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Maxine Skye, Private Eye

Page 12

by Monique Smith

  Steve laughed. “Do you have your brothers address?” “I don't have his address at the studio, but I do have his home address.” “Okay give that to me please.” “Hold on, let me get my address book.” I was on hold a few minutes and then Steve came back. “His address is 12518 Maplerow Avenue in Garfield Hts.” “Okay got it, thanks.” “I haven't seen my brother in over a year. When you go see him will you tell him I said hello?” “I certainly will.” I said and we hung up. Garfield Hts was about thirty minutes from me. It was still early enough for me to try and pay John Hall a visit. I wondered if there was in fact anything he knew that could be helpful. At this point I was willing to try anything. I got dressed in a black jacket and slacks, a red button down shirt and black pumps. I wanted to present a professional appearance. I was satisfied with the cleaning job I'd done so I grabbed some tea and a pack of Ritz crackers and headed out. I sang to Jill Scott's 'Fool's Gold' as I swerved in and out of traffic. By the time I reached John's house the tea was really working my system. John had a beautiful home. He had one of those long winding driveways lined with pine trees. His home sat behind at least five acres of land. The yard was impeccably manicured and I wondered if he used the same landscaper that Lucy used. He had the same tiny red roses that lined the walkway at the firm.

  I rang the doorbell and adjusted my suit jacket while I waited. I stood there for so long I thought no one was home. As I turned to leave a short woman with blonde hair and green eyes opened the door. “Can I help you?” she asked. “Um, yes. I'm sorry to disturb you. My name is Maxine Skye, I'm a private investigator. I was hired by Steve Hall, John's brother?” “What can we do for you?” she asked hastily. “I was wondering if it might be possible to speak to John?” “He's working right now. Is this about the mess going on between Lucy and Steve?” “Well, yes.” I spit out. “John doesn't know anything. He hasn't been involved with that place at all.” It's funny how everyone knows what John knows. “I understand that Mrs. Hall. But I would just like to speak with him anyway.” “I don't know that he'll be wanting to speak with you.” she quipped. “Why is that?” A child started crying behind her. “Would you mind stepping in a moment?” she asked. “Sure.” As I walked in I took note of everything in the house. The foyer was a grand entrance. There was a beautiful chandelier hanging from the center and a long winding staircase. The living room was all cream colored, literally. From the carpet to the couches and drapes. I continued to follow her through the short hallway and into the kitchen. The kitchen took up the entire rear of the house. She had every kitchen appliance you could imagine. Everything was stainless steel. The floor was marble, and not that fake marble in my apartment. Real marble.

  John was doing very well for himself. “I'm sorry the children are extra active today.” she said trying to wrestle a little one with the same green eyes she had. “That's alright. May I use your restroom?” I asked. “Sure, it's right through there to the right.” she said pointing to another hallway. “Thank you.” I followed where she pointed. The bathroom had the same marble flooring as the kitchen. I could take up residency just in the wash room. I did my business and returned to the kitchen to find she had fixed the children lunch. They were sitting quietly eating pb&j with banana slices and milk. It was quiet now except for Tom & Jerry trying to kill each other on the television. “I'm going to have a conversation with this nice lady okay?” she said in her mom's voice. “I won't be too long. You all sit there, eat your lunch and keep quiet.” Both children nodded. “Those two are a full time job.” she said pushing the loose strands of her hair back into her ponytail. “So, why do you think Johnny can help you with this?” “I don't know if he can or can't. I'm just trying to cover all bases at this point. Steve could use all the help he can get.” “Doesn't sound like it's going well for him.” “Honestly, it's not.” “How did he come to hire you?” That was a question I hoped no one asked. So I put on my big girl panties, sucked it up and answered her question.

  “I was originally hired by Lucy Knight.” “What?” she said like I answered her in Japanese. “Lucy Knight hired me to help her find out who was stealing from her. My investigation led me to believe that it was Steve. I made a comment to him the day he was arrested and he called me a few days later and asked for my help.” “What was the comment you made?” “I said something like sometimes the worst treatment comes from the...” “Worst people who can sometimes be your blood.” she cut me off. “You've heard it too?” “Heard it? Of course I've heard it. I've known that stupid saying for nine years. Johnny used to say it all the time. I never even knew what the hell it meant until I had dinner with him and his family one night. His father said it and then explained it to me. He said it meant that you can trust almost everyone else in the world except your own family. That man really creeped me out with his sayings and philosophies. Toward the end he wasn't very talkative but managed to blurt out those ridiculous sayings from time to time.” So that's what it meant. That was a sad way to look at life and family. “Lucy seemed obsessed with her father and his sayings, especially that one. She seemed a little off to me too. I was glad when Johnny decided to take his money and split after his old man died. I got the only normal one out of the bunch, what, with Steve strung out on cocaine and all.”

  “Seems like you did.” I nodded. “Like I said I don't know if John can help me at all. But if you don't mind would you ask him to give me a call please?” I said handing her one of my business cards. “Maxine Skye huh?” she said. “Yes.” “Well I'll pass it along to him.” I turned to open one of the huge double doors. “Good luck.” she said. “Thanks.” I got back in the car with more from the wife than I thought she could give me. It really does pay to cover all bases. Lucy is a little off? I could see that being true after our last conversation. I knew too that Steve was dealing with a drug problem. Johnny did seem to be the only normal sibling. Now to play the waiting game for whenever John would find the time to call me. On the drive back home I sang to Alicia Keys 'Troubles'. I called Verene on the speaker to fill her in on my visit with Johnny's wife. I had to keep in mind that I had a partner now. “That family is one shy of a fruit basket.” she said. I tried not to laugh.

  Chapter Eleven-John Hall Knows it All I didn't know when or even if John would call me. I told Steve about my meeting with his sisterin-law. He wasn't surprised about the way she felt about his family. I decided to get dinner started like a good little stay at home wife. I called Lance and like he expected he would be working a little later. “There's so much I have to catch up on!” he sounded like a six year old at Christmas. “That's fine.” I told him. Then my sister called. “Hello Mariah.” I said. “Well hello to you too. Listen I was calling to find out when you wanted to have your engagement dinner.” “Engagement dinner?” I asked. “Yes.” “Why do I need that?” “So you can share your good news with everyone.” she said. “Okay, so what do you need from me?” “Just a list of everyone you would like to come.” “Oh, well, that's easy. Let's see, Michelle and Kim of course. Janet Higgins, remember her?” “Yes I remember her.” “Okay, and Leslie Garcia.” “Leslie Garcia?” “Yes, you know her.” “Um, yea, I can't stand her.” “Why?” “You know exactly why.” “Are you still talking about that thing from high school?” I asked her. “Oh you mean the thing where she didn't let me try out for the cheer leading squad because she liked the boy I was dating at the time? That thing?” “Okay but look at you now. Not being picked to cheer never slowed you down, did it? You can show her now how great your life is.” “I didn't even know you still talked to her.” “We keep in touch on Facebook you know.” “Okay...who else?” “Davina Mitchell, and Janine Foster.” “How can I get in touch with Leslie?” “I have her phone number.” “I'd prefer to look her up on Facebook. No personal interaction you know.” I laughed. “She goes by Leslie Garcia-Harding now.” “Okay, I got it. Is that all?” “Yes, but where is this going to be...and when?” “I was going to have it in Madison City at that swanky hotel in one of their bal

  “Wow, that would be nice Mar.” “I know right? I was going to try for this Friday at 8:00?” “Okay that sounds good, but let me check with Lance and make sure his schedule is clear.” “Okay but hurry up.” “I'll let you know tomorrow.” I was going to have my own fancy soiree in Madison city thanks to Mariah. I was so excited and all I had to do was look pretty and smile with Lance on my arm. After I cooked whiting and made a side salad and dinner rolls I ate dinner and relaxed. I searched online for something to wear while watching the six o'clock news. Nothing much new happening: the weather was going to continue to be hot with thunderstorms late-drama with politics-a hit and run accident-and what? The newswoman reports 'in other news, the sibling rivalry between brother and sister Lucy Knight and Steve Hall heats up. Sources close to the family report that Mrs. Knight plans to continue to press charges against her brother despite his plea of innocence.' “I'm innocent!” Steve demanded to the cameras. “I'm innocent and as soon as I can prove it, my sister will pay for trying to frame me. She will pay dearly!” he professed. What is he doing? He shouldn't be in front of the cameras or doing interviews. But I was just hired to be his private investigator, not his attorney. I wouldn't tell him what to do in that respect. I just hope he knows what he's doing.

  It was getting late and I was getting sleepy. I decided to go to bed and not wait for Lance. Who knew what time he would get home. “Dear God: Thank you for everything you do for me everyday. Thank you for all of your continued blessings. Thank you for my health Lord, thank you for my home, my family and my job. I pray for you to continue to keep Lance safe. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love. I pray Lord for you to continue to keep me and guide me in your righteous path. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen” I got up off my knees and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep almost immediately. I woke up in a sweat. The clock next to the bed read 3:12. The house was quiet and hot. Lance was sleeping beside me. I got up to get a glass of water. On the way back to bed I turned on the ceiling fan. Just as I laid down and tried to get comfortable again I heard my cell phone beep. I slid my finger across the screen in a pattern to unlock it. I listened to a voice mail message from John Hall- 'Hello Ms. Skye, my name is John, John Hall. My wife gave me your card. She said you were here asking to speak with me about my family. I don't know how much help I can be, I don't really speak to my sister or brother much and I haven't ever been involved with their business. I've been following the story on the news. If you still want to talk to me, my cell phone number is 210-431-9960. Sorry for calling so late I work long hours.'

  Well I guess he did want to talk to me after all. I fell easily back to sleep. The cool air from the fan worked wonders in the hot room. “Morning.” Lance said rustling my hair like he would do a puppy. “Morning honey. How was your first day back?” “It was really good. Everyone was happy to see me and really helpful.” “I bet Gina was the happiest of them all.” I said sarcastically. “Come on Max!” Lance said. “Okay, okay.” I laughed. Gina Mitchell is a story I'd rather not tell. “That's good I knew you would like being back. I missed you.” I said climbing on top of him forgetting about Gina. “You did?” “Yes, I did.” I said kissing him on the forehead. “I missed you too.” he said pulling my panties down. We made love and then we took a shower together. As I dried off I returned John's call. He said he would be working but that I could meet him at his studio in Lakeville. I got dressed again in a jacket and slacks. I put my hair up in a bun. “Where are you off to today?” Lance asked me. “Yesterday I went to visit John Hall. Instead I had a very interesting conversation with his wife. Anyway he called me last night and said he would be willing to talk to me. So, I'm heading out there to see him this morning.” “Out there? Where is out there?” “His studio is in Lakeville.” “He really is out there, that's almost an hour away.” “I know.” “Do you want me to ride with you?” “Don't you have to work?” “Yeah but I can go in later.” “No, no that's okay, don't do that. I'll be fine. I have my green tea, a bagel, fruit cup and Beyonce'.” He laughed. “Alright. I'll be at my desk if you need me.” he winked.

  On the road again, this time going past John's house by thirty minutes. I sipped my tea but for some reason was not very hungry. I listened to the radio commercials talk about saving money on car insurance and a deal on Kentucky Fried Chicken. I decided to pop in my Beyonce' cd and pump up my morning. As I sang the lyrics to 'Love On Top' I recalled my morning with Lance. He is so good at making love. He always knew all the right spots to hit to put me in the mood. I love me some him. I read the exit signs for Lakeville and got off on B-36. I rounded the curve onto Kenyon Rd. The address John texted me was 122 W. Derby. My GPS said it was two streets down destination on the right. I didn't have to look for the building. Hell I didn't even need the address. The entire building was W. Derby. It was actually a half street but still the building was impressive. It was all glass and decorative marble. There were huge letters mounted on the top of the building that read 'The JH Experience'. There was an iron gate that surrounded the property. The driveway had two stone lion heads to greet you at the entrance. There were large evergreens rounding the gate. As I pulled in a security guard exited the guard shack and asked me to state my business. I showed him my business card and told him I had an appointment with John Hall. He asked me to wait a minute. I saw him using the phone inside the shack. A few seconds later the gate opened and he waved me through.

  Inside the parking lot was like a car lot for the rich. Everything from BMW's to Jaguars was parked there. I pulled into a visitor space near the front door. I checked my hair and make-up in the mirror then I got out and adjusted my clothes. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. The doors were much like the ones at John's house. Large iron doors that opened on either side. I was about to open the door when I noticed the small intricate rose pattern that was familiar to me because it was the same one at both the Knight, Hall and Hall campuses and at John's house. As I stepped inside a cool blast of air washed over me. A man in jeans and a Michael Jackson t-shirt stood talking to the receptionist. I knew immediately that he was John Hall. He looked almost identical to Lucy and Steve. “Ms. Skye?” he said extending his hand to me. “Hello John.” I said shaking his hand. “Follow me.” As I followed him down a long winding hall I took notice of all the awards and plaques that lined the walls. “You have quite an impressive place here.” I told him. “Thank you.” he smiled. “Please have a seat.” he said motioning to the big leather chair opposite his desk. “Can I get you something to drink?” “Just water, thanks.” I said.

  “So I know you wanted to talk to me about Lucy and Steve.” he started handing me a bottle of water from his refrigerator. “Yes, I do. I was just wondering if there was anything that you could think of, past or present, that could possibly be of help.” “I don't think so but I'll try.” “Okay, let's start with your father.” I said. “Do you mind?” I asked taking the iPod out of my bag. “Not at all...uh, what's this about my father?” “I'd like to start with him because obviously he's the reason your family has the business.” He nodded. “So, from what I was told, your father seems like he was a strict business man?” “He was. But he was also a cold hearted manipulative bastard.” I tried hard not to let my surprise show on my face. “He built that firm from the ground up, all by himself. But that was all he cared about. He didn't care about us and certainly not about our mother. He drove the point home every chance he got to work hard, then work harder. Never let anyone get the upper hand. Put all you have into your work, everyday. The favorite saying of all, the one that's etched into my brain: 'sometimes the worst treatment comes from the worst people who can sometimes be your blood.' I mouthed the words with him. “Win at all cost. Win! Win! Win!” John chanted pumping his fist angrily in the air. “My brother Steve, as I'm sure you already know, has a drug problem. I've tried to help him, but he has this woman at work...” “Laura Baxter?” I said for him but wishing I hadn't. “Yes. She has a connection. She and S
teve fool around, do drugs and he pays for whatever she wants. After I found out about her, and knowing his wife, I left him to his own devices.” he said shaking his head.

  “He wanted to be part of dad's dream team so he took the job at the firm. But I knew he was making a mistake.” “Why?” “Because Lucy is my father all over again. Steve couldn't see it, but I knew it. She ate up every word dad ever said. She hung on his every word. All she cares about is winning. Never letting anyone see her fail. Getting the job done, saving face no matter what it takes. She has no emotions, she's the new and improved version of our cold hearted bastard of a father. Dad left her in charge of the firm because he thought she was the grounded one. Steve was doing drugs and I wanted nothing to do with it. So Lucy was in charge. She was married and David was doing well in his own business. Dad thought she was the right choice. He didn't see he created a monster. She only gave Steve the job because she had to, it was Dad's wish for all of us to work under his umbrella. I took my million and ran.” “Your million?” I asked almost choking out the question. “Dad left each of us a million dollars to do with whatever we pleased. Steve burned through most of his because of his habit. Lucy poured hers back into the firm and me...well you can see where mine went. I've always had a love for music so I chose to do what makes me happy.” he said sipping from his cup.

  “Let me give you a little background on me.” I said. “I originally worked for your sister. She hired me to help her find out who was stealing from her.” “Wow.” he said. “So I worked as a cleaner for the agency she uses. My investigation led me to believe that Steve was stealing from her. So, that's what I reported. Turns out that he wasn't. But now I have to prove it.” “I can't believe it!” John exclaimed slapping his forehead. “What can't you believe?” “Will.” “You mean your friend Will Benning?” “Yes. He came by to see me earlier this year. He said that Lucy wanted him to help her get Steve out. She said Steve was ruining everything with his drugs and his womanizing and she wanted to be the sole Hall in the firm. She even tried buying Steve out but he wouldn't go for it. She told Will she would give him some fake accounts that both he and Steve would use just for the purposes of looking legit. I told him not to do it. I told him not to get involved with Lucy and her schemes. I guess he didn't listen.” “He didn't. I found some files in his office that proves he was using the same accounts Steve was. I just couldn't put it all together because I had nothing to prove that Will knew what he was doing. Thanks to you, now I do. See, you know more than you thought you did. You solved the case!” I smiled. “No, no I didn't.” “Yes you did John. Without what you just told me, I would have nothing.” “I can't help you Ms. Skye, really.” “Why not? What you just told me could help clear your brother.” “I can't get involved. I won't.” he said standing up.


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