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The Climb

Page 21

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “Fair enough,” Skyler responded. I can always count on you to be blunt.

  “Third, you won’t get kicked out of the house for being gay or doing gay things like dating a gay dude. We already know you’re gay; we love the fact that you’re gay. But honestly, it’s not a big deal for us. Like I already told you, gay isn’t who you are, it’s your sexuality. Besides, it’s not like we would expect you to do something not-gay, like date a girl. So, that’s that.”

  “Okay,” Skyler said. I guess I am being a little paranoid.

  “Fourth, or whatever, yeah you’ve been here about three weeks but seriously, why is that a reason for you not to live your life? You have to be you, Sky. That’s who my parents want you to be. That’s who I want you to be, too. We don’t want you to be someone else. No one is ever ready for their first, or second, or third, uh, boyfriend, lover, partner, whatever. Each time is unique. You had something special with Cam and you’ll have something special with Kalin, or whoever catches your eye next.”

  You’re right, he’s already caught my eye.

  “And finally, really, really believe, we will be okay when you get a boyfriend. We can handle it. My parents handled bitchy and self-centered Annika, remember? You’ve already demonstrated an interest in someone much nicer than her. So, in a sense, I set the bar low by dating the worst person ever. You can only go up from there.”

  Skyler laughed and grinned at CK. “Since you put it that way, I guess you’re right. I get everything you’ve said, and it makes a lot of sense. I’m just…I’m a little, or maybe a lot, scared.”

  “You should be scared out of your mind because I promise you, Tracy and I will be vicious jokesters but we never want to hurt you, ever. I know she likes you a lot, and you’re my brother now. We’re supposed to pick on each other. Now come here.”

  Skyler stood as CK waded toward him. He smiled as CK’s arms opened to give him another hug. CK spoke as he squeezed. “I like you a lot, Sky. Again, I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more thoughtful.”

  “Thanks, CK,” Skyler said. “I’ll try not to be such a basket case. Remember though, the very thing that got me kicked out of the Tinsdale’s is the exact thing you’re telling me is totally okay now. That’s a bit of a brain warp for me.”

  CK released Skyler from the bear hug and grabbed him by the shoulders. “If you need to be a basket case for a while, that’s fine. And, it’s not a thing, Skyler, it’s who you are.” CK paused as something clicked in his brain. “Oh, right. I totally get how being out of the closet was a problem for you in the past. Remember, we’re on your side, and we really like who you are, Skyler. I’m sorry if I’m being too pushy but I want you to know how okay it is for you to be you.”

  Skyler smiled. I get it, but I need time. I’m sick of this already. “Okay, okay. Let’s get the pool cleaned and stuff. Kal will be here soon.”

  “That’s my boy!” CK exclaimed.

  The conversation relaxed and bounced around other topics as the boys skimmed the pool for bugs and hosed down the deck. CK set out some of the lounge chair cushions. After, they ate a quick lunch and decided to clean up before Kalin and Tracy came over.

  As Skyler tidied up his bedroom, the music playing from CK’s sound system suddenly became louder. Skyler turned and saw CK dancing in the bathroom doorway, wearing only his running shorts. “Skyler, I’m gonna shaaaaaave right now,” he sang loudly to the chorus of Katie Perry’s Firework.

  “CK!” Dale yelled from downstairs.

  CK’s eyes widened with surprise and he ran into his room to shut off the music. Then he popped his head over the railing and looked down at his dad on the first floor. “Sorry, Dad,”

  “Not so loud, son. I normally wouldn’t mind but I’m on an important call right now.”

  “Okay, sorry.”

  “Have fun,” Dale said, retreating to his home office.

  “Way to go,” Skyler whispered to CK when he stepped into his bedroom.

  CK smiled, shrugged, and stepped into the bathroom.

  Skyler checked his watch: 1:10. Shit, I’m not going to have time to shower if CK takes his time in the bathroom. I guess it’s time to test the boundaries of brotherhood.

  As CK spread shaving foam on his face, Skyler walked to the shower and started it. Then he walked back out. “Skyler, you’re a firework,” CK sang after him. Skyler chuckled. He gave the water a few more seconds and figured it would be at the right temperature.

  Summoning his courage, he walked into the bathroom and dropped his running shorts. He kicked them up into his hand with his foot and dropped them into the blue hamper. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the reflection of CK’s face express shock in the mirror. Skyler walked to the shower and opened the glass door. As he stepped in, he turned his head toward CK, who stared at him, razor-in-hand and frozen in time.

  “Hey, you said it first, we’re brothers, right?”

  CK shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “No kidding,” he said with astonishment. He turned back to the mirror and brought the razor to his face. “Skyler, you’re a firework,” he sang out as the final chorus played on the stereo. Skyler shook his head and clicked the glass door shut.

  After the boys finished cleaning up, they put on their swimsuits on and headed down to the pool. They didn’t see Dale smile at them from a window in his home office.

  * * *

  Skyler opened the slider and stepped on to the deck with CK. Once outside, Tracy greeted them as she lazily floated in the pool, “Afternoon, boys. About time you join me.” She looked at an imaginary watch on her wrist.

  “Make yourself at home, why don’t you,” CK said.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she happily responded, gently splashing the pool water with her fingertips.

  Skyler looked at the time on his iPhone. “Yeah yeah, we’re a few minutes late.”

  “So is your boy,” Tracy said. CK put his hand up and said to her, “Hey, let’s not do that right now, okay?”

  Tracy looked at him quizzically but nodded. “Okie dokie.”

  Skyler smiled and spread his towel out on one of the lounge chairs.

  “Hi guys,” a voice said from the side of the deck area. Skyler turned around and smiled when he saw Kalin walking toward them. Their eyes locked briefly.

  “Hey, Kal,” CK said, together with Tracy.

  “Hey, Kal,” Skyler echoed. Kalin smiled at him. “Hi, Skyler. Hi, everyone.”

  Skyler didn’t see CK and Tracy quickly glance at each other with amusement on their faces. What he did see was Kalin’s handsome frame saunter across the deck toward him adorned with the same red swimsuit he wore at the barbecue. Today, he had paired it with a white tank top. Although sunglasses hid his eyes, Skyler enjoyed seeing his sun-bleached, dirty blond hair and the outline of his beautiful face. Damn, look at that jawline. He could be…

  “You look like a lifeguard,” Skyler said.

  “Someone need saving?” Kalin asked. “Like you?” With a swift motion, he gave Skyler a hug. Skyler’s eyes widened with surprise but he kept it together and hugged him back. Wow, he feels good…really good.

  “Um, yeah, it’s really good to see you again,” Kalin said.

  “Same here,” Skyler blurted out. He felt the blood rushing in his shorts. He quickly broke the hug. “I, uh, want to get wet first.” His voice went up at the end of the sentence.

  Kalin tilted his head. An amused expression appeared on his face. “Is that a statement or a question?”

  “Ha,” Skyler said, laughing nervously. “I mean, let’s jump in the pool. I love cannonballing near Tracy!” He quickly turned around and covertly covered his crotch with one hand and ran toward the pool.

  “Skyler Phoenix, don’t you dare!” Tracy yelled, but it was too late. Skyler jumped off the pool deck and sailed through the air, his arms wrapped around coiled knees that were tucked tightly against his chest.

  With a big splash, Skyler landed in the water near Tracy and soaked her. She screamed with ann

  “Looks like fun,” CK yelled, jumping in after Skyler.

  Tracy screamed as CK splashed her with his cannonball. “You guys! Quit being pricks,” she pleaded, exasperated with their antics.

  Skyler and CK surfaced and high-fived each other in the water. CK and Skyler turned to look at Kalin. Hot damn. Kalin had taken off his white tank top and was standing shirtless near the edge of the pool. Skyler’s eyes explored Kalin’s lean but fit physique. I want to feel all your muscles under my fingertips. Jeez, Skyler, where did that thought come from?

  “You coming?” CK asked.

  “Soon enough,” Kalin said, winking at them.

  “Kalin Mars!” Tracy yelled. He took two running steps and launched himself into the air. Flipping forward, he coiled his legs and arms into the all-too-familiar cannonball position.

  “I don’t believe it,” Tracy said with utter disbelief.

  Kalin cannonballed into the pool and sent a wave of water into the air. Tracy barely had enough time to turn her face before it splashed her again.

  “Wow,” Skyler said, happy that Kalin’s dive won the unofficial contest. Kalin surfaced and shook the water out of his hair. Jesus, could you get any sexier?

  “Sorry, Tracy, I had to.”

  “Ugh, boys,” she said, exasperated.

  Skyler turned around and looked at Tracy. She was too busy wiping the water out of her eyes to notice CK swimming underwater toward her.

  “I don’t understand why we can’t have a relaxing af…” She stopped speaking as an expression of horror appeared on her face. She squinted and peered down into the water beneath her. CK pushed off from the bottom of the pool and swam upward. Suddenly, his hands and arms shot above the surface and grabbed both sides of her float. She screamed as she flipped over.

  “She’s gonna kill you,” Skyler said, laughing.

  “Yep,” CK said.

  Tracy flailed in the water and then grabbed the float. Even though her black hair clung to her face, Skyler could see her fun-with-fake-anger expression. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and pointed at CK. “If you ever do that to me again, mister……”

  “Who me?” he teased. CK smiled innocently and pointed at himself.

  Tracy grunted and tried to pull herself onto the float, but failed. She screamed as she lost her balance and rotated backward into the water, prompting more laughter from CK and Skyler.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Kalin asked, treading water nearby.

  Skyler nodded and swam toward Kalin. “Yeah, they have a love-hate relationship,” he said. “Like brother and sister. I’m pretty sure she’s only teasing him, I think.” Although I think you’re being a bit rough with her. Are you showing off or something?

  “Oh, okay.”

  “She’ll be fine,” CK said, splashing water in their general direction.

  Tracy surfaced and swam between them. “Excuse me,” she said dramatically, pulling the float behind her. She winked at Skyler. “I’m going on the deck where it’s safe from you brutes,” she declared. Then she climbed out of the pool and walked over to one of the loungers and sat down on it.

  “We could toss a ball around,” CK said. “Play some Monkey-in-the-Middle or something.”

  Skyler looked at Kalin, who nodded and said, “Sure, why not.”

  “Okay,” CK said. “Let me go get a ball.” He swam toward the pool stairs and climbed out.

  Skyler looked at Kalin and smiled.

  “So, uh, how have you been?” Kalin asked.

  “Eh, fine,” Skyler said, trying to act cool. Conversation eluded him. Calm down, you can’t do this every time you’re around him! “Just, uh, getting my life organized, you know. Figuring out the neighborhood and trying to get on top of things before school.”

  “School!” Kalin exclaimed. “That’s like six weeks away or something. I’m not ready to think about school yet.”

  “Yeah, I hear you. But I have to start over. I have to try out for the sports teams again; it’s a pain in the ass, really. I’m a nobody now.”

  “Oh,” Kalin said, his brow wrinkling as he thought about something. “I never thought about that, being new and what it really means for you at school. Don’t worry though; you’re not a nobody. You’re definitely somebody to me.” Then Kalin winked at him.

  Skyler smiled and tried to play down the flirtatious comment. “You get used to it,” Skyler said. “It’s the third time I’ve had to do it, so it’s okay, I guess.”

  “Oh wow,” Kalin said with surprise. “Why three times?”

  CK threw the ball at them and jumped into the pool. Skyler took advantage of the distraction. “Um, I’ll tell you later. It’s a long story, anyway.”

  “Okay, but don’t forget. I wanna know,” Kalin said. Skyler smiled at him. I’m not ready to tell you, yet. But right now, it’s time to have fun.

  The boys tossed the ball around in the pool while Tracy sunned herself. Their conversation consisted of school gossip about students and teachers, and any drama that had happened over the summer so far. Every so often Tracy spoke up and provided context about something she felt Skyler needed to know.

  Whenever Kalin spoke, Skyler gave him his full attention. It wasn’t obvious to Skyler at first, but he eventually realized he had a hard time peeling his eyes away from Kalin’s handsome face and sexy mind.

  When they were done playing ball, they decided to join Tracy on the deck and get some sun.

  “I will dick-punch anyone who splashes me,” she said sternly. “Consider yourself warned.” She threatened them by shaking her fist menacingly in the air.

  “Truce, I promise,” CK said. Yielding at the threat to their manhood, the boys made no attempt to cross her again that afternoon. CK sat down on the lounge chair nearest to Tracy.

  Kalin placed his stuff on the lounger next to him and toweled off. Skyler grabbed his towel and discreetly watch Kalin dry off. When they finished, Kalin tossed his towel on the lounger and began applying sunscreen to his body. Skyler loved the way it made his skin glisten in the sunlight. He hoped Kalin wouldn’t catch him staring.

  “Would you mind getting my back, Sky?” Kalin asked, holding out the bottle of sunscreen so Skyler could grab it.

  “Uh, sure,” he said, placing his towel on a lounge chair and grabbing the sunscreen lotion from Kalin. Whatever you do, do not get a boner!

  “Thanks,” Kalin said. He turned around and offered Skyler his back. Man, even his back is adorable. Overwhelmed by the prospect of rubbing his hands on Kalin’s body, Skyler clumsily squirted some sunscreen into his hand and proceeded to rub it onto Kalin’s back.

  Kalin’s back muscles tensed and he inhaled quickly. “Oh, that’s cold,” he said.

  “Sorry,” Skyler answered. Kalin’s tense muscles felt great under Skyler’s hands. As Kalin relaxed, Skyler seized the opportunity to check out as much of him as he could. His upper back was strong and his muscles flexed as he maintained his balance against Skyler’s hand. Squirting a little more lotion into his hand, Skyler applied it to his lower back, which tapered at his waist. Skyler noticed the cutest little dimples in the muscles of his lower back just above his buttocks. Feeling brave, he applied lotion just above Kalin’s swim trunks and made sure to get the lotion inside the waistband of his swimsuit. Kalin didn’t object.

  “All set,” Skyler said when he had finished.

  Kalin turned around and looked at Skyler. “Want me to get your back?” he asked.

  “Uh, sure,” Skyler said. He handed the bottle to Kalin and turned around. Kalin took the bottle and put some lotion in his hand. Skyler glanced over at Tracy and CK and smiled. They looked straight ahead and struggled to control the thoughts their facial expressions conveyed. Knowing they could see him in their peripheral vision, Skyler—so Kalin wouldn’t see—discreetly rubbed the bridge of his nose with the middle finger of his left hand. CK smiled and winked at him.

  Skyler’s eyes briefly opened wide and then rolled back in his head a
s he felt two strong hands grasp the trapezius muscles of his upper back. If there was anything more exciting than touching Kalin, being touched by Kalin was the definite winner.

  Kalin applied the sunscreen lotion on to his back via a massage. His fingers rubbed Skyler’s muscles just right. Kalin spread lotion on his neck and shoulders. Then he squirted more lotion into his hand and applied it to Skyler’s back. Skyler giggled when Kalin’s hands reached the ticklish skin that covered his oblique muscles.

  Uh, this is becoming sexual for me. Oh, wow, you’re not shy, huh? When prudence dictated that Skyler should only use his fingertips to apply sunscreen at the waistband of Kalin’s trunks, Skyler felt at least half a finger’s length wipe lotion just above his buttocks.

  Kalin clapped his hands against Skyler’s shoulders, rousing him from the moment. “All set, Sky,” he declared.

  “Thanks,” Skyler answered. Whatever you do, don’t turn around.

  CK cleared his throat. Skyler detected and appreciated the warning tone in CK’s throat. He grabbed his towel and covered his crotch.

  Skyler took a moment to stare at the lotion on Kalin’s muscles glisten in the sunlight as he straightened out the towel on the lounge chair. This isn’t helping what’s going on in my swimsuit.

  Kalin finished fussing with his towel and laid back. He looked over at Skyler and smiled. Skyler nodded and looked across the pool. Focus on anything else, Sky. Church, with the Tinsdales, if you have to! Ah, there we go. As his body relaxed, he laid back on his lounger and smiled.

  Yeah, he likes me.


  14 | Let the Wookie Win

  CK AND SKYLER PEDALED THEIR bikes to the school’s athletic fields in their running shorts and no shirts because it was so hot out. CK said most of the track team would run shirtless so it didn’t matter if they had their team shirts or not.


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