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A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 10

by Laura Ann

  When he finally made it to Lillith’s eyes, she was smirking triumphantly. “Would you rather just skip to dessert?” She asked seductively.

  Mateo cleared his throat, “Um, no. I’m really excited to try this new restaurant. Shall we?” He waved his arm toward the car.

  Lillith turned, then abruptly stopped. “What is this?” She asked over her shoulder, waving her hand toward the old, beat-up truck.

  Mateo fought to keep from smiling. “It’s uh, my ride tonight.”

  Lillith turned, her hands on her hips. “What happened to your other car?”

  Mateo bit the inside of his lip to keep from smiling. “It’s got a problem with the engine. I can’t get it fixed right now, so I had to take my truck instead. Is there a problem? I cleaned the inside before coming to pick you up.”

  Lillith pursed her lips and squished them to the side of her mouth. “Fine. But I expect you to have your other car back before we go out again.” She stomped to the truck and waited for him to come open her door.

  Getting her inside was awkward, since her dress was so tight and so short, Mateo had to keep averting his eyes to keep from seeing too much, but they finally managed to get her settled. Running around to the driver’s side, he sat down and let out a puff of air. “You ready to try that new restaurant?”

  Lillith crossed her arms and huffed. “You better park where no one can see us.”

  “Sure ... we can do that.” Mateo pulled out and they maintained an awkward silence while they drove across town.

  Once there, he came around and helped her down from her seat. Since they were parked at the far corner of the parking lot, it took them a couple of minutes to walk up to the door. Mateo could hear Lillith muttering under her breath as she walked in her high heels across the asphalt.

  This is going better than I expected. Hopefully she’ll call things off by the end of the night. Mateo had several surprises in store for Lillith to help convince her she should break up with him.

  Once they were seated, Lillith finally calmed down and perused her menu. “Ooh. This place is so nice. Just what I wanted.” She smiled at Mateo, her bright, red lipstick stark against her white teeth and skin.

  Mateo smiled back and then went back to his menu. This was exactly the type of restaurant he tended to avoid. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it, he simply hated the pomp of it all. It reminded him of the parties he often needed to attend for work, where he brushed shoulders with corporation heads and other businessmen. It was all a show of wealth; who had more money and who was better at showing it off.

  Shaking his head to get rid of his musings, he focused back on the task at hand.

  “Good evening,” their waitress said as she approached their table. “I’m Evelyn and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?”

  Mateo looked over at Lillith, giving her the floor.

  Lillith raised an eyebrow at him, then smirked, obviously pleased she would get to choose, and turned back to their waitress. “We’ll take your best white wine.”

  The waitress’s eyes opened wide before she schooled herself. “I’ll bring a bottle for you to look at,” she said. Glancing at Mateo for confirmation, she walked away.

  Glancing at the wine list, Mateo winced when he realized how much that bottle would probably cost, especially since he didn’t plan to drink any of it. Getting rid of Lillith is worth the price. He reminded himself.

  After Lillith had sampled and approved the wine, they ordered their dinners and the waitress left.

  “So ... ” Lillith began. “I hadn’t heard from you for a few days.” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  Mateo shrugged. “Last we saw each other, I believe you made some remark about needing to talk to Lucy. Did you ever take care of that?”

  Lillith’s face hardened. “Not yet. But I will if I need to.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Obviously you haven’t spoken to her either or we wouldn’t still be going out.”

  “What does that mean?” Mateo asked, his eyebrows forming a deep V.

  Lillith shifted the silverware beside her plate. “I got the impression you were interested in her ...” She let the words hang in the air between them.

  Mateo thought rapidly for a moment before answering. “I believe it’s you I’m taking out tonight.” There. Not a lie, but nothing else either.

  Lillith obviously appreciated the comment, preening in her chair. “You may just earn that dessert yet.” She leaned towards him over the table.

  Mateo cleared his throat and looked away. He crossed one leg over the other and tried to appear at ease, but inside he was a mixture of anger and nerves.

  Lillith sipped her wine and continued to eye Mateo as if she were a predator and he the prey. She giggled against the glass and he raised a brow at her. “Men like you aren’t usually so reserved.” She set her glass down. “We’ll have to see if we can get you to loosen up.”

  Before Mateo could respond, their waitress arrived with their meals. “Thank you,” he said as his plate was put in front of him.

  Mateo spoke very little as they ate, letting Lillith babble about whatever struck her fancy. Topics ranged from the stifling heat outside to the dress choices of her fellow teachers. Mateo nodded at all the right times to encourage her along, but added very little to the conversation.

  Eventually the check was brought to the table. Lillith was reapplying her lipstick when Mateo cleared his throat and leaned over the table. “I have a confession to make.”

  She stopped what she was doing and looked at him, her eyebrows raised.

  “My uh ... well it’s a bit embarrassing, but some of my investments took a major dive this week. Would you be willing to foot the bill tonight, just til I can get back on my feet?” He hoped his face looked sufficiently embarrassed and innocent as he offered her the black folder with their receipt inside.

  The look on Lillith’s face was almost comical and Mateo had to bite his inner cheek to keep from laughing.

  Her jaw dropped open and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. She glanced hurriedly around the restaurant as if to make sure no one was watching the happenings at their table before leaning over and hissing at him. “What do you mean until you get back on your feet? I thought you had money.”

  “I do, I mean, I did. Like I said, a couple of investments went sour and I’m strapped for a bit. I’m sure I’ll be up again in a few months.”

  “A few months!” She screeched causing Mateo to wince. She dropped her volume but the rage in her voice never wavered. “Is this why you weren’t driving your regular car? What about a credit card, can’t you put it on that?”

  Mateo rubbed the back of his neck. “Well ... my card has been suspended. I tried to use it earlier today and it was blocked.”

  Lillith sat back as if she had been slapped. For a moment she narrowed her eyes and studied him. “Is this some kind of joke? Because I don’t find it funny.”

  “Look, I’m sure everything will work out just fine. Besides, you work. Can’t you just help out for a bit until this is all blows over?”

  Lillith’s lips pinched into a straight line and she fumbled in her purse for a moment. Pulling out a credit card she slapped in on the table and waited for the waitress to finish the transaction. During those few minutes, she sat with her arms and legs crossed. Her foot beat an angry rhythm in the air and she never spoke a word.

  Mateo fought the impulse to chuckle at her anger, but knew it would blow everything if he did. Keeping himself tightly controlled, he worked to appear contrite.

  “There you go, ma’am. Have a good evening.” The waitress was gone in a blink and Lillith scooped up her card, storming out of the restaurant.

  Mateo scrambled to keep up, barely making it to the door in time to open it for her. When he tried to take her elbow, she yanked her arm out of his hand and pulled her phone out of her purse.

  “The truck is this way.” Mateo tried to guide her towards the

  “I’m calling a car. You and I are done.” Lillith finished what she was doing on her phone and dropped it back in her bag, then began tapping her toe dramatically.

  “You can’t mean that. Come on, let me take you home.” Mateo said with a frown.

  “I said we’re done! Good night Mateo.” She wouldn’t even look at him.

  Mateo dropped his shoulders and began to turn away. Inside he was celebrating, but he wanted to make sure all his bases were covered before he left. “Fine then.” He straightened himself up and puffed up his chest. “Maybe I’ll just go see Lucy instead.” He knew it was a risk to throw that at her, but he had to know that Lillith wouldn’t do anything to Lucy because of their break up.

  Lillith bristled at his comment and spun around to face him. “You really think she’ll have you after this? You just wait until I tell everyone about what you’ve done tonight. No girl will have you then. Who wants an idiot who can’t even hold onto his money? If Lucy is stupid enough to take you, then by all means ... ” Grabbing her phone again she began to type furiously, ignoring Mateo.

  Although her words stung a little, Mateo was elated inside. Allowing the anger he had been harboring to show, he spun around and stalked towards his truck. Throwing open the door, he jumped in, slammed it and peeled out of the parking lot.

  As he drove, his body began to relax and a smile crossed his face. “Get Lillith to dump me, check! Now to get Lucy to take me.”

  Once home, he made a quick call to Ruby. “It worked! She dropped me like a hot potato.”

  “Figures.” Ruby said. “So, you think this is done? She won’t go after Lucy at all?”

  “She actually gave me a blessing to go after Lucy, claiming no one would want me without my money. Speaking of which, can you keep an eye on her on social media? She said she was going to tell everyone about my sudden loss of money. I don’t think she’ll bother Lucy, but I’m slightly concerned about it bothering my business.”

  “On it. So what are you going to do now?”

  “Go to bed, then tomorrow I’m taking a long lunch and finding Lucy.”

  Ruby laughed. “Go get ‘em tiger.”

  Mateo went to sleep with a smile on his face and sweet images in his dreams.


  “‘I suppose I’m just a glutton for punishment,” Lucy said to the goose nibbling the bread on the ground in front of her. “I should get up and do something with my life.” She sighed, sinking back down into her seat.

  Unable to help herself, she had come back to the place where she and Mateo often met up. As she sat at the bench they shared, she thought of the magical kiss and his promise that everything would work out. Her hope that he was right, was overpowered by her sense of helplessness at the situation.

  “Why did Principal Grimm have to choose now to leave?” She asked the same goose. A small flap of its wings was her only answer. Despair settled into her. “I don’t know how to fix this.”

  “Hello my Goose Girl.” Mateo’s deep voice flowed over Lucy’s ear and sent a tingle straight down her spine.

  She spun around, taking in the sight of the handsome man. Dressed in his work clothes, he wore a red collared shirt with black dress pants. His shoes were shined and his hair slicked back. His neatly trimmed goatee looked just as polished as the rest of him. Lucy was momentarily speechless, before remembering that this good looking specimen wasn’t hers.

  Whipping her head forward, she said, “I didn’t realize you were coming today.”

  Mateo walked around the bench and Lucy thought he looked more confident than usual. He sat down, leaving only an inch between them. Trying to be subtle, Lucy scooted over a bit, knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist him if he sat so close.

  With a small grin, Mateo followed her, completely closing the gap. His body was twisted in her direction and he rested one arm behind her on the back of the bench. Leaning in, he began nuzzling around below her ear with his nose.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He whispered.

  “Oh!” His touch caught Lucy off guard, before creating a pleasant warmth in her belly. “W-what are you doing?” She stammered.

  “Uh, uh. I asked first.” He used his hand to move her hair away from her neck, giving him more skin to work with.

  “I, uh, nowhere. I just ... ” She couldn’t concentrate and her explanation died as he started leaving small kisses along the base of her neck.

  “Mmmm. You smell good,” he hummed against her neck.

  The vibration of his lips wreaked havoc against the sensitive skin under her ear and she heard a ragged sigh escape her mouth. “Mateo, I lo—” What am I doing? Suddenly realizing what she had been about to confess, Lucy jumped off the bench and out of his reach. “We can’t do this!”

  Quick as a flash, Mateo grabbed her hand before she could move too far, keeping her from completely leaving. “Oh yes we can.”

  “You’re still with Lillith. You have to stay with her, give her more time.” It physically hurt Lucy’s heart to speak those words, but until she knew her job was safe, there was no alternative.

  “Lillith and I are over.” Mateo soothed.

  “What!” Lucy shouted. “Oh, no, no.” She ran her free hand through her hair. “What happened?”

  Mateo let go of her hand and leaned back against the bench. Shrugging his shoulders, he spoke in a calm voice. “She decided she couldn’t live with my financial situation.”

  Lucy stopped moving. “What financial situation?” Her eyebrows scrunched together and she studied the expression on his face.

  “She may be under the impression that I lost my wealth recently.” He put his hands up in a shrug and raised his eyebrows.

  A grin pulled at Lucy’s lips. “And did you? Lose your wealth?”

  Mateo stood, walking over to her. Crowding her space, he looked down and whispered hoarsely, “Would it matter if I did?”

  Lucy slowly shook her head. “Not one tiny bit.”

  That’s all it took for Mateo to pull her in the rest of the way. Crushing her to him, they poured out their emotions through their actions. Lucy’s arms wound around his neck and her fingers dove into his thick, silky hair. Mateo held the back of her head, guiding her where he wanted her, while his other held her waist, pulling her in as close as possible.

  Lucy rejoiced in the safety and warmth he offered, letting it banish all the doubts and concerns that had so recently plagued her. When his lips went back down to her neck she managed to stutter, “When did you figure it all out?”

  Mateo pulled his head back, looking her in the eye. “After the barbecue. Ruby mentioned where you worked and suddenly it clicked. As weird as the circumstances were, it made sense. I felt the same draw to you as I did to the emails, but had felt nothing of that with Lillith. She seemed the exact opposite of how I pictured you.” He leaned in for another quick kiss.

  “I’m sorry I had to push you away, Lillith threatened—”

  Mateo took her lips again, cutting her off. “I know,” he said after pulling back. “Ruby told me all about it.”

  Lucy jerked back. “She what? I trusted her! That little—”

  Once again Mateo cut her off. This time, he took his time convincing her that being mad wasn’t worth it. When the kiss finally ended he kept his forehead against hers. “If she hadn’t been willing to deceive you, we wouldn’t be standing her right now.”

  Lucy smiled ruefully. “I suppose I’ll have to thank her then. And you apparently. But are you sure Lillith won’t still try to get my job?”

  Mateo opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

  “Just as I thought.”

  Lucy jerked back at the pitchy sound, but Mateo held on, refusing to let her go. “Lillith, what are you doing here?”

  “I thought you losing your money was a little too convenient. You hadn’t text all week, only to suddenly take me to dinner and have no money.” She tsk’d her tongue
. “So, I came to see for myself and I was right.” Her smirk was triumphant, but anger radiated from her.

  “How did you know where I was?” Lucy asked.

  Lillith rolled her eyes. “Everybody at the school knows of your penchant for those nasty things.” She waved an arm toward the swimming geese. “It was a lucky guess that Mateo would meet you here.”

  “And what are you planning to do about it?” Mateo’s voice had gone hard, all gentleness from his and Lucy’s earlier exchange had vanished.

  “Exactly what I said I would do.” Lillith sniffed. “I’m going to take the job Principal Grimm promised me and it just so happens that fourth grade is my favorite level.” With a sneer, she turned and began walking back towards the street.

  “Hold up there, Ms. Gresham.” Another voice rang across the park and all three heads swiveled in its direction.

  Ruby came strolling down the sidewalk, a tall, muscular, golden-haired man at her side. “I think you’re going to want to hear what I have to say.” Plopping herself down on the bench, she crossed one leg over the other and pulled out her phone. After pressing a few buttons, she looked around. “Doesn’t everyone want to hear?” She waved her arms. “Come on, gather round crew.”

  Lillith narrowed her eyes and cautiously stepped in Ruby’s direction, stopping several feet away.

  Mateo turned Lucy out of his arms, then put an arm over her shoulders and tucked her into his side.

  The blonde giant stood behind the bench, his arms folded and his attention wandering to the trees and shrubbery surrounding them.

  “I quote; teaching summer school this year. Ugh. Work never ends.” Ruby scrolled down, then started again. “I hate teaching here, the staff is so boring and nobody knows how to dress properly.”

  Lucy looked at Ruby, trying to figure out what was going on. At a sudden movement, her eyes darted to Lillith, whose face had gone even more pale than usual. Her jaw was clenched and she was reaching over to snatch the phone from Ruby.


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