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The Reeducation of Savannah McGuire

Page 7

by Heidi McLaughlin

  “I woke up, Aunt Sue. It was the sun, the air and the birds chirping. Heck it might even be Sundance because every time I go to clean her stall, she gives me a kiss. It was Tyler, being selfless and accommodating to my attitude. It was my mom, reminding me that I’m trouble and that she’s still angry, yet you and Uncle Bobby aren’t treating me like that.”

  I take a deep breath and smile. “I don’t want to be angry all the time. I know what I did was wrong, and I apologized, but my mom won’t listen. I’m only here for a few months and should try to make the best of it. Am I excited for Paris? Yes, I am, but that doesn’t mean I need to make my life miserable while I’m here.”

  “Well I’ll be darned. You went and fell in love with Tyler, just like your momma said you would.”

  My mouth drops ever so slowly. Only to be lifted back into place by her soft fingertips. “It’s okay, sugah, we’ve just been waiting for this day to come.”

  I shake my head. “Aunt Sue, I’m not in love with Tyler. Sure, I like him, but love… I don’t even know what that is. I’m too young to be in love and Tyler… he’s definitely not in love with me.”

  “Well whatever you young’uns are, you need to be careful. Don’t go lettin’ Bobby catch you with your pants down.”

  “Aunt Sue, Tyler and I were fully clothed. Jeremiah is just being a gossip that’s all.”

  She nods but the expression on her face tells a different story. She thinks we’re having sex, and that thought horrifies me. I don’t want her thinking things like that. As soon as she’s busying herself in the kitchen, I high tail it out the front door. The guys are still working and I know Uncle Bobby has gone to auction, so he’s not going to see this.

  Jeremiah is driving the tractor, mowing down the hay so it can settle for the next few days before they turn it into bales. Standing in his path, I make sure I give him plenty of time to stop what he’s doing. Once the engine stops, he stands and tips his hat.

  I march over to him and beckon him down with my finger and a sweet smile, which seems to do the trick, because before I know it’s he’s climbing down with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “What’s up, darlin’? You lookin’ for someone better than ole Tyler?”

  I close my eyes and imagine the scene playing out in front of me. My hand forms into a fist and before I know it, my arm is back and moving forward at a break-neck speed, connecting with his chin.

  “What the – ”

  “Oh, holy mother of – ”

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Jeremiah, Tyler and I are all yelling. Jeremiah is holding his chin. I’m holding my hand against my chest, trying not to cry. Tyler is running toward us at full speed. This is not how things played out in my head.

  “Savannah, what the hell?”

  I look at Tyler with tears in my eyes and see nothing but confusion all over his face. “Tyler, he went and told Aunt Sue that you and I were humping in the damn stall.”

  “You what?” he roars at Jeremiah who is still holding his face. He doesn’t seem to care because he’s not agreeing or disagreeing, he’s just standing there.

  “What?” he shrugs. “I was just sayin’.”

  “Dammit all to hell, Jeremiah, her uncle is going to kick my ass.”

  Jeremiah spits and thankfully there’s no blood. Tyler moves over to me and pulls my hand away from my chest. He rotates my hand back and forth and wiggles my fingers.

  “Doesn’t look broken,” he mutters. “Jer, sometimes I think you’re out to get me killed.”

  “Nah, man, just laid.”

  I start to say something but he’s climbed back onto the tractor and turns it on. He wouldn’t be able to hear me if I yelled. Tyler shakes his head, takes my hand in his and walks us to the house. I’m learning really quickly that Jeremiah says what’s on his mind whether it’s correct or not.


  We walk back into the house. I have one hand on Savannah’s back and the other cradling her injured hand. I know what Jeremiah’s doing; it’s what he always does, creating a comedic yet drama-filled situation to gloss over his own insecurities. My only guess is he has a crush on Savannah, which I really can’t fathom because he knows how eager I was for her to get here. Yes, my feelings have changed these past few weeks, but he knows that I’m definitely into her.

  “I can’t believe you hit him,” my voice is soft, caring. Savannah leans into me, her head brushing lightly against my nose. I breathe in deeply, taking in the coconut shampoo she uses. She smells like summer and warmth. She makes my days brighter just by walking into my line of sight.

  “Well, I can’t believe he said we were doing it.”

  I chuckle lightly. It’s nice to see the slight subtle changes in her. When she got here, she was hardcore and mean. Nothing was going to penetrate her tough façade, but I did. It took some time, but it was done.

  “Would it be so bad if we were?” I close my eyes and wait for her to stiffen in my arms. I can’t believe I let my mouth get the best of me. She has to know that guys, especially me, think about her like that. She has a rocking body, and the thought has crossed my mind a few times.

  “Sorry,” I shake my head. I know it’s a dumb question to ask. Hell we aren’t even a couple. We’ve just been kissin’. I haven’t taken her out on a date yet and taking her to Jeremiah’s tonight doesn’t really count. There will be a lot of people hanging around and it’s probably the least romantic thing I could do for her. Tomorrow I’m going to have to take her out, wine and dine her, and show her how special I think she is.

  Savannah stops one step below me. She holds her hand out in front of her while I push her hair over her shoulder. She looks up at me and without hesitation I lean down and kiss her. I’m trying to make up for putting my foot in my mouth. I don’t want her thinking that I’m only hanging out with her to get into her pants, especially after what she told me earlier. I had a feeling that her being here had something to do with another guy. Deep down I didn’t want to know, but she’s told me and I’m not going to use that to my advantage.

  “I’m not saying it’s bad, Tyler. What I’m saying is that Jeremiah telling my Aunt is not a good thing. She wanted to have the ‘talk’ with me, which was slightly awkward and when she used the word humpin’, I swear I turned fifteen shades of red. You should’ve been there.”

  I lean my head to the side and laugh. “Oh, sweetheart, I would’ve loved to be there when this all happened.” Shaking my head, I look into her blue eyes. “I’m sorry Jeremiah is such a dink. He’ll never learn and it doesn’t matter how many times I beat his ass. Although, since you just cold-cocked him, maybe that’s his lesson. If you don’t want to go there tonight, we can do something else.”

  “No, I want to go.”

  “Okay.” I look around quickly to see if there are any prying eyes before I lean down again and kiss her. Her lips are sweet, soft and taste like candy. They’re reminding me of our make-out session – one that I want to revisit, repeatedly. “Come on, Rocky, let’s get you some ice.” I take her hand in mine and lead her right to the kitchen where Aunt Sue gasps as soon as we walk in.

  “Sweet baby Jesus, what did you do?” she takes Savannah’s hand in hers and directs her to the sink where she promptly puts it under cold water. “You need to wash off the germs.”

  Savannah looks over her shoulder at me, her eyes questioning her aunt. I shrug, not having a clue what she’s talking about. Sue McGuire is what the town folk call “old country”. She grew up in a house full of women who cooked, cleaned and had their own home remedies for every ailment and injury. By all accounts, you’d think Aunt Sue was some grandma type just milling around the house, but that’s not the case; she can’t be a day over forty.

  “What in the blue hell is going on in here?” Uncle Bobby comes stomping into the kitchen and sets his lunch pail on the counter. He immediately kisses Sue before looking from me to Savannah.

  “Sugah, what’d you do to your hand?”

  “I punched Jeremiah, Uncle Bobby.”

  “Well, now why’d you go and do something like that?”

  Savannah looks from him to me and back at him. She pulls her lower lip into her mouth and I see the tension in her jaw. I’m not going to let her get into trouble because I can’t keep my hands and lips to myself.

  “Because –” I start to answer before I’m interrupted.

  “Because I’m an ass, Bobby, you know that. I was pullin’ on her pigtails and makin’ fun of her boots,” Jeremiah saunters over to Savannah and stands between her and Bobby. “Girl’s got a mean right hook, I’m tellin’ ya. Look at my busted up lip, Bobby.” He moves right in front of Bobby so he can see his face.

  “Y’all need to be workin’ and not flirtin’,” he mutters as he walks out of the room with Jeremiah hot on his tail. I breathe a sigh of relief. Sue finishes wrapping Savannah’s hand in a towel packed with ice and as soon as she leaves the kitchen, I’m moving to Savannah’s side. My hand grazes her hip sending this dynamic sensation up my arm and right into my chest.

  “He just saved us,” she says, stepping closer. I’m getting the feeling that she likes living on the edge. I’m not sure how her Uncle will take it once he finds out we’re messing around.

  “Yeah, he did.” My voice is quiet and Savannah takes that as a hint to give my lips and mouth some attention. My hands cup her face, holding her to me so I can relish in this brief intimacy we’re sharing. “I think we should go,” she whispers against my lips.

  We don’t have to be at Jeremiah’s until later, so the fact that she wants to be alone with me excites me. I nod, pulling her hand into mine and walk us to the front door. We stop briefly to say goodbye and are shooed away by Bobby and Sue. We both shrug, but take it as a sign that they don’t care that we’re leaving together, although, Bobby probably thinks I’m just taking her to town to turn in her homework or shop. He doesn’t know about the thoughts going through my mind when it comes to his niece. If he did, he’d take me out to pasture and shoot my ass.

  It almost makes me feel bad, until I look at her and realize that getting shot would be worth it.

  We spend a few hours just driving the back roads, Savannah sitting next to me with my arm resting on her shoulder, until we pull into Jeremiah’s. Without a doubt, he invited everyone he knows and then some. The faint sound of music can be heard, the laughter is present and the flames of his massive bonfire are visible from the front of his house.

  Savannah squeezes my thigh, letting me know she’s ready to go. I bring her hand to my lips, gently kissing her bruised knuckles before we leave my truck. She reaches into the back and pulls out the blankets I set back there for tonight.

  “Want me to carry those?” I ask, reaching out.

  “I got it,” she replies before kissing me quickly. It hits me right then and there, like a ton of bricks, that I’m screwed. This girl – the one I was trying to ignore – has already burrowed her way into my life whether I was ready for it or not. Who knew that something so simple as carrying blankets would be the trigger? We walk hand in hand to the backyard where Jeremiah has the most epic bonfire setup. Last summer we cut down logs and placed them in a circle. We also filled our trucks with sand and put that on the ground to give his area a beach feel. He said the chicks would dig it and they do, which is evident by the male-to-female ratio here tonight.

  I introduce Savannah to the guys while Jeremiah boasts about his fat-lip, the tale changing each and every time. I’m going to have to tell him how much I appreciate him not saying exactly how he got it. I don’t want any of these guys to get the wrong impression of Savannah.

  We scope out a spot to sit and I help her spread out the blanket. I don’t remember doing any of this stuff with Annamae. She used to do it all herself and never complained. Maybe that’s why she cheated.

  Before I sit down, I take Savannah’s hand in mine and ask her if she wants a beer. I’m making an assumption that she’s had one before. I never thought to ask if she drinks.

  “Yeah, I’ll take one.”

  She holds my hand until our arms are extended and just our fingertips are hanging on. “Hey, Tyler?”

  I stop and stare at her. The way she says my name makes my heart beat faster. I move forward so we’re chest to chest. “Savannah,” I say huskily as I slip my fingers between hers.

  “What happens if neither one of us can drive home?”

  I smile and look around, checking out the night sky. “I have a feeling with you next to me, the bed of my truck would be pretty damn comfortable.” She looks at me with a fit of fear in her eyes and I know I have to remedy the situation quickly. “I’ll only have a few, I promise.” I kiss the tip of her nose and wink at her before walking toward the keg.

  “Hey Smalls, what’re you doing in town?” I pat an old classmate on the back while he fills his red solo cup.

  “Not much, King. But it’s Dan now. I’m trying to grow out of that teen boy stage.”

  I look at him all cock-eyed. “Right, what’s new?”

  He moves aside so I can fill my and Savannah’s cups. Looking over my shoulder, I spot her talking to Annamae – this won’t be good. I regret chatting up Smalls because now I have to at least pretend to listen.

  “I’m engaged. We’re getting married in August.”

  “Wow, man, congrats. Does she know you’re a two pump and dump chump?”

  “Screw you man, I was fifteen when that happened.”

  “Still a great story,” I laugh, shaking my head and tipping my cup back. “See ya later.”

  “Hey, is that your girl?” he calls out behind me.

  “Yeah she is,” I reply over my shoulder with a big ass grin on my face.

  Bracing myself for what I’m about to walk into, I make my way back to where Annamae is still talking Savannah. I don’t know what she’s telling her and I don’t want to know. Either way, if I have to spend the rest of the night reassuring Savannah that Annamae doesn’t mean anything to me, I will. I just pray that Annamae ain’t filling her head with a bunch of nonsense. Our time is short as is and I want a drama-free summer with this girl by my side.


  Watching Tyler is quickly becoming a favorite habit of mine. That is, until my vision is blocked by Dolly Parton. I look up and smile at the girl in front of me. She’s country through and through. Or at least what I’d consider country. I know I bought cowboy boots, but I drew the line at the hat. If I’m going to wear one, I’m taking it off my own cowboy.

  “You must be the Savannah I keep hearin’ so much about?” Her hands are on her hips with her hip jutting out so that her leg extends to the side. Her toe taps and I’m not sure if it’s to the music or if she’s trying to assert herself somehow. For all I know, she’s Jeremiah’s girlfriend.

  My brows furrow at her tone. “That’s me,” I answer plainly.

  “I’m Annamae. I’m sure you’ve heard all about me.” I shake her hand out of curiosity. I’m not here to make enemies and really don’t want Jeremiah pissed off at me. As is, he’s sporting a shiner because of me. But the fact is I have no idea who she is.

  “Nice to meet you,” I put forth. It wouldn’t be so bad to make friends while I’m here, even if soon I’ll be in the City of Lights, sitting in little cafés and sipping on a cappuccino. Looking over her shoulder, I see Tyler heading back to me and can’t help the smile that’s building the closer he gets. I can see a gleam in his eye when he makes eye contact with me.

  My lips part as he hands me one of the red cups. Tyler places his arm on my shoulders as he pulls me closer to him. Our lips meet automatically, both of us knowing that we needed to connect, even if it’s just for a moment. I can’t explain it and I’m not sure I even want to, but I have this never-ending tingle whenever he’s near and it only intensifies when he touches me. I never want it to stop, but know the end is near. I’m going to have to figure out a way to have him and Paris in my life and I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to manag
e either.


  Tyler sort of pulls me partially behind him, as if he’s shielding me from something evil. I place my hand on his chest while my cup filled with beer rests near his hip. He tips his head to Annamae in a friendly gesture.

  She steps forward, too close for my liking. I look at Tyler, who shakes his head ever so slightly. He lifts his cup to his mouth and takes a long drink. The sight of his Adam’s apple moving mesmerizes me for some reason.

  “So y’all together?”

  I look up at Tyler and wink. He smiles and kisses me briefly, yet another habit that I’m starting to really enjoy. I could really get used to the type of treatment.

  “I see you’ve met Annamae?”

  “Did you tell her about me, Tyler?” she asks. I’m not even able to answer his question before she butts in. Apparently her presence in his life is important, at least to her.

  “I’m sorry, he didn’t,” I shake my head slowly, trying to suppress a smile. Clearly, she feels as if she’s an important part of Tyler’s life and he doesn’t because he hasn’t mentioned her. Yet, she felt the need to come over and make her presence known. Shame I don’t feel it’s needed.

  Annamae huffs and glares at Tyler. I want to slink back and hide from her daggers, but I stand firm. Clearly she’s someone in his life.

  “I’m his fiancée,” she all but yells. My arms stiffen and I drop my hand from his waist. He quickly clamps his hand down on mine, holding it to his chest. Before I can say anything, he’s speaking.

  “Ex, Annamae, and we were never engaged. You made the decision that I wasn’t good enough for you and shacked up with the landscaper. I don’t know what you’re tryin’ to pull here, but it ain’t gonna work. Savannah doesn’t need to listen to your lies. Go find Rufus, he’ll entertain ya.”

  My mouth drops open slightly and Tyler just shakes his head. He motions for us to sit down and I take the lead, pulling his hand into mine. He sits down first and pats the spot between his legs, which I gladly take. I lean back, settling in his arms. My body sighs when he drapes his arm over me. When I look back at Annamae, she’s in the arms of another man… Rufus, maybe? Either way, it doesn’t matter. I’m all too aware of women causing drama when it’s not needed.


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