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Maxine Skye, Private Eye

Page 11

by Monique Smith

  Chapter Nine-Back to Knight, Hall and Hall “Do you have to go?” Lance asked me. “Yes Lance. I have a chance to get in that office again after hours. Verene said no one has been in there since he left.” “Do you want me to go with you?” “No I'll be fine. I know the office area remember? I'll be in and out. I just want to take another look around in case they missed anything.” “Max be careful and please call me if you need anything.” Okay I will.” “And leave if something feels wrong.” “Okay.” “You don't know what kind of people you're dealing with if she's doing all of this to her brother.” “I got it Lance!” I said. As I drove the familiar streets to Knight, Hall and Hall I remembered how it was working there. Funny how I was driving here then to work for Lucy and now for her brother. I was trying to remember how Steve's office looked. Maybe there was something they missed. Or maybe they cleaned every inch and got it all. But only time would tell. When I arrived at the office, it still looked the same. If I hadn't been witness to everything that goes on behind these doors I would never know the difference. I pulled to the back door and texted Verene that I was waiting for her. A few minutes later she opened the door and waved me in. “Hi.” I said. “Hey girl...come on.” she said and I followed her up the back steps to Steve's office.

  “Do you know what you're looking for?” “Not really.” I said turning the light on. I stood there trying to take a mental picture of everything that was left. “They really did a number in here when they took his stuff.” Verene said. “Yeah they did.” I walked over to the standing cabinet and opened the door. It was completely cleaned out. There were no hidden compartments either. “Help me Verene.” I decided to move the cabinet just to make sure nothing was behind it. “This thing is heavy!” Verene complained. But it was worth it to move. There were some single sheets of paper on the floor that had account numbers on them with Steve's signature. Some of them were from two or three years ago. “This has been going on a long time if these are the same accounts that he was using now.” I commented. I continued looking through his desk. “It looks really sad in here.” Verene said. “Yes and I am really hoping I can help Steve. He and his wife are having a hard time right now.” “I can imagine.” she nodded. There was nothing much in his desk drawers, just some paper clips, a few pens, a tape dispenser and what? A disk from back in the older days before everyone switched to USB drives. Lucky for me I still had a disk drive I could use at home. “I wonder what's on this.” I said waving the disk at Verene. “Wow me too.”she said. I kept looking and there was nothing else left. I went through the extra cabinet and found an employee handbook from 2005. This would be useful to me because maybe it would explain what the creed at Knight, Hall and Hall.

  “Thanks for doing this Verene, I appreciate it.” “You're welcome what are employees for?” she asked. I left back out through the door I came in and headed home. I decided to give Hillman a call to see if he was able to pull anything off of Steve's phone. “This is going to take a little more time Max. It looks like some things were being encrypted and I have a feeling that's what you're looking for.” As soon as I got home I fired up the computer and put the disk in. There were some accounts on it that matched the ones I have and some that didn't. I was going through each one line by line trying to figure it all out. I compared the disk to the papers I found and some of those were also a match. I called Steve and asked him if he'd come up with anything. He said he didn't. “Don't give up Steve. I know it's hard but you have to be patient.” After my research I made dinner and checked again on Lance's wound. He was just about healed. He couldn't wait to get back to work and had no problems complaining about it. “When you do go back you'll have to sit in the office for a week.” I reminded him. “At least I'll be working and back in the action. I'm not the kind of man that can sit around watching soap operas all day.” I laughed.

  “Hi Mar, you ready?” “Yep, I'm on my way to pick you up.” she said. “Be there in five.” Just like she said five minutes later she was blowing the horn in my driveway. “Where are we going?” I asked her as she handed me a cup of coffee. “You'll see.” she said giving me that side eye smile she gives when she's up to something. I sat in the passenger seat of her Tahoe shaking my leg like a kid on Christmas Eve. “Lance got shot.” I blurted out. “What?” Mariah said. “Yes last week a couple of kids held up a convenient store, one of them lost control of the gun.” “Oh my God is he okay?” “Yes he's fine I'm nursing him back to health.” “Wow I guess that's the price of being a policeman's wife.” she said. After a twenty minute drive we finally pulled into Katherine's Bridal Shoppe. She carried some of the most beautiful wedding dresses on the planet. “Oh Mar!” I exclaimed. “I thought it would be nice to have your first consultation here.” she said. I grabbed my purse and jumped out of the car. “Hello, I'm Jamir. Can I help you?” she smiled. “Yes, this is my sister Maxine. We have an appointment today.” “Oh, yes, yes!” Jamir said. “Well nice to meet you Maxine, congratulations!” she said. “Thank you.” “Are you looking for anything in particular?” “Um, well, I'd like something princessy.” I said. “Okay I can handle that, what about your budget?” “Don't worry about the budget.” Mariah said. “What?” “This is our gift to you.” she said. “Mom couldn't make it today but she's also contributing.” “You told her!?” I gasped. “Of course I told her Max, I knew you wouldn't. But she's your mother too, she deserves to know.” I decided not to let that news ruin my day so I smiled. “Okay well if you ladies will follow me please.” Jamir said.

  We followed her down a long hall to an open seating area. “I also invited Michelle and Kim to come. I know you haven't seen them in a long time.” “No I haven't, thank you.” “That's what a wedding planner does.” she smiled. “Would you like something to drink?” Jamir asked us. “Sure.” Mariah said. “We have tea, coffee, water, apple juice, cranberry juice, Merlot or pinot noir and champagne.” “I'll have a glass of champagne.” Mariah said. “I'll have some merlot.” I said. She went to her computer and typed in the order. “Okay your drinks will be here in just a minute. Would you come with me so we can get started finding your dream dress?” “Yes.” I said. We walked into another room which was full of all kinds of wedding gowns. I was in absolute heaven. “Are you a traditional bride?” “Huh?” “I mean do you want to wear a white wedding dress?” “Oh, yes.” I laughed. “Okay, we have this one, it's a design by Aria.” she said handing me a long, white strapless dress. It was definitely a Cinderella dress, with the big wide bottom dragging the floor. The whole thing was covered in lace with a heart shaped neck line. “I'll try it.” I said although I wasn't crazy about it. I just wanted to get the party started. I put the dress on and as I walked out into the waiting area I heard giggling then gasp. “Oh my goodness look at you!” Michelle said. “You look absolutely beautiful.” Kim said. “It's not my favorite.” Mariah said.

  Leave it to my sister to be blatantly honest. “I don't either.” I said. “But thank you.” I said to Kim and Michelle. They both got up to hug me and congratulate me and admire my ring. I went with Jamir back to the drawing board seven more times before I put on the dress that made my heart sing. It was a Maggie Sottero. “This is Aurora.” she called it. “A beautifully fitted dress that flares with an embroidered bodice covered in Swarovski crystals. I know you said you wanted white but this one is a soft blush...” “It's beautiful. It's exactly what I wanted!” I said taking the dress from her. I tried it on and just like I thought it was the bomb. It fit every inch of my body just the way I wanted it to and I knew Lance would love it. I couldn't wait for him to see me in it. Again the girls oohed and aahed when I walked into the room. “Now that's the one!” Mar said and I agreed. “Yes you got it right this time.” Michelle said. “Yep!” Kim said half drunk. “I guess I can have a sip of my Merlot now.” I said not wanting to get drunk while trying on dresses. “This is Aurora.” I told them. “What's the damage?” Mariah asked. “Well, this one is normally priced at $14,500.00...but with the sale we have
going right now it would be $9,500.00” “Um, okay.” Mariah said. “Is it too much?” I asked her. “No sis, don't worry about it. We even have enough left over to buy your shoes.” she laughed.

  It was almost 1:00pm so we all decided to go to lunch at Beck's. Mariah pulled out her cell phone and started looking at the calender. “How soon do you want to get married?” she asked me. “I don't know, I don't want to rush it.” “Well, do you want a summer wedding, a fall wedding, a winter wedding, or a spring wedding?” I sat and seriously thought about the question. After a few minutes I decided on a spring wedding. The spring always renews everything. So I decided on April 30th, 2016 at 6:00pm in the evening. I couldn't think of a venue but Mariah said she was good friends with Alice Berry. “Who's Alice Berry?” I asked. “She works at Burke's Event Center in Berlin Hts.” “Burke's!” I said. “Oh my God, Burke's is gorgeous! We can't afford Burke's. That's where you got married.” “We couldn't really afford Burke's either but Alice hooked us up. She got me the deal of the century and I'm sure she can get a good deal for you too.” “Thank you Mariah, thank you!” “No sweat.” she said.

  “Next we have to move on to food.” “I can help with that!” Kim said. “My new boyfriend is a chef. He owns his own catering company.” “What kind of food does he cook Kim?” “Anything you want.” she said. “What kind of menu were you thinking?” Michelle asked. “Um, Lance and I love steak.” “Okay, well we can have a tasting set up for you and Lance.” “What's next?” “The cake?” I said. “Okay finally...I can take care of the cake.” Michelle said. “Remember my Aunt Bell bakes cakes for Edible Art?” “Oh yes I do remember you telling us that before.” Mariah nodded. “Cool, so I'll call her and have a cake testing set up for you.” “So, we have the dress, the venue, the date, the food, and the cake.” Mariah called out. “What about the flowers?” I asked. “What kind of flowers were you looking at?” “I love calla lilies.” “Oh those are pretty.” Michelle said. “Is that the only kind of flower you want?” Mar asked. “Roses.” “Okay, I'll take care of it.” she smiled. “Have you picked a ring for Lance yet?” “Nope.” “Okay we can go with you to pick one.” “And you have to have a signature drink Max.” Kim said. “I can help with that too. Joe's catering service offers specialty drinks.” she said. “Sounds good.” After lunch we all kissed, hugged and said goodbye.”

  Mar dropped me off at home and I was tired. “What a day!” I said. “What did you two do all day?” Lance asked me. “Well she had lots of surprises up her sleeve that's for sure.” “She took me to Katherine's Bridal Shoppe and I picked out a $9,500.00 dress.” “Oh my God Max.” he said putting his head in his hands. “I'm gonna have to work a lot of overtime for that.” “Don't worry about it honey, it's a gift from my sister...and my mother.” “Your mother?” “Yes.” “Wow, how did that happen?” “My sister and her big mouth!” “Well at least she's trying. It says a lot that she wanted to pitch in to help buy your dress.” “Maybe she did, maybe she didn't...only Mariah really knows.” “Why would she lie?” “She wants so badly for my mother and I to talk and work things out. And she seemed a little hesitant when she heard the price. But I don't know if I can. I've been through so much with mom I just don't know if I can deal with her anymore.” “You'd be surprised what you can deal with when you love someone.” he said kissing my cheek. Lance has always supported my decisions regarding my mother. Although he wants to see us get along as well. He lost his mother to a heart attack before I met him and he never knew his father. I understand why it's important to him because he doesn't want me to miss out on having a relationship with her. But sometimes I think it's for the best.

  “So is that all you did?” “You'll be happy to know that I've chosen a date.” “When?” “April 30th at 6:00pm.” “April 30th...I know why you chose April 30th.” “You do? Why?” “You thought about spring and the beginning of new things.” “You know me so well.” He laughed. “Mariah said she has a friend at Burke's Event Center in Berlin.” “That place is very expensive baby.” “I know but she said she can get us a good deal.” “I think you remember Kim Harding my friend from college?” “Yes I remember her. She's dating a chef who has a catering service. She's going to set up a food tasting for us and he can also do the drinks. Michelle's aunt is a professional baker, she's going to do the cake. Mar is taking care of the flowers...” “Let me guess...lilies?” “Of course.” “I knew it.” he smiled. “Sounds like you already did everything. Except the music, did you pick a DJ yet?” “Nope we missed that one.” “Well that's something I can cover. Jimmy at work DJ's on his spare time. He'd love to pick it up for me and besides he owes me a favor.” “That's great baby, this is coming together nicely.” “I know, it's meant to be.” he said smacking my behind.

  Chapter Ten-Lucy's Call It was finally Monday and Lance couldn't wait to get back to work. The doctor had given him the green light and he was ready. “Do you want me to drive you?” “No Max, I can handle it. Besides I might have to work late to catch up on stuff I missed.” “Well call me if you need anything okay?” “I will babe.” “Have a good day.” I said handing him his cup of black coffee and lightly buttered toast. After Lance was gone I was alone. The house was quiet. I had to think of something to keep me busy. I decided to clean. So I made some hot soapy water and mopped the entry way, the kitchen and the bathroom. I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the mirrors, washed the dishes, watered the plants. I threw a couple loads in the wash and then sat down to watch Judge Mathis. I liked to watch court shows it was one of my favorite past times. As I was listening to Judge Mathis render his verdict my cell phone rang. It was an anonymous caller. I usually didn't like answering anonymous calls especially since everyone who has my number has a name saved. But I was feeling curious so I took the call. “Hello?” “Hello Maxine.” A familiar female voice. “Do you know who this is?” “Of course Mrs. Knight, how could I forget?” “Good, good. I guess you're wondering why I'm reaching out to you.” “Yes, kind of.” “The reason for my call is I know my brother hired you to help him get his situation cleared up.” “He did.” “And you think you can help him?” “I don't know but I'm willing to try.” “How is that going so far?”

  “Mrs. Knight, I really don't feel comfortable discussing a client with you.” “He's my brother and please Maxine call me Lucy.” “I know he's your brother Lucy, but he's my client right now.” “You know I never wanted it to be true that he was the one stealing from me. I was shocked when I found out. After everything I've done for him this is the thanks I get.” “I'm not so sure you are shocked about it.” “Well what exactly does that mean?” “It means I believe that not only are you not shocked, but that you have been instrumental in framing him.” “What? That's a pretty big accusation missy.” “Well if it's not true then you have nothing to worry about.” “Do you know why I hired you Maxine?” I didn't respond. “I could have hired anyone else to handle this case. But I chose you because you're a fresh, new business. Because no one ever heard of you and because I knew that you would follow the first bread crumbs that made sense. I knew you would practically make the case for me. All I had to do was give you just enough to go on and you would run with it. The fact that I gave you $100,000 would help you be satisfied and move on. What I didn't count on was Steve coming to his senses and trying to help himself. How did he come to hire you anyway? I responded simply with 'sometimes the worst treatment comes from the worst people who can sometimes be your blood.' I heard her gasp and I hung up on her.

  So that was her end game. She thought I was a newbie who would just lie down and take it. She thought Steve would wander off into cocaine heaven with Laura Baxter, who wouldn't want him anyway when he couldn't finance her lifestyle anymore. But she was wrong. So I had to help Steve now, no matter what. I would make it my personal business to clear him at all cost. I went back to look over everything I had so far. I gave Steve a call to clue him in on my conversation with his sister. I thought for a moment that he might be crying becaus
e he was so quiet. But when he spoke his voice was stronger than I'd ever heard it. “I knew she hated that I was part of dad's wish to be there. It broke his heart when Johnny wanted to go his own way. He tried at the end to be a father to us but by then I guess it was too late.” “Don't worry Steve, like I told you, keep your head up and we'll get through this. I went to check your office yesterday and I found some more papers that had account numbers on them but they're old.” “How old?” I started shuffling through the papers looking for dates. “A few are from December 2013 going into 2014.” “Yes!” he shouted. “What?” “That was around the time Lucy took full command. Our father left her under the mentoring of his long time friend Patrick Truman. He helped her maneuver through the obstacles at first. She had no idea what she was doing but she learned fast. It only took her three years but by the fourth year she was a beast.”

  “Patrick followed my fathers wishes by distributing the money between the three of us and

  letting us do with it as we wished. Johnny of course chose to go his own way and I decided to try and continue my fathers work in the only capacity I was allowed. I knew Lucy hated it. She wanted it all to herself the whole business. She tried to buy me a out a couple times but I didn't take her serious.” “Okay so what does all this have to do with what's happening now?” “She finally got the nerve to hatch a plan to get me. That year was the year she decided to have me paying out to her accounts for business trips, personal vacations, her savings, you name it. I thought she was finally starting to trust me. I thought we were finally connecting.” “So were you the only one she gave these changes to?” “As far as I knew. But then Will came in asking a few questions too. I thought nothing of it since we both worked in accounting.” “Will had a few of these accounts too. I saw them in his ledger and he made copies for them.” “Hhmmm.” Steve said. I thought for a minute. “Do you ever talk to your brother Johnny?” “Every now and then. He keeps busy with his studio and such.” “Maybe I'll pay him a visit.” I said. “Why? He won't know anything.” “You never know what someone knows. He might know something he doesn't even know he knows.” I laughed. “I'll stop saying know now.”


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