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Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t dance,” she said.

  Tugging her in close, he slid a thigh between her legs and took her hips in his hands. “It’s not about listening to the music, but your body.”

  Her hands wrapped around his neck, and he held her close while taking her on a dance. She was such a sensual, sexy woman. Rocking her hips from side to side, he stared into her eyes.

  His cock thickened as her soft body pressed against his own. Her tits were beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to get his mouth on them, or even have them pressed around his dick.

  “Are you having fun?”

  She started to relax, and follow his lead with the music.

  “Yes. This has been a lot of fun.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised.”

  She laughed. “This has to be the first date I’ve actually ever had fun, and we’ve gotten all of our crap out on the table.”

  “I’m not going to hide from you, or the club.”

  “You make it sound like one big orgy.”

  “Some nights, it is, and yes, I’ve participated.”

  She started to play with the hairs at the back of his neck. “You need to get a haircut.”

  Crazy gripped her ass tightly, sliding his hand down the crease closing in on her pussy.


  “Follow me.”

  He took her hand, and led her down a long corridor. Crazy couldn’t last another second. Pressing her against the wall, he slammed her wrists above her head, and took possession of her mouth.

  She tasted of spice and the orange soda she’d been drinking. It was a heady combination, and one he wanted more of. Leanna gasped, and he slid his tongue in, locking her hands above her head, as he used his other to slide down her body.

  “Do you want to play with me, Leanna?”


  “Then I think it’s safe to have some ground rules.”

  “More rules?”

  “You’re the one who wanted me to prove that I wanted to date you for you. I’m doing that.” He glided his hand down until he cupped her pussy through her jeans. “You don’t hide from me. Strawberry doesn’t need to know that we’re dating, and fucking.”

  “I’ve not said I’m fucking you.”

  He groaned. “Damn, you’re going to do a lot of talking when my dick is inside you, sliding in your tight cunt.”

  She gasped but didn’t push him away. There was a fire inside Leanna, and he was going to unleash it.

  “We’re going to fuck, and you’re going to love every second of it. I’ll give you everything you want, and I’ll take it.”

  He nibbled down to her neck, sucking on her flesh. “Deal?”

  “You touch another woman, it’s off.”


  Slamming his lips back on hers, Crazy sealed the deal. Once he finished kissing her, he didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath. He moved toward the bar, paid their bill, and had her back in his car, strapped in, and was heading back to their apartment before she could utter a word of protest.

  “You’re acting crazy.”

  “I want what I want.” He took her hand, locking their fingers together. Crazy didn’t let her go until he parked the car in their parking lot. Leanna climbed out of the car before he got the chance to go ‘round to her side. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and followed behind her.

  Leanna’s hands were shaking as she tried to find the key. He wondered how many men had led her back to her apartment, intent on fucking their brains out.

  The evening hadn’t started out with him wanting to fuck her, but it was going to end with his dick deep in her pussy.

  Opening the door, he pushed her inside, and slammed the door closed. Grabbing her arm, he shoved her up the wall. His actions created noise, but he wasn’t hurting her.

  Without waiting for her permission, he shoved her shirt up, over her head.

  “You were enticing me tonight.”

  “You asked.”

  “Now I’m going to taste.” He snapped the catch of her bra, and her large tits sprang free. Cupping her tits in his hands, he ran his thumb across each hardened nipple. She gasped, thrusting her chest out to him. “That’s right, push them up to me. I’m going to spend a great deal of time with these beauties.”

  Leaning forward, he flicked his tongue over one extended nipple, and sucked it deep into his mouth.

  She cried out at the same time as he moaned.

  Leanna tasted a lot better than he ever imagined. Sliding his tongue across her chest, he lavished attention to her other nipple. With his mouth at work, he flicked the catch on her jeans, and began pushing them down her hips.

  “We should talk about this.”

  “I’m done talking.” Slipping his hand inside her panties, he started to finger her slick cunt. “You’re wet for me, baby. You’ve been holding out on me, and I’m not going to let you do that anymore.” Biting her nipple, he watched the rapture cross her face, and knew there was a little slut inside Leanna. All he needed to do was push the right buttons, and she’d belong to him.

  Suz had been a slut to the core, fucking every single man around. Leanna was different. She would be his little slut, and no one else would ever know what she was like.

  Sliding two fingers inside her, he groaned as her pussy clenched around his fingers, and he added a third finger. He wanted his dick inside her, and the worse for him, he didn’t want to wear a condom. Crazy was clean, and he just knew that Leanna would be.

  “I want to fuck you.”

  Sucking her nipple into his mouth, he released it with a plop, and stepped back. He didn’t give her enough space, and removed his clothes so that he was standing before her, naked. It didn’t take him long. He needed to relieve the pressure from around his dick.

  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he stared into her eyes. “You see this?”

  She nodded.

  “This is what you do to me. This has nothing to do with my kid. This is all you, Leanna. Every time I’m close to you, I want to fuck you.” Taking hold of her hand, he wrapped her fingers around his length.

  He ran his thumb across the tip that was leaking pre-cum, and placed it on her lips. “Taste me.”

  She flicked her tongue out, and he almost came there and then. It was the most erotic sight he’d ever seen, and in all of his years of fucking, it was saying something.

  “You’re going to have me begging aren’t you?”

  “I’m not very experienced.” She squeezed his dick a little tighter.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll teach each other.” Sinking his fingers into her hair, he led her toward the couch. There was no time to go anywhere else. They’d make it to a bed at some point, just not now.

  He dropped her to the couch, following down with her.

  Leanna’s body was a fucking dream, soft in all the right places. She filled his hands to perfection, and he couldn’t imagine having another woman beneath him. Her tits bounced and shook with each of her indrawn breaths. He’d hated Suz with her slender, skeleton body. Crazy understood what Duke, Pike, and Raoul saw in their women. They were all larger women, and they made a man want to come home at night.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he claimed the kiss he’d been wanting since he’d come to collect her. He wasn’t going to hold back anymore with Leanna. Crazy wouldn’t go against her rules in front of Strawberry, but the moment his kid was not around, Leanna belonged to him.

  Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his lips down her neck, to her breasts. Sucking each nipple back into his mouth, Crazy cupped them together, slipping his tongue between the globes. “I’m going to fuck you here, and you’re going to love it.”


  “Sh.” He didn’t linger on her tits even though he wanted to. They were so amazing. He was going to spend many hours fucking them. Kissing down her stomach, he dipped his finger into her belly button, before moving down. Opening her thighs, he stared at her creamy cunt, and his mout
h watered. He would never grow bored of licking this woman out.


  Crazy was surrounding every part of her. Any sense that Leanna had once had, disappeared the moment he started touching her. This was why she tried to keep him at arm’s length. He wasn’t like any of the other men she’d been with. He was just … male. Not one part of him was weak. Crazy wasn’t afraid or ashamed of who he was, and what he liked, taking and giving with equal measure.

  Glancing down at where he was looking, Leanna bit her lip. He was staring at her pussy.

  He moved down, sliding the lips of her sex open, and Leanna gasped as he quickly licked from her entrance to her clit. Crying out, she fell to the couch only to rise up as he plundered her pussy with his tongue. There was no way a man was supposed to know how to make a woman beg. It wasn’t fair. Gripping the edge of her couch, she groaned.

  She’d have to wash the fabric. Her cream leaked out of her pussy, dripping down the crack of her ass, and she guessed onto the couch.

  “You taste fucking perfect.”

  Groaning, she started to thrust up to meet his tongue. His fingers went from teasing her clit, to slamming inside her, switching with his tongue.

  Her orgasm grew and grew, startling her with how quickly she went to the edge.

  “That’s it, give it to me.”

  He bit on her clit. Pain exploded at the same time as pleasure with his fingers stroking over her G-spot, at just the right angle.

  Screaming out, Leanna crashed into her orgasm, taken completely off guard by the intense pleasure. Crazy didn’t stop there. He prolonged her orgasm until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  Crazy moved up, and over her body.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she paused.

  “I’m not leaving with blue balls.”

  “You need to get a condom. I’m not protected. I could get pregnant.”

  He jumped over the couch, and within a second, he was rolling a condom on with such efficiency that she didn’t want to think about it. Crazy moved between her thighs, aligned the tip of his cock to her core, and was about to slam home when his cell phone rang.

  Leanna groaned. “Forget about it,” she said.

  “I can’t.”

  There was Strawberry to think about, and for a split second, she had forgotten. Crazy cursed, and pulled away. His cock was still rock hard, and Leanna sat up. With each step he took, her mind grew clearer. Most times, she saw the danger she was in, giving herself to Crazy. He had a lot of power, the power to break her heart, and crush her in ways no man had. Only this time, she didn’t see the danger as she looked at him. She saw the pleasure to be had, the fun. All of the kinds of fun she’d wanted from her husband, and the boyfriends she’d had.

  “Hello. Shit. She okay? No, I’ll come and get her.” Crazy disconnected the call.

  Grabbing a pillow, Leanna placed it in front of her. “What’s the matter?”

  “Strawberry’s sick. She’s thrown up her dinner, and I need to go pick her up. Holly was more than happy to keep her, but she was calling for me.”

  “Duty calls.”

  Crazy placed his phone on the coffee table, and sat beside her. She moaned as he sank his fingers into her hair, and pressed his lips to hers. “Crazy?”

  “I’ve got to go, baby. I promise you I’ll be back.”

  “I was the one that got off.”

  “And you’re going to be the one making sure I get off when the time is right.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, and groaned. “If I didn’t have to go I’d be deep within your pussy right now.”

  This was her time to groan. “Don’t say things like that.”

  “It makes you wet. You love it.”

  She touched his cheek, and pressed her face to his. “Stop.”

  “You’re right. I’ve got to go.”

  He stood up, moving around the back of the couch toward the pile of clothes. Unable to just sit there, Leanna followed him, tugging on her underwear, and clothes.

  I don’t want him to go.

  Gripping her shirt, she stared at him, biting her lip. “Would you like me to come with you?”

  “Nah, I wouldn’t expect that from a date. Strawberry is sick, so it’s going to be a bad sight.”

  “I’m not asking as your date.” I’m asking as your woman. See, this is what you get when you try to be a smart ass. “I’m asking as your friend.”

  “You don’t have to come.”

  “I know, and that’s one of the reasons why I do want to come.”

  He released a sigh, and nodded. “Only if you want to come. I’m not going to force you.”

  “I’m coming. I don’t like the thought of Strawberry being ill.”

  They finished getting dressed. Leanna followed him down to the car, and it wasn’t long before they were in front of Holly’s house. She saw the concern he had for his daughter, and it made her care about him just a little bit more.

  She’d never been to the ranch before. The moment she saw it, Leanna fell in love with it. It was a large house, beautiful, and the views were beyond compare as it overlooked the many landscapes outside of Vale Valley.

  “She’s on the couch,” Holly said, opening the door.

  Following behind Crazy, she bit her lip as Holly gave her a smile on the way out of the door.

  “I hope I didn’t interrupt your date.”

  “It’s fine.” Her cheeks heated, and Leanna saw the gleam in the other woman’s eyes. Crap, just once she’d love for her body not to respond to a knowing look.

  “Strawberry’s been asking for you and her dad.”

  Moving into the sitting room, Leanna saw Mary sat across from the little girl looking worried.

  “Duke took Michael on a camping trip, and Pike had to run an errand for the club,” Holly said. “I didn’t know what else to do, and she was wanting you both.”

  “Both?” Leanna said.

  The moment the little girl saw her, her eyes lit up. Strawberry rushed off the couch, throwing herself at her. Picking her up, Leanna held her close, feeling her temperature.

  “We better get you home. She probably picked something up at the park.” They grabbed her stuff, said goodbye to the women, and made their way back to the car. She sat in the back, holding Strawberry close while Crazy drove. It was a little after ten by the time they made it to Crazy’s apartment. She carried Strawberry to her room, sitting down with her, and rubbing her back.

  She loved how natural it was for her and Crazy to take care of Strawberry. Another hour had passed by the time Strawberry fell asleep. Crawling out from beneath her arms, she walked behind Crazy as they made it to the sitting room.

  In the months that Suz had been gone, the apartment had transformed. She’d always been shocked at the bland, almost dank look of the place. Crazy had changed the furniture, giving it a more modern look. The walls were decorated cream, and the ceilings white.

  “You think she caught something at the park?”

  “Other kids are there, and if they’re poorly, it doesn’t take long to spread.” She shrugged, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth.

  “Shit, you’re tired.”

  “I’m going to head home. I really enjoyed tonight.”

  She was passing him, and he caught her arm. “Don’t leave.”


  “I’ve got a bed. We don’t have to fuck, and this isn’t about Strawberry. I’ll make sure I get up for her. I just, I don’t want this night to end, and I want to be with you.”

  Unable to deny him, she nodded, and followed him toward the bedroom.

  “I changed the bed, and the mattress. I didn’t want to be on anything that Suz had touched.”

  “You wiped all trace of her out of the apartment.”

  “I’m looking for a house, but I’ve yet to find anything suitable. I want to give Strawberry a place that she loves.”

  He moved to some drawers at the end of the room.

  Crazy turned around holding
up a shirt. “You can wear this. The bathroom is across the hall.”

  She took the shirt from him. “I’m just going to wash up.”

  Standing in Crazy’s shower, Leanna closed up at the spray of water, and moaned as the heat ran down her body. They lived in a decent apartment building, so they rarely ever had to worry about no water.

  The night’s events ran through her mind, and she pressed a hand between her thighs, touching her pussy. She wanted Crazy inside her.

  Stop, Leanna.

  Removing her hand, she finished getting washed, and found the nearest towel, wiping the water from her eyes. Crazy was sitting at the end of the bed when she returned wearing his shirt.

  “How do I look?”

  “You look fucking hot.”

  She gave a smile, and suddenly needed to yawn.

  “Time for bed.”

  He pulled the blanket back. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Climbing into bed, she ran her hands over the bed. Looking at his pillow, she grabbed it, and inhaled his masculine scent. It smelled like him, and the scent calmed her.

  I’m lying in Crazy’s bed, sniffing his pillow like a damn dog.

  If Suz saw her now, the other woman would laugh at her.

  Lying down on the bed, she didn’t have to wait long for Crazy to join her. His hair was wet as he lay down, and for several seconds they looked at each other.

  He touched her cheek, stroking a finger over her lips.

  Words were not needed, and Leanna closed her eyes, finding sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Daisy stared at his phone as he sat at the bar. The Friday night fuck-fest had already moved on upstairs, and the only pussy waiting around the bar was tired, used up pussy. Flicking open his phone, he stared down at the picture of his sister, Beth, and her best friend Maria.

  His sister was a beauty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and she had the girl–next-door look. She was sweet, charming, and he knew guys would want to fuck her. Daisy wasn’t an asshole. He didn’t like the thought of any bastard being near his sister, but he wasn’t a hypocrite. Maria, however, was the woman who held his attention. She had long, raven hair, and in this photograph she’d just turned nineteen. His sister had taken it and sent it to him.


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