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Fighting for a Chance

Page 10

by Erin Trejo

  “You did good, sweetheart. He’s beautiful like his momma,” Dax whispers sweetly into my hair. Tears slowly trickle down my cheeks as I lie in his arms.

  “I can’t look at him, Dax,” I say honestly. Dax blows out a breath before he speaks.

  “I know it’s hard right now. There’s a lot that’s runnin’ through your head, but we’re good,” he tries to reassure me. It means nothing, though. Not right now.

  “We still don’t know, Dax. We need to know.” I know this is hurting him. I know he doesn’t want me to push the issue, but I don’t think that I can live with myself if I don’t know. I don’t think I can look at that baby and know that there is a chance that he’s Hector’s son.

  My heart aches in my chest. I miss my mom more and more with every breath I take. I need her now more than I’ve ever needed her in my life. She would know what to do.

  “Sing to me,” I whisper through the tears.

  “I’m gonna love you—for the rest of my life and I’m gonna cherish you... with every blink of my eyes—I will hold you close and keep you warm till I take my last breath and I’m gonna love you—for the rest of my life,” Dax sings, making my heart swell.

  Of all the things I’ve done in my life, I think Dax has to be the best of them. He means the world to me and even if I can’t admit it to myself, I need him.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I wrote it for you and the baby. When we get home, I’ll play it on the guitar for you.” His hands run up and down my arm soothingly.

  When we get home. How has it gone from my home to our home? Is this what I really want to do? Do I want him to stay with me forever?

  Chapter 61


  “She won’t hold him. She won’t feed him. I don’t know what the fuck to do!” I roar before making Cory cry. I can’t handle this. I don’t sleep, I barely eat. All I do, is worry about Laura.

  “Have you talked to the Doc?” Bomber asks, clearly concerned also. I nod my head.

  “Gave her some medicine. Said women sometimes get depressed. She doesn’t want it though,” I shrug. Bomber runs his hand through his hair before sighing.

  “I don’t know what to say here. I never had to deal with this kind of shit,” he says, not knowing what else to say.

  “I know, brother. Me either.” I look down at the little boy in my arms. He already holds a piece of my heart in those tiny hands. He’s mine. Whether that means biological or not, he’s mine.

  He’s the spitting image of his mother. He looks just like her. There are no signs of Hector in this little boy. Hell, there are no signs of me either. He’s all his momma.

  He’s perfect, though. He doesn’t cry much. He eats like his dad, which makes me smile.

  “He’s a good lookin’ boy. I get it if you wanna stay back on this one, Dax.” My eyes jerk to Bomber’s as I shake my head. No fucking way.

  “Fuck that. He took what he wanted from her. I won’t let that shit slide. He wants to pull that reach shit, I’m all in. I’ll get them set up at the clubhouse before we go,” I tell him and that’s when I hear her.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” We both turn to see Laura leaning against the wall. She looks like hell.

  “You don’t have a choice. I need to know you’re safe while we’re gone,” I tell her. Her eyes drift closed as she takes a deep breath.

  “I said… I’m not going anywhere.” She grits her teeth when I take a step. Bomber’s hand lands on my shoulder to stop me.

  He moves around me, quickly making his way to Laura in a few short strides.

  “Can I get some guys to stay here at least?” he asks her. Her eyes are full of unshed tears as she gazes up at him.

  “Fine. The baby can stay with Aubrie.” She turns on her heel and walks back toward the bedroom, leaving us both here in shock.

  “Goddamn. She needs help,” Bomber whispers as he lowers his head.

  “I know. I just don’t know how to get her to understand that.”

  She rips my heart out every time I look at her. It guts me that she doesn’t even want to look at her own child. She’s his mother...

  My heart hurts in ways I never knew it could. It hurts to know that she isn’t into this with me. It hurts worse, to know that she doesn’t want to be a part of Cory’s life.

  Chapter 62


  I can’t bear to look at him. I don’t want to. I’m afraid I’ll see Hector when I look in those eyes.

  “I’m headin’ out. Call me if you need anything.” Dax leans down to kiss my cheek. I don’t move or make any attempt to kiss him back.

  I’m torn. I’m lost in myself and I don’t know which way to turn.

  “You wanna tell him bye?” he asks. I shake my head. “This has to stop, Laura. He’s almost two weeks old,” he reminds me.

  “I know how old he is. I was there... remember?” I snap. Dax sighs before moving toward the crib. I watch the way his t-shirt hugs his muscles. He’s still as gorgeous as ever, but he looks so worn out.

  “Call me,” he says before turning and walking out of the room with Cory in his arms. I want to be a mom. I try to tell myself that over and over again, but I can’t make myself believe it.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” Link strolls in with a smile.

  “Hey, Link.” He moves to sit on the edge of the bed. He doesn’t say anything, just sits there. It’s a strange silence that floats between us. I don’t know what to make of it.

  It’s almost calming in a way.

  “I know things haven’t turned out the way you thought they would. I know you saw things differently.” His voice is slightly lower than usual.

  “I just can’t look at him and see Hector, Link. I don’t know what to do...” The tears stream down my cheeks. Link shifts around before pulling me into his arms.

  “I know, darlin’. Let him be there for you though,” he whispers as I cry.

  “I don’t know how, Link. I don’t know what to do anymore.” Shots ring throughout the room. Link’s on his feet in seconds.

  “Get down behind the bed!” he roars, pulling a gun from his waistband. I slide off the side of the bed and crawl around to the other side like he told me to.

  My heart hammers in my chest. I want to peek around the edge of the bed... but I don’t.

  Link gets silent, which makes me nervous. I heard his footsteps as he left the room. My stomach trembles as quickly as my lip does.

  “Son of a bitch!” I hear Link yell before more shots are being fired. Glass shatter from the window behind me. I duck my head, and place my hands over my neck before everything becomes silent again. It’s not until I hear footsteps that I climb off the floor.

  “What was that, Link?” I yell as I stand.

  “I’m not exactly Link, puta.”

  Chapter 63


  This ride isn’t calming. It isn’t soothing, and it sure as hell isn’t enjoyable. It’s a living hell. I feel like shit. I have no energy. Don’t get me wrong, I love taking care of Cory. In fact, that has to be the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.

  Cory has brought out a side of me that I didn’t know was in me. He makes me look at life differently. He gives me a new sense of hope.

  He also doesn’t like to sleep. I’m ok with that, too. We talk…. Well, I talk. He just lies there. I often wonder what he thinks. Does he know who I am? Does he know I’m his dad? I like to think he does.

  I shake my head as I refocus on the road, not needing a fucking accident on top of the rest of the shit I have going on.

  I watch Bomber as he signals our exit. We all file off before coming to stop at a gas station. I suppose we’re pretty close if we’re stopping now.

  We cut the engines. I turn to look at Bomber.

  “We’re five minutes out. That means we’re close to the fuckin’ main roads. Any shots will be heard. Any suspicious activity will be noticed,” he says.

  “Yeah, a shit ton of bikes isn’t suspicious,” Micah

  “We keep our eyes and ears open. Dax is on point, follow his lead.” The guys all agree before Bomber gives me one last glance. I know the look. He’s handing my brothers over to me on this one.

  We give each other a quick nod before revving the bikes back up. We pull out behind him and make the short trip to the neighborhood Link gave us.

  I glance around, taking it all in just in case we need to haul ass out of here quickly.

  “The third house on the left,” Bullet says. I glance toward it, readying myself. I know what I have to do. I know that I have to leave him a pile of death the same way he left me.

  This is different, though. This is his family. I know what kind of line I’m crossing in doing this. This gets personal on a whole new level. A level I’m willing to go to for Laura.

  “Let’s move. You and Bullet go around back. We got front.” I nod toward Kane.

  The guys all move with stealth like precision. Hell, Bullet and Micah are some of the most lethal motherfuckers I know. Those two have been to war overseas, so I know they can handle just about anything here.

  We creep slowly toward the door. I lean my ear against it once we’re close enough. I hold three fingers up to count down before we smash through it.


  We ram in the front door with guns drawn.

  “Get the fuck on the floor!” I roar as we come in contact with men with guns. They quickly do as they’re told, dropping to the floor.

  “We’re clear!” I hear Bullet yell. I smile at the motherfuckers that are now at my mercy.

  “I assume you know Hector?” I ask the man that’s closest to me.

  “He’s my brother, gringo,” he says with a smirk. Aiming my gun, I pull the trigger.

  “Not anymore.”

  Chapter 64


  “What the fuck do you mean they aren’t answering!” Hector roars into the phone across the room. I grin, knowing that someone is pissing him off. At least it isn’t me this time.

  “You get the fuck over there and find out what the hell is taking them so long!” he screams once more.

  I pull my knees up to my chest as I shiver from the cold. I don’t know where the hell he has me, but they are all bundled up like fucking Eskimos, and I’m in a t-shirt and jeans.

  My teeth chatter as I try to glance around the room. I’m not in any kind of cell, just tied to a fucking chair in what appears to be a warehouse.

  “You having fun, puta.” Hector closes the distance between us. Bile rises in my throat the closer he gets.

  “So much fun,” I mutter. The back of his hand slams into my cheek, knocking my head to the side. I just grin up at him as blood trickles from my lip. “How did you like getting kicked out of la casa de mi Madre?” I ask.

  Hector’s eyes fill with a rage I’ve never seen before and I thought I’d seen them all. This is different. This is the diablo himself.

  “You thought that was cute, didn’t you? Little boyfriend can’t save you now. In fact, when my boys get their heads out of there asses, he will be joining you here.” The vile way the words leave his lips make my insides quiver. He’s serious.

  “Good luck getting your pretty little hands on him,” I say with a smirk. I know I’m pushing his buttons. I know he’s telling me the truth, but I also know Dax isn’t going to back down. Once he sees I’m missing, he will come looking.

  “I don’t need my hands on him I have people for that, or did you forget while you were playing house with my son?” Those two words slam into me harder than a fist to the stomach. His son. I will never accept that.

  “He isn’t yours, estupido!” I laugh. Hector’s face contorts in anger.

  “I can see why you would think that… running around fucking everything in sight, puta! But he is mine, cabrona.” Shaking my head, he has lost all signs of common sense.

  “No, he isn’t. He’s Dax’s son. Not yours.” His eyes flicker before he smiles.

  “Does it really matter now? I mean, once I have your man here, I plan on going after my son. I want him to watch his whore of a mother die in front of him. I want him to see you bleed and take your last breath.” He leans in closely to my face before he whispers, “I want him to see what kind of whore he was born to so that he will never cry for you when he grows up.”

  Chapter 65


  I drag this motherfucker by his leg before tossing him on top of the pile with a grin. Look at that, just like Hector left for me, I now leave for him. Only this time, I went a step further… I left his family to rot.

  I place my hands on my hips as I examine our handy work. I must say, it looks damn good, too.

  “Perfection,” Kane laughs. I glance over and grin and nod.

  “It is a lovely sight,” I say as I pull my phone out. I dial Link but it goes to voicemail. Shit, why isn’t he answering.

  I dial again. No answer. What the hell is going on?

  “Link’s not answerin’,” I say mainly to myself.

  “We got company! A black van just pulled in the back driveway!” Bullet hollers. We all share a glance before heading toward the front door. I peek through the shades, making sure our exit is clear.

  “We’re clear. Haul ass back home!” Bomber whispers loudly. We all nod before pulling the door open. I can hear the lock on the backdoor click just as we step out of the front.

  Like a fucking runner nearing the finish line, we all speed the fuck up. Jumping on the bikes, we rev them up and haul ass down the road.

  Shots ring through the air. My left mirror is hit, but thank fuck I’m not.

  Speeding up, I fall in behind the guys, checking behind me for anyone that might be following us.

  I don’t see anyone, but the irony that Link didn’t answer his phone isn’t sitting right with me. Something happened. It had to have happened. Link is always on that phone when we call. He’s our eyes when we can’t see. He’s our ears in the silence.

  The highway is wide open as we hit it and head home. My stomach is in knots not knowing where the hell Link is. Why the fuck would he not be answering!

  Thoughts swarm my mind. None of them good. I should force them away, but I let them stay right where they are. I may be insane for that, but I know what reality is. I know what this life is. I know what happens when you cross people that are just as powerful as you are. I know the end game is near.

  I don’t like to admit to the fact that I pulled Laura into this mess, but I did it. I did it without regret. I did it without the blink of a fucking eye because I’m a selfish bastard. I guess this is a bad time to think about Cory, too. My son.

  Yeah, I know he’s my son. I had him tested just like Laura wanted. I got the results right after I left the house today. 99.9% sure that he’s mine. I wanted to wait and tell her when I got home. I wanted to wait until we could sit down like a family and talk, but I may have missed my goddamn chance to do that now.

  I may have ruined her in the process.

  Chapter 66


  His mouth hangs open. His eyes are the color of night. His face... paled. Whatever he was told on that phone a few minutes ago has shaken him. Something has him off his game.

  I want to use it to my advantage but I’m afraid to. I know what Hector can do. I’ve been on the receiving end of the mild shit.

  He doesn’t move. He stands there as still as a statue. The other guys try to talk to him, but he doesn’t move. It’s like he’s in a daze.

  It’s strange for me to see him like that. So lost in himself. He’s always been so sure of himself and the people around him. Watching him come apart in front of my eyes almost gives me a sick thrill. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You know it’s all wrong, but you can’t tear your eyes away from it.

  “We got a location on the Sins,” a man next to him says. Hector nods slowly before glancing over at him.

  “I want him. Alive.” His voice is still low and strained. I’d love to
be a little bug in his ear to hear exactly what was said on that phone, that has caused the man that thought he was a king… to fall off his throne.

  The man nods before whistling. A few others move around the room quickly, but those dark eyes land on mine and all hope of making it out of here is lost. I won’t let him have that satisfaction, though. I won’t let him see me break. I won’t bend to his will and die gracefully.

  “Your little boyfriend just made the biggest mistake of his life,” he says as he moves toward me. I harden myself. Stiffening my spine as I sit a little taller. He pulls the ropes tighter around my arms. The asshole had them put on me after our little chat.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask. I need to know now, what Dax did that was so horrible. What he did that turned this monster into a raging beast.

  “He killed my family. Mi Familia!” he yells. I flinch, not because I’m backing down, but because his family was all he had left.

  Hector looks me in the eye as a slow grin creeps across my face.

  “You pushed him too far, Hector. You should have stopped. He warned you not to cross him. You hurt me or my son, he won’t stop.” Hector watches me, thinking that I may be right. I can see it. The wheels in his mind are spinning out of control. His phone rings. He takes a small step back to answer it.

  “What?” he grunts. I sit up straighter, ready to take him on when he smiles. The laughter that follows, sends chills down my spine.

  Hector hangs up the phone, sliding it back into his pocket.

  “Looks like lover-boy was stupid enough to stray from his flock.” With that same manic laughter, he turns on his heel and walks away from me.

  “What are you talking about? Hector!” I scream, but he doesn’t look back.

  My heart beats harder. My pulse roaring in my ears. Dax isn’t that stupid. Is he?

  Chapter 67


  I knew they were coming. I could sense that shit a mile away. It was best for everyone if I cut off.


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