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Page 21

by Ann M Pratley

  * * * * *

  In the 'glass jungle room', Alessandra sat quietly and thought about all that had been told to her by the lawyer that morning. Soon she would go and see her daughter once again, and then seek out her mother-in-law to see how she could be of help to her, but for this one moment, she needed to be alone, to think.

  Everything was being signed over to her and while it was not what she had wanted, she was determined that she would make good decisions about what to do with it. In addition to the financial gain she would have for herself, she was inheriting an estate - the Missinger family home and associated land. The lawyer had offered to look after everything for her, but had also advised that she try and get to the property when she could, to decide if she would want to keep it or sell it.

  The property was not anywhere near the estate she now lived on, so she was not in a situation where she could add it to the estate, but it was closer to her parents' home, which provided some options, she supposed. And, the lawyer had said, there were staff on the property who would be eager to know what was happening to them, and deserved to meet their new mistress and receive instruction from her.

  For the monetary side of things, she had talked to the lawyer about options for investment, and agreed with him that she would like to receive a regular payment to herself as money just for her own spending - something she had never had. And she let herself feel excited at the prospect of being able to purchase something if she wished to, without it being billed to the estate and Edward's parents, and adding to their expenditure.

  But the most pressing issue about it all was what to do as far as Edward and his family were concerned. She knew she had to tell them that she was inheriting land and fortune, but would they be offended by her wanting to keep it separate from the estate?

  For now, she decided, she would put it aside in her mind, and go see her little Elizabeth, determined today, as every day, to make her a priority over other less important aspects of her life.

  Chapter Fifty Six

  After giving Elizabeth her final feed for the evening, Alessandra and Edward left the nursery and walked quietly back to their bed chamber, Alessandra wondering what she could tell him about her meeting with the lawyer, without causing him pain, and Edward wondering what he could ask her.

  Entering the room, Alessandra moved to stand in front of the fireplace, letting the warmth from it seep into her. Edward watched her, uncertain from the day's events what she would want from him - should he approach and ask, or should he stand back and avoid questions? As if hearing the question in his head, she reached back with her hand and pulled him so that he was standing behind her with both of his hands wrapped around her, as they both watched the flames in the fireplace.

  "Kiss my neck," she whispered to him and he obliged, enjoying the way she moved her head to allow him access, and the sound of her breathing deepening and the quiet moan that escaped her lips.

  Feeling not only highly aroused, but also completely empowered, she moved one of his hands upward onto her breast and immediately felt him start to caress her nipple through the layers of fabric. Even through their clothing she could feel him grow hard against her, and she reached back with one hand and touched him, driving him to groan against her neck.

  They stayed that way for some time, both enjoying giving and receiving the pleasure, until Alessandra turned around and faced him, wrapping both arms around him and kissing him passionately, pushing him to another level of arousal that he knew he would have to satisfy. He turned her away from him again and with slowness and patience, undid and removed each article of her clothing, one piece at a time, kissing the skin before him as it became visible.

  When she was naked, he hurriedly removed all of his own clothing and they stood together, naked in front of the fire, holding one another tightly and kissing. Everything about her was intoxicating to him - even in seeing how different her body was now, since having a baby, he still yearned for her, hard and extended in desperation to be closer and closer to her.

  Alessandra revelled in the high degree of arousal she was feeling. Holding him close, hip to hip, she felt him nestle between her thighs - not inside of her but still enclosed by the tops of her legs, and they stood like that, kissing each other and in no hurry to move from that spot.

  Finally, eager to pleasure her husband, Alessandra edged Edward back onto the sofa and knelt before him, taking her time to tease him with her hand and her mouth, doing what she could to not drive him to climax too soon.

  "Oh, Alessandra, what you do to me!" he exclaimed as she worked to draw the pleasure out for him. The feelings she felt when knowing he was so aroused made her want to please him, and she no longer cared that she knew women were not meant to enjoy marital relations. To her, this was a beautiful thing that she shared only with Edward, and she would not feel bad about that.

  "Oh my darling, I'm going to…" she heard him say before he convulsed before her, making her giddy in delight and arousal herself at his climaxing. She knelt before him, watching his face as he relaxed back in recovery, and waited until he opened his eyes and looked down at her. He leaned forward and kissed her passionately, wanting to give her everything in the world in that moment, as full of love as he was for her.

  He pushed her back on the rug on the floor in front of the fire and knelt between her legs to pleasure her in return. Leaning over her he kissed her all over - her lips, her nipples and down over her belly, finally coming to rest as she placed her hands on his head and guided him. As aroused as she was, it took only minutes before she felt the release, and all stress that had been inside of her, flow out.

  He pulled away and lay down on top of her, nestled between her legs on the rug, enjoying the flames beside them, and took his time kissing her lips over and over, in between the two of them looking at each other and saying nothing.

  Alessandra looked at the face of the man she had come to love so deeply. She felt the heaviness of having not immediately talked to him about the matter of Tom's will and suddenly felt the need to talk to Edward, to make sure there was nothing unsaid between them.

  As if sensing the change in her, Edward pulled away and held out his hand to help her up.

  "Come and get into bed, my love," he said quietly, coaxing her but letting her lead.

  They settled themselves under the covers and lay facing each other quietly.

  "Edward," Alessandra started, then found herself uncertain how to go on.

  He touched her cheek and ran his fingers lightly over the side of her neck and onto her shoulder, in an attempt to relax her.

  "What is it, Alessandra? I can see that you have something consuming you."

  "Tom's will…" she started again and paused until Edward prompted her to keep going. "Mr Hogelby informed me today that the will has been set up in such a way that I must accept what is being gifted to me. Not only did Tom state that I was to become owner of everything he left behind, but also expressly that his wife was to not have anything."

  Edward listened and Alessandra saw his face change in the horror of what she said.

  "But his family…"

  Alessandra shook her head.

  "There are none - his mother was the last remaining relative in their line and she died shortly after his death."

  Edward let the information process in his mind, focusing on not letting his anger toward the man who had tried to ruin his marriage, affect anything that Alessandra had to say. Aware that she was waiting patiently, as if to reveal more to him, he encouraged her to keep talking.

  "There is more…" he said and she nodded, with a slight blush forming on her face.

  "I … he …" she stuttered, trying desperately to muster more confidence in her words. "The will states that everything left to me is to only come to me - to be only mine."

  "Yes, you said he did not leave his wife anything…"

  "No, Edward, you don't understand. Everything is to come to me, and it is not to come to you."

  Edward le
t out a sigh.

  "Oh, Alessandra, is that what you have been worried about all day? That I might want to make some claim on whatever he has left to you?" he asked and saw her silently acknowledge just that. "Oh my love, no. When you came into this marriage your parents gave everything they had to my parents for the sake of the estate, and I have been aware from our wedding day that it is difficult with you not having any money of your own - always having to rely on my parents for things like your dresses or things for Elizabeth," he said and paused in silence for a moment before continuing his words. "As much as I despised the man, if he has left you a small income for you to enjoy, I want you to enjoy it."

  Alessandra revelled in the words she was hearing, wondering why she had thought Edward of all people would want to take anything from her.

  "It isn't a small income he has left me, Edward," she said timidly, looking into his eyes so she could gauge his reaction. "He left me a considerable fortune, which I have asked the lawyer to pay me a small allowance out of, but there is much, much more, which I am letting the lawyer invest for the moment, until I know for certain what I want to do with it."

  Edward thought about what he was being told - that his wife was now wealthy - and found himself slightly insecure, but kept the feeling as well hidden as he could.

  "Is there more?" he asked, sensing she still had not finished her news.

  "His entire family estate has been left to me also, Edward. I have an entire property not far from my parents' home. In that, I do want you and I to make choices together. I need to explore whether to keep the property, with the income that it produces, or sell it. I want that to be a decision of both you and I, because I want us to think about it in terms of the future of Elizabeth, and any other children we might have."

  He was silent for some time, letting his mind flow through a myriad of thought about all that he had been told, but he could not think what to say in response.

  Alessandra saw how surprised and silent he was, and kissed him softly.

  "We do not need to make any decisions now, Edward. But I would like you and I to travel to the estate and deal with things that have to be done there. Staff are there, uncertain what is happening…"

  "Yes, of course," Edward responding, understanding fully the importance of staff and tenants on a large estate. "And the property is near your parents' home, you say?" he asked and saw his wife nod. "Then we shall go, if you wish. We will need to bring Margaret with us, to help with Elizabeth - or would you prefer they stay here?"

  "No! Oh no, Edward, they must come also, so my parents can spend time with Elizabeth. Perhaps the four of us could travel to my parents' home, and from there you and I could go alone to the estate for one night alone, to assess things…"

  "But Elizabeth's feeding…"

  "No, she is weaning off my milk and on to cow milk so Margaret will be able to feed her."

  "Very well. Winter is not far off though, my love - should we go soon, or on the other side of that?"

  Their conversation continued far into the night, discussing different options and deciding to leave as soon as Elizabeth was fully weaned, until eventually they fell asleep in each other's arms, both feeling much better that once again nothing was not being disclosed between them.

  Chapter Fifty Seven

  Finally, with an approaching chill of winter in the air, a carriage pulled up outside the family home of Alessandra's parents, and she eagerly jumped out, seeing her mother run toward her.

  "Oh my daughter!" she heard before being enveloped into the familiar, loving arms.

  Edward looked on over the loving reunion and shook hands with Alessandra's father before both grandparents noticed Margaret, with Elizabeth in her arms.

  "There is my granddaughter," Alessandra's mother exclaimed as she gathered the small bundle up into her arms. "Oh how she has grown since I last saw her! Come inside as it is starting to be too cold to be outside for long now," she continued, ushering everyone inside the small home.

  Margaret appreciated further her young mistress, upon seeing the home that she grew up in. She had suspected since first meeting her that she had not come from money, and seeing how well she fitted back into the little home - how much it meant to her - confirmed it.

  After general talk about their long journey and the progress of Elizabeth in her growth, Margaret was shown to the room that she would share with Elizabeth, leaving Alessandra and Edward to finally speak in confidence to Alessandra's parents.

  "Now, my child, you did not say much in your letter, apart from you and Edward needing to visit a property near here," Alessandra's father began, making both young people nervous about mentioning Tom to the people before them.

  "Yes, Father, I have … inherited … a vast property not far from here, and if agreeable to you, Edward and I would like to leave Margaret and Elizabeth here with you for one night so we can go and visit the property, and meet the staff there, so we can decide what to do with it."

  Edward saw both of her parents look at her in surprise at the news.

  "But who has left such a gift to you, daughter? I know of no family members who have passed recently."

  Alessandra blushed and looked down before summoning strength and looking both of her parents in the eye.

  "I was left it … by … Tom Missinger."

  "No! But he was married, Alessandra. How could you possibly have been left his property?" her father questioned, not at all understanding what could have brought about such a situation.

  "I know, Father. It appears that in his will he named me as full recipient of his wealth, including land and money."

  "But what of his wife?" her mother asked, confused. "Will she receive nothing?"

  "No, it seems he expressly put in his will that she was to receive nothing from him. Furthermore, the lawyer has said that she has not come forward to make any claim at all on the will. It appears that she wants nothing from what Tom owned - not even the money and land that he received from her family when she married him."

  Everyone was quiet as they thought about the situation that had presented itself.

  "So you now own land near here?" Alessandra's mother asked and Alessandra nodded in acknowledgement. "Will you move here then?"

  Edward looked at his wife, not having even considered the allurement of that possibility to her - the opportunity to live closer to her parents. But as he watched her face, she turned to him and smiled, taking his hand to reassure him.

  "No, Mother, we will remain living where we are. But we do need to see the property and assess what is to be done with it. That is why we are here. Are you agreeable to our plan?"

  "Yes of course. We will take good care of little Elizabeth, and Margaret too. Take as long as you need to visit the property."

  "Thank you Mother. We will stay here tonight and travel on tomorrow morning for just one night," she said and turned to her father. "But Father, after we visit the land, I would welcome your thoughts and advice on options for it."

  Edward saw Alessandra's father nod and smile softly. "Of course."

  * * * * *

  That night, after becoming settled in bed, Edward held her close, the question of living location still lingering in his mind.

  "Is there a part of you that would like to live closer to your mother and father, Alessandra?"

  "No, Edward. I thank you for asking, but your home is now my home and I love living there with you and your parents."

  "But you would be able to see your mother and father more often…"

  "I will very shortly be receiving my own income. That will enable me to come here when I need to," she said, moving closer still to him and kissing him. "We already have a home, and I am happy there. I have no need or desire to live anywhere else."

  * * * * *

  The next morning the two of them set out toward a home and land that neither of them had ever seen before. Of most concern was the expectation that the staff and tenants on the land would not be welcoming of them, given t
he circumstance through which Alessandra had obtained it. Which, in both of their minds, would be understandable since the property had largely been in the Missinger family for generations.

  As they approached the property they were immediately confronted by the size of the main house. It was not as large as the estate manor of Edward's family, and yet somehow it held a presence that was commanding, as if it itself were a great person, famous for its strength and power.

  Coming out from the front door was Mr Hogelby, surprising Alessandra.

  "Mr Hogelby! I did not expect to see you here."

  "Mrs Chisholm, Mr Chisholm," he started, bowing whilst smiling at them both. "When I learned that you were intending to visit, I wished to ensure that I was here, in case any explanations were required. However I have spoken to the staff, and many of the tenants, and they are all understanding of how the property has now changed hands, and they are eager to meet you both."

  He ushered them inside and Edward found himself in awe of the design of the house. Perhaps being not as old as his own family home, this one had aspects to it that made sense to him in a way that he had not even considered before.

  "It is a fine home, is it not? This house was constructed only fifty years ago, after the original home burned down. So it has every modern convenience, and is very handsome indeed. Ahh, here are your service staff."

  One by one, Edward and Alessandra were introduced to everyone lined up to meet them and, overall, Alessandra found they were cheerful and eager to make their acquaintance, and not at all resentful as she had thought they might be.

  Soon afterward the two of them were given a tour of the home, walking from room to room in a daze while wondering again what was the best thing to do with the home.

  Mr Hogelby moved to excuse himself but found himself invited to sit in the drawing room and talk more to Alessandra and Edward. He took his time, answering all of their questions about options for keeping the estate running and earning, or selling it, and eventually dismissed himself, saying he would be ready to move forward with anything they wished for, whenever they needed him to.


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