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Black Out

Page 9

by Lila Rose

  “Talon, honey.” Zara sighed like she was used to him getting this mad. I couldn’t understand how she was so calm; I was about to pee myself. “We needed a girl’s day. We couldn’t do that with any brother around.”

  “You needed a girl’s day,” he growled, and I was sure it was through clenched teeth.

  “Yes,” Zara stated, “it’s not like we weren’t covered. We’ve got our mace and Tasers.”

  Mace? Tasers?

  “Well, damn, excuse fuckin’ me. You had it all covered if someone grabbed the lot of you, because you had your mace and Tasers.” Okay, that was definitely sarcasm.

  “Do not take that tone with me, Talon Marcus. You owed me for knocking me up anyway. My body went through Hell for you.”

  Is she crazy?

  “Kitten,” he sighed.

  What the hell? His voice took on a totally different tone. Had she just calmed his beast?

  “Get your arse back here. And because you went through Hell for me, I’ll try and stop Blue from killing you three stooges.”

  “That would be good, honey. See you soon.”

  I heard a click; the call had ended. I turned in my seat to face her way and I uttered, “You are amazing.”

  She giggled. “Don’t worry. You’ll learn how to control them, too.”

  Pick scoffed behind us and barked, “Let’s move.”

  I smiled to myself. It was time to step up and do what Zara had done: take charge. All I had to do was not chicken out before we got back.

  A laugh bubbled up out of me. Finally, I felt I was getting my old self back.

  Julian helped me back into the compound with an arm around my shoulders. After we’d left the beautician’s, the air had turned cold. I was grateful when we walked into the compound and the heaters were on, warming the place.

  Because I had been there long enough, I knew Julian was leading me through the common area and down the hall opposite the one which held the bedrooms. We were heading toward Talon’s office.

  Zara and Deanna were in front of us, happily chatting as though they weren’t about to walk into a room filled with pissed-off men. They must have opened the door to the office, because the next thing I heard was, “Never again, you hear me, Wildcat?” Blue growled low. “Never fuckin’ again do you take her out without me or other brothers with you.”

  “Now, hang on—” Deanna started.

  “Darlin’, no,” came Griz’s gruff voice.

  “You don’t know what could happen. Until we sort this shit out, she is not to fuckin’ leave without protection!” Blue yelled.

  “We had—” Zara began.

  “Kitten, no,” Talon growled.

  Zara sighed. I didn’t like they were getting into trouble for doing something nice for me. Especially when I had such a good time.

  I shrugged Julian’s arm off and stepped forward. With my hands on my hips, I said, “Stop it, Blue. I’m fine; we’re all fine, so you can stop beating your chest like some damned caveman. They did something nice for me because they could see I was down. So I will not have you yelling at them.”


  “No,” I snapped. “And if I could see properly, I would storm out of this room so you’d know how annoyed you have made me, but I can’t, so…” I turned toward Julian. “Please help me back to my room.”

  “Sure, buttercup.”

  “Don’t you dare. I’ll take her,” Blue hissed.

  I drew my lips between my teeth to hide the smile wanting to come forth. He had just played into my plan. I felt Julian’s heat beside me, and he whispered, “Go get him, tiger.” Oh, God, had I been that readable?

  No matter. I was still going through with what I had planned. I think Blue also needed it. So as Blue came to my side and slid his arm around my waist, I nodded once to Julian.

  No words were passed as he walked me to my room. He was tense and still pissed; I could tell from the way his hand clenched on my top around my waist. I could also tell from his stiff posture.

  He opened the door and manoeuvred me through. I walked off from his grip and over toward the bed, where I turned back to face him.

  “Clary—” he began with a clipped tone.

  I spoke over him, “Do you find me attractive?”

  The room fell silent while I waited with baited breath for his answer.

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  “Good.” I nodded, more to myself than anything. This could work then. “Would you kiss me?”

  He groaned. “Sugar, you can’t…you don’t…dammit, you’re making things hard.”

  I smiled. “Already? That was fast.”

  He choked on a startled laugh. “That’s not what I meant. Fuck, woman, you’re gorgeous, but now just isn’t the right time.”

  Looking to the floor, I was disappointed. I was going to have to play dirty. “So, you don’t want me?” I was proud I sounded so deflated.

  He was in front of me in seconds, his hand under my chin as he gently lifted my head upward. “I never said that. Christ, I want you in every way, but—”

  Oh, no. He was not going to finish his thoughts. Instead, I felt for his face and held it between my hands, and then my lips were on his. It took seconds, only seconds, before his shock wore off and he kissed me back. His head slanted to the side and he deepened the kiss by biting my bottom lip, pulling it down, and then his tongue invaded my mouth. A moan fell from my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and went onto my tiptoes to get as close as I could to him. Still, I wanted more, and my body knew it. My panties were already soaked from the thought of having Blue inside me.

  Pulling away, I pressed my cheek against his so I could whisper in his ear, “I’d like very much to suck your cock, Blue.”

  “Fuck,” he hissed. His hands clenched at my sides, just above my hips.

  I kept my head where it was to hide the blush, and just in case he rejected me because I didn’t want him to see my pained features.

  He was still, his breath laboured, and then he breathed out as though it tormented him. “Clary…”

  Please, no.

  I was going to fight. I needed to fight for him. For us.

  My hands slid down his arms and before he realised what I was doing, they gripped his jeans at the top. I quickly managed to pop the top button and unzip his fly before he reacted. He grabbed my hands to still them, only he didn’t remove them.

  “We shouldn’t—”

  “Please,” I begged.

  Who was this woman? If I got the result I wanted, then I didn’t mind the woman I had become right there in that bedroom.

  “God, sugar. You make it so hard for me to be good. You deserve better, babe. You deserve time, courting. Fuck,” he snapped and rested his forehead against mine. “I hate to say this right now, but it may get across the main message. I’ve had a heap of women, sugar, and I mean a lot.” Well, hell, that was a cold bucket of ice over me. “But all of them have just been a place to slip my dick when I wanted to get off. None of them, and I fuckin’ mean none, sugar, have made me want to get to know them. Have made me want to take my time with them. Have made me want to protect them.”

  Oh, that was so much better, like stepping into a warm bath. My hands were in his jeans, pulling his large penis out of its confinements. He was already hard, and I liked I’d done that to him. I managed one stroke in before his hand went over mine.

  “Jesus, woman, you just don’t give up. I want everything to be good for you. I want you to trust me before you let me take your body. Because once I’m in there, that’s it. You. Are. Mine.”

  “Blue,” I sighed.

  “Yeah, sugar?”

  “I love everything you just said—except about your past experiences—but honestly, you have driven me crazy for the last two weeks. I know you’ve been coming to my room each night to protect me from my dreams, but then in the morning, you’re gone. You, Blue, in one of my darkest times in life, have shone through. You’ve shown me sweet and expect me
not to be charmed by you. I am, Blue. I’m more than charmed. However, I’m frustrated, because I want you to kiss me. You’re taking too long doing it your way. We need to try my way.”

  “And that would be?” I could hear the amusement in his voice.

  “For you to let me do what I want to you.”

  “And here I thought I had all the right words, the right moves. But I’m getting outplayed by a little minx. Have at me, sugar. But be warned, you only have a minute before I take over and…have…you.”

  A tingle shot straight through to my groin. He chuckled, and I knew it was because he saw I was smiling widely.

  Until, that was, there was a knock at the door.

  Groaning in irritation, I flopped back on the bed behind me.

  “What?” Blue barked.

  I sat up. Blue’s shadow was in front of me.

  “Man, I just need to ask you something about a car we got in the workshop,” came a voice I didn’t know.

  “Serious as fuck, Lumber. Not right now.” I heard Blue shift and say to me in a low, sexy tone, “Now, where were we?” He ran a hand over my cheek, then bent and kissed me lightly on the lips. After he stood back up, my hands went to his hips and I felt something new at my lips. It was the tip of his cock. My tongue sneaked out and licked the tip; it tasted salty. “Open wide, babe,” he ordered, and just as I did, I felt him draw his hips back with my hands.

  A knock at the door sounded again, and a voice called, “Blue, man?” which startled him. He jumped and misfired his thrust forward. Instead of his dick sliding into my mouth, it jabbed me in the eye.

  “Shit, oh, hell. No, no, no. Oh…ow!” I yelled. Both hands covered my eye as it started to water and sting.

  I felt Blue’s hands trying to pry my hands away so he could check out the damage.

  “No, just wait,” I pleaded.


  “Fuck, sugar. Are you okay? Christ, baby,” I asked. Of course she wasn’t okay, because—dammit all to Hell—I just poked my woman in the eye with my dick. Later, I might be able to laugh about it with her, but right then she was in pain, and I had caused it…with my fuckin’ dick. I’d been so turned on, so hard from the way she spoke, the way she took control of the situation, that I fucked it all up.

  Suddenly, the door behind me flew open. In it stood Griz and Talon, Lumber just behind them.

  “What the fuck?” I asked, and quickly tucked my dick back in my jeans. They both watched the movement, and then looked to Clary with a wary look upon their faces.

  “You tell us what the fuck. We came running when Lumber here told us he heard Clary screaming in the room.”

  “You’d think I’d hurt her?” I asked in outrage. I’d never lay a hand on a woman; they bloody knew that.

  “Then why is she holding her eye?” Talon asked.

  Looking to the floor, I hissed between clenched teeth, “Motherfucker.”

  “Blue,” Talon said with a tone of warning. He’d want to know. Hell, so would Griz. We’ve all got a special hate for abuse.

  “Lumber, get goin’” I said.

  “But what about—”

  “Now, man,” I snapped, and he quickly disappeared.

  “Guys, I’m really fine. Nothing happened,” Clary said, trying to calm the fucked-up situation down.

  “No offense, darlin’, but we need to know from our brother that everything is cool. He was the one to leave the office before all wound up, and then we come in here and see a sight I sure as fuck wished I’d never seen. Hell, Blue, I love you like a brother, of course, but seein’ your cock don’t do anything for me,” Griz explained.

  “No, really, please. Let’s just drop it.” She moved her hand away from her eye. “See? I’m fine.”

  Christ. It was all red and watery.

  “Clary, we have to know—”

  “No, you don’t,” she snapped. She was trying to protect me from humiliation.

  “Babe,” Talon sighed.

  “I jabbed her in the eye with my dick,” I spat out. Christ Almighty. I was a fuckin’ biker, and yet I just damn well knew I had a blush on my cheeks.

  Griz snorted through his laugh. Talon took a lungful of air down the wrong pipe and started coughing.

  “Yeah, laugh it up, fuckers. But I swear if anyone finds out about this, I will kill you both,” I growled. They were both still laughing their arses off. That was when I heard a small giggle behind me. I turned to Clary to find her with her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her laughter.

  “Now you’re laughing,” I teased. At least the atmosphere had lightened, but I didn’t want it at my expense, especially after what I’d just done. I’d totally fuckin’ ripped the hot mood out and replaced it with amusement.


  I turned back to Griz and Talon, and snapped, “You can both get the fuck out now, and close the bloody door after you.” Without another word, because they were still fucking laughing, they left, shutting the door with a bang after them.

  Still looking at the door, I felt a small hand on my thigh, and then it glided up to my waist as Clary stood and stepped toward me. For the first time, I wished she could see me, see what she did to me. I wanted the world for her. How could I possibly feel so strongly for someone I’d known for such a short time?

  “Blue,” she uttered.

  “Yeah, sugar?”

  She licked her lips. My eyes followed her tongue as it peeked out and ran over her sweet mouth, and then she smiled and said, “Please kiss me.”

  All humour fled the room. Sliding my fingers through her hair at the back of her head, I brought her flush against me and growled, “Gladly.” Our lips touched tenderly at first. I didn’t know what she was doing, but I was testing her out, seein’ if she wanted to back out. But when her eyes fluttered closed, I pressed my lips against her again, harder. Her cute tongue sneaked out once again, and that time, my tongue was there to tangle with it. With my hand still in her hair, my grip tightened and I pulled her head to the side to deepen the kiss. I felt her hands clutch my tee as she moaned around my mouth.

  My cock was so fucking hard; it wanted in her wet spot, and if it didn’t get there soon, it’d blow on its damned own just from having Clary’s…everything surrounding me. Moving my other hand from her waist, I slapped it down on her arse and squeezed. She squealed, and in retaliation, she placed her hands on both of my arse cheeks and pinched hard. Of course that caused my hips to involuntary thrust forward, making my dick happy when it got to run up and down against her.

  If we didn’t slow this down, I was gonna fucking dry-hump her and come, embarrassing myself once more.

  Gone was the shy, reserved woman, and in her place was a tigress knowing exactly what she wanted. I didn’t know if it was because I had been taunted with touches and sweet words from the man before me; all I knew was I needed him inside me.

  I felt empowered knowing what I wanted.

  I felt…my normal self.

  That was what I was like. I saw something—so to speak—that I liked, and took it.

  Why now?

  Why is Blue the cause of me coming out of my shell?

  Maybe it was because he’d shown me I mattered.

  I broke the kiss, panting hard, and pried my hands from Blue’s delicious butt. I took hold of his tee and pulled it over his head. Thankfully, he didn’t fight me on it. I then ran my hands over the planes and dips of his chest and stomach, enjoying every groove and bump, even counting his six-pack.

  “I think someone else needs their top off,” Blue growled, his hot breath fanning over my face. With a smile upon my mouth, I placed my arms directly in the air. He chuckled, raised my tee over my head and threw it. His hands were back on my sensitive skin straight away. He ran his hardworking hands over my hips, my stomach, my back and then, finally, he cupped both breasts, one in each hand. A soft sigh fell from my lips. His hands warmed my chest through my bra, but I wanted to feel his skin on mine. Reaching around my back, I unhooked my bra and d
rew it from my body. His hands left me for all of a second, and it was funny how I missed his touch. A shudder rippled through my body as his hands went back to my bare breasts. My head fell back and I moaned softly. Blue, not one to miss an opportunity, attacked my neck with his lips, tongue and teeth, while I ran my hands appreciatively over his back, encouraging him to keep going.

  “Yo, Blue,” someone called from the other side of the door.

  Blue growled deep against my neck and lifted his head to yell, “Whoever the fuck it is had better disappear before I get my gun out.”

  We both heard feet quickly retreating from the door.

  “You have a gun?” I asked. I mean, I knew he was a biker, and bikers were bad-arses, but I didn’t know he carried a gun. I never thought of it actually. Did all of them carry guns while I was walking freely around the compound? Did horrible things happen all the time to warrant all bikers to carry guns?

  “Sugar,” he said in a way which sounded like I was being stupid for even asking.

  “Do you always carry a gun?” I asked.

  “Baby, I really don’t want to talk about this while I have you half-naked in my arms.”

  “Blue, sweetheart, if you want to keep me half-naked, or even try and get me all-naked, then we are talking about this.”

  He muttered something under his breath and then sighed deeply. “Clary, I’m a biker. Sometimes we need protection and to be safe always, ‘cause you never know when a situation could arise. It’s best to be prepared and carry a weapon.”

  I pondered on that for a moment, and then asked, “What type of situation?” I was being stupid; I knew I was, and I didn’t know why. I wanted the man—that, I knew for sure—but was I really ready to be involved with someone who carried a damned gun everywhere, in case a ‘bad situation’ arose? Thoughts of Zara, Deanna and Ivy ran through my head. They knew the situations; they were the cause of some of them. These bikers did things to protect their people. Could I look past everything and just lay my life on that belief for this man?

  I believed I could.


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