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A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 9

by Laura Ann

  When Lucy cleared her throat and looked away, Ruby had to hold her jaw in check. “Do you love him? No ... that’s silly. A few emails can’t make someone fall in love. Plus it’s not like you’ve kissed him yet.”

  Lucy glanced up from beneath her lashes and a smirk played on her lips.

  “No way!” Ruby put her hands on the table and leaned forward. Mateo held out on me! Men! “You’ve kissed him! How? When? Details!”

  Lucy chuckled. “It really shouldn’t have happened.” She paused and looked at her hands. “But it was wonderful,” she breathed with a goofy smile.

  Ruby frowned. “If it was so wonderful, what do you mean it shouldn’t have happened?”

  Lucy’s eyes lost their gleam. “He’s just ... I mean ... ” She sighed. “We have this chemistry that is just amazing. I’ve never felt this drawn to someone before. But ... he was sitting next to me on the park bench and we kind of just got lost in the moment. Before I knew it, we were kissing,” she shrugged.

  “Well, then what happened?”

  “I finally came to my senses and stopped the kiss because I was kinda seeing M.K. at the time. I didn’t realize M.K. was Mateo. And he was headed to meet up with another woman. Who turned out to be Lillith, who he thought was me.”

  Ruby huffed, “This is the most messed up story I have ever heard.”

  Lucy nodded, but didn’t speak.

  “But you still haven’t explained to me why you haven’t just told him what was going on? You like him, might even love him and you’re just going to sit back and let Lillith have him?” Ruby clucked her tongue and shook her head. “No one deserves that kind of punishment.”

  Lucy blurted out a laugh before becoming somber again. “Well, when we all met up at Piper’s barbecue, Lillith threatened my job if I told Mateo.”

  “What!” Ruby shouted.

  “Shhh!” Lucy patted the air with her hand, to quiet her friend. “She claimed that Principal Grimm had told her he was going to hire her this fall and she could have any grade she wanted.”

  “She’s lying!” Ruby spat.

  “I think so too, but I can’t prove it. She showed me a text to prove it, but I’m still not sure. I told her I would keep quiet, but I only planned to until I could talk to Principal Grimm and confirm she was all bluff. I went to the school a couple days ago and Principal Grimm is out of town, so I have no way of finding out what’s the truth.” Lucy’s eyes became wild and desperate. “I need my job and I’m not willing to risk it, no matter how much I like Mateo. I just need to get by until Principal Grimm gets back. As soon as I can confirm Lillith is lying I’m going to tell him everything.”

  “And what if she’s not lying?”

  Lucy shrugged, tears glistening in her eyes. “I don’t know. How do I choose between my career and the man that turns my legs to jelly?”

  “Oh ... ” Ruby reached over and grabbed Lucy’s hands. “We’re gonna fix this. You shouldn’t have to choose.”

  Lucy nodded, but didn’t look convinced.

  “I mean it! We’re going to fix this. There’s no way we’re going to let Lillith get away with this.” Ruby’s voice was strong and determined.

  Lucy gave a weak smile and went back to finishing her lunch.

  Ruby decided to let the topic drop for awhile and talk of something lighter. A little while later the two women said goodbye and went their separate ways.

  Ruby waved goodbye to Lucy and waited for her to drive out of sight. Once gone, she quickly grabbed her phone and stopped the recording. Then she texted Mateo.

  Got it. It’s crazy, you gotta hear this.

  It took only moments for him to answer back.

  Where do you want to meet?

  Right now?


  Okay, the park?

  Lucy goes there. Can’t risk it.


  Be there in ten.


  Ruby slid her phone into her pocket and got in her car. It took her only a few minutes to arrive at the library, where she waited for Mateo.

  When she saw him pull up, she stepped out of her car and followed him inside. By unspoken agreement they walked to the far back, away from prying eyes and sat down across from each other.

  “So what did you find out?” Mateo asked.

  Ruby narrowed her eyes at the handsome man across from her. “More than what you told me. Apparently you’ve kissed her”

  Mateo cleared his throat and rubbed fingers down his goatee. “Did you really expect me to tell you that I’d kissed Lucy? I barely know you.”

  Ruby smirked, then sat back in her seat and folded her arms. “Yet you trusted me enough to ask for my help.”

  Mateo chuckled. “So ... was my trust misplaced?”

  Ruby’s smiled dropped. “No. I got her to tell me everything, it’s right on my phone if you want to hear it from her. You were right. They are switched.”

  Mateo slapped his hand on the table. “I knew it!” He said loudly, then immediately ducked his head, remembering where he was. Glancing around, he nodded an apology at the glares aimed at him.

  Ruby leaned on her elbows, resting on the table. “So ... Lucy got sick this summer and couldn’t teach summer school. She never mentioned it in her emails which is why you didn’t know. Of course, Lillith took her place and you ended up getting them mixed up. The only thing we don’t know is why Lillith ran with the misunderstanding. I can guess. I mean the woman is manipulative and drives everyone crazy, but all I have are guesses.”

  “What is your guess?” Mateo asked.

  Ruby raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? You’re handsome and obviously have money. That’s probably Lillith’s entire list of requirements for a man.”

  Mateo shook his head, looking down in embarrassment as he felt heat creep up his neck.

  Ruby grinned, enjoying Mateo’s discomfort. “It’s pretty common knowledge that Lillith lives off her father’s money. The woman was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth and I would guess she is looking for someone to provide her with the same lifestyle. Anyway, Lucy followed you after you met in the park, because she suspected you were going to Middleton Prep and after seeing you with Lillith, figured out what was going on. She wanted to tell you, but was worried you would think she was the liar instead of Lillith.”

  Mateo growled. “Lillith has always seemed just a little off. Like something wasn’t quite right. Lucy should have just said something.”

  Ruby cocked her head to the side. “And you would have believe her just like that?” She snapped her fingers. “You had only met Lucy a couple of times.”

  Mateo nodded, his ire shrinking. “You’re right, it would have seemed suspicious. But why has she still not said anything?”

  “Well, at the barbecue Lucy decided to confront you when you arrived with Lillith. But Lillith cornered her and threatened her job.”

  “What!” Once again Mateo’s voice was too loud for the space and he had to pull himself back down. “How can she do that?” He asked. His voice had gotten quiet, but was hard as steel.

  “That’s the whole problem.” Ruby shrugged. “We don’t know. Lillith told Lucy that Principal Grimm had talked about offering her a job come fall and that she could pick any grade she wanted.”

  “Let me guess.” Mateo said, sarcasm dripping with every word. “If Lucy tells me the truth, Lillith said she would take over her grade level and kick Lucy out.”

  Ruby made a gun with her fingers and pointed it at Mateo. “Bingo.”

  “Is there any way to find out if she’s telling the truth?”

  “Lucy tried, but Principal Grimm is out of town. She plans to confront him as soon as he gets home.” Ruby eyed Mateo. “She’s really torn up about the whole thing. In fact, I’ve never seen Lucy in love before and this certainly isn’t how I pictured it happening for her.”

  Mateo froze, too stunned speak for a moment. “Love? You think Lucy is in love with me?” We barely know each other. I mean ... we
ll, that’s not really true. We wrote letters for months and I’ve never been drawn to a woman like I am to her. Do I love her? I’m attracted to her. I think she’s funny, witty and kind ...

  Ruby rolled her eyes. “Why do guys always freak out about the possibility of loving someone? Men and women have been falling in love for thousands of years and you’d think it would a normal thing by now.”

  Mateo gave a light laugh. “True enough,” he conceded.

  “Right ... well ... I want to know how we’re going to fix this.” Ruby tapped her fingers on the table top.

  Mateo rubbed his goatee. “I’m not sure yet. I don’t want to risk Lucy’s job, but I also don’t want to continue dating Lillith. I was ready to break up with her after our second date but held off because things didn’t match up.”

  Ruby nodded, her lips pursed.

  Mateo stood, “I’m going to think about this for awhile. Can I text you if I think of something?”

  Ruby nodded and stood as well. “Yep. If I think of something, I’ll do the same.”

  Mateo started to walk away, then turned back for one more question. “When does Principal Grimm get back?”

  “Not for another month.”

  “Right.” Mateo’s voice was hard and and his face grim. Turning once more, he walked to the entrance of the library, determination in every step.


  Lucy glanced again at her computer. In just a few short months, she had become so used to having an email to look forward to that she couldn’t seem to break the habit now that they weren’t writing.

  “You could change that, you know,” she muttered to herself. With a sigh she forced herself to look somewhere else. She threw herself on the couch and grabbed the remote, mindlessly flipping through channels. Nope. Nope. Nope ... Nothing looked interesting, but Lucy was bored out of her mind. “This is why I teach summer school,” she said to the television. “No family ... friends are busy planning a wedding ... the man I want is dating another woman ...” With another sigh she flipped the TV off.

  “This is ridiculous.” Standing up she marched to the front door and grabbed her key. Before she could think better of it, she walked out, locked up and headed towards the park. On the way there, she stopped at a gas station and grabbed a loaf of bread. “Might as well make someone’s day.”

  Finding her favorite bench, she sat and began breaking up the bread pieces. Half a dozen geese started swimming her way, honking as they came, excited at the thought of lunch.

  “They recognize you.”

  Lucy gasped and snapped her head toward the voice. A voice she recognized, one that sent butterflies to her stomach. “H-hey! Fancy meeting you here.”

  Mateo chuckled, a deep, delicious sound that made the butterflies flap even harder. “We seem to do this often. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you plan this.”

  Lucy put her hand to her chest, pretending offense. “I do believe that I am always the one here first, good sir. Pray tell, how I could be following you? I would think you would be following me.” She couldn’t help but grin, at his amused smile. She loved the easy banter between them. Realizing a moment later that he was still dating another woman, her good mood fell.

  Mateo slipped next to her on the bench. “What’s wrong? I thought we were ... did I say something that—” He reached his hand out and rested it on her forearm.

  “Oh no!” Lucy reassured him. It took all her will to pull her arm from his grasp, knowing her heart would only break more if she allowed herself to enjoy his warmth. “I just had a sad thought.” She shook her head and forced a smile. “Sorry.”

  Mateo shrugged. “It’s fine. But I’m sorry you thought of something sad. What can I do to help?”

  Dump Lillith and declare your undying love for me? “Nothing. I’m sure it will all work out just fine.” I wish.

  Mateo studied her with narrowed eyes. “I’m sure it will.” Putting his back to the bench, he let his legs go out in front of him, crossing them at the ankle while also crossing his arms over his chest.

  Lucy looked back to the geese and started throwing bread, causing a melee of honking. For a few moments, Mateo and Lucy just listened to the noise.

  After it died down, Mateo spoke again. “Lucy.”

  For a moment, she refused to look at him. The tenderness in his voice caused her to nearly melt, but she knew she had to remain strong. Finally looking over, she knew she had made a mistakes. His eyes were just as tender as his voice.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  “About what?” Lucy asked, warily.

  “Us.” He said it so matter of fact, as if they were actually a couple.

  As much as Lucy wished that was the case, instead of elation at his words, she felt herself panic. “There is no us.” She fought the wince that wanted to manifest as she said those words. Her heart was screaming to agree with him, her logical part was screaming that she couldn’t lose her job.

  Mateo’s face fell at her words, sending a sharp pain through Lucy’s chest; adding to her misery.

  “There should be,” he whispered.

  Tears pricked Lucy’s eyes and she blinked rapidly and cleared her throat to clear the sudden blockage. “You’re with Lillith.”

  “That’s not how it’s supposed to be.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his chest. “Lucy, look at me.”

  Lucy shook her head, keeping her eyes on the geese. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

  “Lucy ...” He reached out out with his free hand and took her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I know you feel this too.”

  Lucy studied his eyes, wishing she could lose herself in their brown depths, but she continued to hold onto her purpose by a thread. “It doesn’t matter if I feel it. You have to stay with Lillith.”

  Mateo raised an eyebrow. “Have to? Why would I have to?”

  Lucy pinched her lips. Dang it. I shouldn’t have said that. “You said yourself that you needed to spend more time with her to get to know her. You can’t give up yet.”

  ‘We both know it’s not Lillith that I want.” Mateo bent his head down, his eyes on her lips.

  Lucy did her best to control her breathing but she was rapidly losing the battle. She knew she shouldn’t let him kiss her, but she couldn’t make herself move. Just for a moment. Just for a moment I want to pretend he’s mine.

  When his lips touched her, she felt her nerve endings come alive. His hand slid from her chin, into her hair and cupped the side of her head. Mateo increased the pressure of the kiss and urged her to answer the call. Taking his other hand, he bracketed her head and deepened the kiss, a soft moan slipping from his throat.

  Lucy felt like she was flying. Every part of her flew straight to Mateo, including her traitorous heart. Hook, line and sinker; she was gone. She had no idea how long they kissed, but it still felt too short when he finally started to lessen the intensity and pulled back.

  Mateo kept his forehead pressed to hers while he whispered, “I knew you felt it too.”

  Lucy stiffened as reality set it and she tried to pull back.

  Mateo shook his head gently, rubbing his nose across hers. “No. You don’t get to pull back now. We are going to get this settled. Trust me Lucy ... trust me.”

  Tears once again sprang to Lucy’s eyes and she closed them. “Maybe eventually Mateo. But not right now. Not while you’re still with Lillith. You need to give her a bit more time.”

  “Just trust me, Lucy. It’s all going to work out just fine.” Lifting his head up, he kissed her forehead, then stood and walked away.

  Lucy finally let go of the tears that had been threatening for the last several minutes. He knows. I don’t know how, but he knows. Her shoulders sank in defeat, before she popped back up again. I doubt Lillith knows how to get ahold of Principal Grimm, so I still have until he comes back before anything happens. Maybe we can figure something out by then. The thought gave her a little spark of hope, which was more than she had felt for a
while. Grabbing another handful of bread, she tossed it at the geese while she let herself relive the glorious moments of their kiss.

  MATEO STALKED AWAY from the park, knowing that if he slowed up he would run back to Lucy and take her in his arms; never letting her go. He was still unsure how they were going to solve the Lillith problem, but he knew they couldn’t wait until Principal Grimm got back. There was no way he could keep himself from Lucy for that long. Not to mention, Lillith deserves some kind of backlash for threatening Lucy the way she did.

  “But what do we do?” He muttered. “Why does she want me?” He thought back to the few dates they’d had, how entitled she had acted. She obviously was attracted to his money. “If the money wasn’t there ... would she still be interested?” He stopped walking and let that thought stew for a minute. “Would she stick around if she thought the money wasn’t there?” A smile began to tug at his lips as a plan formed in his mind.

  Pulling out his phone, he called Ruby. After speaking for a few minutes, he hung up and texted Lillith.

  Dinner tomorrow?

  It took her only moments to respond.

  Sounds good. There’s a new seafood restaurant I’ve been wanting to try, you can take me there.

  Mateo laughed, knowing the new expensive restaurant would play right into his plans, then texted her back.

  K. Seven?

  Fine. If you’re good, maybe I’ll provide dessert. ;)

  “No thank you,” Mateo murmured to himself, before sending a thumbs up emoji. “Now,” he said putting his phone in his pocket, “to get to work.”


  Mateo adjusted his tie as he waited at Lillith’s door. He was suddenly nervous about the evening he had planned. Can I pull this off? And can we do it so that Lucy doesn’t get hurt in the process?

  Lillith answered the door and struck a pose in her short, cocktail dress.

  Mateo’s eyes about bugged out of his head, when he realized how little it actually covered. Can she even sit down in that? He reached up and tugged at his tie, doing his best to keep his eyes from straying to her over-display of skin.


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