Shocking Heaven
Page 7
“Ooh Goddd” I moaned to myself, not daring to move.
“Okay Babe?”
My eyes shot open with the rest of my senses as I swiftly sat up and stared at Jax lying beside me in his bed, with nothing but a huge smile, and a mighty fine chest on display.
Lifting the duvet, daring a peek at my body I was horrified to be greeted with only my see-through white bra and knickers.
“M & S babe?”
I nearly died…Primark!
“Please tell me we didn’t?” I asked ultra quietly and I wasn’t sure he heard me.
His laugh was deep “Babe, you didn’t even know your name never mind whether you wanted to fuck.”
I nodded slowly as relief flooded me.
“What is your name babe?”
I frowned at him. What a stupid question “Eve.”
“Then you know if you wanna fuck babe?” he winked before he placed his arm over his eyes.
Shaking my head in exasperation I contemplated how to get the hell out of bed without Jax getting an eyeful of my lady parts.
“Already seen ya’ babe.”
How the hell did he do that? Did my thoughts flow out of my ears before I had a chance to speak them?
“Nice tat by the way.”
I swat him on the arm when he referred to the tattoo I had on my pubic bone. ‘Desire’
“Christ Jax.”
He laughed as he rolled over and pulled me back down with an arm around my waist “Go back to sleep E, it’s too early to fuck.”
I must admit it felt good to be snuggled in a pair of strong arms.
The erection pressing into my bum, I wasn’t so sure of.
I woke with my face pressed against his solid chest; my thigh straddled over his and my arm around his waist as his arm was wrapped around me, holding me close.
I mentally inspected myself and was pleased to feel a little better than I had earlier.
Rotating my head around my neck I opened my eyes to brave the light.
Jax was staring at me intently.
“Hey babe” he said softly. I gave him a soft smile “Mornin’.”
We lay just looking, gazing at one another in silence until a thought occurred to me and I cocked my head slightly “What’s your proper name?”
His shoulders lifted a little with his soft chuckle “Jaxon Cooper.”
“I like that” I whispered as he ran his finger down my nose. “How old are you?”
“23 babe” he whispered back.
I was on a roll. “Favourite group?”
“Probably Sabbath but Nirvana’s up there too” his finger trailed across my jaw “Yours?”
“G N’R, Journey and Poison but I like Sabbath too” I grinned.
“Favourite food?” He laughed at this “Everything babe. You?”
“Undoubtedly coffee.”
He frowned at my answer. “Coffee’s not a food babe.”
“Oh but god, it is” I smirked then decided to slip in the one I really started the conversation for “Siblings?”
I felt him stiffen instantly and I pretended not to notice when his breathing sped up a bit, and I looked up at him expectantly.
His silence was heavy, went on for too long and my heart was breaking at his distress. “She’s very pretty” I whispered eventually, biting the bullet and praying I didn’t push him too far.
His eyes swept to mine and I saw the raw pain he held in them. “She was babe…a stunner” he smiled and nodded as he remembered. “What was her name?” I encouraged gently.
He swallowed heavily “Mary Ann.”
“Suits her.”
He smiled down at me “She was so lively, so full of life babe.”
I smiled sincerely and he ran his thumb across my lower lip “You would have liked her babe.”
He paused and took a shaky breath “She was just 13 when…when…”
“Shush” I whispered as I stretched up to him, my mouth hunting for his, my need to soothe his pain was immense as I reached out for him. He reached out for me too as he brought his mouth closer and gently took my lower lip in his teeth and lured it between his lips.
I groaned faintly.
He growled loudly.
Then he kissed me, dear god did he kiss me.
He owned me as he worked me, his mouth taking mine prisoner, hostage under his own. The passion he radiated as he controlled me was the exact same I kissed him back with.
This man knew how to kiss, in fact this wasn’t kissing…this was something else entirely. He had invented his own brand of kissing and I wanted to purchase every single share on the market.
I pulled him closer as he continued to dominate me. He rolled onto his back and took me with him so I was straddled over him, my chest pressing into his, my hands slipped into his soft mane as his own fingers twisted around my long waves.
He moaned again, a deep rumble in the back of his throat that shot straight to my womb before his hands ventured down my back to cup my bottom.
He caught my gasp in his mouth and his fingers caressed my soft flesh as a result.
I left his mouth and grazed my teeth across his jaw, my tongue soothing the bite as I made my way down his neck.
“You need to stop babe” he breathed and I barely registered what he said.
I carried on, suckling my way down his throat as my tongue traced around his adams apple. “Fuck babe” he growled as his hands came round to cup my breasts.
I moaned and pushed them further into his touch, my lips now working their way across his defined collar bone as my hips started to grind against the straining erection in his shorts.
I was silently thanking his decision to remove his jeans last night.
His cock was huge and the knowledge wiped out my inhibitions.
“I need to taste you” I whispered against his nipple piercing, my teeth now tugging gently at the silver ring.
I moaned loudly when he growled and pinched my rigid nipple.
“We need to stop E, before I can’t.”
I pushed myself up, his words hitting me like a bucket of cold water “Why?”
He shook his head gently as his palm cupped my cheek “Babe, you’re…not me.”
What the hell was he on about?
“I’m fucked up babe, proper mind fucked.”
Pushing myself further up I scrambled off him, hurt by his rejection, embarrassed by my wanton behaviour and angry at my reaction to his words.
Ignoring him, I pulled on my clothes that were folded in his chair again.
Sitting up he growled at me “E!”
I shook my head frantically but refused to look at him “It’s okay Jax, I understand.”
“No! Babe, you don’t” his hand shot out and his fingers wrapped around my wrist as I attempted to get to the door as quickly as possible.
“It’s okay Jax. Hell, even I know I’m not…” I pulled at my wrist, desperately trying to get him to release me so I could get my humiliated ass out of there.
“Not what babe?”
I pursed my lips “Not your usual…” I shrugged, couldn’t make my lips sound the words.
“No. You’re not my usual. You deserve more Babe. Fuck, you are more! That’s why I don’t wanna hurt you babe. Cos’ I will. I’ll fucking drain you dry babe…cripple you until you can’t fucking breathe. You hearin’ me E?”
I frowned at the most words that had ever left his mouth in one stretch, not sure what he was saying but I managed to wrangle my wrist free.
“I’ve gotta go anyway…essays to do so…”
I flung myself through the door and out of the house as fast as I could move before he saw my tears.
I didn’t see Jax again all week. In fact I didn’t see much of anyone all week, my classes, lectures and work kept me relentlessly busy.
The band had been in the bar each night, minus Jax, but I had been too busy to take any time with them.r />
Boss had kept his word though and walked me back from Z Bar each night but I hadn’t seen anything of Austin since the incident.
Thursday night as Boss and I were walking through the village back to my dorm he gently placed his hand on my arm and stopped me.
I frowned at his expression, realising something he was about to ask or say was difficult.
I raised my eyebrows and smiled gently to urge him on and he bit his lip before looking at me “What happened Sunday between you and Jax?”
He sensed my composure shift and his brows deepened.
He sighed and tilted his head at me “E come on. Jax has been like a bear with a sore fucking arse all week, you’ve kept your distance from everybody and if Cam gives Jax anymore dead eye I’m gonna have to put a stop to a serious fight…and I don’t really wanna do that hot stuff. They’re both my friends.”
Bewildered, I shot him a glance. What the hell had gone off between Jax and Cam?
“I can’t help you with the Jax and Cam argument but me and Jax…well like I said nothing happened!”
He continued to stare at me, not believing a word I said, so I sighed and resumed, with a lot of blushing “Not for want of trying.”
Confusion covered his face and I gave him a shameful smile. “I came on to him, he didn’t…” I gave him a shrug instead of finishing the sentence.
His eyebrows hit his hairline “He didn’t…?”
I shrugged again but shook my head faintly “No. Told me to stop.”
“Fool” was all he said but he continued to wear a confused frown all the way back to my dorm.
Being the protective gentleman he was, Boss always made sure I got into my room safely before he left me, just in case Austin the Aggressive, as Boss had labelled him, was hanging about.
“Not sure what to say E” he offered as he opened my door to leave. He was staring at Luce’s painting of me on the beach, determined not to meet my eye.
“It’s okay Boss. I just misread the signals that’s all.”
“Nah hot stuff, you didn’t.”
He closed the door quietly behind him and I flopped onto my bed with exhaustion.
I didn’t think I had either.
Friday night gave me a rare free night so Cam, Aaron, Luce, Kaylee, Melissa and Josh dragged me into Huddersfield town centre on a pub crawl.
By 3am we were all hanging onto each other for support and singing our way home.
Cam’s house was closest and because Melissa was busting for the toilet, we decided to carry on the party at his.
We all fell through his front door in one fluid movement, ending up in a heap of bodies in the hallway.
“Shit Guy’s, I really need to pee. Get off me” Melissa wailed from near the bottom of the pile.
“I can’t get up” I laughed from the top of the body mountain.
“Oh Goddd” Melissa cried.
Oh dear!
“Don’t you dare piss on me Mel” Cam snorted from underneath Melissa “I’m not into that kind of thing.”
We all laughed and Melissa groaned loudly. “Can you shuffle out?” I asked her as I rested my head on Josh’s back who was directly underneath me.
Everybody tried to wrestle about and I smiled at Josh as he managed a 180° turn and was now face to face with me.
He grinned at me, planted his hand behind my head and pulled my mouth to his.
Just like that!
He slanted his mouth and deepened the kiss but when he swept my bottom lip with his tongue I pulled back.
“Sorry” he whispered “Couldn’t resist.”
“That’s okay” I shrugged as hands came around my waist and lifted me up, planting me upright on the floor. “Spanner” Romeo greeted with a huge beam on his face.
“Romeo, Oh Romeo” I swayed drunkenly before I jumped up and swung my arms and legs around him. “Take me to the kitchen slave boy!” I demanded.
He grinned playfully and made his way towards the room. “Might wanna shut your eyes for this bit Spanner” he warned with a small chuckle but I frowned and stupidly ignored him.
He opened the lounge door and took a step in.
I really wish I had heeded his advice!
My eyes zeroed in on Jax’s bare arse pumping furiously at a moaning Fran, who was underneath him on the sofa.
My heart clenched, my throat closed in and my lip split under the bite of my teeth as the little bubble of forbidden pressure built in my blood.
Shit no!
Romeo didn’t sense my discomfort as he continued to carry me through to the kitchen, plonking me onto the table in the middle of a card game the other band members were playing.
Boss frowned at me and glanced at the door we’d just appeared from before he narrowed his eyes on Romeo “Shit man! Did you bring her through the room?”
I diverted my gaze as I continued to chew rapidly on my lower lip.
A tingle in my tongue made me pull in a breath.
Romeo gave him a confused look and Boss swore under his breath before he grabbed my hand, his worried eyes fixed on me “You okay hot stuff?”
A shiver racked my body and I fought against it.
I plastered a fake smile on my face and nodded before jumping off the table and made my way to the fridge, pulling out a beer and popping the cap on the edge of the worktop.
I swallowed back the electric shock that jolted my brain.
Boss was glaring at Romeo; Bulk was throwing a bewildered look between the three of us and I just took myself outside, needing the fresh air to bite down the familiar urge that was starting to build.
Christ E, not now!
I took a long pull on the beer as my other hand gripped the railing, crushing it under the force of my hold.
Trying desperately to control my breathing I struggled to stop the itch that started to vibrate my veins.
Pulling my phone out I hit the internet button and fired up Google.
Just once. Just once won’t hurt E, then you can pull it back again.
You just need it this once E! Then you’ll feel good, not this sad crap!
My heart beat rapidly and excitement coursed through my soul as Google became my new best friend and an address displayed the nearest club.
Then I booked a taxi.
Then I smiled to myself, closing my eyes as the tension twisted through my muscles.
Nearly there E…an hour! Just an hour and everything will be fine! Release E…sweet fucking release!
My hands were shaking as the air from my lungs started dispelling itself in short little gusts and as the roaring in my ears became too loud, I made my way round the side of the house on trembling legs and waited for the taxi on the roadside, as I gave anxious glances towards the house.
Please don’t come out, please don’t come out, please don’t come out!
The tightening in my chest was becoming unbearable and I dug my nails into my palms to fight the pain whilst my teeth ravaged my bottom lip.
I nearly orgasmed with the exhilaration as the taxi pulled up, knowing I was so close, so close to euphoria. My body energized powerfully, the hum pulsing at my nerve endings as I climbed in and recited the address.
I heard Cam shout as we pulled away but I didn’t turn around.
I heard the tune of my phone ring but I didn’t answer.
But most of all I heard the soft voice in my head say ‘Nearly there E. Sweet, sweet surrender is yours’ and I did answer this as I walked into the club.
I was grinning like a fool as I pushed open my room door, the exquisite high now flowing through my body made me giggle as I fell through it.
“You stupid stupid fucking fool” Cam raged at me as I stumbled to a stop in front of him.
He was sat on my bed beside Luce, both of them held a rage so strong I could hold it in my hand.
“Ssshhh” I told them as I pla
ced a finger on my lips and giggled again.
I could see the heave of Cam’s chest as he struggled to hold back the fury and Luce just looked at me sadly.
“Don’t be sad Luce, I’m good now. So good Hun” I beamed as a stray tear slid down her cheek.
“Take it off!” Cam demanded.
I just scowled at him and shook my head melodramatically.
“I said, take it off!”
“It’s not supposed to be my brother who says those words. It should be…”
“TAKE IT OFF!!!!!”
I jolted at his rage, closing my eyes as realisation of what I had just done started to penetrate my mind.
Oh God. What had I done?
“Now!” he growled slowly.
I sucked on my lips as I turned around, grasped the hem of my top and lifted it over my head wincing in pain as I did so.
“Holy Christ!” A sob tore from Luce’s throat and I heard Cam suck in a huge breath.
“I’m sorry” I whispered.
“You got a bath here?” Cam asked. “No, just showers” Luce replied.
“Fuck!” he seethed “You need to soak E.”
I nodded but remained silent.
“You got your cream and bath oil?” I nodded again.
“Fuck E” He was so angry and I winced at the tone in his voice as I replaced my shirt with a loose blouse. “You’ll have to come back to mine.”
I shook my head at him “No it’s good.”
There was no way I was going to witness a lovey-dovey Jax and Fran this morning.
I think he was angry with me.