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Shamed (A Ruthless Rebels MC Novella Book One)

Page 7

by Michele, Ryan

Her eyes are glassy and lips plump. It’s sexy as fuck and a look I’ll have on her every fucking moment of the day, forever. She turns, but bends her head to the side watching me.

  Damn, she’s fucking sexy and all damn mine.

  I press her legs together and straddle her thighs. She tries to open her legs but I pin her and grip her ass hard.

  “Want my cock in you, Kenie? Pounding that sweet little pussy?”

  “Yes,” she groans. I raise her ass just a touch to get the tip of my cock lined up then press all the way in. In this position, she’s tighter than normal and it’s killing my cock. I grip the base and squeeze, needing him to hold off just a while.

  “Oh God,” she moans.

  “I’m your motherfuckin’ God.” I push in hard, lean over her and put my hands by her head giving me better leverage. My muscles strain from the motion and sweat trickles down my forehead.

  “So fuckin’ good.”

  Kenie clenches my dick hard and her head goes into the mattress as she screams out her release. The tightness has me coming hard and deep. Home, I’m finally home.

  I fall onto her body and push her into the mattress. Leaning into her ear, “Mine. Fuckin’ mine.”

  Her entire body shivers and I love how responsive she is to me.

  Many moments later, when our breathing becomes normalized, I roll off of her and pull her to my body so she faces me. Her sated look has me growling in lust and my dick stirring. So much time wasted to make up for. I’ll damn well do it to.

  “Need you to call Stacy to take over for your next shift.”


  “Because I don’t know if Bender’s guys will come back for you and I’m not takin’ a fuckin’ chance on that. So call.”

  Her hand comes to my chest. “I’m not really into all this you telling me what to do stuff.”

  A smile tips my lips. “You’ll get used to it.” She scowls. “Or I could just fuck you again then call Stacy myself.”

  “You’re a dick.”

  “I have a dick that’s going to be inside of you. And baby, I am a dick. I own that shit.” I kiss her long and deep, then roll over and grab the phone handing it to her.

  She rolls her eyes in exasperation. “Fine.”

  I hold back my triumph because my little spit fire is going to be a challenge and what I have next is really going to nail her.

  She makes the call and hangs up. “Happy?”


  I’ll never get enough of her lips so I take them. I’d spend all day in this bed if we could, but we have other shit to do.

  “Need you to pack and come to the compound with me.”

  “No, I’m not leaving my mother.”

  “She’s coming too.”

  “I can’t bring my mother to some biker club. She’s in no state…”

  I cut her off. “She’s not in a state for a lot of things, Kenderly, but right now we need to take this shit step by step.”

  “What does that mean?” She fires back her temper making a stronger appearance.

  “I don’t waste words. Never have. I say what I mean. So we pack you up and get you moved.”

  “No, I’m not going.” The panic and anger inside of her isn’t from me. I know this, but I don’t like this shit all the same.

  In the distance, I hear several shots being fired as Kenie starts to talk, I put my hand over her mouth. “Quiet.” Her eyes grow wide and her body moves. “Now, Kenie.” She must see the seriousness in my face, because she quiets and stops moving. More gunshots. Glass shattering.

  I quickly get up and toss on my pants and slip on my boots. Grabbing my gun, I slowly open the door. More shots, then smoke. Lots of billowing smoke coming out from everywhere.

  My cell rings and Kenie looks to me since it’s on the nightstand as she’s throwing on clothes.


  I hear her say, “Oh God.”

  “What?” I clip.

  “Your brothers are chasing two cars and three bikes. The house is on fire!” she screeches. “I have to get my mom. And Aunt Ruth!!”

  She tries to dart past me, but I stop her and take the phone from her hand, holding her flailing body.

  “Settle,” I warn because my gun is in the hand wrapped around her. She doesn’t so I grip tighter and take my finger away from the trigger just to be safe.

  “Brother?” I clip.

  “Get them out of there,” Sparx spits out. “The house is going up. We’re tailing the assholes, Bender’s crew and I’ve got Thumper and Lurch on the way. Move brother.”

  Fuck. “Baby, think with your head and let’s get everyone out of here.” As she settles, a calm washes over her and she’s going to need it. The screams coming from down the hall begin from her mother and we need to fucking move.

  Chapter 10

  Life keeps forcing my hand … one day I’m gonna smack the bitch!

  It’s hard to breathe.

  There’s a roaring in my ears, as I hear a loud bang and the breaking of glass and walls as smoke fills my lungs. Every inhale is agony. My mind races, my heart pounds wildly in my chest, my mom, my aunt, it all goes crazy in my mind.

  DJ’s large hand pushes me down, “Get low,” he commands, dropping down beside me as my room is quickly filling with smoke. Instinct takes over as we elbow crawl out of my room. I can see boot covered feet rushing from my mother’s room.

  “I got her mother, DJ,” I hear a man’s muffled yell as the feet rush on ahead of us.

  “Kenie, get outside. I’ll get your Aunt Ruth, you gotta go baby.”

  “No! I can’t leave you.” I feel frozen in place.

  The sounds of the fire quickly engulfing my childhood home are awful. The wood creaks, the flames make a swishing sound while I see smoke billowing all around us. I choke on a cough as DJ suddenly grabs me under my armpits and pulls me to him sliding me over his body as he lays flat on his back. Eye to eye, he speaks and my heart breaks once again. “Kenie, if I don’t make it another minute in this life it’s always been you. I loved you then, I love you now. I gotta know you’re okay. Get out and let me take care of Ruth. Grinder got your mom out. The door isn’t that far. Baby, you gotta go.”

  Tears fill my eyes. These seconds feel like hours even as they blink by. I look Dixon James Cartwright right back in his eyes. “You listen to me. This house took my father, it doesn’t get another piece of me! You have my heart; you had it then, you have it now. I’ll go only when you come out behind me. So let’s get my aunt, for now and forever we do this together.” Tears fall from my face, “I love you, DJ.”

  “Fuck, Kenie,” he growls before rolling me over and keeping me down while he rises enough to make his way to my aunt’s doorframe. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  I watch helplessly as he makes his way on a yelp into the yellow, red, and orange flames that engross her room. I cough, it hurts to breathe. My vision is blurring. Adrenaline is rushing through me at the same time I feel like my body could crash.

  I close my eyes.

  Then before I can open them, I feel a firm arm yanking me through the living room. Looking up, DJ has my Aunt over his shoulder and half dragging me out. Once we hit the front porch, Grinder is there to take my aunt, at which point DJ pulls me to my feet and then scoops me up into a bridal carry to rush me down into the grass of our front yard as sirens blare in the distance.

  I turn to face my childhood home. I watch as smoke billows from each window. The place that once was heaven and once was hell is simply going up in smoke right in front of my face. I cough trying to take in oxygen, but my lungs burn.

  I hear the distinct sounds of a firetruck and ambulances coming our way.

  Looking to my left, Grinder has my Aunt laid out on the ground unconscious while my mother stands watching the house go up. I rush to Aunt Ruth’s side where I drop to my knees and hold her hand to my cheek.

  “Dad, if you can hear me, Aunt Ruth needs an angel right now. That house took you,
it took mom, please don’t let it take Aunt Ruth too,” I beg not caring who hears me.

  I’m astounded when my mother drops to her knees beside me. “Ruthie, my sister, hold on. The ambulance is almost here. Please, hold on.”

  Before any of us have time to take in the moment, Aunt Ruth is on a gurney and wheeled away to the hospital. While my mom, DJ, and I are checked out in the remaining ambulance. DJ won’t leave my side so we’re in the back of the same ambulance as my mother because I’m afraid to leave her side. The fire department immediately begins to douse the premises trying to contain the blaze.

  I hear the sounds of motorcycles coming up the driveway. DJ looks to me, gives me a quick kiss on the forehead, “Be right back.”

  I nod not knowing what to say. His brother’s are here. The Ruthless Rebels MC are settling into my driveway as if my house, my world isn’t literally up in flames right in front of my face. A hand reaches out to squeeze my leg and I realize my mother has moved without assistance through all of this. Somehow, in all the chaos, she has been able to pick herself up.

  “Kenderly, I’m sorry,” she whispers, looking out of the back of the ambulance and to what’s left of our house … which isn’t much.

  “Mom, this wasn’t your fault.”

  She smiles sweetly in a way I haven’t seen since before my father passed. “I know but, Kenderly, I’ve failed you for years. I let myself go down to a very dark place.” She breathes heavily. “I don’t know if I can get out. But, Kenderly, I could have lost you. I could lose Ruth. I just can’t lose anyone else.”

  Leaning over I hug my mom tightly. In my heart, I hope this is a turning point for her instead of a setback. “I need you back,” I whisper softly.

  “I know, baby girl. I know.”

  “Ma’am?” the paramedic questions and I pull away from my mother, looking up at him, but he’s talking to my mother. “How’s your breathing?”

  Mom inhales and exhales. “A bit of burning.”

  “We’re gonna need to take you in to get checked out.” He then looks at me. “You too.”

  Panic floods my mother’s eyes. She hasn’t been on her own in way to long and this is too big of a step to jump in so quickly.

  “I’ll take them.” DJ’s heat hits my back and instantly I feel the relief. DJ’s here. He’ll take care of me. Of us. “I’ll have them there in the next fifteen minutes.”

  The paramedic gives DJ a skeptical look then looks behind him to all the Rebels behind him. He coughs, “I’ll need you to sign a form stating that you refused to go to the ER per our request for an ambulance ride. This is for liability.”

  “Give it to me,” I say, instantly thankful that I don’t have to part from my mother or from DJ. Losing everything is too raw and anyway I want to get to the hospital and find out about Aunt Ruth.

  I scribble my name on the bottom of the white sheet of paper and surprisingly so does my mother. Somewhere in my gut, I thought she’d hand it off to me like she’s been doing all these years. I’m so damn proud. I know it’s just signing something, but that’s more than I’ve gotten out of her in a while.

  Turning to DJ, “Can we go now? I need to find out about Aunt Ruth.”

  “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  Once we arrive at the ER it’s a flurry of action. We find out that Aunt Ruth is alive, getting tests done and oxygen. The staff won’t allow us to see her just yet saying that she’s critical and until everything is stable we need to stay back.

  They checked out mom and me. We had a bit of smoke inhalation and each of us were given oxygen until they gave us the all clear. My lungs still burn a bit, but I was told by the doctor that it’s to be expected.

  What’s unusual is as we sit here in the waiting room, my mother holding my hand and me holding DJ’s, some of the guys from the Ruthless Rebels fill the space too. I know they’re here for DJ, but it feels nice to have them around. Not like Bender is going to come to the hospital to attack us. Would he?

  I fight off that feeling. The minutes tick into hours until the nurse comes out calling our names.

  “She’s has serious smoke inhalation. We’re hopeful that it didn’t burn her lungs, but not one hundred percent. We’re admitting her and going to keep a close eye on her.” I have a combination of fear and relief. How is that even possible?

  “I recommend you go in and see her and then head home.”

  The word home hits me like a savage kick by a boot to the gut. We have no home. It’s gone. Everything I’ve worked my ass off for. Everything my mother and father worked their ass off for is gone. Poof. One minute you have everything and you’re lying next to a really hot guy, the next everything is gone. No pictures. No mementoes. No quilts my grandmother made before she passed. Nothing. Worse, no clock.

  I look to the clothes on my body. The only thing I own is a pair of jeans, an old Nirvana t-shirt, a bra and a pair of slip on shoes that I don’t even like, but was all I could find. I don’t even have underwear anymore. Hell, a toothbrush.

  Tears roll down my cheeks. DJ wraps his arms around me allowing me to bury my head in his chest as the wetness coats my face. “Shh…” he tries, but I’m to lost in the grief. I could have lost my mother, Aunt Ruth, DJ too. The flood of emotions erupt out of me and DJ holds me tight taking every shake and hiccup like the man he is.

  I don’t know how long I’m like this, but when I blow out a breath and lift my head, his eyes are the ones that meet mine. “I don’t have a home.” My damn words are broken and I hate that.

  “Yeah, you do baby. You’re coming home.” Home.

  Chapter 11

  Hell have no fury…

  “Brother, I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” Shamus greets us as we enter the clubhouse. I’m pissed as hell about a lot of things and my head’s not on straight enough to deal right now. Kenie is exhausted and her mother the same. At the end of the day there ain’t one damn thing for any of the Rebels to apologize for. It’s not like anyone had some warning the house would get blown up. I feel Kenie slowing down beside me.

  They need to get settled and get some sleep. Her and her mother have endured more than anyone should have to.

  “Later,” I clip a bit too harsh, but he nods and I pull Kenie through the bar area and down the hallway. Her mother is right behind us. As much as it fucking sucks, I’m putting them both in my bed. They need to be near each other and I’ve got shit to take care of. At least here I know they’re damn safe.

  Our compound is on the outskirts of town and we have a cement wall around the perimeter. No one is getting in and no one is getting out. When it comes to keeping outsiders out, we have it down. Kenie and her mother will be safe here.

  I open the door to my room and thank God Thumper’s ol’ lady, Daisy cleaned it and made the bed. She’s the only one who would have been given access to get it straight before we could get back.

  I pull Kenie in my arms and once her mother is in the room I shut the door. “I’ve got shit to do. I want you and your mom to get some sleep and I’ll be back soon.”

  “I’m not sure I can sleep,” Kenie says right as she yawns.

  My lips press to hers. “Just lay down. I’m gonna pull out some clothes for you and your mom to wear. They’ll be big, but more comfortable.” She nods. “You stay in this room and do not leave no matter what.” I point over to the corner. “There’s a bathroom over there; if you want to shower, go for it, and snacks in that drawer bottom of the dresser.


  I kiss her again and nod to her mom. Opening the drawers, I pull out sweat pants and t-shirts that will dwarf them, but it is what it is. I leave them, but not before kissing Kenie again.

  That damn stubborn woman. I could have lost her because she’s so fucking stubborn. Wouldn’t leave without me. I should beat her ass for that. She has no idea how my world would shatter without her in it. The mere thought of me losing her builds an anger so deep I feel the need to punch something or someone. Preferably those assholes who started the d
amn fire in the first place. I just got her back, I refuse to lose her.

  Shamus meets me in the bar area and I stare him down. He holds up his hands. He knows he fucked up not keeping that house safe, and I want hear his explanation of how this went to shit.

  “Molotov cocktail,” Shamus says, anger pumping harder in my ears.

  “You mean to tell me, those fuckers got close enough to throw lit up beer bottles at my woman’s house?” I go toe to toe with Shamus who doesn’t back down.

  “Bikes were cut and they walked them up. Fuckers in the truck were the distraction and our eyes were on them. Assholes on the bikes threw in the fire, gunned their bikes and took off.”

  “Motherfucker!” I growl ripping my hands through my hair and pulling hard. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” My anger spirals and I kick the table closest to us, empty beer bottles flying across the room and smashing to the floor. Those fuckers. Those pieces of shit. “When I get my hands on them.”

  “Brother we got them. Well, some of them.”

  I still at his words giving him my full attention,” “No shit?”

  “No shit. Ready to show them what the Rebels are about?” he gives me one of his devious grins and I know this is about to get fun. I’m ready to make them pay.

  The small out building on the far end of the property, that’s normally dark, is lit up like the fourth of July. Shamus parks the four-wheeler and we climb out. I’m so fucking ready to kick these motherfuckers asses I can taste it. It’s bitter and I’m ready to erase it.

  “DJ,” Thumper calls to me as I enter the space, but my focus is on the three assholes laying on the dirt floor. Their hands zip tied behind their backs and ankles to each other. The duct tape over their mouth doesn’t hide their scowls. And I could give a shit less.

  “Thumper,” I acknowledge my Prez even as the acid burns in my veins.

  “Your call,” he says with finality. He’s always been an exceptional leader and in this situation, he’s no different. When I first came in as a hangaround, Shamus and I were teens getting into shit every chance would could. Thumper was at the liquor store when we were there trying to steal a bottle of booze. Thumper stepped in, grabbed the bottle and told us to wait outside for him.


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