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Fighting for a Chance

Page 6

by Erin Trejo

  I take a deep breath, and regain my composure before walking into the hallway. All I can see is the back of his cut, with the huge shield on it. His short, dark hair, trimmed neatly. God, why does he have to be so damn hot?

  I walk toward him but he turns around before I can even make it that far. The look in his eyes slams into me. He looks lost. Not like the Dax I met a few months ago.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask as I fiddle with my hands. I don’t even know why I’m so nervous around him now.

  “We need to talk. I’ve been thinkin’ about some things. What time are you off?” he asks, his eyes dancing with urgency.

  “I’m actually not feeling really well. Can we do this another day?” His eyes burn holes into me. It’s like all that I am is transparent to him.

  “No. Sorry... I can take you home, though. I brought the truck.” Damn, he isn’t going to give up easily.

  “Let me grab my stuff,” I sigh. If we have to do this, at least I can get a ride home from him.

  I walk past him, the scent of Dax, mingling with his cologne, makes my knees weak. Grabbing my bag, I tell Cheryl bye before turning back to Dax.

  “I’m ready.”

  With a small grin, he offers me his arm like the perfect gentlemen. I don’t know where this side of him is coming from. He told me he didn’t want to see me anymore.

  “I thought we were over, Dax. What is this?” I ask as we step into the elevator.

  We can’t do this to each other. It isn’t worth it.

  Chapter 33


  As soon as the elevator doors close, I have Laura pinned against the wall. My lips linger so damn close to hers.

  “We can’t be over when we haven’t even started, Laura.” I let my lips brush over hers, savoring her. Laura trembles under my touch.

  “You smell like barf,” I chuckle. Laura’s face turns red as she tries to pull away from me. Not a chance in hell.

  I drag her face back to mine, kissing her like this may be the last time I have the chance.

  The doors ding, alerting us that we have reached the main floor, but I don’t give a shit. I’m too lost in her to move.

  After a couple more dings, Laura giggles, causing me to pull away when she says, “We should probably get off...” God, that smile. It could melt hearts. It has started to thaw mine.

  I wrap my fingers around her tiny ones, as we walk out of the building in silence. I’m not sure what to say to her. I’m not entirely sure what I should do. I know that when I’m with her, she makes me feel alive.

  I open the door to the truck, helping her in before walking around to my side. I can feel her eyes on me, the way my body heats when she looks at me.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asks as soon as my door closes.

  “Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?” I ask as I look over with a grin.

  “No. I just know what we both said that day. It won’t work, Dax.” I sigh, not wanting to hear that from her.

  “Look, I can’t sit here and tell you that everything will be picture perfect. I can’t say what will happen in the future. I don’t know these things, darlin’. What I do know is that there is a chance that that little person inside of you is mine. I didn’t think I wanted kids. I’m still not sure... I don’t know that I could be a good dad. The one thing I do know is, I want to try. I want to go with you to the doctor and all that shit.” I had to be honest with her. As much as it kills me to not know for sure if that baby is mine, I would feel a hundred times worse knowing that I didn’t at least try to be a good man, and father if it is.

  Laura doesn’t speak right away which sets my nerves on edge.

  I’m about to say more when she finally says, “What if we find out it isn’t yours later?” The one question that has lingered in my mind comes from those sweet lips.

  “I don’t know, Laura. We deal with that then.”

  Chapter 34


  “That’s just it, Dax. I don’t think I can handle finding out it isn’t yours. I don’t want this baby to be Hector’s,” I tell him.

  Dax sighs before starting the truck. I’m glad that he made the effort to at least try. It shows that he is at least partially interested in being a father if this baby is his. I can’t just uproot my life though, in the off chance that it isn’t his.

  We ride in silence for the most part. When he pulls up in front of my house, I hear the rumble of the engine behind us. The prospect must be right behind us.

  Dax surprises me when he turns the truck off and hops out. Oh, no. He is not coming inside. I can’t deal with him being that close to me.

  He opens my door and before I can protest, his lips crash into mine. Our tongues slide so perfectly against each other that I lose myself in him.

  His touch is gentle as he reaches in, and lifts me out of the truck effortlessly.

  “What are you doing?” I pant against his lips.

  Dax is silent for a minute as he looks into my eyes. When he finally speaks, I almost cry.

  “Convincin’ you to give me a chance.”

  Tears well up in my eyes, but Dax just kisses me again.

  “Take a ride, prospect,” Dax yells as he carries me up the stairs. I reach into my purse as he sets me on my feet and pull my keys out.

  “Shouldn’t he be here to protect me?” I say playfully.

  Dax’s eyes darken as he looks at me with lust filled eyes.

  “I think I got that covered,” he says, giving me a wink. I juggle the keys in my hand trying to control the way he makes me feel. His hand comes over, snatching them from me before opening the door.

  “If I knew you’d be all sexy and bothered, I’d come over sooner,” he smirks. I stick my tongue out at him before I walk inside. His hand lands on my ass, making me yelp.

  “That tongue has other purposes. Get those clothes off.” I hear the lock click into place behind me. I toss my purse onto the table before pulling my shirt over my head. I don’t know why I’m giving into him so easily.

  “Pants, Laura. Get them the fuck off, now,” he growls behind me. I stick my thumbs into the waistband before slowly sliding them down my legs. I don’t miss the groan, either.

  Before I can stand up straight, Dax is behind me. His hand pushes me forward, keeping my ass in the air for him.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy this ass is?” he growls as his hands run over my skin.

  I can feel the heat of this man throughout my body.

  “You better be holdin’ them ankles,” he says before he slams into me roughly.

  Chapter 35


  Being balls deep inside of her is the best feeling in the world. Nothing I’ve fucked has come close to this. Nothing I’ve ever felt comes close to the things she has me feeling either. It’s a strange concept for me to grasp.

  I thrust into her with such force she bounces forward. The only saving grace for her is my grip on her hips.

  I slide so perfectly inside of her. I pull back and look down, watching the way we fit together.

  I let out a growl as Laura pants and moans.

  Leaning forward, I grab her and pull her up. Her back against my front, I fondle and caress her breasts.

  My lips trail up and down her neck, bumps forming in their wake.

  “Do I turn you on, sweetheart?” I ask before nipping her earlobe. Laura doesn’t say anything, but her pussy clenches around me.

  “I take that as a yes.” I walk us to the couch, never breaking our connection. Shoving her forward again, her hands land on the seat.

  “Make me cum, beautiful,” I say before slapping her ass roughly.

  I grab her hips, plunging as deeply as I can into her. I can feel every last piece of her wrapped tightly around me.

  Thrust after rough thrust, I take what I need from her as much as she takes from me. We work in such perfect unison.

  “Yeah, like that, baby,” I groan. Th
e way she milks my dick for everything I have sends shivers over my body. Feeling her close to her release, I reach around and stroke her clit. Her body tenses up before I feel her explode. I follow behind her, filling her with me, and only me.

  Panting and out of breath, I lean over her body.

  “No one else will ever be inside of you again but me. Understand?” I ask. She’s still breathing heavily when I reach up and grab her nipple roughly between my fingers. One hard pinch is all it takes to get her to answer.

  “Yes! I understand. Only you, Dax!” That’s what I wanted to hear. I pull out of her before dropping onto the couch. Laura stands still, still bent over the seat as she catches her breath.

  “Come here,” I tell her. Her eyes wander to mine before she straightens up and comes to me.

  I lie on the couch, pulling her body on top of mine. Running my fingers through her long, silky, black hair, I feel content. I like having her in my arms.

  “Your ass is gonna be so goddamn juicy when you gain some weight,” I mumble. Laura tries to pull away, but I just hold on and chuckle.

  “Real nice, Dax,” she says softly.

  “Darlin’, I didn’t say it to be mean. I said it cause I’m gonna bite into that juicy thing. Do you have any idea how hard, your ass makes me? Shit, that thing is lethal.” Laura laughs a sweet little laugh against my chest.

  “I’m sorry, Dax,” she says. I don’t know what she has to be sorry for.

  “For what?”

  “For not knowing if this baby is yours.”

  “Never apologize for what that motherfucker did to you. Just know that I will kill his ass one day.”

  Chapter 36


  “This is so weird,” I whine as I lie on the table with my legs in the stirrups. Since I’ve been so sick lately, Dax made me get an appointment to see the doctor. Now we are waiting for an ultrasound.

  “This is not weird. This is sexy as fuck! I need to get one of these.” Dax moves to stand between my propped-up legs, running his fingers along my skin, starting at my ankles.

  “I don’t know that I want anybody down here, though.” He lifts the paper sheet before leaning his head down. A long, slow lick, has me gasping for air.

  “I mean…. Fuck! Look at this.” He pulls back up and grips the inside of my thighs in each hand and air fucks me. I can’t stop the laughter that erupts out of me.

  “Imagine us at home with this. I can fuck you all medical like,” he groans as he continues with his banter.

  The door opens and the poor woman coming in, stops, and stares at him. I slap his arm, but he just doesn’t care.

  “I will be doing the ultrasound for you today,” she says shyly. Dax looks up with a grin before he finally moves.

  “Hey, Doc, nurse lady. Where can I buy one of those?” he asks her pointing at the bed. She blushes before I slap him and say, “Dax! Stop it!” He shrugs his shoulders before moving to the head of the bed by me.

  “We will be checking how far along you are and making sure that the baby is making progress. The doctor will talk to you after that.” I nod my head as the poor woman speaks, trying to not look at Dax, and the ridiculous look on his face.

  “You just gonna stuff that thing in her?” He points at the probe in her hand before he practically yells, “Is that a goddamn condom? Baby, you’re gettin’ fucked with a wand!” I have never been more embarrassed in my entire life, than I am right now.

  “You ready?” the woman asks as I nod. Dax just watches in amazement or maybe it’s amusement…. You never can tell with him.

  “Don’t go stretchin’ it all out,” Dax says with his head half under the paper blanket.

  “Goddamn it, Dax!” I growl until he finally backs away with his hands up.

  “Fine…” He moves to stand next to me again when I hear the tiny thuds. “What the fuck is that?” Dax hollers, scaring the poor woman half to death.

  Chapter 37


  “That... is your baby’s heartbeat,” the woman says as I listen. Little tiny thuds and whooshes. That’s all I hear and my heart leaps into my throat.

  I look at the screen when the woman says, “See that spot there. That’s the baby.” I look at the screen where she is pointing and I can see it. I can see that tiny human. Looking up at Laura, tears stream down her cheeks. They aren’t happy tears either. My heart breaks knowing exactly what she’s thinking.

  “You look to be around ten weeks by these measurements,” the woman talks, but I don’t look at her. My eyes stay locked on Laura.

  “I’ll print you some pictures and the doctor will be in soon.” I move up to the head of the bed, lowering myself over her.

  “Everything’s ok, darlin’. This is a good day. Don’t cry.” Whispering in her ear, I kiss her cheek.

  “It can’t be good, Dax. We don’t know if that baby is his or yours,” she cries. I hate this. I fucking hate seeing her like this.

  “Laura, look at me. Look at me!” I snap. She pulls her eyes to mine and that’s where I lose my heart. Right in this second—she has me in the palm of her pretty little hands—and there is nothing I can do about it.

  “It doesn’t matter whose it is. It’s mine. Do you understand me?” I say to her with so much sureness.

  “What?” she asks, wiping at her tears.

  “You heard me. That baby, is mine. I don’t give a shit about the logistics, Laura. It’s mine.” I press my lips to hers before she has the chance to say anything.

  I let my lips tell her what my heart can’t.

  Someone clears their throat before I pull away. A younger guy stands there in a lab coat, thinking he’s hot shit.

  “I’m Doctor Sims. I am the OB here. I will be examining you, Laura, and answering any questions you may have.” Oh, I have questions.

  “I have a question. Sex? On the table or off?” I ask. Laura slaps my arm, but the Doc just smiles.

  “You can have sex as long as her pregnancy is going well. Have you been sick at all? Any spotting?” He looks at Laura but I answer. I don’t know why, but I do.

  “She’s barfin’ like six times what she eats. I don’t even know where all that barf is comin’ from.” He looks to me like I’ve lost my mind. What? I’m being helpful.

  “No spotting, but I have been throwing up a lot.”

  “I can get you something for that.”

  Chapter 38


  “He’s so embarrassing, Aubrie. The man has no filter,” I tell her as I drink my water.

  “At least he went with you. That was really sweet,” she says. Link leans over and bats his lashes at me.

  “Can you name it after me?” he says with the cheesiest grin I’ve ever seen.

  “What if it’s a girl?” I ask him. He sits there with his brows furrowed thinking about that one.

  “Linka...” Aubrie and I break into a fit of laughter. Link shrugs and goes back to his computer when Kane walks up. Things have been as though nothing happened with him that night.

  We fucked around but him and I didn’t have sex. In fact, Kane acts like nothing happened at all.

  “You look like you’re feelin’ better,” he says with a smile.

  “I am…. The doctor gave me some medicine,” I say, smiling back at him. He nods his head before sitting in the chair next to us.

  “Can I ask you something?” He looks serious and I don’t know how to take that. Kane and I haven’t really talked much since I’ve been around here.


  “You and him good? I know he can be a little all over the place, but you’re good?” I can sense the softness in his tone. His face is creased with so much worry that I almost wonder why.

  “Everything’s good. He has a mouth with no filter, but he’s been amazing,” I tell him in all honesty.

  Kane nods before a smile creeps across his face.

  “Well, congratulations then.” He smiles as he stands up and walks away.

�t think you’re gettin’ another round!” Dax yells from across the room. My mouth drops open as Aubrie giggles to herself. I turn in my seat to look at Dax, as he smiles my way. He’s lucky he’s so damn hot or I’d kick his ass.

  “Are you going to his fight tonight?” Aubrie’s sweet voice pulls me back to her.

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. I don’t want to run into Hector.” That is the God honest truth. That’s the last thing I need right now.

  “He ain’t there tonight,” Stryker says placing a hand on my shoulder.

  I glance up at him as he grins.

  “Third Saturdays of the month aren’t his thing. Don’t know what the fuck he’s doin’ but he ain’t there. You don’t have to worry.” He nods at me once before he walks away.

  “I guess that’s a yes.”

  Chapter 39


  The crowd is wild tonight. It hasn’t been this crazy in a long time. There are a shit ton of clubs out here tonight, too. Mainly the ones we get along with.

  We try not to mingle our fights in with clubs we have a beef with or shit turns deadly.

  My muscles are loose and ready. I’ve been warming up for a while now.

  These fights bring in good money, not only for me, but for the club, too. I’m the best fighter we have. A lot of money goes into bets on me. I’m not being cocky... that’s just the plain truth.

  “You ready for this? You’re fightin’ Rage from Iron’s tonight,” Micah says as I get myself amped up. I nod my head once before he steps back.

  This place is set up much like an official fight club would be. We have refs come in and everything. The big octagon, sits in the middle of the room, much like you see on TV. We have bitches and beer flowing throughout the show, too.

  The place is packed, housing around two hundred fifty people. It may not sound like a lot, but when you’re all in here, it sure as hell is. More so when the money is flowing. Most of the guys here put out around four grand each, on bets. That can bring in a good amount for all of us.


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