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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Celeste Prater

  “Thank you. You’re very kind.”

  Blowing out a breath, Keely returned his wave as he smiled and turned the corner. Reaching out, she punched the elevator button and tried to remember why she was going upstairs. Duh, the patient. Focus, dumbass. She startled at the light tap on her shoulder. Swirling around, she felt her heart attempt a chest cavity exit. Damn. They’re real.

  “Oh! You frightened me. Can I help you?” She watched the thick-lashed lids of the golden-eyed god widen before he moved a step closer. Wow, he smells so good.

  “I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Makar, and this is Baruch.”

  Maker and Bahroosh. Well, that’s different. Definitely not from around here. Italian, maybe? Keely knew she was gaping at him, but couldn’t stop. The deep, sensuously accented voice had snagged her ears and refused to let go. Latching on to a slight movement to her left, she watched the one he’d called Baruch lift his big arm and casually press his palm against the wall.

  Keely found herself boxed in on both sides by a wall of muscle and testosterone, immediately surprised that she didn’t feel an ounce of fear. Baruch’s lopsided grin was just too adorable. Aww, he’s got a little gap between the front two. She fought to find her voice.

  “Uh…hello.” Her knees trembled from his thorough study of her features. Confused, she watched the intense silver pools soften, as if he was working something through his mind. Was he expecting her to say something? She glanced back to Makar when she heard him clear his throat. He looked nervous. Damn. I can totally empathize.

  “We’re new to the city and were hoping someone could let us know of any good restaurants close by. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Keely felt her shoulders drop a few notches. Oh, good. I can handle this. Just another man looking for a meal. She observed a twitch to the left side of Makar’s full, sensuous lips. He looked as if he was pleased with himself.

  “Uh…sure. Do you like steak?” Both of the men’s heads started bobbing up and down, as if she’d said the magic word.

  “Yes. Steak’s good.”

  God, I could listen to his voice forever. She couldn’t stop the big smile that split her face.

  “Well, I could name a few close by, but they’re sort of pricey. I think your best bet is Texas Land and Cattle on Highway 183.” When they both took a closer step, she fought from rambling as she gave them the directions. She hoped she’d provided them correctly. Her head was spinning, and she couldn’t concentrate from the continuous heat suffusing her skin. She startled when Makar suddenly leaned forward, his words nothing more than a husky whisper.

  “Go there with us. We’d like to buy you dinner.”

  Oh, shit. What do I do? Keely felt her spine stiffen and cringed at her sick attempt at laughter. She inevitably spit out her tried and true answer to any man that attempted to get close. Hell, they were already fifteen steps inside her bubble—way past the comfort zone.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know you. That wouldn’t be wise. Thank you, though.”

  Damn, that sounded so rehearsed. Before she could summon a friendlier response, Baruch leaned forward. She had no idea that someone else could own a voice as sensual as Makars’s.

  “That’s the whole point, isn’t it, to get to know one another? It’s a public place. You’ll come to no harm. We promise.”

  The word “we” flipped her intelligence switch to “On,” immediately kicking her into analysis mode, a skill she was definitely comfortable with utilizing. Anything beat this swell of unfamiliar emotion that had effectively short-circuited her brain.

  Keely glanced back and forth between them until understanding hit her squarely in the gut. Their close proximity in the hallway and the team corral-and-corner routine should’ve been a dead giveaway—if she’d been thinking with her gray matter instead of her libido. It was time to shut this fantasy down. She narrowed her eyes to let them know she was on to them.

  “Oh. I see. You’re a pair. I’m sorry. I’m not into that…uh…kind of thing.” Her uptight-Keely routine didn’t last longer than a single tick on a clock when Baruch moved even closer and unleashed another aspect of his voice, instantly turning her legs to noodles.

  “Oh, but, sweetness, how do you know unless you’ve tried?”

  His breath smelled minty and blew warm across her cheek. Keely recognized that she was way out of her league. They were just too powerful. How was it possible for words to caress your skin? Musk, fresh woods, vanilla, and plain ol’ sexy-as-sin man smell slammed into her senses, and she was immediately grateful for the thick elevator doors keeping her from ass planting. She swallowed hard when her clit throbbed upon the quick image of her being smashed skin to skin between those two sex gods. Holy, shit!

  Scrambling to ignore the flash of throbbing warmth between her legs, Keely yanked the handheld up and glared at the screen. She knew she looked like an idiot, but if she gazed into their eyes any longer, she was going to drop like a rock at their feet.

  Despite her best efforts to ignore them, her eyes flicked across their bodies like a souped-up hummingbird on a nectar run. It was only then that she realized both wore dark T-shirts. No wonder their eye color had popped so brilliantly. Makar’s was a deep rust, and Baruch wore faded black. There was some type of writing on the front—a band maybe? Those are some killer boots. Damn, they have big feet.

  “Dr. Anderson?”

  The sound of her name coming from Makar’s lips tore her from the escalating fantasy and right into concern.

  “How do you know me?” Heat flooded her face when Makar’s long, masculine finger pointed to her nametag. Popping herself on the forehead, she tried not to regress to her awkward teenage personality, yet immediately lost the battle.

  “Well, that was silly of me.” As she choked back a giggle, Keely felt as if her face was going to burst out into flames at any second. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Salvation came in the form of the wall opening up behind her. She was ready to slip into the abyss just to save her sanity. Keely didn’t care how far she had to fall. She desperately wanted her brain back.

  Chapter 2

  Glancing over her shoulder, Keely was immensely relieved to see the empty elevator. The last thing she needed was more witnesses to her complete loss of rational thought. She didn’t stop moving away from the scene of her utter embarrassment until she felt her back smack against the wall.

  “Sorry, gotta go. Enjoy your steak.” Leaning forward, she pressed the button for the sixth floor and prayed the doors would slam shut. She stared at Baruch’s big hand pressing against the panel as it attempted to slide forward. She glanced up and narrowed her eyes at his pleased expression. He knew full well they’d blasted over her, and she was floundering in their wake. The little shit.

  “Your name. What’s your first name?”

  Bravado in place since they were no longer stomping around in her personal playground and with an overwhelming desire to finally claim the upper hand, Keely stepped forward and peeled the behemoth’s fingers from the jamb. He smiled at her the entire time. Despite her better judgment, she gave the gorgeous duo a face-splitting grin as the panels were within inches of closing. Hell, why not? I’m never going see them again, anyway. She blurted out, “Keely,” and felt inexplicably sad when their beautiful faces disappeared from her life.

  Wondering at the immediate sense of loss accompanied by a wave of tingles across her skin, Keely slowly realized their unique scent had drifted into the elevator with her. Damn, someone needs to patent that stuff. She internally chastised herself for wishing it would cling to her clothes for the rest of the night. Arrrggghhh! Eyes rolling to the ceiling, she began to talk herself down from the ledge.

  “Damn, Keely. What in the hell was that? You acted like you were in high school again.” She heaved out a breath and let her head fall back against the wall. Every instance of them engaging with her began flickering through her mind like a projector on autopilot.

  “Geez. T
hey were gorgeous. They’re actors, had to be…definitely bodybuilders. Duh! That was obvious.”

  She fanned her face and remembered the feel of Baruch’s fingers gripping the cool steel. They were warm and slightly rough. He wasn’t a stranger to hard work. No, they weren’t your typical gym rats. These guys were tough and capable, even lethal. She shivered at realizing the banked power of those two. They practically vibrated from it. What would it feel like to be wrapped up in that much strength? To know that no one dared touch her without giving it great thought. Enough, Keely. They’re gone. Get your head out of the clouds.

  A soft chime signaling she’d reached her destination helped to snap her back into work mode. Keely pushed away from the wall, straightened, and quickly adjusted her jacket. She needed to put her game face on. This wasn’t the time to let her guard slip. She managed a leisurely stroll down the dim corridor to allow her heartbeat to settle into a somewhat normal range.

  Minutes later, she paused in front of a large glass window revealing her next patient. She’d visited him on two other occasions, but he’d been violent the first go-round and not much better the second. This time, he was leaning forward in his chair, his shoulder-length, dark hair blocking his features as he studied his cuffed hands resting on the drab gray table. Maybe he’d be easier to converse with today. Even though he appeared to be complacent, she knew better than to get within arm’s reach. If you took away a man’s freedom, he’d find any opportunity to change that situation, even if he had to kill to do so.

  She glanced up and returned the smile of the police officer that had delivered him as promised.

  “Hey, Adam. Is he behaving today?”

  “Hi, Keely. Yes. I think his meds kicked in.”

  Keely was surprised when Adam reached out and attempted to caress her cheek, flinching as his fingers barely grazed her skin.

  “I told you not to do that when I’m at work.”

  Geez. One flippant “maybe” response to a dinner invitation just so he’d quit pleading, and he was acting as if they’d been lovers for years. The boy was entirely too infatuated. Granted, he was attractive enough with his short, black hair, green eyes, muscular build, and a dimple in his cheek, but he lacked something that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Presence…that was it.

  “Aw, come on, Keely. There’s no one here. You’re paranoid.”

  Her brows drew together at his offhand remark.

  “No I’m not.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. We still on for tonight?”

  Keely lowered her gaze and tapped on her computer screen, hoping he didn’t catch that she was texting absolutely no one.

  “I’m going to have to take a rain check. I’ve got work piling up.” Keely glanced over just in time to see disappointment bathe his features. She tried to feel bad, but it just wouldn’t stick.

  “Can I call you tomorrow?”

  Keely nodded and gestured to the door. “I’m running behind. Can you let me in?”

  Adam pushed the door open and barked at the surprisingly timid inmate, “Doc’s here. You behave, or I’ll have to taze you again. Got it?”

  The inmate looked up and nodded. He blinked a few times, as if clearing the cobwebs from his brain. Keely walked confidently into the room and tried to make her voice pleasant.

  “Mr. Wharton. I’m here tonight to evaluate if you can return to general population. Are you willing to talk to me?” A huge smile lit his face. This was a completely different man from what she’d observed before. He was very handsome when he smiled, which made it even sadder that he was a raving lunatic with a long-standing multiple-personality disorder. The old scarring to his hips and thighs as he fought the voices whispering in his ears attested to that fact.

  “Hello, Dr. Anderson. It’s good to see you again. Please, call me Scott.”

  The door swung shut. Keely pulled out the chair on the other side of the table and settled herself in front of him.

  “You remembered my name. That’s good progress, Scott.” She watched his features slip, mood turning contrite.

  “I’m sorry if I said or did anything that scared you last time. I wasn’t myself. I have no control over…what happens to me. The medication is helping. I hope that you can forgive me.”

  “Good. I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to talk. Don’t worry about our last meeting. No harm was done. We’re good.” Keely slid her computer back into her pocket. She wanted him to feel comfortable and not worry about whatever she was logging of their conversation. She observed his demeanor shift to playful and shy.

  “You look very nice tonight. I like the way you dress. It’s professional, yet you retain your feminine side. I find it very pleasing.”

  “Thank you, Scott. Was that how you viewed Rhia Brennan?”

  Scott blinked rapidly for a few beats and then nodded. His smile was brief. “Rhia was beautiful. She didn’t wear fancy clothes, but she was a lady, nonetheless.”

  “You refer to her as if she’s no longer here, Scott. Why is that?”

  “Because she isn’t.”

  “What do you mean? You didn’t hurt her when the incident happened.” Keely watched his fingers twisting the front of his orange jumpsuit. His agitation was rising, yet he was trying valiantly to suppress it at the same time.

  “I know she’s alive, but she’s dead to me now.”

  “Why do you say that? Do you have plans to harm Rhia?”

  His gaze instantly flipped up to hers and appeared surprised that she’d even considered that outcome.

  “No, I don’t want to hurt Rhia. Even when she was mad at me, she still tried to be nice. She’s just not going to be in my life any longer. Rhia disappointed…me, and I don’t love her anymore.”

  “How did she disappoint you? Was it the other man?”

  Scott pursed his lips and quickly lowered his gaze. Realization that he was mangling the front of his shirt set in, and he placed his shackled hands on the tabletop.

  “Rhia didn’t even know the flowers were from me. How had she been so blind? She could only think about him, even when he left her. It should be him in these cuffs, not me. He’s going to break her heart. She made the wrong decision, and she’ll have to live with that. I can’t protect her from him any longer. I’m only human.”

  Keely recalled the name of the man listed as a witness to Scott’s psychotic breakdown—Caelius Meron. He’d also disarmed Scott at the scene. She could understand where the patient would still hold strong feelings toward the guy and continue to view him as the enemy.

  “Why do you feel that he’s going to hurt Rhia?”

  Scott’s mouth twisted into a grimace. “He’s a gigolo. He’ll just use her and toss her aside. It’s inevitable. He’s not normal.”

  Keely leaned forward. “What do you mean, Scott? How is he not normal?”

  Scott shook his head back and forth, as if trying to dislodge his thoughts. “I told the police what he did. They laughed at me.”

  “What did he do, Scott? I won’t laugh. I promise.”

  Keely was taken aback by the fear in Scott’s eyes when he finally looked up. The brilliant-blue orbs darted to the window and then immediately locked with hers. He leaned forward and whispered, “He disappeared.”

  “You mean that he got away, right?”

  Scott shook his head emphatically, glancing around the room several times before appearing to curl in on himself. “I have to be careful. He could be listening to me right now.”

  Shaking her head, Keely tried to calm him. The consistent tap of his shoe on the floor signaled his growing agitation. “No, Scott. The law doesn’t allow anyone to bug this room with listening devices. This conversation is just between us. It’s okay. You can tell me.”

  Scott began to rock slightly on his chair, his voice growing urgent. “You don’t understand. He doesn’t need that. He can turn invisible. I saw it happen. He’s not normal.” Scott placed his forehead on the table and blew out a hard breath.

t flipping, Keely leaned back in the chair and tried to calm her features. She nodded and fought from commenting as her brain tried to digest the bombshell that he’d just lobbed over the table. When she finally realized that he was sitting upright and staring at her in expectation, she cleared her throat.

  “Did someone tell you to say this, Scott?”

  He snorted and shook his head, disappointment evident on his face. “I realize that we have some problems, Keely, but our eyes work just fine. I know full well that we’re in some serious shit here, so there’s no use in lying. I came at him with a knife, and it didn’t hit anything but air. Next thing I know, he’s on my back.”

  Keely felt her brows rise at the confident tone and bald statement of guilt. “You said ‘we’.”

  “Did I?”

  She nodded and watched as one side of his mouth twitched. His lids lowered as he rolled his head in a slow, circular motion, a faint cracking sound signaling that he was relieving the tension in his neck. His shoulders relaxed, and he blinked a few times before his gaze darted to the window.

  “I don’t remember. I just thought you needed to be aware of the situation. It’s very disturbing.”

  Without doubt, Keely knew that she’d just had a conversation with one of Scott’s boarders. Interesting.

  “Who are you?” She wasn’t surprised when he chuckled, closed his eyes, and rested his chin on the tabletop.

  “Look at me, Scott.”

  His body shuddered and then he lifted his lids. Fear had replaced the cocky glint from moments ago. He couldn’t maintain the contact and lowered them again.

  Geezus. Reading about cases like this was one thing, but actually watching it unfold was bizarre on so many levels. She knew she needed to wrap this up. It was obvious his medication was on the last few ticks of the clock.

  “Yes, I can see where that would cause you great concern. I’ll make sure to note that in my case file. Scott, you know that I’m here to see if you can return to general population. However, I want to know what you want. Do you wish to be around the other patients?” She observed Scott’s shoulders relaxing. He quickly sat up and smiled.


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