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Page 22

by Ann M Pratley

  When he left it was mid afternoon and Alessandra made her way to the kitchen to speak to the cook, and on to all the individual household staff members, while Edward ventured out to the stables to inspect the staff, the horses, and the way things were run out there.

  Over an intimate dinner that had been lavishly prepared in their honour, the two of them compared notes of their separate investigations, both feeling excited about various aspects of the property.

  "How are you feeling about everything, my love?" Edward asked tentatively, still not sure if perhaps she might be lured to live in this part of the land after all.

  "It is a fine home, Edward. I think I need to keep it, at least for the moment, rather than sell it. Mr Hogelby is certain that the financial side of the estate is profitable, and we can use that profit to keep it maintained and running well. But I do think we would need to find someone to live in it. I have no reason to think it cannot run without direction - the staff all seem very established in their roles - but it would be a waste, leaving it with no-one to enjoy it."

  They spent the evening talking about all the different options they could think of, before settling into a bed chamber which they found to also be similarly modern and comfortable. The newness of it all - even down to the fireplace which somehow seemed to generate and project much more heat that the ones they were used to in Edward's home - provided a new source of excitement, which in turn overflowed into the realisation that they were once again alone without any parents in the house with them. And while they missed their daughter, once these feelings started flowing, even she was dismissed from their active thoughts.

  Chapter Fifty Eight

  The following morning Edward and Alessandra rose early, greeted by a sumptuous breakfast when they made their way into the dining room.

  "Are you up for a ride, my love? There are fine horses in the stables and one that I think will be particularly suited to you," Edward asked, excited by the prospect of riding out with his wife more before winter set in.

  Alessandra looked up at him, surprised as she had not considered the possibility.

  "Yes, I think I would greatly enjoy that, Edward. We should ride around the estate, in any case, to visit some tenants I suppose."

  He laughed at her. "My wife, the estate manager! I was thinking more of an easy ride at a slow pace, purely for pleasure and exploration."

  As she looked at him she saw him emphasise the last few words, and blushed in response, making him laugh hard at her sudden shyness. Always she surprised him with her ability to sometimes be bold and courageous, but at times like this, equally seem so young and timid.

  She smiled at him, knowing he was attempting to make her face go the same beetroot red colour that it had done so often when they had first met, and she felt only fondness for the man in front of her.

  "You tease me, my wonderful husband, but I shall accept your offer to take me out on the horses. I have not yet seen the stables. But I will have to change into my riding habit first."

  "Let us be off then," Edward said, standing and holding his hand out to her to help her up, before putting both of his arms around her and kissing her softly.

  From a distance two dining room staff members glanced at each other and smiled discretely. It had been a long time since this home had had love in it like they could clearly see before them.

  * * * * *

  At first glance at the new mistress, John, the head groom, was surprised and enamoured. He had met the new master the previous day and thought him an intelligent, friendly and likeable gentleman, even though he was not at all handsome, and John had found himself wondering what kind of woman would be married to such a man. Now, looking at the mistress as they were introduced, he saw that she also would not be considered any great beauty, and yet there was something about her that made her easy to look at and talk to. A far cry from the previous mistress, he thought to himself - she would not even look at him, let alone talk to him as a human being, like the woman before him now was doing.

  "I am very pleased to meet you, John. I must inform you that I am quite new to horse riding so still in the learning stages," she started to say before seeing Edward was going to cut her off and disagree. With laughter in her voice, and looking at her husband with a degree of love that John had never seen in this home for as long as he had worked here, she continued. "See how my husband begins to argue my point, but do not listen to him, John. Please tell me honestly, do you have a quiet horse that is suited to someone still quite unfamiliar to horse riding?"

  John smiled at her, mesmerised by her friendly and joyful outlook. "I do indeed, Mistress. Come this way and meet my little Clover. She is a gentle soul and will not bolt."

  Alessandra and Edward both approached the pony and immediately sensed her goodness and obedience.

  "Oh, she is beautiful. Yes, please, John, can you saddle her for me? And provide the master and I both with some directions so we can venture out to start visiting tenants on the land?" she asked, smiling greatly.

  John obliged, gladly.

  * * * * *

  Staying within the borders of where they had been told the estate began and ended, the two of them rode slowly, visiting people and talking endlessly about all that they could see, and what would need to be fixed or changed.

  Finally they came to a border ridge that overlooked a valley below, and both were silenced by the beauty before them.

  "Alessandra, this is a phenomenal property," Edward said in awe of what was now under ownership of his wife. "Everything about it - the house, this land…"

  Alessandra looked at her husband's face, pleased that he was finally finding some pleasure in this exaggerated gesture of a gift from her previous beau of long ago. She watched Edward for some time, before he felt her looking, and turned to look at her in return. On her face he saw great passion and desire, making him want to melt into her, but then realised the area they were in.

  She heard him groan. "Oh my love, do not look at me like that! We don't know this area - we don't know where is private," he said, his face revealing everything that he was feeling in that moment.

  Alessandra pulled back her desire and smiled shyly at him. "You are right, husband. It would not do to reveal quite so much of ourselves to our tenants!" she said, laughing with him so that the moment was not forgotten, but put away until a more suitable time.

  * * * * *

  As they rode back into the stables, John, the head groom, suddenly felt knowing of why the previous master had left his estate to this new mistress. On her face he saw something he had not often seen on a woman, and the way she looked at her husband was so far removed from how the previous mistress had looked at her husband - the previous master - that he could completely see how this woman would have made an impact on Mr Missinger.

  "Thank you, John, your recommendation was perfect - Clover was wonderful," Alessandra said to the groom before she and Edward rushed away in perfect sync, with only one thing on each of their minds.

  Under the guise of Alessandra having to change out of her riding habit, they immediately went to their bed chamber, where once the door was closed, Edward eased her up against it and kissed her deeply.

  Alessandra held back from being forward, letting the feelings rush over her as she allowed Edward to set the pace with whatever he wanted to do. Taking care with the unending patience he seemed to have, he undressed her only enough to gain access to that part of her where he knew he could satisfy her, and with her still leaning up against the door, took pleasure in tasting her, groaning at how aroused he could tell she already was. The effect of standing - something that felt so new to her - was almost instantaneous, and Alessandra felt her knees buckle slightly as the familiar feeling flowed through her.

  He replaced her misplaced clothing and stood up to kiss her once more before she led him backwards to the bed, undressing both herself and him completely and not hurrying at all to bring him to sweet climax.

  Chapter Fifty Nine
r />   "We must start heading back to your parents' home so we arrive before it gets dark," Edward said as they took a moment to lie together naked before getting dressed to leave the house.

  Alessandra lifted her head and looked into his eyes, well satisfied with their visit to the estate, in so many ways.

  "This has been wonderful, Edward. Thank you for coming here with me. I know you always have so much to do at home…"

  He kissed her fully. "This is wonderful for me also, Alessandra. And I never would have not come here with you," he said quietly and paused before continuing. "A part of me would like to stay longer."

  Alessandra sighed. "I know. But I am eager to see Elizabeth. And we can come back here if we wish to - we could bring my parents and Margaret and Elizabeth here…"

  "Yes!" Edward exclaimed, not having considered it before. "Yes, let us do that, Alessandra. We shall return and stay at your parents' home tonight and if they are willing to, we shall bring them back here tomorrow or the day after."

  * * * * *

  "Oh the house is so grand, Mother, and the staff so friendly and well organised. I do wish for you and Father, and Margaret and Elizabeth, to all come with us tomorrow for a visit. We can all stay there - it is a very large house," Alessandra said excitedly, her youthful exuberance clearly visible.

  "I am not sure," her mother said quietly and thoughtful. "What do you think, Edward? Is it too far for us to travel?"

  "Oh no! It is not too far from here, and what Alessandra says is true - there is plenty of room for everyone and it would be good for you to know what Alessandra is talking about with regard to different things, if you could see them, I believe, Sir," Edward responded, largely to Alessandra's father. "Winter is not far off, now, so it would be best to go soon, if you wish to see it, rather than in a few months' time."

  Alessandra's father weighed the option over in his mind, thinking about things that had to be done in his home, but the happiness in the voice of his daughter overruled any doubt he had, and he nodded and smiled at her.

  "As you wish, my daughter. Let us all have a good night's sleep tonight and see how we feel tomorrow morning. If we need to, we can wait one day before we go over."

  * * * * *

  In bed, Edward could sense Alessandra's excitement, and he smiled in the dark.

  "Do you think the walls in the other house are thick?" she asked innocently, causing him to laugh out loud, which in turn made her giggle. "Oh well, it is not long till spring," she continued, making reference to their agreement to not physically join again until that time.

  "Oh my lovely wife, how I do love you!"

  Chapter Sixty

  "It is a fine house, indeed," Alessandra's father exclaimed as he approached the front door.

  Inside the service staff greeted the family, taking joy in meeting Alessandra's parents, little Elizabeth, and even Margaret. Almost immediately they were ushered into the drawing room and a lavish tea served with various dainties.

  After eating and talking, a grand tour was given and Edward took his father to meet the outside staff, including John at the stables.

  Alessandra, meanwhile, sat in the drawing room with her mother, who was cuddling Elizabeth, but appeared uncharacteristically subdued.

  "Are you well, Mother? You are very quiet today. I hope travelling here has not tired you too much."

  Her mother smiled at her and passed the baby back to her. "I am fine, my child. But I do feel tired. Would you mind terribly if I went to lie down?"

  Alessandra felt a moment of panic - her mother was one of the strongest women she knew and she could not remember her ever having been ill before.

  "No, of course not. Margaret, could you please go with Mother and find someone to help with assignment of a bedroom, and to make her comfortable?"

  Margaret smiled at her mistress. "Of course."

  Alessandra sat back on the sofa that enabled a view out over the grounds, and held Elizabeth tightly to her, a niggling sliver of worry growing in the back of her mind.

  * * * * *

  A short time later Margaret knocked and came into the room again.

  "Would you like me to take her, Miss?" she asked, indicating to the baby.

  "Yes, thank you Margaret," Alessandra replied, handing Elizabeth to her. "How did my mother seem to you?" she asked, trusting the observation of the woman before her completely.

  "I did not know your mother before, Miss, so I do not know how she usually is, but she does, to me, look somewhat unwell. But she may be just tired, from the journey here, and will seem better after a rest."

  Alessandra thanked her and watched her curtsey and leave the room, baby in her arms. Alessandra sat where she was for some time, thinking over how her mother had seemed since they had arrived from Edward's home two days earlier. Now that she thought about it - now that she focused on her mother instead of herself - she had to admit that perhaps her mother was not her usual self after all, and with that thought, she immediately ran outside to find her father.

  * * * * *

  "Father," she said loudly, interrupting a conversation that was happening between Edward, John and her father, no doubt about horses and their care.

  Everyone turned, surprised by the forcefulness that came from her - something so unusual for Alessandra's countenance.

  "I am sorry to interrupt," she said, realising her rudeness. "But Father, is Mother unwell?"

  Immediately she saw her father look grave, and look away from meeting her eyes.

  "Father?" Alessandra asked again, quietly, oblivious to John moving away from them to give them some privacy for their conversation.

  "Alessandra, walk with me," he said, leading his daughter away even from Edward, who watched on in uncertainty of what was happening.

  When the two of them were a distance away from anyone else, he finally spoke.

  "Your mother has been declining in health these past few months, Alessandra. She maintains a brave face, but she is very ill, and the doctor has said she is unlikely to live much longer. I am sorry I did not tell you earlier. It has been your mother's wish that you not be told in advance. She does not want you worrying, especially when everything is going so well for you."

  "But there must be something that can be done! Father, I have substantial funds now - if we find the right doctor…" Alessandra started to cry out but her father shook his head.

  "No, Alessandra, we have had enough consultations and they all say the same thing. It is a natural thing to happen, my daughter. One day I shall leave also, and it will be up to you and Edward to set your children up for when you hand everything over to them."

  Alessandra felt tears come to her eyes, and in a rare show of physical affection, her father enveloped her with his arms and kissed her forehead, and she could feel inside of him a desperation to not cry. All of a sudden she could see that even though it was her mother who would be leaving her in the world, it must be even more difficult for her father to contemplate his lifelong companion leaving him. So she determined to cast aside her own sadness and let him lean on her, putting her arms around him and holding him tight.

  "What do we do, Father, to make her most comfortable if her time is coming?"

  Her father sighed, letting some of his frustration and sadness show.

  "Just love her, I suppose. There is nothing to be done medically so it is important to me to keep showing her how much I love her, and to do what I can to make her as happy as I can, for as long as I can."

  "Very well. Would it be best for us to leave here and go home immediately, do you think?" she asked and he shook his head.

  "No, I don't think she cares where she is, my sweet daughter. Just being near you, and near little Elizabeth is enough, I think."

  "And Nicholas? I can summon him here - the house is large enough to house everyone."

  He looked at her with pride, knowing fully how strong his daughter had turned out to be, even though he had considered her a timid little thing before she had becom
e wed.

  "Yes, if that is possible, I think that would make her very happy, Alessandra. Thank you. Now let us walk back. Edward will worry what is happening, I am sure. I will go and see your mother and check on her, to make sure she is alright."

  They walked back and at an intended look from his wife, Edward fell in step beside Alessandra to walk to the drawing room, as her father left them to find the bed chamber his wife had been set up in.

  "What is wrong, Alessandra?" he asked, feeling some distress.

  "My mother … is unwell," she started to say before feeling a tear escape from her eye. She looked directly at him. "My mother is dying, Edward. She is only expected to live a short time longer. My father is keeping watch over her, but he thinks the thing that will make her happiest before she leaves us, is being with us - me and Elizabeth … and you … and my brother."

  Edward took in what she was saying, his mind racing.

  "Edward, if my mother wishes it, I would like for her and my father to stay here, and for us to stay here also, and to invite my brother and his family … to wait…"

  Alessandra felt Edward pull her close to him and hold her tight. At different times he had pondered how life would be without his parents nearby, and this brought about that thinking again, making him desperately miss his own home, but not wanting to distress her any further, he kept those thoughts in his head, unspoken.

  "Yes, my love, if you wish, that sounds like a good idea."

  "But do you need to get back to your parents?" she asked, mindful of his own mother now.

  He shook his head. "No, they will be fine with us staying away - they will understand."


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