with the jerky forgotten in my hands.

  “Mel’s sister was killed by a hunter a couple months ago. This is her daughter.” Sora said.

  My heart broke. How awful.

  A soft whine pulled me from my sad thoughts. Bex sat there, patiently waiting with her blue eyes glued to the bag.

  “Okay, okay, I’m going.” Reaching in, I grabbed a small chunk and held it out to her.

  She eyed me for a second to see if I would take it back.

  “Go ahead, Beautiful,” I said encouragingly.

  She shifted closer and gently took the jerky from my hands with her teeth. Her tail wagged once before she took off back beneath the bush with her prize.

  A silly smile lit my face and I stood. She was adorable. “When will she shift?”

  Mel sighed, “Shifts usually happen sporadically during the first year, but she hasn’t shifted at all. She’s 5 months old and was born in this form.”

  “Is that normal, to be born a Wolf?” Sora questioned.

  He shook his head, “No. Tristen had to shift to give birth.”

  My brows lowered, “What about her father?”

  His eyes closed in pain for a moment before he jerked his head in the negative, “It’s just me now.”

  I touched his arm in sympathy and received a static shock. Shrugging it off, I mumbled, “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you,” his eyes softened. He turned his gaze to Sora, �
�This is why human life means so little to me.”

  “I understand,” she said with a nod. “Nat, would you mind keeping an eye on Bex? I have some things to discuss with Mel.”

  Grinning, I answered, “Absolutely, I’d love to.”

  As they walked back into the pool area, Bex poked her head back out from beneath a shrub.

  I grabbed the jerky, sat on the stone bench and watched her in my peripheral vision.

  Slowly, she stalked forward on silent paws with her ears swiveling in multiple directions. Hunching lower to the ground, she padded closer until she was at my side. Lifting her muzzle, she woofed softly.

  “Just one more, your Alpha said so.” I replied.

  She snorted.

  Dominant little thing, I thought, reaching back into the bag. My brow lifted as I pulled out another piece, “I’ll make you a deal.”

  Her head tilted, flopping one ear forward with the motion.

  Leaning down, I whispered into her ear. “If you stay out here with me while I read, I’ll give you an extra piece when I’m done. Deal?”

  She licked my face in response.

  I guess we had an agreement. Standing, I grabbed everything and padded out into the grass beneath a spotlight shaped like a palm tree. Once I’d settled onto my stomach with a book in front of my face, I held the jerky out.

  Tentatively, she lifted her lips and gingerly took the offering. When I didn’t move, she stepped closer and laid down against my side.

  Satisfied, I opened a book and began to read.


  “So, you don’t know anything about it?” I asked.

  “No, I’m sorry, I don’t.” He shrugged, “I can put Rowe on it though, she loves to read. If we have anything relating to the Chosen, she will be able to find it.”

  I sighed in defeat. “Okay, it was worth a shot.”

  His brows lowered, “She talks to you?”

  This was it, the time where I decided to tell him everything or leave the Pack in the dark. Goddess, please don’t let this be a mistake.

  A warm breeze blew in from the courtyard, rippling the pool water in its wake. Bells tinkled and a soft voice whispered, “He is mine Daughter, as are you. Trust in yourself.”

  Mel’s eyes widened and he bowed his head reverently.

  With a deep breath, I answered his question. “Yes, She says I am Her Chosen.”

  He nodded, not meeting my eyes as I rushed on, “I have this weird magic. I don’t need spells or potions. Blaze calls me a Vampire Mage Hybrid because I am still at least half human.”

  “Okaaaay,” he drew out.

  “The Council knows I’m here,” I continued.

  He growled.

  “And now, well, I don’t know what to do.” I gritted my teeth in frustration, “Blaze fears that they would use me as a weapon, or worse. The Goddess chose me for a task that I don’t even understand.” I paused, “It just feels like I’m playing poker with half of the deck against a person that has all the cards.”

  Lifting his face, his eyes flashed gold before shifting back to their normal chocolate. “The Council is evil. You do know that, right?”

  I jerked my head, “That’s just it, I don’t know anything. I just barely received my magic. I wasn’t privy to a lot of their inner workings during my time there.”

  His brows furrowed for a moment as he came to a decision. “I will tell you about my experience with the Council. You can decide for yourself after you’ve heard me out.”

  I nodded eagerly. Finally!

  He turned back to the pool and adopted a monotone. “I told you that Shifters were being hunted, this is true and still is. Humans hunt us on occasion, but the majority of Hunters come from the Council.” I gasped and he held up a finger before continuing. “They see us as twisted abominations, regardless of the fact that the Goddess Herself created us. We were once Protectors of the magical world. Something happened, and no, I don’t know what, to change all that. They began training Mages to hunt us. Our race was nearly wiped out.” His tone hardened, “There are still some Mages sympathetic to our cause; the one you killed was one of them.”

  Gently, I placed my hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  He rolled a heavily muscled shoulder, shaking off my hand with the motion. “It doesn’t matter, what’s done is done. Both of our people have suffered over old prejudices, I hold no grudge against you. I would have done the same for my Mate; consequences be dammed.”

  “Do y-you,” I stammered, “have a Mate?”


  We were silent for a few minutes, lost in our own thoughts when he picked up where he left off. “The Council views anyone with power as a direct threat to them. They have veered off of Her path.” He gazed at me, “Did you know their magic used to be blue? Like yours was before?”

  I shook my head. “I’ve only ever seen the red, like Natalie’s was. Even my parent’s magic was red.” My brows dipped, “Now mine is purple.”

  “I don’t know the reason for that, but if you take the blue and red, purple would make sense. She is yours, right?” he asked.

  “Yes, she swore fealty to our Clutch.” I loosened the tie from my braid and began finger combing the silver tresses. “Why?”

  “Well, if her magic mixed with yours…”

  Wrapping a finger around a lock, I muttered, “Yes, I get it. You know, it also changed after I claimed the Pack.”

  “How so?” he queried.

  I dropped my hair and pointed to him, “Your magic is a brilliant green. When I took your blood, mine turned turquoise as a result. Now if we continue with that theory,” I clapped once, “it makes a weird sort of sense.”

  “I didn’t know my magic had a color,” he mumbled.

  “Trust me, it does. Or at least it does to me.” I bumped his shoulder and grinned, “Your blood tastes like wild things.”

  He chuckled, “Wild things, huh?”

  I nodded, “Crazy, right?”

  His lips lifted into a smirk and he puffed out his thick chest, “I am pretty wild.”

  I slapped his shoulder and laughed, “Yeah, your orange flip flops are a riot.”

  “Hey, I explained that already,” he smiled. “They’re easier to shift with.”


  A snapping sound woke me. Damn, I’d fallen asleep.

  Shifting to my side, I looked around for Bex, only she wasn’t there. Panicking, I stood and started searching the shrubs. A soft whimper drew my attention near the massive wall that held up one side of the retractable steel roof.

  I rushed over, wishing I could use my magic to see. The Moon only lit so much with her crescent shape this far into the courtyard.

  Another whimper sounded as I pushed through a box shaped topiary and squinted my eyes for anything white.

  “Bex! Where are you?” I whispered frantically.

  Leaves crunched while I fought with the foliage.


  White flashed behind a large grass plant and I changed direction again.

  I sighed with relief as I picked out her silhouette. There she was.

  Dark splotches marred her fur near her hind leg. I lowered myself to my knees on the ground to get a closer look and gasped. Goddess, she’d broken her leg! No! I sobbed as I untangled her from the roots that had snagged her paw.

  A keening met my ears followed by a low growl.

  “It’s okay Bex, it’s just me. I’ve almost got it.” I whispered soothingly.

  I pulled one more time, freeing her from the tangle of roots.

  Her eyes flashed amber and her upper lip lifted in the darkness.


  Fast as lightning, she nipped my finger.

  I sucked in a breath and hoped she didn’t break the skin. “Shh, I know it hurts baby, but I’ve got you.” I said as calmly as I could.

  Gently, I lifted her small form into my arms; careful not to jostle her leg.

  Making my way back was harder, but I finally g
ot us free and laid her onto the grass.

  “Mel!” I cried, “Sora!”

  I prayed to the Goddess. Help me!

  My hands lit with violet flame, brightening the area around us. I dropped to my knees and hovered my hands over Bex’s broken leg. Please, please, please work!

  White light flashed and a soothing warmth emitted from my palms. Bex instantly quieted her struggles and chuffed with relief.

  Sora flashed before me and knelt onto the grass. “What happened?”

  My light show cut off abruptly. Sora tossed a purple energy ball into the air before I could blink.

  I sobbed, “I don’t know. I think I fell asleep. I heard whimpering.”

  A large chocolate colored Wolf loped into view; a low growl rumbled from his chest as he stopped by Bex. Using his nose, he gently prodded her side and she snorted in reply. Mel sat and licked her back leg; cleaning the blood from her white fur. Satisfied, he lifted his shaggy head, his amber eyes met mine and his upper lip rose.

  “Stop,” Sora barked. “It was an accident.”

  Bex popped up and took off, finished with our drama.

  I watched with wide eyes as Mel stared back. Goddess, he was huge. Lifting my hand, I held it out to him.

  “I wouldn’t,” Sora cautioned.

  Mel chuffed in amusement and stood his full height. Nearly as tall as a horse, he towered over me. Slowly, he leaned closer and sniffed my hand. His tongue darted out, catching the left-over blood from Bex’s wound on my palm.

  He rumbled in disapproval and issued a sharp yip.

  Bex darted back with her tail tucked between her legs.

  He growled again and she flattened her ears before lowering her belly to the ground.

  Between one blink and the next, a man stood before me in human form. A very naked, well-endowed Mel, to be exact. I blushed and looked to Sora.

  Her brows met her hairline, “Um, Mel? Some clothes?”

  He grabbed my hand and dropped to the ground, shifting his muscular thigh to cover his manhood. Turning my hand over, he inspected my fingers. Finding the one that was bitten, he tugged me closer and stuck it in his mouth.

  I froze, too freaked out to react.

  “Mel!” Sora shouted, “What the hell are you doing?!”

  Gently, he removed my finger and looked to Sora somberly, “Bex bit her.”


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