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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Celeste Prater

  Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch

  A quick mission to retrieve a bag of blood leaves Makar Decanus and Baruch Abella’s head spinning when they stumble upon their potential mate. Unknown to them at the time, this isn't just any ordinary doctor with sea-green eyes and a tantalizing scent of violets. She might very well be the catalyst leading to the destruction of the Insedi race.

  Dr. Keely Anderson thinks she’s on to something wondrous when not one, but three patients reveal they've seen men disappearing before their eyes. Undaunted by her prick boss’s demand she stop investigating, Keely finds herself swept into the arms of two overwhelming males that want to see her permanently positioned between their sexy as hell bodies. But will her heartrending past keep them at arm’s length?

  Book 7 in the Fueled By Lust Series will pull at your heartstrings, make you gasp at the action, and have you fall head over heels in love once again with the Insedi race.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 105,549 words



  Celeste Prater


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2015 by Celeste Prater

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-450-1

  First E-book Publication: June 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing and Erica Johnson

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter to Readers

  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch by Celeste Prater from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

  Regarding E-book Piracy

  This book is copyrighted intellectual property. No other individual or group has resale rights, auction rights, membership rights, sharing rights, or any kind of rights to sell or to give away a copy of this book.

  The author and the publisher work very hard to bring our paying readers high-quality reading entertainment.

  This is Celeste Prater’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Celeste Prater’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  A big shout-out to my two gorgeous models. Mike Ladner portraying Baruch (on the right) and Jeremy Brown as Makar (left). Readers, you can catch these fantastic guys on Instagram @mikeladner30 and Twitter @JayB_5. Both of them are total sweethearts. A huge thank you to Jeremy for coming to my rescue and “becoming” Makar at the last minute. You saved my life! I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank you both for the outstanding amount of patience you showed at the photo shoot. We kept you waiting forever, and not once did either of you complain. Any author would be fortunate to have you grace their covers. I’m lucky to have been the first, so I get to claim the honor! I imagine we’ll be seeing more of you guys. You’re just too scrumptious to keep hidden away. Remember, I still owe both of you a steak!

  Kudos to my photographer, Jessie Carpenter on her debut book cover photography shoot. You did a fantastic job of capturing the “feel” of my Insedi warriors! Big hug! A kiss to my brother Russell Prater with AVID Production Group, LLC for once again giving me the opportunity to create a fantastic cover for my novel.

  Last, but not least, a tremendous, THANK YOU, to Erica Johnson for the outstanding cover graphics. The image placement, artwork, spectacular forest, and creating a female lead out of nothing is beyond spectacular. Excellent job!

  Reader note: This is book seven of the series. I bring in characters and storylines from prior installments. For the best reading experience, it’s best to start with Book 1, Fueled By Lust: Drusus. Enjoy!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  About the Author




  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter 1

  “If you’ll just look right here it’ll make more—”

  “No, you listen. I already told you once that—” Ring! “Hold up.”

  Keely stared at the open folder she’d extended across the expansive oak desk. The thin cardboard trembled in her hand, just enough to make her wonder why she’d called this rapidly disintegrating meeting in the first place. Quickly setting the patient records down on the pristine surface, she folded her hands in her lap, gripping them tightly as she glanced up to watch Mr. Webb enjoying yet another excuse to ignore her. Applauding herself for not tugging at her constricting collar, or ensuring her hair was still wound into a tight bun, she tried to appear immune to his rudeness.

he smirked as the back of his leather chair swiveled in her direction, revealing the small patch of thinning hair at the crown of his head. She wondered if he was even aware of the inevitable that had locked in and would eventually spread out and claim the rest of his thick, dark mane someday. He was such an ass. She hoped it happened very soon. His ego needed a serious checkmate.

  The squeak of the chair and the phone dropping into the cradle brought her practiced smile to the forefront—until the quick lifting of his index finger immediately dulled its edge. It amazed her that she’d ever thought he might be someone she could admire. Webb’s handsome face and expensive charcoal-gray suit belied what lay underneath. It’d taken less than two months, and one blocked pass, to realize the man that signed her paychecks was a complete tool. Eight months later, and he hadn’t changed her perception one iota. The condescending tone of his voice wasn’t a surprise.

  “Look, Keely. I read your e-mail. I don’t know why you think that stating it in person is going to change my mind. Two patients jabbering nonsense isn’t worth my time or yours. Make your notes, and stamp them as a continued danger to others. It’s that simple. I only accepted this meeting so I could get you off this ridiculous path.”

  Keely listened to his irritating voice, quickly losing interest in watching his lips flap on about how he was overworked and underappreciated. Her disgust grew as she observed his perfectly manicured nails brush down his perfectly matched tie. She strangled back a laugh upon a flash image of her snatching the silk material forward and stapling it to his desk while she introduced him to a Keely Anderson bitch-slap session.

  Her aunt had always said that one could think whatever one wanted, as long as one didn’t actually act on the absurd thought. That was the thin fine line between stress relief and insanity. If Webb only knew how many times she’d stabbed him in the throat with his gold letter opener, he would’ve never allowed her in the building, much less his office.


  “Uh, yeah.”

  “That’s your problem, you know. You get that glazed look in your eye, and there’s no talking to you. Listen up. Patients say weird things all the time. They’re nuts. That’s the point, right? I have one guy that thinks he’s the freaking Pope. Should I call the Vatican to come pick him up? You need to get back to work and clear some of these damn time-sucking cases. More money comes from the regular patients, not our mandatory visits for inmate evaluation. You have an appointment for another one right now, so go do it. Chop chop.”

  Taking a cleansing breath, Keely rose from her chair and looked him right in the eye. She wondered if he could sense how much she hated him.

  “Yes, sir.” Before she could escape, the adamant index finger pointed her way. She felt her jaw tighten. Damn, he makes it so hard to behave myself.

  “I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention. Don’t speak with Foster again. He’s not under observation. You’ll just get us in trouble. You need permission from the department head, and I don’t want you going to him for that. You’ll only make us look like idiots. Do you understand?”

  Forcing herself to nod complacently, Keely turned and reached for the doorknob. “Understood. Oh, don’t forget that I won’t be in tomorrow. I’ve got that parole hearing in Huntsville. It’s a long drive.”

  “Damn it, Keely.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she enjoyed watching his brows knit together. Good. Premature wrinkles and balding. Karma at its best.

  “Mr. Webb, you should’ve put it on your calendar. I sent you an e-mail about it two weeks ago. Trust me. I don’t want to be there any more than you do.”

  Webb opened his mouth, but quickly shut it when his phone rang again. Keely purposefully raised her brows in question as he ignored the insistent device and continued to glare at her. She felt she’d won the juvenile battle when his gaze dropped. He was surly, as usual.

  “Fine. Whatever.” With a quick flick of his hand, she was summarily dismissed.

  Closing the door behind her, Keely leaned against the shiny wood and wished she’d chosen a different level of study besides psychiatry. What in the hell was I thinking? The ones running the show are just as screwed up.

  Shaking off the disappointment at once again being shot down on her request to extend the case analysis on Sewell and Foster, Keely blew out a harsh breath and pushed away from the door. Shit, maybe the idiot’s right. Perhaps there is some type of communication going on between these patients. Could it be that simple? Lips pursed, she immediately dropped that line of thinking. No, that’s not good enough. How in the hell am I supposed to just accept that theory if I can’t ask any more questions?

  Growling her frustration, Keely beat feet down the quiet corridor. One more patient, and I can get the hell out of here. The fleeting thought made her grimace. Yeah, like that’s any better. Who looks forward to a silent apartment and another nuked meal? Crap! I’m pathetic.

  Halfway around another turn, she stopped dead in her tracks. Great! I left the case folder on his desk. After a two-second struggle on whether to face his irritating ass again, she shrugged, shoved her hands into her coat pockets, and continued forward. Hell, maybe the moron will finally read it and it’ll stir up his curiosity.

  All thoughts of Webb actually owning a curiosity came to an immediate halt. Her determined steps faltered, and she felt her eyes widen. She’d forgotten the last time she’d ever been this surprised, or even enthralled enough, to take a second look at anything. Geezus!

  The best-looking, blue-jean-encased, sculpted male ass she’d ever encountered in her life caught her full attention and nudged every sense into full alert. That the scrumptious butt just happened to be attached to a wide, V-shaped back topped with gorgeous, tousled black hair falling a little past a set of broad shoulders wasn’t helping in the slightest. Long, muscular legs held up the tall, delicious frame.

  The man stood casually to one side of the corridor, but it felt as if he took up the entire space. His right arm was lifted as he adjusted something close to his chest, causing the muscular bicep to pop up like a boulder. She fervently hoped he wouldn’t turn around and catch her ogling his attributes.

  Her breath caught when a face that could only be described as a fallen angel peeked around the edge of the other man’s head. Shit! Where’d he come from? As soon as his thick-lashed gaze locked on hers, his sculpted lips stretched into a beaming smile. Keely knew she was frantically searching his features in order to take it all in before she woke up from whatever erotic dream had captured her. I’m asleep at my desk. I have to be.

  Hair as dark as the other man’s was pulled back from his face, revealing a strong jaw dusted with a light beard. Slashing brows, perfectly straight nose, golden skin, and high cheekbones only further emphasized the hypnotic, almond-shaped, light-gray eyes steadily drawing her in. My god, they’re almost silver.

  Eyebrows rising, he made a quick glance to the broad-shouldered man. She watched his lips moving as his friend straightened and stepped back a pace. Freed from the trap of those mercurial eyes, she realized the fallen angel’s build was just as lethal. Is his hair in a braid? Oh, that’s too delicious. Wake up! Wake up!

  Dropping her gaze to ensure her feet were still moving, Keely grabbed the handheld computer from her coat pocket and pretended to study the screen. She vaguely registered that her thumb hovered over the photo application. No, no, you can’t take a picture! That’s ridiculous.

  Realizing she was about to pass the Greek gods that had deigned to come down from Mount Olympus and grace the hospital corridor, Keely knew what she was about to do, but couldn’t stop herself if she tried—she looked over one more time. Her throat worked on a hard swallow as she gazed upon the face of the man with the perfect ass.

  Ah, would you look at that? He’s got a dimple in his chin. I’m definitely dreaming. Full, pouty lips, dusty beard, same perfect skin, straight blade of a nose with a slight lift to the end, and winged brows held her enthralled. Her hungry eyes collide
d with a stunning pair of narrowed, sultry, thick-lashed golden ones. Spectacular!

  The fascinating irises were the color of honey and as inviting as the sweet liquid poured over warm toast on a cold morning. The quick thudding of her heart and the heat steadily crawling up her neck assisted in breaking through the web he’d thrown around her. She ripped her gaze away before she went with pure instinct and veered right into both of them.

  Gathering her wits, Keely increased her strides and begged for the next corridor to hurry up and rescue her. Don’t look back, don’t look back ricocheted around like a stray bullet in her addled brain. She felt as if she were losing her mind. The air practically crackled with electricity, while the fine hairs along her arms lifted in response. She could sense their eyes traveling her body and held back from breaking into a dead run.

  Around the corner and halfway to freedom, Keely almost cried out in frustration when a thin young man with cropped brown hair and big, blue eyes waved for her attention. She was mere feet away from the open elevator full of curious lab techs. From the looks on their amused faces, they were probably placing bets to see if she was going to make it in time.

  “Could you tell me where the cafeteria is?”

  Taking a deep breath to get her act together, Keely slowed her brisk pace and graced the man with a brilliant smile. There was no joy in being mean to an innocent bystander. She held back her smirk when the techs made nutty faces as the panels slid together.

  “It’s on this floor. Go back the way you just came, take the next two corridors to the left, and you’ll see the sign.”


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