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Page 15

by Kristen Granata

  “What is so funny?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

  “Your mother just directed me to your room.” I covered my face in embarrassment. “It’s funny that I’m even here, in Chase Brooks’ bedroom. The old me would never believe it.”

  He pulled lightly on my arm, until I was standing inches from his face. “I can barely believe it now.”

  I stroked his soft hair, and kissed his forehead.

  He placed his hand over my heart. “It’s beating so fast.”

  “It always beats like this when I’m around you.”

  “Do I make you nervous?” He moved my hair away from my neck, and began making a trail of light kisses from my jawline to my collarbone. “Or excited?”

  “A little of both,” I exhaled.

  “What are you nervous about?” He kissed his way across my chest, and I felt his tongue along the other side of my neck.

  “What we’re going to do.”

  He sat up straight and looked into my eyes as he spoke. “We don’t have to do anything. I just want to kiss you, uninterrupted. I want to lie here and hold you tonight, and wake up with you in my arms. Is that okay?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  He pulled me into his embrace and kissed me. I craved his lips like I was lost in the desert searching for water. I was dying of thirst, and he was all I needed to survive. Once I had him, I couldn’t get enough. We kissed into the late hours of the night, until our motions slowed and our eyelids felt heavy.

  “Let’s get under the covers,” he whispered.

  As I slid my legs under his sheets, he stood. I watched him slip his shirt up and over his head, revealing his flawlessly ripped torso. My eyes made their way over his smooth chest and perfectly formed abs; they continued on to the protruding bones that seemed to point the way down his pelvis. I could not avert my eyes when he pulled down his jeans, and waltzed over to the light switch in his tight-fitting boxer briefs. His body was a work of art. He could have beaten Mark Wahlberg out of his underwear ad circa 1991.

  “Hey. Leave the light on for a little longer,” I whispered.

  He looked down as he grinned, running his fingers through his hair.

  I sat up on my knees as he walked back to the bed. “Chase Brooks, are you nervous?” I planted several kisses on his chest, and ran my fingers over his stomach. “Or excited?”

  “A little of both.”

  I smiled. “Good.” I continued kissing every inch of bare skin on his body. Every now and then I would sit back on my heels to take his body into full account. “You may turn off the lights now.”

  He switched them off and climbed into bed beside me. My head fell into that perfect spot in the crook of his neck, as he wrapped his arms around me. With our bodies intertwined beneath the sheets, I inhaled slowly and deeply. My racing heart began to slow down.

  “I could lay in this moment forever,” he whispered softly into my ear.

  If only we could.

  Chapter Fifteen: Humiliation with a Side of Awkwardness

  The next morning, we woke up in exactly the same position. I felt wetness on my mouth that I realized to be drool. Mortified, I quickly wiped it away, double-checking to see that Chase was still asleep. I slipped out of bed, and made a mad dash to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, wiped the crust from my eyes, and tried to smooth down the Medusa-like snakes that were slithering out of my bun. Beverly and Tim’s door was open, but all of the other doors were still shut. I tiptoed back to Chase’s room, and slipped under the covers.

  He reached for me, his eyes still closed, and pulled me into his warm embrace. “I had the best sleep ever,” he murmured with his face buried in the pillow.

  I smiled, running my fingers through his smooshed-allover hair. “I did, too, actually.”

  His eyes sprang open. “Did you have your nightmare?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. I slept through the entire night.”

  A huge grin swept across his face. “It’s settled then.”

  “What’s settled?”

  “You should sleep with me every night. I’m the cure for all of your bad dreams.”

  I smiled, and began planting kisses all over his face.

  “Is that a smile that says yes, Chase, I will sleep with you every night?”

  I flipped him over onto his back and began kissing his chest. “It’s a smile that says don’t get ahead of yourself, buddy.”

  “Says the girl who has fully mounted me in my bed.”

  “You should be shirtless more often.” I thought about my suggestion, and amended it. “Around me, that is.”

  “I feel the same way about you.” He slipped his hand under my t-shirt.

  I slowly rocked my hips against him. “I have to admit, I wouldn’t mind waking up to this every morning.”

  “I want you so bad.”

  “I can feel that,” I whispered.

  Before I could stop him, he had my shirt up and over my head, and flipped me onto my back. “Chase! Your door is unlocked!”

  “Nobody’s coming in here,” he mumbled as he began licking his way down my body.

  His tongue traveling along my stomach sent a warm sensation all the way down to my toes. He lingered near the elastic on my pajama pants, like a dog pacing near the door to be let outside.

  I pulled him back up to my lips just in time as his door swung wide open. He flung the covers over us, hiding the fact that I was topless underneath.

  “Time to get up, sleepyheads!” Khloe pranced into the room. I held my breath, praying to the gods that this kid would not try to snuggle in bed with us. “Are you going to make pancakes, Chasey?”

  “Yeah, just give me a few minutes to wake up.”

  “Fine. But hurry! I’m hungry!” She pranced back out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  I giggled, sliding my hand against his boxers. “Oh, I think you’re awake.”

  He groaned in my ear. “You’re killing me, Merr.”

  “Good. Now get my shirt, before another one of your family members burst in here like you said they wouldn’t.”

  Downstairs, Khloe and I set the table while Chase cooked breakfast for everyone. Tim and Beverly were going through Christmas decorations, getting ready to put their tree up. Surprisingly, Tanner was helping them. It was a genuine morning with family.

  “Merry, are you going to put your tree up today?”

  “No. I don’t have a tree.”

  “We need to get you one,” Chase called from the kitchen.

  “Don’t need one,” I called back.

  “You need to get one!” Khloe cried. “How is Santa going to come if you don’t have a tree?”

  “She’s got you there,” Tanner yelled from the living room.

  “Maybe you boys should quit yelling, and go get her a tree,” Tim called back.

  “Sure, take her side,” Tanner laughed. It was strange seeing him wearing an expression other than his usual angry grimace.

  “Breakfast is ready!” Khloe squealed. She followed Chase out of the kitchen and into the dining room.

  “Wow, babe.” I plopped in the chair next to Khloe. “This is impressive.”

  “Guess you have to be screwing Chase to get a meal outta him.” Tanner smirked.

  “Tanner!” both Tim and Chase shouted.

  My eyes widened, and my cheeks burned. “No. We’re not… I didn’t…”

  “What does screwing mean?” Khloe asked.

  “I swear, I wish you were little so I could still put you into time out!” Beverly ran her fingers through her hair, the same way Chase does when he is stressed. “Don’t listen to him, Merritt.”

  “Calm down. I’m just joking. Merritt gets it,” Tanner mumbled.

  “It doesn’t matter if she gets it or not. It’s inappropriate.” Chase’s jaw was clenched, and his hands were balled into fists under the table. Chase definitely had a temper, and Tanner seemed to be one of the only few people who could turn it on like the flick of a switch.

  “What is your deal lately? You have a girlfriend, now. Shouldn’t you be in a better mood instead of worrying about what I say and do all the time?”

  “Boys,” Beverly warned.

  “I wouldn’t have to worry about the things you say and do if you got your act together and stopped acting like a douchebag!” Chase fired back.

  “Boys!” Tim slammed his fist on the table. “Enough of this crap! You’re in the presence of women. You don’t conduct yourselves like this!”

  “You shouldn’t act like this even if you’re not in the presence of women!” Beverly added. “You two have been at each other’s throats, and I’ve had enough of it.”

  Khloe and I chewed silently, waiting for the brothers’ reprimanding to be over. I felt bad that Tanner was getting yelled at when he thought he was joking around with me. I could handle his banter, but bringing up sex in front of his parents, especially after just having spent the night in Chase’s room, made me want to crawl under a rock and disappear.

  Both of the Brooks brothers had their heads down after being scolded by their parents. It was painfully awkward.

  “Well, that was fun,” I began. “Humiliation with a side of awkwardness always goes great with pancakes and bacon in the morning, don’t you think?”

  Tim was the first one to break a smile. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re not reading into what Tanner said.”

  Chase rubbed my knee under the table. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that response whenever I apologize.”

  I shrugged. “You’re gonna have to.”

  Tanner’s eyes lifted. “What response?”

  “I hate apologies. They mean nothing. They’re just words. Don’t try to take back something you did. Own it. You did what you did, or said what you said, for a reason. Why bother being sorry about it?”

  Tanner nodded, and I could see the wheels spinning in his mind.

  “But what if someone’s really sorry for what they did, Merry?”

  I laughed. “You and your brother are so alike, it’s scary.”

  Chase puffed out his chest proudly. “You’re one lucky kid.”

  Tanner and I made eye contact and exchanged overdramatic eye rolls.

  After breakfast was cleaned up, I packed my things to head back to my apartment.

  “We’re going to start decorating the tree. Why don’t you stay?” Beverly offered.

  “That’s really kind of you, but I’m going to Shelly’s to help her decorate her tree. It’s a tradition we have… the only family tradition I have left, really.”

  Tanner strode into the room and laid out on the couch. “So start a new one, with us.”

  My eyebrows almost reached my hairline when they shot up in surprise. “You want me to stay?” I started poking his midsection. “Are you going to miss me, Tanner?”

  Khloe immediately ran over to join in, and jumped full-force on top of him. He pretended to wrestle her, causing her to let out her high-pitched squeal.

  I hugged Tim and Beverly, thanking them for letting me stay over. Chase walked me outside.

  “I’m just going to say it one last time.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry I got so angry with Tanner in front of you before.”

  “I don’t care that you did it in front of me. I can handle an alpha male pissing contest. What you should be sorry for is getting like that in front of your parents. You guys shouldn’t be upsetting your dad right now.”

  He nodded, looking down at his socks on the concrete.

  I caressed his cheek softly. “I appreciate you coming to my defense. I know that’s all you were trying to do.” I frowned. “That was definitely mortifying. I don’t want your parents to think we had sex in their house.”

  He grinned, pulling me closer to him. “Sleepover at your place tonight, then?”

  I nodded, losing all focus with his lips brushing against mine.

  “I love you,” he breathed.

  “And I love you.”

  Even though it was a cold November day, my entire body felt like it was burning up as I walked into my apartment. I turned on the shower, twisting the knob to all the way to cold.

  Chapter Sixteen: When the Time is Right

  “I can’t,” I said.

  “Yes, you can,” said the voice.

  “I’m stuck.” I coughed again, choking more with every breath. “My arm.”

  “I will get you out of here, but you need to help me. Pull yourself out. Ready? Pull!”

  I leaned toward the voice. A splitting pain shot through my shoulder. I tried to scream in pain, but the smoke was so thick, I could not inhale.

  “Don’t stop! Keep pulling!”

  “It hurts!” I choked, and kept pulling. The flames were so close, it felt like I was melting from the heat.

  “Stop looking at the fire – now pull! Pull as hard as you can!”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled, mustering all of my might to make one last effort.

  “Merritt! Get in here!”

  I sat up in my bed.

  Shelly peeked her head through the slightly opened bedroom door. “Did you hear me?”

  “I think Mars heard you, Shell. Give me a sec.” I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes, and tried to catch my breath.

  “Are you still having nightmares? Merr–”

  I held my hand up. “Each one is filled with more and more detail.”

  “It’s like your mind is trying to put the pieces together. Did you see anyone yet?”

  I shook my head. “Now what is it that you were yelling about?”

  She took my hand and dragged me down the hall. “This!”

  In my living room, standing before me, was a Christmas tree. It was short, about my height, and decorated with colorful lights and red bows. There was a single ornament hanging from one of the branches. It was a 1970 cherry red Chevelle – an exact replica of my old car. On another nearby branch, a note was dangling with the words “Open Me” written across it.

  “Chase did this while you were sleeping. How romantic!” Shelly cooed.

  I smiled as I took the note off the tree. “He is a romantic.”

  “Has he been around more?”

  “Nope. He’s still staying after hours at the shop. I try to stay and help, but he just shoos me out. I’m starting to think it’s me.”

  “No way.” Shelly bounced onto the couch. “He’s definitely overwhelmed with taking over his dad’s business, especially with Christmas right around the corner.”

  I sat on the couch next to her, and unfolded the note: You know I wouldn’t let you get away with not having a tree for Christmas… even though your gift won’t quite fit under there. Meet me at the shop tonight at seven. I love you.

  Shelly squealed in excitement as she read the note over my shoulder.

  I held my ear in pain. “And there goes my eardrum.”

  “Sounds like he’s going to make up for all the lost time.” She nudged me playfully. “Maybe tonight will be the night.”

  “No, tonight is not the night.”

  “But he just gave you a Christmas tree!”

  “So now I have to have sex under it?”

  “You’re going to have to give it up to him eventually, you know.”

  “Yes, I know. I will do it when I’m ready to. We’ve only been dating a few weeks, Shell. Relax. Maybe you’re the one who needs to go get laid.”

  “I am in a healthy sexual relationship. My vagina is extremely happy, thank you very much.”

  “Good. I’m glad for you and your vagina.” I stood and walked to my room to get dressed.

  “My vagina feels sad for your vagina,” she called down the hallway.

  “My vagina just gave your vagina the finger,” I yelled back.

  I heard her giggling from the living room and I smiled. Chase was preoccupied lately, but I was not worried about the lack of
attention. Though his dad was not doing well, he was still here. His family would get to spend Christmas together, and I understood how important that was. Though I had told him that I did not want a tree, he insisted, and I think it was more for him than anything else. If he focused on getting me through my first Christmas without my dad, it would somehow get him through his last Christmas with his.

  I helped Shelly pick out presents for Brody and her family the rest of the day. It helped pass the time until meeting Chase at seven. It was odd that he asked me to meet him at work, but I did not care as long as I got to spend some time with him.

  “There’s my girl.” A huge smile spread across Chase’s face when I walked through the garage door promptly at seven o’clock.

  I wrapped my arms around him. “Thank you for the tree.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. It was very thoughtful of you.”

  “If you think that was thoughtful, wait until you see what I have for you next.” He pulled me over to the far end of the garage. We approached a car under a beige tarp that had been sitting in the same spot for months. Chase looked nervous as he rubbed his hands together and looked at me.

  “I know I haven’t been around much lately,” he began. “I have been working on this project for five months, and I’ve been putting the finishing touches on it the past couple of weeks. Now that it’s done I want to show you.”

  “Oh, cool. How come you haven’t let me help you with it?”

  “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I made you work on your own Christmas present?”

  My eyebrows pushed together in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  He tugged at the bottom of the tarp, and slowly uncovered the vehicle hidden beneath it.

  My hands flew up to my mouth in complete and utter shock. I could not take my eyes off of it. I stepped closer to get a better look, as if it was not real – as if the ghost of my father himself was standing before me.

  Chase stood quietly, holding the tarp the way a nervous child holds his blanket.

  “Where did this come from? How did you get this?”

  He let the tarp fall to the floor, and took my hands into his. “After your accident, the car was being taken to the junk yard. I did not have the heart to let them throw away your car. So, I had it towed here. My dad helped me find all the parts we needed to rebuild it. I worked on it a little each day. Even Tanner worked on it at times. I wanted to have it ready sooner, but everything with my dad started happening. I had to work on it a little extra these past few weeks so that it would be ready in time for Christmas.”


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