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Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Three

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Crazy asked, making his way toward the door.

  “Mary and I can handle your daughter. We’ve got kids of our own,” Holly said. “Go and have fun on your date.”

  He wasn’t nervous about his date, but he was about leaving Holly and Mary alone with his kid. Sure, the two women were the best of friends, but they were both little hell-fires when they got started. He didn’t want his little girl to start fighting with him because he was not an empowered woman or some shit.

  “Don’t corrupt my girl.”

  Mary laughed, walking around the corner, holding her own daughter. She had given birth two months ago to a squealing baby girl. Pike was completely in love with his woman, and daughter, and they made for a very happy family. “Strawberry was corrupted the moment you brought her through that door. We’re going to tell her who really is boss. Girls do everything better.”

  Rolling his eyes, he let himself out the door.

  “You can count on us, Crazy. We’ll have her hunting, making explosives, and doing my famous kick to the balls move,” Holly said.

  “God help me,” he said, the moment the door closed.

  Holly and Mary were both amazing, fun women to be around. Duke and Pike were lucky men, but then so was Raoul, who’d recently married Zoe, the young woman he’d saved from being gang raped.

  It amazed Crazy at times how much shit could happen in so little time. It had been over a year since Holly and Duke had married, yet it had felt like years with how natural they all were.

  Climbing into Duke’s car, which he borrowed for his date, he drove toward the apartment blocks where he and Leanna lived.

  She was going to find some excuse to avoid him and their date. He was thankful he now knew her weakness. All he had to do was invade her space, crowd her with his presence, and she became putty in his hands. He would be lying if he was to say that he didn’t like it. He did. Crazy fucking loved her response to him.

  Someone who couldn’t think around him wouldn’t be able to turn away, or turn him down. He intended to use it all to his advantage. Climbing out of the car, he was swinging the keys between his fingers, and whistled as he made his way up toward her room.

  Knocking on the door, he waited.

  Leanna opened, and his cock went into overdrive. He’d rarely seen her in clothes that actually fit to her body. She wore a pair of jeans that melded to her thick hips and thighs, and a shirt that gathered in at her waist, but highlighted her generous tits.

  Out of all of the women, club whores and old ladies, Leanna’s tits were the best, and biggest. His mouth watered at just the thought of a taste. He wanted her naked, under him, and riding him. Fuck, he just wanted her, and he didn’t give a fuck what it was going to take to get her.

  His cock was throbbing with need, and he no longer wanted to go out on a date.

  “You’re not going to fight me?” he asked, disappointed. He wanted any excuse to have her hands all over him.

  “I don’t want to stay here.”

  She grabbed her purse, and before he knew what was happening, they were outside of her apartment.

  Okay, she may have figured out her one weakness without him. It was now up to him to take the next step.

  “Come on, beautiful.” He took her hand, leading her down to the car.

  “I didn’t know you had a car.”

  He waited for her to climb into the car, and with other women, he’d have left them to place the seatbelt across themselves, but with Leanna, he did it. Brushing the back of his fingers across her breasts, he had to stifle a moan at the softness of them. She really was a beautiful, soft woman.

  Closing the door, he took a breath, and tried to think of anything that would lessen the stiffness in his cock. Nothing was helping. If anything, he was only getting harder. He needed to think, not have all thought go to his dick.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, running her hands down her thighs.

  “We’re going to have some dinner, and some dancing.”

  “I can cook for us, or you can go for take out.”

  “You’re trying to separate us?” He turned toward her, giving her his full attention.

  “What? No, not at all.”

  “We’re going to dance, and eat.”

  Turning the ignition over, he started out of the parking lot, heading away from Vale Valley. The bar he knew was just on the outskirts of the city.

  “Should we be going to a bar with you driving?”

  “I’m not going to be drinking. I’m responsible, Leanna.”

  She was silent for several seconds, and he chanced a glance over at her to find that she was biting her lip.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  “I’m just curious about what happened to Suz. Strawberry said she’d not seen her for some time.”

  Tightening his hands around his steering wheel, Crazy tried to control his temper. “Are you trying to put distance between us by bringing up my ex-wife?”

  “No, you’re divorced?”

  “Yes, I’m divorced. I never loved Suz. I fucking hated the bitch. She was a club whore, and had more dick than any other fucking woman. The only reason I married her was because of Strawberry.”

  “You don’t have to marry in this day and age,” Leanna said. Her voice was small.

  “I wasn’t going to give Suz the chance of taking my kid from me. She’d do it as well. Suz only cared about herself, and if it hurt me, then she’d have put Strawberry up for adoption, or even killed her.” Crazy didn’t want to be thinking about his ex. He had a tendency to want to murder the slut.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” Leanna sat back in her seat.

  Crazy cursed inwardly, and released the steering wheel. He kept hold of the wheel, but he no longer had it in a death grip.

  “It’s okay. I didn’t expect the topic to be all that fun.”

  “I’m not very good around people, or anyone. It’s not your fault that you picked a dud.”

  “Don’t fucking do that,” he said, cursing. “Don’t put yourself down. Damn, those bastards really did a number on you.”

  Again, silence filled the car.

  “It was my own fault,” she said, after a couple of seconds had passed. “I didn’t stand up, and make it stop. I let it all happen.”

  “We’re not always responsible for what happens to us.”

  “I know that, but it’s up to ourselves on how we react to what actually happened. I didn’t handle it well.”

  Releasing a sigh, Crazy glanced over at her. “I don’t want to ruin this date.”

  “This is a date?”

  “Yes, it’s a date, and it’s not because of a challenge either.”

  “You do realize dating each other doesn’t change what you want from me.”

  Crazy didn’t talk as he saw the parking lot to the bar up ahead. Pulling into the back of the lot, he parked the car. He preferred being at the back of the lot as it was so much easier to get out at the end of the night.

  “How does it not change anything?”

  “You still want me to take care of Strawberry.”

  “I can stop you caring for my kid in a heartbeat. The club is full of old ladies who’ll do whatever I want, including help take care of Strawberry.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Do you want that?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I like her.”

  “I’m going to take you out on dates, and we’re going to spend time with Strawberry together, but I’m not going to dump my kid on you, and go fucking everything else. I’m going to prove to you, I want you for a hell of a lot more than just the mother for my kid.”

  “What does Suz think about that?”

  “She’s been gone nearly six months, and not once gotten in touch. What do you think? I couldn’t even get her to love Strawberry when she was in my life.” Climbing out of the car, he rounded to her side, and o
pened the door. Taking her hand, he pulled her up close, slamming the door closed. Pressing her against the body of the car, he cupped her hip, showing her how hard he was as his cock pushed against her stomach. “That’s how much I want you, and believe me, I’m not thinking about my kid with this.”

  No, he was thinking about getting Leanna naked underneath him, and finding out how soft her curves were.

  Dropping a kiss to her lips, he smiled as she went in for a deeper kiss but he pulled back. Getting Leanna was going to take some time.

  Making their way into the bar, he didn’t give her a chance to pull away from him, taking her straight to the bar. He ordered himself a soda, and Leanna a wine. She needed to loosen up a little.

  “I don’t drink. Can I have an orange soda?” she asked.

  “Bring it to our table, Dan.” He led her toward the back of the booth away from everyone.

  “Why are we in this bar?” she asked.

  “This is a damn good place. There’s no drugs, and there’s no shit. It’s adults only, but it’s a place to eat good food and dance.” He pointed toward the dance-floor close to their table. Dan, the owner, had made sure to keep enough space between the booths, and the dance floor. “So why don’t you drink?”


  This date was not going how Leanna had hoped. She’d intended to put Crazy off, and that meant talking about Suz, and everything that would make for a bad experience.

  Biting her lip, she stared down at her hands that were locked together at the table.

  “So, why don’t you drink?”

  Hating his question, she knew there was no point in keeping that crap to herself. “I was drunk when I accepted the proposal from my first husband.”


  “And if I wasn’t drunk, I may have seen through his proposal.”

  Crazy’s brow was raised. “Are you telling me that you spent most of your marriage drunk?”


  “Then drink wasn’t the reason you were blind to him.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this.” She tucked her hands back into her lap.

  “They always take a little bit from us, don’t they?” he asked.

  She waited for their drinks to be placed in front of them along with the menus. Crazy thanked Dan, and they were alone. “Who take what from us?”

  “Ex-partners, lovers, they come and take a little of us in whatever form they can.”

  Taking a sip of the cool soda, she returned her gaze back to him. “What did Suz take from you?”

  “My spunk.”

  She choked on her drink, and stared at him wide eyed. “Wow, you don’t even sugarcoat it, do you?”

  “You’re determined to make this a bad date. I’m not going to pretend I haven’t fucked my fair share of women. I’ve fucked a lot of women, a lot of pussy. Suz was a mistake. I couldn’t stand her. She broke the condom on purpose, and yes, she took my spunk that wasn’t freely given. What about you? What did those bastards do to you?”

  “This isn’t a date—”

  “You wanted this for your line of questioning.” He leaned forward taking hold of hand. “We’ll get all of our shit on the table now, and later on, we’ll not have anything to hide.”

  Leanna felt guilty. “I wanted this to go awfully.”

  “I’ve fucked a lot of women, Leanna. Suz got herself knocked up because she tampered with the condom.”

  “Were you faithful to her?”

  “In the beginning I was. The last couple of months, I didn’t give a shit. I fucked some of the women at the club, who open their legs for all of the brothers.”

  Taking a sip of her drink, Leanna stared into his eyes. He was telling the truth.

  “I’m not going to cheat on you. We’re dating, and I’m going to prove to you that I can be the man for you.”

  She believed him. Crazy wasn’t known for being a liar.

  “I’ve not been with anyone in three years. I decided I wasn’t going to allow myself to trust anyone,” she said.

  “You can trust me. I’m going to prove it to you. The club is free sexually. We fuck who we want, when we want, and we don’t always do it behind closed doors.”

  “What about Duke and Pike?”

  “They are monogamous to their women. I’ve never seen either of them with anyone else since claiming Mary and Holly.”

  She smiled. “I noticed you said since they’ve been with Mary and Holly.”

  “We’re men who don’t hide our need. We love to fuck.”

  “You’re blunt. I think you’re the bluntest man I’ve known.”

  “I don’t believe in pussy footing around.” He reached over, taking her hand once again, and turning it over, running his fingers over her pulse. “Like now, I’m curious about the color of your nipples. Are they red, brown, pink?”

  Heat filled her cheeks, and she fought the urge to pull away. All of the men she’d been with before Crazy looked weak compared to him.

  Fight fire with fire.

  You want him.

  Have him, and leave your heart out of it.

  Leanna had never been the kind of woman who had a man chasing after her. The kind of men she’d been with were the ones who liked to keep the light off when they had sex, and it was always the missionary style. It had taken her stumbling on a porn site to find there was more than one way to have sex.

  She’d wanted to have dirty, sweaty, hot sex, at least once.

  Was Crazy the best man to discover it with?


  Leaning forward, she didn’t pull her hand away, she stared into his eyes. “I have red nipples, and they’re large, not small.”

  You can do this.

  Crazy’s eyes grew wide, and she was happy to have finally caught him unaware.

  “You see, now I just want to see them.”

  Licking her dry lips, she turned his arm over, and traced inside his wrist. The word “Freedom” was inked on the inside.

  “You been in prison?”

  “I did a stint about fifteen years ago when I was twenty. I got caught on a weapons’ charge. I did my time, and that was it. I promised myself I wouldn’t go back inside.”

  Tracing the word with the tip of her finger, she wondered what kind of man he would have been before he went inside.

  “I couldn’t handle prison.”

  “No, you couldn’t.”

  He didn’t pull away from her, but she knew that was it.

  Crazy wasn’t going to tell her anything more about his life on the inside.

  “You’re curious.” He traced a line up the inside of her arm.

  “Yes.” She was in no doubt as to what he was asking. Leanna was curious about him, and what he could give her. There was no way she needed to have a relationship with him for what she wanted. She could take care of Strawberry, find out what all the fuss was about in the bedroom, and keep her heart intact.

  “I know what you’re trying to do,” he said, sitting back.

  “I’m not trying to do anything.”

  “If you’re curious about having sex, I can help you with that. If you think for a second you’re going to use me, you’re wrong.”

  “You were going to use me.”

  “Past tense. I can fuck you until the next millennium, and have you spending days wondering how many orgasms you actually had, but don’t for a second think you can use me. I’m not the kind of man to be used.”

  Shoulders slumping, she jolted as he climbed out of the booth. He didn’t move away, and urged her up so that he was sitting beside her. The wall stopped her from going anywhere else.

  He placed his arm across her shoulders, and with the other, he cupped her cheek.

  “No one can see.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “I’ve seen your mind working, and it’s not hard to guess.” He traced his thumb across her lips, and slipped it down her neck. She expected him to stop, but he didn’t. Moving down to her shirt, he t
ugged it down.

  “What are you doing?”

  “No one will see. I’m here, and you’re covered. Anyone else will think we’re having a private conversation.”

  She kept her hand over his, and stared into his eyes.

  “Try to look over my shoulder.”

  Leanna tried to look but couldn’t see anyone. Crazy had her covered.

  Slowly, she released his hand. He tugged the neckline of her shirt down until her bra covered breast was exposed. Crazy removed the bra, and finally he broke eye contact with her. His gaze moved to her nipple.

  Heat filled her pussy, making her grow slick with arousal.

  “Are you wet?”


  “I know you are, baby. Your nipple is hard, showing me that you want my dick. Your body is more honest than those lips of yours. Don’t worry, I’ll have them wrapped around my dick soon enough.”

  She bit her lip to stop herself from snapping at him. He flicked his finger over her exposed nipple, and she couldn’t believe she was allowing this to happen. His touch was lighting a fire deep inside her, and she was scared that there was not going to be anything but him that could put it out. This was why she’d tried to keep him at arm’s length. Crazy had the power to make her lose control, and only focus on the need.

  “When we’re alone, I’m going to suck these tits until you’re almost coming. We’re going to have a lot of fun together.”

  He tucked her breast back inside, and leaned down to brush her lips with a kiss. She didn’t fight him. There was no point in fighting him. Everything he was doing to her, she wanted. Leanna had simply been denying herself whereas others didn’t.

  Chapter Four

  Their meal went a lot better after he invaded her space, touching her body every chance he got. There was a side to Leanna that she’d kept well guarded from him, and he imagined from the outside world.

  Crazy couldn’t believe he’d not seen it before now.

  There was a wildness inside her, and he was going to draw her out.

  “Let’s dance.”

  They had shared a platter of wings and hot sauce. He wasn’t near full, but he wanted to give Leanna all the experience she wanted.

  Taking her hand, he moved toward the dance-floor. The heavy beat had him holding her hands and swaying to the music.


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