Shocking Heaven
Page 6
Wish I hadn’t!
Melissa was tied to Austin’s bed on her stomach. Austin was taking her anally and she was crying as he took her so hard his headboard was banging against the wall.
“Fuck!” Josh breathed behind me.
I stepped back, not wanting to see anymore and letting the Guy’s handle it.
“Christ Austin!” Gavin growled.
“Fuck!” I heard Austin say as Melissa continued to whimper.
The guy’s entered the room and I stood immobile in the hallway until Melissa appeared naked and crying. Placing an arm around her shoulder I led her into my room and shut the door before retrieving a T-shirt from my drawer and passing it to her.
She was silent, just hiccupping as she slipped it on.
“You okay Hun?” I whispered.
Why do you always ask that question when it’s pretty obvious the person isn’t alright?
Her wide eyes found mine and I cringed at the horror behind them.
Settling myself beside her on the bed I placed my hand on her thigh “You want me to phone the police?”
She shook her head. “No I…I consented but…” she sucked on her lips as another sob wrenched from her throat. “I…he got a little…”
“Rough?” I finished for her. She looked at me and nodded frantically.
“Did you ask him to stop?”
She nodded again.
“Then I really think you should report it Hun” I encouraged but she shook her head again “No I…I can’t.”
I really didn’t like where she was heading with this.
“Why don’t you let me ring them and just see what they say?”
She seemed to think it over for a while before giving me a small nod. Smiling I squeezed her thigh as I reached for my phone.
Melissa and I climbed out of the police car and thanked the officer who had brought us home late the next morning.
“You want to come in for a drink?” I offered her then frowned when I saw Jax leaning against his car watching me with narrow eyes.
He pushed off and strolled towards us.
Melissa shook her head “I just wanna go home and flake.”
I nodded sympathetically and pulled her in for a hug. She held me tight against her for a long while and I sucked in my lips as I felt a shudder rack her exhausted body, grateful that Jax had come to a stop, realising it was a private moment.
I squeezed her once more and watched her walk away, dragging her feet in desolation.
I turned to face him “Austin.”
He frowned at my simple answer. “Austin kind of…got a bit rough with her. Been at the cop shop all night.”
“The fuck?”
I nodded at his simple statement “Yeah, knew there was something about him. He gave me the creeps.”
“What did the law say?”
I huffed. “Not a lot. I don’t think they’ve even pulled him in yet. Cos’ she consented they say it’s her word against his, it doesn’t help that there’s no bruising. But…we’ll see.”
He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, blowing out a deep lung full of smoke he turned back to me “He still living here babe?”
I nodded and sighed as a quiver took my body.
Jax’s eyes were narrow “The fuck you stay here E!”
I squinted at his words. I really ought to get this man on a stage when I wanted a proper conversation with him, it was the only place he extended his vocabulary.
“It’s not that easy Jax” I told him as I took a step towards my dorm.
His hand closed round my arm “You’re staying at mine babe.”
I laughed then…loudly I might add. His face halted me immediately and I swallowed heavily.
“Jax, there is no way I’m leaving Luce and Kaylee here with him. I’ll be fine.”
He cocked his head and his eyes darkened “…Yes, thank you Jax.”
I rolled my eyes at his familiar quote.
“Not this time Jax. Did you want something anyway?”
He growled at my refusal “Yeah babe.”
My eyebrows rose as I waited for an explanation but he continued to glare at me. “Jax?” I urged him. He inhaled loudly “Picking you up for the barbeque babe!” he revealed eventually.
I nodded in realisation but sighed “I really just wanna sleep Jax, I’m knackered.” But he shook his head slowly “You’re coming babe!”
I pouted heavily but he shook his head again “You can nap in my bed.”
My eyes widened at his words but he continued to stare at me, his eyes dark and intense, daring me to argue.
Rolling my eyes I shook my head in exasperation “Fine, gimme ten minutes.”
He nodded once and went to climb back in his car whilst I entered my dorm.
After freshening up and changing I climbed in beside Jax. “Ready babe?”
Leaning my head against the headrest and closing my eyes I mumbled a reply and smiled to myself as I felt the engine purr to life.
I woke a while later and shot up, trying to recognise where I was.
The room was dark but some sunlight was managing to filter through the blinds and light the room enough for me to take a look around.
The walls were a deep slate grey; a huge flat-screen TV donned one wall whilst a stereo the size of Mars was perched on the floor underneath it and a pile of CD’s teetered precariously beside it.
A huge photo of a young teenage girl hung from the left wall, she was really pretty; long black hair fluttered in the air around her face and a huge smile lifted her features as she winked at the camera but there was something about her that looked familiar, although I couldn’t place it.
Swinging my legs out of the bed, my eyes widened when I realised I only wore a T-shirt over my underwear, and it definitely wasn’t my T-shirt. I didn’t own a Room 103 shirt.
I scanned the room for my clothes and found them folded on a chair and pulling on my jeans, leaving the T-shirt in place and retrieving a band from my jean pocket, I pulled my hair into a high twist and went in search of people.
Stepping onto the rear decking I found everyone on the garden below, drinking, eating and singing loudly.
I smiled as Cam’s voice filtered across to me…that boy really shouldn’t be allowed to damage anymore eardrums.
“Spanner!” Romeo smiled up at me from directly below. I leaned over the railing and beamed down at him. “Nice of you to join us E.”
Chuckling I made my way down the wooden steps at the side of the decking and into the throng of people.
Arms circled my waist as someone hoisted me up and swung me around. “Boss!” I yelled. His tongue swept my bare neck, tracing the ink that ran across the nape of my neck. “Nice ink E.”
I waited for him to add another comment about my tattoo’s, just to see if it was him that undressed me but he seemed to just be referring to the one on my neck.
“You never fail until you stop trying” Jax’s voice whispered across the bare skin of my neck as he recited the quote I brandished and I nodded faintly. “And I love the stars babe.” He added wickedly.
I closed my eyes and sighed before I spun round “You know you didn’t have to undress me Jax, I would have been fine sleeping in clothes.”
His mischievous grin lit his face before he leaned into my ear “All those pretty little stars, all the way up the outside of your leg, from your toes to your…”
I flinched and bit my bottom lip. “…hip and across your pelvis to your…”
I was struggling to breathe as his warm breath excited me in places that shouldn’t be excited.
It amazed me how he knew so many words.
“…forbidden fruit.”
I released the breath I was holding with a slight groan but he hadn’t finished…oh no!
“Fucking hot babe. Made me wanna kiss each and every one of those sexy little tats.”
Another g
roan rumbled deep.
“All the way up babe, just to see where they finish.”
I decided to play him at his own game so I whispered back “They finish with a Christina piercing and another little surprise.”
He growled deeply, his fingers curved around the back of my neck as he pulled me in for a smouldering kiss; a dominating, controlling kiss that made my toes curl and the pit of my belly throb. A kiss that my heart refused to beat through.
“Love surprises babe.”
Shooting him a smirk of my own I walked away, leaving him watching the sway of my hips as I made my way over to Luce and Kaylee, swiping up a bottle of beer from the huge ice filled oil drum as I passed.
“E, what the hell happened last night?” Luce asked as I joined them.
Filling her in I noticed more people came to join our conversation, all of them wanting to hear the latest gossip.
“I knew he was weird” Kaylee shivered. I nodded in agreement.
“He walked me back from work the other night and he kind of got a bit…dark when I asked about his girlfriend, then he seemed to warn me without warning me if you know what I mean?”
“Fuck E” Cam hissed behind me. I blinked at him.
“Don’t fucking be alone with him again.”
“I’m usually in the bar every night Hot stuff, I’ll start walking you back” Boss proposed and my heart swelled at his protectiveness.
“You’re really quite soft aren’t ya’” I ribbed as I elbowed him gently.
“Fuck! Don’t let everyone know baby. I’ll get mugged” he joked but smiled softly at me.
Rolling my eyes at him I took a pull on my bottle as Aaron bounced to the side of me. I smiled up at him. “Hey Gorgeous” I teased. It was a regular joke between us as we were both the spit of each other. It was kind of like complimenting ourselves.
I always wondered how we were identical but he had at least a foot on me.
I turned to find the man behind the voice. Romeo lifted a bottle to me “We got a gig at Brandells tonight. You coming?”
“Sure. Could do with getting a little wrecked” I winked. His eyebrows pulled together “Thought you were immune Spanner?”
“Just Tequila” I informed him and he pulled a mischievous grin “Then prepared to be destroyed. There’s gotta be some way to pull you.”
Laughing I walked over to Bulk who was manning the barbeque. “Hey” he grinned and side hugged me, holding out a fork that speared a sausage. Smiling appreciatively I slid it off the fork and took a bite. “Can I ask you something Bulk?” he nodded.
I leant in closer “Who’s the girl on Jax’s wall?”
His posture altered slightly before he rectified himself and scanned the area close to us. His eyes found mine and I frowned as I saw the sadness in them.
“His little sister” it was no more than a whisper and I knew immediately that he had disclosed some private information that Jax wouldn’t be enthusiastic about being revealed.
I nodded “I take it something happened to her?”
Flipping the burgers before he continued, he eventually turned to me “You know E, you’re the first girl he’s ever let into his bed.”
I was stunned at his words and tilting my head in puzzlement I regarded him softly. He sucked in a deep breath, as if preparing a nice way to say his next line “He’s a good guy E. Doesn’t deserve to be hurt. Dealt with a lot of shit but he deals a lot of shit too.”
I frowned. “You know what I’m saying E?”
Thinking it over for a while I smiled softly “Yeah, I understand ya’ Bulk.”
Squeezing me tighter he leaned in again “She died.”
We all piled into Brandell’s that night and the guy’s immediately set about setting up their gear whilst Cam and Aaron went to get the drinks, and me and the girls settled into a booth on the back wall.
Melissa had joined us after we’d gone round to her dorm and insisted that she join us and to be honest, I really liked her, she was fun, kind and really sweet.
“SPANNER!!!” Romeo shouted across the room.
He waved me over when I acknowledged him but as I got closer I noticed Jax sat on the edge of the stage talking to a blond girl who was giggling as he whispered something to her. I bit my bottom lip severely when he took her earlobe between his teeth and tugged lightly before pulling her in for a kiss.
Romeo looked in the direction of my gaze and frowned before turning back to me “Jax wants to know if you wanna duet again?”
What the hell?
I shook my head. “You sure? You rocked it last time.”
I scoffed slightly. “If Jax wanted to know then Jax should’ve asked” I said without removing my eyes from Jax’s exploitation of Blondie’s tongue.
Romeo cocked his head and smiled wickedly, leaning a little closer “Then you wanna solo?”
I frowned at him, not sure whether I could do that. He nodded encouragingly “Sure you can” he answered without waiting for the question “Come on E, the crowd will big it up! They love us here; they’ll enjoy the fresh arrangement.”
Biting my lip and racking my brain for a song, I smiled playfully and leaned in to inform Romeo of my choice. He smirked and nodded “C?” I nodded in confirmation when he asked about the starting note.
“Good Girl.”
The band played their usual composition and after the last song Romeo took the mic and placed a hand on Jax’s arm to halt him from continuing.
“Hey Guy’s. You rockin’ it?” he shouted to the mass.
“FUCK YEAH!!” they shouted back.
Romeo nodded and grinned as he glanced at me. I nodded my confirmation as I made my way over to him.
Jax wore a puzzled expression as his eyes shifted between Romeo and me.
I jumped onto the stage and Romeo held out his hand for me.
“I want a huge Brandells welcome for E!”
The crowd went wild, wolf whistling and stomping their feet on the floor as Boss drum rolled. I quickly realised most of them were Room 103’s most loyal fans who followed them around the city and they must have recognised me from last night.
“Well I have a fucking hell of a special treat for you tonight.”
The crowd whipped up a chant of “E, E, E, E…” and I smiled and blew them a kiss initiating a roar of appreciation. “SIT ON MY DICK E!!!!” someone shouted from the crowd.
“Sorry, I only practice safe sex and you don’t look very safe to me!” I retorted loudly.
The room went wild and I heard Jax’s deep chuckle from beside me.
Romeo laughed “Well Hell…that told you dude.”
Rhythmic clapping hands appeared in the air as the chant of my name persisted and Romeo had trouble calming them down before he continued “We gonna let her rock the room Guy’s?”
“Wanna hear her TALK FUCKING DIRTY?”
I closed my eyes against the thunderous cheers for the Poison song I had chosen.
“Fuck yeah babe” Jax whispered beside me before he jumped into the throng of fans.
Bulk brought me in and I just let myself enjoy my moment of fame as the crowd sang with me.
“You know I never
I never seen you look so good
You never act the way you should
But I like it
And I know you like it too
The way that I want you
I gotta have you
Oh yes, I do.”
As soon as I got to the chorus Jax suddenly appeared beside me and leaned in to share my mic as he joined in.
“Cause baby we’ll be
At the drive-in
In the old man’s Ford
Behind the bushes
Until I’m screamin’ for more
Down the basement
Lock the cellar door
And baby
Talk dirty to me”
I gave him a laugh and a shoulder nudge as he growled the words in my ear.
He returned my laugh when I changed a line and pointed to Romeo.
Pick up that guitar
And talk to me”
Romeo saluted, came to front of the stage and the girls went wild as he thrashed out a solo riff whilst he stood beside me, leaning close and giving it to me.
We fucking rocked and I loved every second of it.
I could certainly get used to this.
The room exploded when I had finished and I squealed when Jax hoisted me up onto his shoulders, carried me down the stairs and perched me on the bar. “Get this girl a drink!” he demanded to the bloke behind the bar.
He handed me a bottle and I held it in the air to the crowd. “ROOM 103” I toasted at full volume.
“ROOM 103” they all saluted.
Jax winked at me before Cam came to save me. “Christ E…brilliant.” I smiled as I jumped down and my friends hugged me. “Always said your voice ate shit E” Luce winked.
I didn’t need to buy a drink all night as my new fans kept them coming fast and frequently.
I left with a pocket full of phone numbers, very drunken friends, someone’s boxer shorts in my bag, 12 condoms stuffed down my bra and no idea who the hell I was!
Some stupid person had turned the light up to maximum and my eyes screamed in protest.
Satan himself had burnt my mouth to a cinder.
A drummer had crawled through my ear and took up residence in my head.
And the Bermuda triangle had invaded my stomach.