Shocking Heaven
Page 9
Kicking the door shut behind him, he pushed me against the wall while he resumed his passionate kiss. “Legs down babe” he whispered against my lips and I did as he asked, dropping my feet to the floor.
His fingers popped the button on my jeans before they were swept down my legs with my knickers as I hastily yanked at his jeans, releasing his stiff cock into my hand.
I smirked at him as I slowly worked him up and down. “Fuck yeah” he growled and grabbed one of my legs, pulling it around his hip as I tried to balance on my tiptoes when he positioned himself at my entrance. He nipped my bottom lip between his teeth just as he impaled me viciously “Fuck! You’re too short. Put your legs around me babe.”
I jumped up, clamping my legs around his hips and he thrust back in so forcibly my head whipped back and banged the wall “Shit, you okay babe?”
I nodded “Yeah, just fuck me Jax.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. His thrusts were hard and fast, our bodies slapping loudly against each other as my back pounded a rhythm on the wall in tune with our erotic moans and my teeth sunk into his neck, making him hiss and pound me brutally.
Before we knew it we were both coming hard. “Eve” he growled out as his spunk hit my womb and my orgasm milked him dry whilst I screamed my release.
“Oh Jesus” I breathed as a loud palm drum roll sounded on the door. “Fucking epic. That rhythm was awesome Guy’s” Boss shouted.
I groaned as Jax smirked “Fuck. Off.”
I blinked and gulped “Jax” his head tilted as he frowned at me. “Babe?”
“Condom Jax” I grimaced but he shook his head adamantly “Not you babe!”
What the hell?
“What the hell?” but he shook his head again “I said, not with you.” I blinked again. “Need to feel you babe!”
I didn’t quite know how to take that really. “But Jax…” his eyes narrowed on me and his finger ran down my nose “You on birth control babe?”
“Well yes but…”
“Then no buts babe. Need to feel you” he repeated “fucking ace babe.”
I just nodded. What could I say?
Then my brain registered other problems with this scenario but my mind wondered how to broach the subject “But…”
“Spit it out babe” he glanced up at me as he crouched before me, wiped my lady parts with some paper tissue he had whipped off a clean roll, then held my knickers open for me to step into.
How totally sweet!
“Well, what about…you know…”
“Clue me in babe” he frowned while now pulling my knickers up my legs and over my hips.
“You know Jax…are you clean?” I finally managed, hoping I didn’t insult him.
“Yeah babe, you?”
Bit late to ask me now!
“Of course, I’ve never gone with anyone saddleless but I just needed to check. You know?”
He planted a small kiss on my nose. “Sure babe. I hear you” he said then dipped back down to help me back into my jeans but I noticed his face darken when I propped my hand on his shoulder to steady myself.
Grabbing my wrist he studied the purple bruise left on my arm by Austin’s hold.
He was furiously biting his bottom lip as his eyes blazed wildly “Fucker!” I palmed his face, trying to placate him “Hey, I’m okay.”
Remaining silent, he tapped my foot to remind me to pull my leg through before he stood up and regarded me intently “Bastard shouldn’t touch you babe.”
Nodding, I reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for being my knight in shining armour” I whispered with a happy smile, his response was to take me in another toe-curling kiss.
“Turn around babe” he whispered when he pulled away. I frowned and shrugged but did as he asked but as soon as I realised what he was doing I tried to turn back. “No babe” he warned.
Closing my eyes in shame as he rolled my shirt up my back to check on my lacerations, I braced myself for the reappearance of his temper but he surprised me when his lips gently kissed each and every lash on my back.
A tear slid down my cheek at his tenderness, not really believing I deserved it. “Does it hurt?” he asked softly before he open-mouth kissed another. “Not at the time…not until after” I divulged quietly. I felt his small nod as he continued to caress my broken skin. “Why the whip babe?”
I paused before I spoke “Please don’t do this in a fucking cupboard Jax” I pleaded.
His chin rested on my shoulder as his breath tickled my cheek “It needs saying babe, don’t care a fuck where it’s said.”
“Jax” I took a deep breath before I said the next words “Look, no offense but we hardly know each other. We’ve fucked twice…”
His growl was deep and I swiftly shut the hell up.
“Babe…coulda’ fucked once, coulda’ fucked a trillion times…don’t really give a shit how many times we’ve fucked…” he spun me around so I was facing him “but what I do give a shit about is the fact that someone’s fucking with my girl” he leaned in a little closer “and I don’t like my girl to be fucked with. You hear me babe?”
I nodded slowly “I hear ya’ Jax.”
Did he actually just call me his girl? Holy Hell! Little dude dance inside my belly!
He nodded then took my hand “Tomorrow! Me, you and words. Okay babe?” he informed me sternly.
I swallowed heavily “Okay Jax.”
I spent Sunday morning catching up with assignments, essays and cleaning the dorm.
Austin hadn’t turned up and I was a little anxious about what the Guy’s had done with him so I made a mental note to ask Jax when he picked me up later.
We had arranged, or rather I had been told, Jax would pick me up early in the afternoon and my stomach was currently revolting against the fact that he wanted to talk.
What the hell did I tell him? My life wasn’t one of the simplest. In fact it was damn complicated and I knew he wouldn’t approve of any of it but I suppose he needed to know some of it. There was no way I could disclose all of it, some secrets were just that…secrets!
“Ah, ah, ah, it was the Germanic settlers from the Netherlands that brought it over” Josh argued as I chewed the end of my pen so thoroughly it was now in dire need of plastic surgery.
“Yeah but it was originally the Anglo-Saxon’s that developed it.” Josh rolled his eyes at me but I persisted “and ‘Beowulf’ is practically the earliest English we translated from.”
“Folklore E.”
I smirked at him when he grinned. “You go with yours and I’ll go with mine” I winked as I rose from the table and went to brew a coffee.
Josh nodded when I held up a cup, silently asking if he wanted one, but then he came and stood beside me, fidgeting with his fingers nervously and I frowned at him. “Listen E, about Friday night…”
“It’s fine Josh, just a drunken kiss…”
Fuck!...Always happens doesn’t it!
Planting a smile on my face I turned to find Jax leaning against the doorframe regarding Josh and me intently. His brows high and I knew I would be getting a grilling about the kiss Josh and I shared.
“Hey” I grinned when my eyes flicked down to the Starbucks take-away cup in his hand. Rolling his eyes he winked and passed it me. “Cinnamon latte, extra shot” he declared and I cocked my head “How did you know?”
This man never ceased to amaze me.
“I listen to people babe.”
My smile slipped and my breath hitched when his eyes blazed at me before he swooped down and governed me in a possessive kiss which I knew was for Josh’s benefit. His fingers twisted through my hair as he owned me and his teeth clamped gently on my bottom lip.
“Wow” I breathed when he pulled away. His wicked smile brought forward my own “Behave” I whispered. His grin widened.
“Ready babe?”
“You’re a little earlier
than I expected. Have I got time to change?”
“Sure babe.”
Turning back to a gloomy Josh I smiled “We okay to break off?” He shrugged but nodded in confirmation before swiping up his books and trudging from the room.
Jax raised his eyebrows at me but I just shook my head at him before I led him into my room while I changed.
He plonked down on my bed and gazed at the beach scene whilst I changed into jeans and my faded Mötley Crüe T-shirt, before sitting at my dresser to sort out my wild hair.
My heart stuttered as I looked at the reflection of Jax on my bed, laid flat with his arms behind his head appearing utterly relaxed as though he belonged there.
He glanced at me when I swallowed heavily and I quickly diverted my gaze, pulling my hair up high on my head.
“Okay babe?”
Shifting my eyes to his in the mirror I nodded and smiled “Sure baby.”
His grin at my endearment was breath-taking and I instantly promised myself that I would do anything to earn more from him.
“Fucking gorgeous babe” he whispered in my ear after removing his magnificent body off my bed. Our eyes locked in the mirror for a second before he gently clamped his teeth over my earlobe “We need to go before I bend you over the bed and fuck you raw babe.”
The whimper that escaped my mouth made his eyes darken and flash.
“Or we can just stay here so you can bend me over the bed and fuck me raw” I offered with a frantic nod of my head.
I beamed happily at him when he sucked in his lips to stifle his laugh “Later babe.” He grabbed my hand and led me out to his car, his beautiful car.
“Where you taking me handsome?” I asked as I browsed through his iPod for some tunes as we cruised round some country lanes.
“Handsome babe?” I turned to face him and let my eyes wander over his body slowly. God this man made me throb. “Sorry…Where you taking me Hot and fucking handsome?” I rectified as I switched the music to some AC/DC.
He laughed deeply and shook his head in amusement “Swimming babe.”
I reared back with a frown “I haven’t brought my costume.”
His answering mischievous grin got me a little worried. “Don’t answer that!” I informed him.
We both thrashed out AC/DC’s ‘Highway to Hell’ before he veered off onto a dirt track and I gave him a worried glance “Now you’re gonna tell me you’re some sort of perverted axe murderer aren’t you?”
He chuckled and shook his head “Nah babe, just a pervert.”
“Ace” I retorted happily. “My own pervert, whenever, wherever, however” I declared excitedly.
“Fuck Yeah” he winked as he carefully steered through a clearing between some trees.
Where the hell was he taking me? I was getting a little worried about his car when the tree branches started to batter the side of it as he drove deeper into the wooded area.
“Chill babe.”
My eyes widened when the trees opened up onto a small clearing and a little vista welcomed us. A towering rock waterfall flowed into a small but adequate pool, which was surrounded by masses of multi-coloured flora and fauna and a large grassy area was scattered with an expanse of bluebells and miniature weeping willows.
“Oh my God” I breathed as I practically stumbled from the car and took in the scene before me. My breathing was heavy as I stood immobile for a long time just exploring the beautiful landscape with my eyes and it wasn’t for at least ten minutes that I realised Jax hadn’t joined me.
Turning to look for him, I gasped when I saw him leaning on the bonnet of his car, his face white and his breathing laboured as his fists clenched tightly “Jax?”
I very slowly walked over to him until I was stood in front of him. His eyes were trained in the distance towards the mass of bluebells and the pain emitted from him was raw and real. “Baby?” I whispered as I cupped his desolate face “Hey.”
He looked at me and smiled sadly, there was so much pain in his eyes that it took my breath. “Mary Ann and me used to come here. She loved it, said it made her feel like a fairy.”
I smiled softly and nodded, encouraging him to open up. He laughed lightly “She used to hide in the bells thinking I couldn’t see her” he shrugged and smiled at me “She always wore a bright yellow dress.”
I chuckled with him “Yeah that’d work.”
He took a heavy breath and I took his hand “First time I’ve been back babe.”
My heart broke as his voice stuttered. “She still here with you?” I asked softly. His eyes swung to me, the expression in them when he realised I understood him, honoured me. He nodded slowly “Yeah babe.”
I gave his hand a tug. “Then let’s go say hello” I whispered.
His eyes brimmed but he nodded firmly as I led him over to the field of blue and sat in a tiny clearing, patting the ground beside me.
He gently dropped beside me and stretched out his long legs in front of him. “Tell me about her.”
Swallowing heavily he grabbed my hand and I squeezed against the tremor that ran through it “She was just so bright babe, intellectually and personally.” I smiled as I pictured her running through the bells, Jax laughing as he chased her. “Always wanted to be with me, you know?” I didn’t answer, he didn’t expect me to.
“Her voice was…” he sucked on his lips and turned to me, his head tilted with a small smile “Like you babe, husky and low but god, so fucking beautiful.” A tear slid down my cheek and he brushed it away with his thumb as his face saddened “She was close to my Dad, they were like twins, same sense of humour, same likes and dislikes, just together. You hear me babe?”
I nodded “I hear ya’ baby.”
“He was so…so dark E” his hand tightened in mine and I grew a little anxious at his change of mood, his smiling face had now disappeared as a sombre black one took its place.
“Hated me babe.”
What did I say to that? Nothing, so I remained silent.
“Always said my music was a waste of space, would never amount to much just a low life busker, a junkie he used to call me” he laughed bitterly then “Never touched drugs in my life babe, but him, he couldn’t fucking get through a day without ‘em.”
“Yeah” I scoffed softly. He turned to me “Ya’ know babe?”
I nodded “Yeah, I know Jax.” His hand squeezed mine as we shared a connection, a childhood experience we had both lived through “Your Dad?”
“Yeah” I pulled in a heavy breath “And my Mom.”
He nodded solemnly “Yeah babe, I hear you.”
We were silent for a while until he found the courage to continue. “He loved my Mom though. God, too much.” His vision was glazed as his memories took him back to some horrific moment.
I knew this because his hand started trembling and sweat beaded on his brow.
“Wasn’t right the way he loved her. Too intense, too black and manipulative! You hear me babe?”
I squeezed his hand again. “I hear ya’” I whispered, understanding every tragic fucking word.
He sighed profoundly before he carried on. “Got too much for her after a bit. She left.”
I closed my eyes at the distress in his voice “Left us all babe.”
Looking up at him I could see the utter devastation he felt at being abandoned “Just upped and fucked off.”
I clambered onto his lap, straddling his thighs as I rested my forehead against his and took both of his hands in mine.
“He couldn’t cope when she went.”
I tracked the single tear that rolled down his cheek.
His bleak eyes found mine.
“Shot Mary Ann then shot himself.”
Oh Jesus Christ!
A sob tore from both of us as I pulled him in as tight as I could, trying to get him close enough to absorb his pain, swallow it whole from him as his heart wrenching cries tore at my soul and ripped straight through my heart.
“Just…fucking…took her babe. Right from under me.”
I kissed away his tears; bore the weight of each one of them as I desperately tried to shoulder his pain.
I let him cry, listened to his distraught howls and felt each horrifying rack of his body as he finally grieved for his sister.
“More?” I shook my head at Jax’s offer of more food. He’d packed enough to feed the 3000.
His back was leant against a tree as I perched between his open legs, my back to his chest as he fed me from the picnic he’d lovingly packed himself.
I peeked over my shoulder at him “Can I ask you something Jax?” His eyebrows rose but he said “Sure babe.”
“How come on stage you’re like…a talk show host on speed but in normal conversation you’re like…very UN-conversational?”
He chuckled quietly “My Mom used to say ‘Jax, you have the conversational skills of a three year old with fuckin’ Tourette’s’.”
I smirked and looked back at him, his finger nudged my rib. “Wow, I think I would’ve like your mother a hell of a lot baby. Wise woman.”
He laughed loudly but nodded “Not sure babe, just who I am.” I nodded at his statement. “Just me and always will be me babe.”
I skated round to face him “Well I like just you Jax.”