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Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I hope she cleans that,” Leanna said, having stopped to watch.

  Crazy stood behind her, running his hand down to cup her pussy.

  The woman on the pole was pressed tight against it, and Leanna saw her bare pussy was massaging the pole as if it was a cock.

  It made her feel a little unnerved. This was the kind of sensuality and raw sex that he was around all the time. She couldn’t compete with that.

  “You’re not here, and I don’t ever expect you to be a club whore, Leanna. I don’t want her. I want you.”

  He pressed his dick against her ass, and she glanced behind her to see Crazy was looking at her, and not another woman. “Come with me.”

  She didn’t look back, and followed Crazy up several flights of stairs. They stopped at the first room on the second floor.

  Crazy pulled out a key and unlocked the door. “I keep it locked so no one will come in, and steal my shit. Actually, that’s wrong. I locked my door because Suz would steal my shit. I’m not interested in my stuff being messed with, and I never trusted Suz.”

  He closed and locked the door once they’d stepped inside.

  Turning to face him, she saw Crazy was leaning against the door, blocking her escape, not that she intended to escape.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  Raising a brow, Leanna pressed a hand to her stomach.

  “When we’re in your place, I’ll take it slow. We’re in my room at the clubhouse. This is my domain, and I’m not going to hold back who I am, Leanna, not from you, not from anyone.”

  “I don’t expect you to hold anything back from me.”

  “Then accept that I’m the one that will always be in charge. I need to be in charge no matter what.”

  Biting her lip, she saw the truth in his eyes. “You’re the one in charge?”

  “Yes. I’m a dominant man.”

  “Like whips and chains?”

  “No. Not like that. I don’t need to use whips to get off. I simply need a woman who has no fear, and is more than prepared to trust me with her body, and with her pleasure. Do you trust me not to hurt you, Leanna?”

  Licking her lips again, Leanna tilted her head to the side, unsure of how to answer.

  He wants trust.

  He wants you to give into him, to submit.

  The thought didn’t repulse her. She wanted to be with him, to give him everything that he wanted.

  “Yes, I do.” Crazy had never hurt her, never given her reason to doubt his sincerity.

  “Then take off your clothes, and do it quickly. I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

  Keeping her gaze on his, she kicked her sneakers off, then worked her shorts down. When she couldn’t keep eye contact, she started tugged off her shirt, until she stood before him in her underwear.

  “Did I say you could keep anything on? Lose the panties and bra.”

  Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she removed her bra and panties. Standing before him naked, Leanna didn’t know what else to do, so she stood a few feet away from him, and waited.

  “Look at me, Leanna.”

  Another deep breath, and she looked up at him.

  The moment her eyes caught his, she was lost. He removed his jacket, and stepped away from the door. “I don’t play games. You want to leave, then tell me to stop. I’ll listen to you.”

  Next came his shirt, followed by his jeans. His cock sprang forward, and Leanna wanted to taste him. She wanted to know what it felt like to have his dick sliding across her tongue to the back of her throat.

  Sinking to her knees, she saw that she surprised him.

  Wrapping her fingers around his length, she started to work the length, watching the tip leak pre-cum.

  Pushing away all of her doubts, she flicked her tongue over the tip, and moaned at the taste of his pre-cum. He was salty, and she wanted more. She wanted to suck him until he came on her tongue.

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got a dirty side to you, and I fucking love it.” He sank his fingers in her hair, and she didn’t pull away from him. She loved it when he touched her, took control. The men she’d been with hadn’t wanted to take control. This was what made him so different, and she didn’t want it to end.

  He removed the band in her hair so that the length fell around her shoulders, and he gathered the length in his grip, wrapping it around his wrist, and holding onto her tightly.

  She took the whole tip into her mouth, moaning as he filled her.

  Crazy wasn’t a small man. He was large, and she opened her mouth wider to accommodate him.

  “Your mouth is perfect, Leanna.”

  Leanna took him deep until he hit the back of her throat, and she pulled away, gasping, only to tease his balls, cupping them in her palm.

  With her other hand, she covered his saliva covered cock, and started to work up and down.

  “Yes, that’s it. Fuck, your lips are so good.”

  Glancing up, she saw he was staring down at her, watching her.

  “Use your teeth, lightly graze up my length.”

  She did what he asked, and he closed his eyes, bowing his head back.

  He gripped the back of her head, thrusting his cock in deep, and she took it, moaning. “Yes, suck my cock.”

  Removing her hand, she kept her jaw slack, and took him.

  “I’m going to come. Do you want me to pull out?”

  She’d never swallowed a man’s cum before, and she didn’t know if she wanted to.

  Do it.

  Leanna wanted to give Crazy everything, so she closed her eyes, and moaned. Reaching between her thighs, she stroked her clit.

  “You’re touching yourself, aren’t you? There’s a dirty little bitch inside you begging to get out. Don’t worry, Leanna, I’ll take care of her, and she can come out with me. There’s no way I’m sharing you. You’re a treasure I’m going to keep to myself.”

  She wasn’t insulted.

  He spoke the truth. She’d always dampened down her need as the men always seemed a little put off by what she wanted.

  “I’m close, baby.”

  Pulling off his cock so that only the tip of him was inside her mouth, Leanna waited, sucking hard on the tip.

  Crazy’s dick jerked, and suddenly her mouth was filled with his warm, salty cum. Staring into his eyes, she felt his hand go around her neck. “Swallow it.”

  She did as he ordered, and Crazy groaned, feeling her neck, as she swallowed down his cum.

  The moment she’d milked him dry, he pulled out of her mouth, grabbed her arms, and forced her up. Within seconds, she was on the bed, and he had her legs open.

  Leanna looked down to see him spread the lips of her pussy open, and flick his tongue across her wet pussy.

  “You’re already soaking wet, Leanna.”

  “I want you.”

  “You want my tongue?”


  “Do you want my dick?”

  “I want whatever you want to give me. Please, Crazy.”

  He slid a finger inside her pussy, curling it around until he was stroking over her G-spot.

  “Don’t ever hold back from me, Leanna. You want to fuck me, then you come to me, call me, text me, you name it—I want to know. I want to know if you want to be made love to, or bent over a desk, couch, bed, and fucked until you can’t remember your name.” The finger inside her pulled out, and slid down to the crack of her ass. She gasped, tightening up without meaning to. “You ever had a dick here?”


  “You will. I’ll fuck your ass, and have you begging for more.”

  Before she could refute his claim, Crazy sucked her clit into his mouth, and she couldn’t think. He pressed against her ass, and it fought against the odd penetration. Crazy wouldn’t let up.

  “Push out.”

  Following his instruction, she pushed out, and the tip of his finger pushed forward, going past her anus. There was pain and pleasure combined.

  “You’re incredibly tight. I�
�m going to take this ass, claim it for my own, baby.”

  She whimpered but couldn’t deny it. Her body was no longer her own, but the property of Crazy.

  Chapter Seven

  Daisy knocked on his sister’s door. There was a small part of the clubhouse that was for family members only, and it had been a couple of years since his sister had visited. The last time had to have been when she was fourteen, with his mother. The club had kept their sexual needs private while his family visited.

  Beth opened the door and smiled up at him. “Hey, big brother.”

  “I’m just making sure you’ve settled in okay.”

  “I have. Maria is across the hall. Thank you so much for putting up with us.”

  “Mom said you needed to get away for the summer. What is going on?” Daisy asked, folding his hands across his chest.

  Beth tucked some hair behind her ear, and looked at the floor. “It’s, erm, it’s personal, and I really don’t want my scary big brother knowing about it.”


  “Look, let’s just say something happened, and you’d go and kick someone’s ass. I don’t want you to do that. I want to get away from everything, and just stay here.”

  Daisy sighed. “I’ll find out.”

  “I really hope not.” She went onto her toes, and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Daisy, but this isn’t something you can change with your fists.”

  “Everything can be handled with violence.”

  Beth shook her head. “You don’t think that. You can’t think that. Behind all that hard ass, you’re still my big brother.”

  “Big brothers grow up, and realize that to get what you want, you got to be prepared to hurt others.”

  His sister winced. “We’ll talk more in the morning.”

  “Good night, Beth.” He kissed her head and watched as she turned away, closing the door.

  “Don’t push her.”

  He spun to find Maria leaning up against her doorframe. She’d been quiet, and he hadn’t even heard her move.

  “I’ll find out who hurt her.”

  Maria’s expression went blank, and she took a step back into her room.

  Daisy didn’t want their interaction to end, so he stepped into her room and closed the door behind him.

  Her arms were folded across her chest. She hadn’t changed out of her summer dress, but she had let her hair down. The black length fell across her body in waves. Was her hair as silky as it looked? No one could be that perfect. He refused to believe it.

  “What do you want, Daisy?” Maria asked.

  “You’ve all grown up.”

  She chuckled. “Like you said, big brothers grow up, and so do best friends. I grew up.” She held her hands out before dropping them to her side.

  “You certainly did.” He couldn’t help but admire the curves of her body. Her tits were nice and large, straining to get out of the top of her dress.

  “You’re being crude. My face is up here.” She waved her hand in front of her chest, and tutted. “You’re typical, you know that. You’re just like every other man.”

  “What happened with Beth?”

  “None of your business. All you can do is help her by giving her a fun summer.”

  “I could do that without you. Why did you come along?”

  “I’m her best friend, and her mother didn’t want her to come alone. I’m here to make sure she has a good time.”

  “You know, women go to the beach, or away to another country for the summer.”

  “Then it should give you a clue that Beth is hurting so much, and is so frightened that she ran to her big brother, who happens to be part of a powerful MC.”

  Daisy tensed up. “What the fuck are you saying?”

  Maria licked her lips and took a seat on the bed.

  “I’m saying that Beth’s here because she feels protected by you. She told me she didn’t want to go to Ibiza or Spain or Italy to get away. She wanted to come here where her big brother would keep every man away.”

  “I will find out what is going on.”

  “Good luck. You won’t get it out of me.”

  Daisy took a step toward her. “I’ve got many ways of getting what I want out of women.”

  “You mean sluts?” Maria asked, standing up. “Go ahead, Daisy. I’m not one of the women who want to impress you. I’m your sister’s best friend. I’m off limits. You said so yourself. I got over my crush.”

  “You heard me wrong, Maria.” He sank his fingers into her hair, and he got his answer. Her hair was silky to the touch. “I didn’t say you were off limits because of my sister. I said you were off limits because you’re the same age as my sister. Last time I checked, you’re old enough to fuck without me being thrown in jail for statutory rape. You’re old enough, and I guess we can put your lack of a crush to the test.” He trailed his other finger down the curve of her neck, breathing over her pulse, which was pounding rapidly. “I think you’re lying, Maria. You want me, and I bet your pussy is wet for me.”

  Maria brought her knee up, slamming it against his balls. Releasing her, Daisy cupped his dick, and wondered if he was ever going to father children. She’d caught him completely off guard.

  “You’re wrong. I don’t want you. I’ve never wanted you. You’re used goods, Daisy. I’m better than that.”

  She opened her door, and he stumbled out.

  “This isn’t over.”

  “It was over a long time ago, Daisy.”

  The door slammed, and he winced.

  Well, the young woman had grown claws. Maria had put up a wall around her, but he was more than ready to tear down whatever wall she thought she could have. Maria was going to be his.

  Chapter Eight

  Crazy pumped his finger into her ass and added a second one. Leanna’s cream leaked out of her pussy, and he swallowed it down. The cum that got to her ass, he began to work into her, lubricating his finger.

  “That’s it, baby.” He added a second finger into her ass, and bit down on her nipple, creating a small bite of pain.

  Leanna arched up, pressing her pussy against his face, and he moved his tongue down to her pussy, sliding his cock into her hole.

  “Yes, yes, Crazy, it feels so good.”

  Using his thumb he slid in and out of her, taking his time, and fucking her pussy.

  Sliding his tongue over her clit, he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Keeping her at the peak of pleasure, he waited until she was begging him before he caved, and gave in to her. Leanna screamed out his name, begging for more. Her pussy thrust up against his mouth, and he pushed his fingers into her ass. She became more open, and he took full advantage.

  Only when she couldn’t stand it anymore, did she start to pull away, pleading with him to stop.

  Crazy pressed a final kiss to her pussy and removed his fingers from her ass. “I’ll be right back.” He washed his fingers in the sink, and brought back a damp cloth. Leanna was lying on her side, and when she saw him, she sat up.

  “It’s okay. Lie down.”

  She went back to lying down. He opened her thighs and pressed the damp cloth between them, cleaning away the access cream.

  “Wow,” she said. Leanna covered her face with her hand, and he chuckled.

  “Don’t go hiding yourself from me.”

  “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “You better believe it. I’m not done with you tonight.” He threw the cloth toward the bathroom and placed his hand on her rounded stomach. “I figured you would be comfortable if I removed the evidence of your need for me.”

  Sliding his hand up her body, he circled the nipple that was farther away from him. Pinching the bud, he heard her gasp, and her tits shuddered as she took a deep breath.

  “Why don’t you work?” he asked.

  He’d done a thorough background search on her, only to discover that she didn’t actually have an occupation but she was a wealthy woman.


>   “You heard me.” He released her breast, and rested his palm on her stomach. “Tell me.”

  She licked her lips, and he remembered the way they felt wrapped around his dick. “I, er, it’s complicated. I thought we were here for sex?”

  He shook his head. “We’re going to learn to talk to each other. I have stakes in the club, and the money we earn from the mechanic shop and the stock markets are split equally among us all.” He didn’t mention some of the runs the club did. She didn’t need to know about them, and they were growing even less frequent. “You know about Suz, and my kid. Tell me something about you.”

  Leanna stared at him for several seconds.

  “Okay, you want to talk.”

  She sat up, and he wouldn’t let her hide. Grabbing her foot, he wrapped his fingers around her ankle, and tugged her back down to the bed. Moving between her thighs, he grabbed her hands, and placed them above her head.

  “Let’s talk like this.”

  Leanna opened up a lot more when he invaded her space, and that was exactly what he was doing now, invading her very private space.

  His cock stirred to life, and he wanted to fuck her again. Instead, he made sure his mind was on her words.

  “I can talk to you without you being this close.”

  “Nah, I don’t think so. Talk.”

  “How do you know I don’t work?”

  “Let’s say, I did a background check on you. You’re not even registered as an employee in town, or out of town.”

  She clicked her tongue, and sighed. “I don’t need to work. One of the problems I had with my ex-husband is that he knew I was wealthy.”

  “You’re wealthy?”

  “Yes, very wealthy, and with money comes a lot of problems. I don’t handle the company in any way. I’m just given money, and regular updates. My grandparents made sure I was more than taken care of. The same will happen when or if I have kids. If I die, my grandfather has made sure that the company gets split down, and sold.”

  “What was this about your ex?” Crazy asked.

  “I’ve just told you I’m a wealthy woman, and you’re more interested in my ex?”

  “I don’t give a fuck about your money, Leanna. I want you, and your body. Money doesn’t come into it. I’ve got my own. Now, your ex.”


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