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Fighting for a Chance

Page 7

by Erin Trejo

  My eyes track the room as I make my way out to the ring. They stop on her, though. Standing there with her dark hair, piled high on her head and a Knights of Sin t-shirt on, tied at the waist. Fuck, I have to breathe to keep my dick down.

  Her eyes shine in the bright light that illuminates the room. She’s so damn perfect in ways I never saw until just now. My heart flops in my chest the closer I get to her. Before I climb in the ring, I motion for her to come to me.

  She doesn’t have to think about it either. She grins bigger and walks toward me. I throw my arm around her and press a kiss to her lips.

  “Root for me,” I whisper against her lips. Laura smiles and nods her head before I take a step back.

  “You got this. He’s big, but slow. Watch his left,” Bullet talks into my ear. Bullet’s a good fighter, but not as good as I am.

  “Got it,” I say before he shoves a mouth guard into my mouth. Don’t want to lose any of my pearly whites.

  I crack my neck from side to side before Rage steps up. Shit, I forgot just how big that son of a bitch really is.

  The bell rings and I’m ready.

  Chapter 40


  My mouth is hanging open. I know it is. They are beating the living hell out of each other. There is blood splattering all over. Dax’s eye is bleeding. Oh, my God! I cannot watch this.

  “This is insane!” I squeal as they throw more punches. It’s hard to say who is even winning or losing! I have never, in my life, seen anything like this.

  “Dax is good!” Micah yells.

  “He’s damn good!” Bullet chimes in next to him. I look at the two of them as they scream and holler.

  This can’t be what he does every weekend! I know I’ve been with him for a while now, but I never wanted to come to the fights. I always stayed at home and kept to myself. I now see the reason behind that.

  “They are going to kill each other,” I mumble as I drag my eyes back to the ring.

  Dax bobs and moves around with such precision that it hypnotizes me. It’s almost as though he floats above the mat. He looks like he’s in his zone right now.

  Everyone screams and roars when Dax swings his arm around, connecting with the guy’s face. Blood sprays out of his nose before he hits the ground.

  “YEAH! FUCK YEAH, DAX!” the guys roar next to me. Are they serious? This is brutal.

  The guys take off to the ring as I stand here dumbfounded. I can’t believe what I just watched.

  “Your man won!” Trinity, Bullet’s wife, cheers next to me.

  Everyone walks off to congratulate him, but I’m frozen in place by her words. My man…. He’s my man.

  I’m pregnant, and he’s my man. I slowly sit back into the chair behind me while the world spins around me.

  What would my mother say? What would she think of me?

  “Ay Dios Mio.” I place my head in my hands and softly cry to myself. When everyone else is screaming and celebrating, I’m crying like a baby.

  “Come on.” I hear Dax’s voice before I feel his hands on my shoulders. I look up and yell, “For the love of God! Your face!” Dax smiles as I wipe at my eyes.

  He pulls me to my feet and wraps me in his arms. The sense of comfort and peace washes over me.

  “Everything’s ok, darlin’,” he whispers in my ear. How does he know when I need that the most?

  Dax walks with me wrapped around him toward the back, but the screaming voices never stop.

  Chapter 41


  I knew I’d win…. That motherfucker got a few jabs in though.

  “You fuckin’ nailed it, Dax!” Bomber yells as we step into the back room.

  “Hell, yeah, he did!” Kane grins like a lunatic. None of that matters to me right now, though. I want to know why my woman was crying her eyes out when I was winning a fight.

  I nod to the guys with Laura wrapped tightly in my arms. They all nod back and leave us alone.

  I pull her to the bench before I sit us down.

  “You wanna tell me why those tears are on those beautiful cheeks?” I ask her. Laura tilts her head to look at me before shaking it no.

  “Talk to me,” I demand her. Laura takes a breath before licking those full lips.

  “Trinity said... my man won,” she says softly. I’m confused since I am her man… and I did win.

  “Why did that make you cry? You hopin’ I’d lose?” I playfully smirk at her. Laura shakes her head and I can see it in her eyes. Just how torn and lost she is.

  “She called you my man, Dax. I don’t know where my head is at right now. I don’t know what’s right or not. I don’t know anything,” she breaks down again. Tears spill from those blue eyes, ripping my heart to shreds. I pull her back into my chest and hold her there. Letting her get it all out.

  “There are very few things in life that I’m sure of. I know for a fact that I’m sexy as hell. I look like a fuckin’ god.” She giggles before I continue, “The other thing is that this club is my family. These people, are what keep me goin’ day after day. You are a part of that family, Laura. I told you that I wanted you. You know how I feel. I won’t pressure you into anything you don’t want—but you need to be real with me right now. If you can’t handle bein’ with me—say the words.” There are many things in this life that I can handle, but being with her when she isn’t sure isn’t one of them.

  I made the decision to be all in on this. I took that step and offered to take care of her and that baby. Now I need to know that she’s as committed as I am.

  “My mom would have loved you, Dax. She was a lot like you. She always joked and made people smile, but she was serious to a fault. She never said things she didn’t mean,” Laura whispers before looking up at me.

  “Just don’t tell me I look like her. I don’t know that my ego can take that blow,” I tell her with a smile. Laura doesn’t smile back, though.

  “I was never good enough to be like her. As much as I want to tell myself that I can handle the not knowing, I really can’t.”

  Chapter 42


  Dax has been on edge. The club has a big run that they are getting ready to go on. That’s about all I get to know. It doesn’t bother me, though. I don’t want to know the logistics of what they do.

  “You don’t go anywhere without the prospect,” Dax says, not even looking at me. I know what I said the other night hurt him.

  “Are you going to be pissed that I was honest, Dax?” I ask. I watch him storm around the room doing random shit.

  “I’m not pissed,” he snaps. Yeah, of course he’s not.

  “You’re mad at me for being honest with you! What do you want from me, Dax?” I scream as I shove myself off the bed. He keeps moving, but doesn’t look at me.

  I move toward him, needing him to say something, anything, to me. This is getting out of hand and I can’t handle much more of it.

  I grab his arms. Dax jerks away before spinning around and looking at me.

  “You know what, Laura. You’re right. I’m pissed... I put my ass out there for you. I told you things that I’ve never said to anyone. I offered to take that responsibility even if we didn’t know. You are fuckin’ me over and I’m fuckin’ sick of it!” he roars. The door opens but neither of us move from the stare down, we are locked in.

  “You knew from the day I found out, I wasn’t ok with it!” I remind him angrily.

  “I did. Then I went with you to the doctor and I fuckin’ held you in my arms. I told you what I wanted! You know what? You’re right. Fuck this... I don’t need the extra stress, Laura. You wanna run back to that motherfucker, make sure you’re gone when I get back,” Dax grits the words between his teeth as his eyes hold a deadly gleam.

  “Why don’t we all calm down and take a little break.” Bullet walks in looking between the two of us. “You two are gettin’ a little heated and shit’s gonna get said that you’ll both regret later.”

  Our eyes stay locked. Each of us waiti
ng for the other to break. I won’t though. I’m stronger than that, I have to be.

  “I got shit to do,” Dax says before turning on his heel, and walking out the door.

  “Yeah, walk the fuck off!” I scream at the back of his head.

  Bullet moves closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

  “He’s a tough motherfucker... but you’re breakin’ him, sweetheart. He knows what he wants—but if you push—he might not come back,” Bullet says before kissing my cheek.

  I watch him as he walks out the door the same way Dax did.

  Am I pushing him?

  No… I’m only being truthful.

  Chapter 43


  Anger, rage, defeat.... Those are all the feelings I have swarming around me right now. I lost it with her. I lost it for no reason. I knew what she felt from the beginning of this.

  Pushing her is my way of getting what I want, but what about what she wants? I can’t force her into something she isn’t ready for. Fuck!

  “She needs some time to adjust,” Bullet says as he comes to stand next to me. I don’t need his shit today too, but he’s probably right.

  “I said I didn’t care whose kid it was, Bullet. I don’t give a shit if it’s that motherfucker’s, it’s still mine. I know it doesn’t make sense,” I say shaking my head. It doesn’t. How many men would stand there and want to take on a kid that wasn’t theirs? I know not many, but fuck if I don’t want that. I want that baby. I want everything to do with Laura.

  “She’s stressed, too. You think she wants to know that she could possibly be carryin’ that motherfucker’s kid after what he did to her?” he reminds me. I guess I see her point in that.

  “You’re right. I just don’t want to lose her, Bullet,” I say. He nods his head, knowing that all too well.

  My eyes scan the back of the old, dilapidated building. I don’t like the scene in front of me. It reminds me of a fucking horror movie.

  “Blood trail…. It’s old,” I say, nodding to the dried spot on the pavement at the entrance. Bullet follows with his eyes before pressing the button on the coms unit.

  “Blood around back. Keep your eyes open,” he says. “Heard that,” Bomber responds as we glance at each other.

  “You think this is all a coincidence?” whispering softly as we make our way inside, he shakes his head and says, “Not likely, but who the fuck would take them out?” he mumbles more to himself.

  I agree, though. We came out here looking for the Red Devils after we got word that they were hanging around this place. It doesn’t look like much, but clearly, something happened here with all the blood we’re seeing.

  The cement floor is covered, but you can clearly see that a body has been dragged through here.

  “Goddamn,” I mumble as we make our way in further.

  “If there ain’t a pile of bodies in here somewhere, I’d be surprised,” Bullet says as we round the corner quietly. I have to agree with him there. This is a crazy amount of blood.

  With our guns in hand, we step foot over foot into the next room as Bomber comes into view on his end.

  “Jesus, fuckin’ Christ!”

  Chapter 44


  I lie in the bed in a puddle of my own tears. Why do I do this to myself? Why am I still here? Dax told me to be gone when he got back. I know I’m being selfish and a bitch, but I was also being honest. I don’t know what else he wants from me.

  I close my eyes tightly and pray that I see my mom’s face. I miss her. I miss her more than I could have ever imagined. She was my everything. That’s all gone now… and I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve tried to move on and move forward. I tried to make a life for myself and for the most part, I was happy with it. Now, I just don’t know where I belong.

  “It’s open,” I yell when I hear the knock. The door cracks open as I pry my eyes open. Aubrie and Trinity stand there with smiles, and ice cream in their hands.

  “If you’re crying, we’re crying with you,” Aubrie says as they walk into the room. I shove myself up to sit and look at the two of them as they sit on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just a lot to take in.” They both nod before Trinity speaks.

  “Can I just tell you something?” she asks. I nod before she speaks again, “My dad hated me. He used me as a pawn. Bullet didn’t really want a relationship at the time but he’s been the best. I know you’re scared… but Dax is a good guy. As long as I’ve known him, he’s always known what he’s wanted.” I smile at that. I know Dax is a good guy. He’s one hell of a guy if you ask me.

  “Thanks, Trinity. I’m glad you guys are here. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I lean over and pull them both into a hug. Aubrie has been my best friend for a long time, but Trinity is becoming one, too. She is an honest person, with a really big heart.

  “We’re always here. I know what Dax said before he left, but don’t listen to him. This run has them all in an uproar,” Aubrie says. I pull away from them as she passes me a container of ice cream.

  “I was to blame for that one. I was being self-centered,” I say. Aubrie raises her eyebrows before she speaks.

  “And that’s different than any other time... how?” She giggles as my mouth falls open.

  “You’re evil! I am sexy and smart.” I giggle along with her. Trinity cracks up before we dig into the ice cream.

  “What do you want to do? Watch a movie? I hate the waiting game,” Aubrie sighs.

  I sit back and watch the two of them, wondering what kind of run they are on if they are all that anxious. I don’t ask, though. The less I know, the better.

  Chapter 45


  Bullet was right. There was body after body piled up in the middle of the room. It makes no sense as to why either.

  “Every goddamn one of them,” Bomber mumbles looking at the Red Devils’ lying in a pile.

  “Who did they piss off aside from us?” I ask looking at the guys.

  “Can’t say, but this is fucked. I’m gonna call Basket,” Bullet says, sliding his cell phone out.

  I stand there in a stunned silence. It isn’t like I’ve never seen a pile of dead people, but a whole goddamn club? This is a first for me.

  “Why leave them here to be found?” Bomber ponders the same question we all do. This is crazy...

  “You think they were ambushed?” Kane asks running his hand through his hair.

  “No shells or anything in sight, brother,” Stryker adds. What the hell happened here?

  I tug at my hair as I wander around the pile of people. They were all shot elsewhere and dragged in here from the looks of the place. The whole goddamn building is full of blood.

  “I’m callin’ Link. See if he can pull any video from around here,” I say, pulling my phone from my pocket.

  I walk to the edge of the room before dialing.

  “Whatcha need?” he answers on the first ring.

  “Got a buildin’ full of dead Devils. Check surveillance in the area, see what you find...” Before I can finish, I hear the clicking of his keyboard as he works his magic.

  I glance around a little more while I wait on him.

  “Fuck! Get out of there, Dax. Live feed shows cops headin’ your way as we speak! Comin’ up the south end.” I click the phone off before hollering at the guys.

  “Got company movin’ in from the south! Let’s roll!” We all take off running toward the door we came in.

  We don’t need to be in here when the cops show the fuck up. That wouldn’t look good for us.

  We check the area before filing out the door and straight onto the bikes. I can hear the sirens off in the distance, now that we’re outside.

  “Break into two’s! No one rides alone, but we don’t travel as a group either. Meet at home!” Bomber roars. We know the drill. We’ve had to use it more times than I care to remember.

  Bomber and Kane head north. Stryker and Bullet head east, and Micah
and I head west, steering clear of sirens that Link told me were coming from the south.

  Chapter 46


  “Hey, Laura. There’s a letter for you.” Holly smiles slightly as she stands at the door with the envelope in her hand. I shove off the bed and take it with a smile.

  “Thanks, Holly,” I tell her as I walk back over and sit.

  “Who sent you mail here?” Aubrie asks, looking as confused as I am. I shrug before Trinity grabs it out of my hands and yells, “If you don’t know, don’t open it! Let one of the guys...” She looks serious. Too serious, to not take her words to heart.

  “Is Link still here?” I ask. They both shrug before we all three shove off the bed and head into the main room.

  I glance around, seeing Holly and a few other girls in the corner laughing and smiling. The prospects are stocking the bar.

  I see Link as he paces along the wall near the door.

  “Hey, Link. We need you!” I holler. Link turns around to look at us. His face is pinched like he’s thinking or overthinking something. He quickly regains his composure, plastering a heart stopping smile on his face. He walks toward us.

  “What do you need?” I hold up the envelope as he eyes it.

  “You wrote me a love letter? That is the sweetest thing,” he grins. The three of us laugh before he takes it in his hand.

  “It came in the mail for Laura. No one knows she’s here,” Trinity says, all signs of her laughter gone. She and Link share a look before he nods.

  “I’ll check it out. Thanks.” What? It was for me, I want to know what the hell it is.

  “No, I want to know what the hell’s in that.” I point at the envelope in his hands. Link looks at it before looking back at me.

  “I don’t think so. Let me check it out first, if it’s harmless, you can have it.” What the fuck! Link turns to walk away and I trail behind him.

  “It was for me. I want to know what the hell is going on, Link,” I snap. Link stops, blowing out a breath. I hear the envelope rip open before a growl rips free from his throat.


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