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Page 27

by Ann M Pratley

  "We may have already made a child today."

  "Yes, but we also may not have. Could we perhaps try it? If a child still comes, then we shall embrace that and love it as we love Elizabeth, Isabella and Charles."

  He looked at her, relieved as the last birth had shaken him up about her being pregnant every year, and if that could be avoided while they still enjoyed the excitement and pleasure of moving together … as he thought that, he saw Alessandra's eyes move and her face light up in a smile once again … and realised that he had once again become hard.

  "Shall we try now, then?" Alessandra asked, smiling at him. "It might be something we need to work on to perfect, after all."

  He laughed with her and moved on top of her, nestling between her legs before he slid into her, and moved with her, until he was close, at which time he pushed himself to pull out of her and immediately felt her hand on him, touching him like she had right from their wedding night, and he climaxed over her belly. Instead of resting at that point, he moved himself backwards and let his tongue and lips caress her until a few minutes later, he felt her muscles contract against his mouth.

  When he came up he saw her smiling brilliantly at him.

  "Should we eat, Husband? This could be a long night," she said with a sly grin, and he laughed out loud at her before finally dragging himself out of bed and starting to get dressed.

  "Yes, my beautiful wife, I think we both need some replenishment now!"

  * * * * *

  They ate out that evening, and enjoyed the feeling of being alone but in society. It was such a rare thing for them to do, and Edward enjoyed seeing the great appetite his wife exhibited, and her enthusiasm for trying foods she had not tried before.

  "Do you think your mother and my father are alright in the manor?" Alessandra asked, more to herself than him, but he responded.

  "I do. Mother knows almost every aspect of what has to be done, and even though your father has not run such a big property, he is experienced and knowledgeable about all facets of it," he said and paused for a moment, thinking. "And to be honest, Alessandra, I think it might be good for both of them to have the responsibility. I know we do not need them to actively do anything, but I think they are both people who would rather not be idle, in body or in mind."

  "Perhaps we should leave more often then," Alessandra said, giving him a knowing smile that instantly had an effect on him, and he fondly gave her his warning 'do not look at me that way in public' look, which made her laugh softly at him.

  * * * * *

  "What would you like to do today, my love? Visit the shops? Go and bathe in the Roman Baths?" Edward was asking his wife the following morning, after what seemed to him to have been a very long night, and active morning.

  Alessandra lifted her head from his chest and looked demurely at him, making him laugh once again.

  "Or perhaps stay here all day?" he said, teasing her as he lay on his back, pulling her with him so she was lying on top of him.

  Kissing his lips, Alessandra relaxed forward so that she lay along the length of his body, and felt his hands move to caress her back, hips, buttocks, and back to her neck and shoulders. He didn't touch any part of her that easily aroused her, and she found herself loving just focusing on all the areas of skin he was caressing. After a while she let out a sigh of contentment, which made him smile as he looked at her face.

  "You are so beautiful, Alessandra," he said all of a sudden, with a sense of seriousness in his voice. Alessandra looked into his eyes, appreciating how often he told her that, even though she knew she had no prettiness in her whatsoever. "How would you like to visit your ancestral land in Italy?"

  The question came as such a surprise that Alessandra blinked, wondering if she had actually heard it. She immediately sat upright and Edward moaned at the sight before him, already forgetting what he had asked. His hands automatically reached out and started to caress her breasts, enjoying the shape of them, and how well his hands fitted around them.

  Alessandra wanted to question the question, but behind her felt him growing, as she indulged in the feelings once again being awoken in his caresses of her breasts and nipples. She moved back and over him before lowering down, a move she had not done for many months.

  "You will need to tell me when to stop, Edward," she said huskily, enjoying fully the feelings inside of her. While she moved up and down on him, he let one hand lightly flick across one nipple, while he moved his other hand down so he could stroke her where he knew she most loved, and heard a loud moan come from her. The sight before him was breathtaking - the way her body moved and felt, and the look of desire on her face. When she opened her eyes and looked down at him he knew he would not last long, but for her was determined to. He let his mind wander, and his eyes close, so that he would not yet climax, and soon he felt her squeezing him tightly in small bursts, as she let out the moan that told him clearly that she had had her orgasm.

  "Move off me, Alessandra," he said and she immediately pulled off, leaving Edward bare for only a moment before she moved back and he found himself engulfed in her mouth, where he instantly found relief. He did not know the number of orgasms he had had in the preceding 24 hours, but could feel that with each one, the intensity was getting stronger, and almost to a point where it was unbearable, making him realise that he did indeed need to not stay in that room with his wife for the entire day and night to come.

  Chapter Seventy One

  They walked around the shops, looking in windows and inside the stores themselves, distracting themselves from what was really on their minds, by trying to find gifts for everyone at the manor. It would not be long until it was winter, and that would also be the time of Christmas.

  "We shall find gifts for all of the staff and tenants also, Edward. To make sure they know how much they are appreciated," Alessandra said, making her husband feel proud. He had never heard of any estate master doing such a thing, but liked the idea as he did indeed appreciate the level of work that was involved in running such a large property, and the skills the staff individually had.

  "That is a fine idea, Alessandra," he responded, appreciating again the generous nature of his wife, knowing that many women would be more interested in what they themselves could get, rather than what they could give to others.

  They enjoyed themselves, thinking of different people and what each might like, and Edward realised it was the first time the two of them had indulged in such an activity as buying items for other people. Their lives were so entwined at the estate, and with their children, that this simple pleasure had been overlooked, and he found his mind venturing back to his thought that morning - visiting the land where Alessandra's mother had grown up.

  When they returned to their room later in the day he brought the subject up once more, as they sat on the sofa in front of the fire, looking into the flames.

  "What do you think of the idea of us going to Italy, Alessandra? To see if you have relations there."

  Alessandra blushed slightly, remembering the question from the morning, and the moments of love that followed, but on this occasion Edward did not tease her, knowing exactly how her mind was working.

  "I think I would like that very much. Mother wrote down names and addresses for me, and it would be nice to see where she came from, and who those people were. But how long would that take, Edward? We could not leave the children or the estate so long, but we could not take them with us. Could we?"

  "Yes, it would take great planning and thought to travel so far. Shall we talk to our parents about it and see what they think?" he asked and she nodded.

  For that afternoon they did not move toward anything sexual at all, finding new joy in sitting, fully clothed, in front of the warm fire, and just talking whilst holding one another. After dinner, however, Alessandra turned to him and smiled shyly at him.

  "Tomorrow we are returning home," she said simply and he nodded.


  "Then we shall be busy once more
, unable to have time like this."

  "Yes," he said, touching her hair and face gently with his hand.

  "Please make love to me now, Edward," she said and he melted for her, wanting to only please her and make her feel beautiful and loved.

  Chapter Seventy Two

  Edward watched his wife run inside the manor as soon as they pulled up in the carriage, and could sense her urgency to get to the nursery and see the children. He himself took his time, going into the drawing room first to greet his mother and Alessandra's father.

  "Oh my son," his mother exclaimed as she ran to him and hugged him in a rare show of affection. "How are you? And where is your wife?"

  Edward laughed, loving how happy his mother seemed. In fact to him she almost seemed to be glowing.

  "Alessandra has gone directly to the nursery, Mother. I will go and join her shortly, but wanted to see you both first, and ask if there is anything that needs my attention directly."

  "No, Edward," he heard Alessandra's father say. "All is well here. In fact you probably could have stayed away longer if you wished it."

  Edward laughed at his father-in-law.

  "I don't think Alessandra could stay away longer than two nights. She was very lonely for the children while we were away, I believe. I shall leave you both now and go to the nursery also," he said and started to move away before turning back to them. "Thank you once again for making our time away possible."

  Alessandra's father looked at Edward's mother and they smiled at one another, imagining in their minds how much their children might have enjoyed their time alone.

  * * * * *

  "Oh Edward! Look! I do believe little Elizabeth and Isabella - even little Charles - have all grown while we have been away," she said happily, making Elizabeth smile in pride. Now three years old she was already finding her own personality and particularly enjoyed the times that she could see and talk to her mother.

  Edward looked at his children before kneeling down to give Elizabeth a hug, and lifting Isabella onto his knee as he sat down in one of the chairs in the nursery.

  "I do believe you are right, my lovely wife. My beautiful daughters in particular to seem to have grown much over the past two days," he said, holding his youngest daughter close to him. Although still too young to be able to have a two way conversation with, when he held her on his knee and she looked directly at him and smiled, his heart caught.

  "Margaret let me hold and feed Charles," Elizabeth said shyly in her nearly-three language that took some concentration to understand at times. As she spoke, she moved tentatively toward her mother, who, as wished, picked Elizabeth up and pulled her into a warm hug on her lap.

  Alessandra looked over at Margaret, who was smiling broadly at the family scene in front of her, and the two women exchanged an affectionate look.

  "And how did you like that, Elizabeth? Were you scared?"

  Elizabeth looked at her mother with a look of surprise on her face.

  "Oh no, Mother! He was a good baby and did not frighten me at all!"

  Edward laughed softly at his eldest daughter, enjoying watching her start to develop into a small person now, and in his current position, surrounded by his children and the wife that he loved so much, he felt like he must surely be the luckiest man in the world.

  Chapter Seventy Three

  "I think it is a wonderful idea, Alessandra. You know it was a wish of your mother's that you should see where she was born, and lived until she came to England," Alessandra's father was saying as they all sat in the drawing room late one evening.

  "But how long would it take? I do not think it can be a feasible plan," she said sadly.

  Edward's mother spoke up, understanding the conflict of the young mother.

  "What is it that concerns you, Alessandra? Your father and I are happy to watch everything here, and if you do not wish to be away from the children for so long, you can take Margaret and one of the other household staff with you."

  Edward watched his wife during the conversation. He did not want to push her into doing something she did not wish to do, but equally did not want her to miss any opportunity if she did wish to go.

  "I do not know how long it would take," Alessandra replied quietly, suddenly unaware of how people even got to Italy, it seemed such a far way off.

  "I believe you will need to get to Dover, and from there can cross the channel to Calais, in France, before making your way to Venice, where your mother was from. I should think you would need to take at least three weeks," she heard her father explain, causing a panic in her.

  "Three weeks?! Oh no, that is too long. We cannot possibly…" Alessandra started to say but her mother-in-law cut her off.

  "Yes you can! Alessandra, your father and I are here, and we are both glad to have an occupation, so make use of us while we are both here and physically able to help you both."

  Alessandra looked at Edward, who in turn was looking intently at her.

  "What do you think, Edward?" she asked him, desperate for some guidance.

  "I think that it is a good idea. Three weeks is not too long, and as Mother said, we can confidently leave the estate in the care of her and your father. It would be nice to see where your mother came from, would it not?"

  "But is it something you wish to do also, Edward? It is such a long way to travel if you do not want to…"

  "Yes! I have never been away from England at all, and I would greatly enjoy travelling … with you."

  "What of the children though? Would it not be nicer to wait until they are all old enough to come with us and learn of their history also?"

  "Perhaps, but we can always go again at a later time. The children were fine without us here when we went to Bath, and I am sure they will be fine for a few weeks, at the age they are. If we wait too long then they will be of an age where they are running around the estate, and that I think would wear my mother and your father out!" Edward said, adding some humour into the decision making process.

  Alessandra looked closely at him, seeing his passion for the idea in his eyes, and could not help thinking about three weeks alone with her husband - a thought that would not have been visible on her face to the older generation in the room, but which was very clearly seen by Edward.

  "Very well, let us do it," she said, seeing her desire mirror back at her from his eyes. "Let us arrange it and go, before I lose my nerve."

  Chapter Seventy Four

  The ship at Dover was postponed overnight due to bad weather, leaving Alessandra and Edward stranded in the port overnight. It already seemed like a long day, having travelled here from their home, but when they found a room for the night, that did not stop them racing to fall into each other's arms with vigour and energy.

  For months now they had been practising their idea to try and not cause pregnancy, and it seemed so far to be working. Even their first day in Bath, before they had talked about it, did not seem to have been fruitful, as Alessandra had had two bleeds since then. When they had first married, and at different times since, they had refrained from joining and both had been happy with alternative ways to pleasure, but Alessandra felt particularly close to Edward when they were moving together, joined, so she relished this new possibility of doing so without necessarily getting pregnant. So much so that Edward sometimes felt like he simply could not get enough of her.

  "We must sleep, my love," he smiled at her fondly, feeling exhausted after such a journey, and now such active lovemaking. "Come, settle here in front of me with your back to me and let me hold you so you cannot tempt me further with your lips," he said in amusement but with determination to be refreshed for their journey on the sea the following day.

  "I love you, Edward," he heard his wife say sleepily before he felt her start to relax, her back to his chest.

  "I love you, too."

  * * * * *

  "Oh!" Alessandra exclaimed as she felt the first movement of the sea, with the ship leaving port. She looked at her husband, who had t
he same look of excitement on his face. They laughed together at the new sensations, as neither had been on the water before. Soon they were well away from the land and enjoyed feeling the salty wind on their faces, neither in any hurry to go indoors.

  After a light meal they went to the cabin that was theirs for just this one night, and both found themselves curious about how things might be in closeness, with the ship moving as it was. It fuelled Edward, who undressed himself and his wife quickly, tonight using his initiative and hunger without waiting for any sign from her.

  Alessandra recognised his level of passion and let him lead the way, and happily lay back on the small but comfortable bunk, and welcomed him inside her.

  As he moved, Edward concentrated on the different feelings the ship movement invoked in him. There was a sense of not being in control, as their bodies were moved slightly this way and that, and it excited him greatly. Looking at her face, he could see that she too was finding it a new source of excitement and pleasure. He took his time, pulling out when he needed to, but stopping her from touching him when he did, before he moved back inside her for another short period of time, until he would pull out again.

  "Oh Edward," Alessandra breathed out as she felt him move back in once more. It was the first time he had moved in such a way - filling her up for a time before removing himself - and she felt like she was undergoing another entirely new experience. "I think we could do this all night," she said and he laughed and kissed her before sliding back in again.

  Chapter Seventy Five

  Travelling through France on their way to Italy, Alessandra found her naturally curious nature undergoing an in-depth growth in her level of knowledge. Everywhere they went, she asked people so many questions, and in doing so kept Edward amused and feeling he could not love his wife any more than he did. She was a constant inspiration to him in so many ways, and he found himself extremely proud to be the man standing next to her, dining with her … making love to her. Every night she showed him how much she loved him, and the time together without the regularity of household chores pushed their closeness to another level.


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