Book Read Free

Black Out

Page 18

by Lila Rose

  “Awww, listen to you. So glad you jumped right into your bad-arse biker bitch ways.” Deanna smiled. “Too bad it was because of something so fucked-up.”

  Talon, ignoring Deanna, said, “We’ll park away and go in on foot. We’ll do all the fuckin’ recon we need to before anything happens. There is no way I would risk my brother.”

  “Good, that’s good.” I nodded.

  “Um, I have a plan,” Ivy started.

  “Cupcake,” Killer growled low.


  She rolled her eyes at her man and continued. “We need someone to go in and see what’s going on inside, right? Well, I was thinking of strippers.”

  “I don’t think male strippers would be good right now, Chatter,” Deanna stated with a snort.

  “No, I don’t mean male strippers. I mean I was thinking that we,” Ivy gestured to us women, “could walk up to the door and pretend we’re looking for a place close by, but we got lost, and then we can be all worried, because we were going to lose money for being late. They may or may not let us in the house for their own entertainment, and if they do, one of us can sneak off to go to the toilet and scope out the place. Then we inform the guys of where and when they can come bursting in to save the day.”

  Silence filled the van as we all stared at her.

  “What?” she asked. “I didn’t just come up with it. It’s always been a fantasy of mine to pretend to be a stripper and knock on Fox’s front door, and then he could have his wicked way with me. But before that, I’d be all shy and give him a lap dance—”

  “Ivy,” Killer snapped.

  “Too much?” she asked, blushing.

  He lowered his head and nodded, but everyone could see the smirk upon his face. He looked back up and said, “Precious, it’s a fuckin’ great plan, but I ain’t lettin’ it happen. No one sees your body but me, and if they even thought of fuckin’ touchin’ you, I’d have to kill them.”

  Holy shit. I knew he was serious.

  “I’ll do it,” Deanna said.

  “Princess,” Griz groaned.

  “And me,” Zara added.

  “Kitten, no fuckin’ way.”

  “Of course I’m doing it,” I said.

  “That’s a hell fuckin’ no,” Talon growled, “to you all. Besides, they know what you look like, Clary.”

  “I think it’s goddamn brilliant,” Stoke said from up front. “Hell, I know if your women came knockin’ on my door, I’d be dragging them in to see the moves they had.”

  Pick reached over and hit him in the back of the head. “Christ; think, man, think.”

  “Stoke’s right, for once,” Dodge said. “It’s a good plan, and if it doesn’t work, so be it and they leave. But if it does, then we have eyes on the inside. It’s the best way to get Blue out without fuckin’ it all up. Besides Clary, the three of them should do it. Better in numbers.” He stopped to look in the rear-view mirror. “I know it’s all your women, but it’ll fuckin’ work and you know this, boss. Let them do it.”

  “Fuck,” Killer hissed.

  “Christ,” came from Griz.

  “I shouldn’t have fuckin’ brought them,” Talon complained.

  Stoke cleared his throat. “But you ladies can’t go in like that.” The women looked at each other and realised he was right; jeans and tees just wouldn’t grab a man’s attention.

  “Does someone have a knife?” I asked.

  After I did a little reno’ on their clothes by cutting their jeans into Daisy-Duke shorts and trimming their tees so they just sat up under their breasts, we pulled to a stop in a picnic area which was close to the house.

  We climbed out of the back, and as soon as we did, Talon snarled to his men, “Keep your fuckin’ eyes to yourself.”

  Then Killer added, “Or I’ll snap you in two.”

  Finally, Griz stated, “And if he doesn’t, I fuckin’ will. Jesus Christ, Stoke, that means you, too. Get your goddamn eyes off my woman’s arse.”

  “Okay, guys,” I called. “Talon will fill you in.” As they huddled around talking through the plan, I met with the ladies at the front of the van. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “Hell, I love this shit,” Deanna laughed.

  “I do like seeing Fox all alpha male.” Ivy smiled.

  “Hun,” Zara said and I looked to her. “You would have done the same for us if it was our men, but it’s not only that. Blue and Jason are family to our crazy bunch.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “I know; it’s just…”

  “Nothing will happen to him or us, so don’t start your shit,” Deanna barked.

  Snorting, I rolled my eyes at her. “You have your phones?”

  They patted their bras and nodded. Each one of them was going in there with their man on the other end of that phone in their bras, so the men could hear everything going on. I stepped up to Zara and pulled the elastic which held up her long, thick dark hair from its hold. It fell around her shoulders. Ivy’s hair was already flowing around her shoulders and looking sexy. I then went to Deanna and asked her to turn; she glared at me, but did it. I pulled her hair free of her elastic, only to tie it back up, but in pigtails. It made her look so much cuter and approachable…if she got rid of her scowl.

  “Are you serious?” she snapped.

  “Yes.” I grinned. “Griz,” I called. He turned, his eyes landing right on Deanna, and then they widened and he said, “Fuck me.”

  Deanna laughed and said, “Well, okay then.”

  The men had a final chat with their women, and after a heated kiss, they sent them on their way.

  Talon turned to all of us and said, “Let’s head out. Everyone fuckin’ quiet.” And then we started our walk through the bush.

  We were nearing the final destination point when Killer, Griz and Talon’s phones vibrated in their pockets. The women took longer to get there, because they had to take the long road around in the van when we were cutting through.

  Talon handed his phone off to me and said, “You listen. I need my head in the game. Keep me posted.”

  I nodded and placed his phone up to my ear as we all walked silently through the bush.

  On the phone, I heard Zara open the car door. “Why, hello there, handsome,” she cooed at someone. “We’re a little lost. Could you help us? Barbie, honey, what was that address again?”

  “Aww, gee, Honey, I’m not sure. Candy, do you know it?” I heard Deanna ask. Griz was grumbling about something to my left, but I ignored him and held the phone tighter to my ear.

  Candy a.k.a Ivy, mentioned an address, and that was when I heard a male say, “Ladies, I’m sorry to say, but that’s a house up the road.”

  “Dang it, we’re already late. Now we won’t get paid,” Zara sulked.

  They were all great actresses.

  “Don’t be upset, pretty lady,” a new man’s voice said.

  “But we needed the money. Candy wanted to get her boob job done, and now she won’t have enough money.” Deanna sighed, and she sounded absolutely deflated.

  “You don’t look like you need a boob job, sweetie.”

  “Oh, thank you. That is so sweet of you, but my man just isn’t giving me enough attention, and he said he won’t until I have my boobs done.”

  “Stupid motherfucking plan,” Killer hissed.

  “D-do you think…no, that’s rude of me,” Zara said.

  “What ya gonna ask there, beautiful? Come on, don’t be shy.”

  “Well…I…um, I kind of hoped you guys would care for a private show, and maybe…oh, gosh, maybe you could pay us, so Candy can get her boobs?”

  “O-M-G, Honey, that’s a great idea! Then I won’t have to disappoint my man. Oh, oh, will you guys do that? Will you help us out?”

  The men chuckled, and one said, “I’m sure we can come up with something.”

  “Yeah, we’d hate for you to be upset. Come on inside.”

  Footsteps sounded on a gravel path, and then it changed, got louder. They must have b
een on the front porch. A door opened, and the men beckoned them inside. The ladies giggled with fake glee and commented on the house as one guy called for someone.

  I gasped and looked to Griz. Did someone just call for Motley? Griz nodded to my silent question.

  “What’s this we have here?” Motley asked.

  “Some strippers were s’pose to be at the house down the road, but they took a wrong turn, and now they’re late and won’t get paid. They needed some money, boss.”

  Motley chuckled. “And what are they willing to do for that money?”

  “Anything. I’m really good at lap dancing, and if you had a pole, Candy loves to swing around one. And Honey can turn a man on with just a wiggle of her hips,” Deanna said.

  “Show us.”

  “D-do you have some music?” Ivy asked. She was starting to sound nervous.

  Looking over to Killer, I knew from his drawn brows and clenched jaw he was thinking the same thing, and he was worried.

  “I’m sure we can get some. Barry, go find a fuckin’ radio or some shit. It’s about time we had some fun, ‘til the wanker wakes up.”

  “Oh, is someone asleep? Maybe we shouldn’t disturb him. I’d hate to make anyone cranky,” Zara said.

  “Sweetheart, you couldn’t make anyone cranky with your face like an angel. The other guy will be in no shape to even care. How about you come here to Daddy? I’ll take care of you.”

  “But I wanted to show you my moves first. Please, I’m really good.”

  “Barry, hurry the fuck up!” Motley yelled.

  “I’m here, got one. Let’s get this party started.”

  “One second. Honey, didn’t you say you had to use the loo in the car?” Ivy asked with confidence back in her voice.

  “Look at that; you’re making her blush. Sweetheart, do you need to go?”

  “Yes,” Zara uttered.

  “Just down the hall, last door on the right.”

  “Thank you, handsome, and then I’ll come back and show you my moves.”

  “I look forward to it.” I heard a slap and Zara squealed. He must have smacked her butt.

  Thank God Talon wasn’t listening; instead, he was hidden behind some trees, scoping out the house.

  “Okay, I’m in the hall, honey,” Zara said into the phone.

  “It’s Clary.”

  “Hey, hun. I’m gonna try the first door in the house to the right. We were just in the left room at the front of the house.”

  “Okay.” I caught Talon’s eye and called him over with my hand. He crept over, and as soon as he was close, I told him what Zara said.

  On the phone, a door creaked and Zara uttered, “Shoot, it’d be good if the doors were oiled.” I held the phone out from my ear so Talon could listen in. “I’m in the room. It’s dark and the blinds are drawn. Should I turn on the light?”

  “Yeah, Kitten, but make it quick. Take a fast look around, and if he ain’t in there, get out.”


  We heard a click, and then suddenly, Zara gasped, “Blue, oh, my God, Blue. Jason, oh no, no, no.” Tears threatened to spill; my hand went over my mouth to control the cry.

  “Zara? Kitten, tell us. What do you see?”

  “Oh, honey, it’s bad. Get in here now. He needs help now. Call an ambulance, and get in here now.”

  Talon pulled the phone away and held my hand which gripped the phone. “Listen up. We’re going in. There’s about five men,” he looked to me for confirmation and I nodded, “and they’re in the room to the left. We split. You lot take them out; I don’t give a fuck how. We’re going to the room to the right. It’s time to get our brother back. Dodge, call an ambo; we’re gonna need it. All right, let’s move.”

  Talon took the phone from my hand and put it to his ear. His eyes closed then hissed, “Fuck,” and shut the phone. “Motley’s in with Zara. Get the fuck goin’.”

  Everything went by in a blur then. I ran along with the men to the front of the house. Someone kicked in the front door. Hawks men ran to the left, and Pick, who grabbed my hand, took me to the right. We burst through the door with Talon and Stoke, only to stop dead.

  A whimper fell from my mouth.

  Blue was slumped over Jason on a mattress on the floor in the corner. He groaned and rolled over, the pain obvious on his bloodied face as he blinked up at us.

  Jason lay unconscious on the mattress, and Zara was kneeling next to Blue where Motley stood above them, holding a gun to her head.

  “Good to see you all,” Blue whispered and gripped his right arm. “But tell me, brother. Why in the fuck are the women here?”

  Oh, my God, he was hurting, and still he had time to tell us off.

  “Blue,” I uttered.

  “Sugar.” He sighed and closed his eyes.

  “Talon,” Motley started. “You need to leave and take your men with you.”

  “I’ll be taking Blue and Jason then, as well.”

  Motley shook his head and smiled. “No, they stay. They’re nearly dead anyway, so once you’re gone, I’ll finish the job.”

  “No!” I screamed.

  “Oh, yes, pretty Clary. Actually, you can stay, as well. I like it when things go my way.”

  I caught Zara’s eyes; she nodded to me.

  Quickly, she struck out and bit Motley’s leg, and that was when I ran and jumped on him, taking him down to the ground with me. I witnessed Pick covering my man and his brother. Talon was at my side, pulling me off Motley and then shooting him in the stomach. He howled in pain.

  Crawling on the dirty carpet, I went to Blue. Taking his hand in mine, I called his name.


  No! I rubbed at my eyes to clear them, and with my other hand, I felt for his pulse. It was faint, but there.

  “Griz,” Talon barked. Griz came flying into the room with Deanna, Killer and Ivy.

  First thing he said was, “Ambos are close.”

  “We’re gonna have to move them outside. Get the brothers to do some damage to the van. They had an accident. No one is to find these fuckers in here.” His vicious glare went from one man to the next. “We take them out ourselves.”

  “On it,” Griz grunted and took off outside.

  More commotion started. Throughout it, I stayed with Blue and Jason, even when they moved them outside to lay them on the ground next to the trashed van.

  I wasn’t really there.

  I was numb.

  Still, I stayed with Blue, kneeling between the two brothers, a hand in each of theirs. I spoke softly to them, telling them it was all going to be okay.

  Jason stirred. He opened his eyes.


  “Clary? Don’t tell me you’re an angel, too.”

  I sniffed and snorted. “No, sweetie, no.”

  “I hurt too much to be dead…” His eyes widened, and he tried to sit up. “Blue, where’s Blue?”

  Laying my hand on his arm so he’d stay laying on the ground, I said, “He’s here. Look, he’s right beside you.”

  “Blue,” he uttered. Tears filled his eyes. “He came to save me. He was so brave.”

  There was no stopping the tears. “I know, Jason, and so were you.”

  “Blue,” he called and reached a hand out to touch his brother’s arm. “He saved me, Clary.”

  “He did, sweetie. He did.”

  The sirens grew louder and louder, and before the paramedics got to Jason and Blue, Killer knelt down beside Jason and whispered something into this ear.

  “Okay, I will.”

  Two ambulances pulled up to a screeching halt and paramedics raced over; two went to Blue, and two went to Jason. Blue was taken directly onto a stretcher, and before he was wheeled away, I heard a paramedic ask Jason, “What happened here, mate?”

  “We had a car accident. I was driving and crashed into that tree there.”

  On the way to the hospital, Blue crash-coded. He left me for all of a minute, and it felt like I had lost my own life. I swore my
own heart stopped beating. All I wanted to do was hold him, to beg him to stay with me.

  I didn’t know where anyone else was.

  All my thoughts were on Blue.

  Willing him to live.

  We pulled into emergency at a hospital in Melton, the back doors flew open and Blue was wheeled out. They raced him through other doors and corridors, and all along, I stayed at his side.

  “Miss, you have to stay here.”

  Oh, God.

  I couldn’t! I didn’t want to leave him.

  I leaned over to whisper, “You fight, Blue; you need to fight for me, babe. I can’t live without you. You’re the only one who’s shown me how to laugh, live and love. I need you to keep living, to keep showing me, so I can show you what I have in return. You’re my perfect, Blue. Please, please…I need you,”

  “Miss, please, you have to stay.”

  Someone grabbed my arms, but I tried to fight them off. I needed to stay with my man.

  “Darlin’, calm, they’re taking him to surgery. You can’t go in there.”

  “Griz,” I cried.

  “Shit, woman, I know.”

  He knew. They all knew, like I did.

  Blue looked bad.

  He’d left me once.

  I had no idea if he would leave me again.

  I had never seen so much blood in my life, and that really scared me. It scared me to the point of my heart splitting and threatening to tear apart completely.

  “Griz,” I sobbed. My hands covered my face until I was spun around and Griz buried my head against his chest. I gripped tightly to him and broke down like I never had before.

  “He’s a fighter, darlin’. He’ll fight to come back to you.”

  Oh, God.

  My man. My Blue Skies.

  The day was absolutely beautiful. Deanna stood opposite Griz in a skin-tight, silky white gown. She looked more gorgeous than I had ever seen her, which I suppose wasn’t hard; all she usually wore was jeans and tees, except at work. Every once in a while, she’d switch it up for black pants and a white shirt. Even the large bear of a man Griz looked smashing in a black suit and dark-blue shirt. No tie, of course; bikers just didn’t do that.


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