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Shocking Heaven

Page 11

by Sidebottom, D. H.

  She barked out a laugh as her eyes twinkled but my eyes widened when she exaggeratedly rubbed her left hand over her cheek.

  A huge diamond twinkled from her fourth finger. “Oh My God! Oh My God!”

  She grinned and squealed “You’re gonna be my sister E!”

  My mouth dropped open and I couldn’t form any words never mind any thoughts “Shit Luce!”

  She stood in front of me when a nervous expression flitted across her beautiful face “Are you okay with this E, I mean really? And don’t lie E.”

  I shook my head in astonishment “Are you bloody serious?”

  Her face dropped and I realised she had took the context of my words completely the wrong way “Hey Hun. I’m so excited I think I just pee’d my pants.”

  She rewarded my words with an almighty squeal as she flung herself in my arms and we hugged like the best friends we were “Oh Luce, I’m so happy for you.”

  She pulled back and I wiped away the tear that was hanging off her long eyelashes. “He’s so much more…content E, now that he’s here” she said honestly as she leant against the worktop.

  I nodded as I poured kettle water into our cups “I know Hun, and if I’ve got anything to do with it, he won’t be going back.”

  “And you E?”

  I just gave her a small nod but her narrow eyes found the truth behind my tight ones. “Shit E.”

  I bit my lip “Luce, she’s still my Mom, whatever she’s done, you know.”

  “Actually no, I don’t know E. How the hell can you…”

  She bit back the rest of her words when she saw my face and held up her hands in submission “I’m not doing this now Eve Hudson. I’m too happy to let you spoil it!”

  I scoffed back a retort and forced out a smile when I decided to give her my own news. “I have something to tell you” I said quietly as I walked over to the table and dropped into a chair.

  She smiled expectantly and I took a deep breath “Jax and me are…together.”

  Her reaction was not what I expected when she gulped and bit her bottom lip as her eyes took on a pained expression. “What the…” She spat.

  “Okay, I’ll try that again…Me and Jax are together” I lifted my eyebrows at her expectantly but she just looked sad, or angry, I couldn’t tell which. Maybe a little of each.


  Standing, I walked over to the door and turned “Thanks for being pleased for me Luce.”

  Her pained face hurt me; she obviously had something to say on the matter but daren’t say it. I thought she would have been pleased. For me to open up to the male species was somewhat rare, but hey!

  Just as I went to open the kitchen door she spoke “He told you about Fran, E?” My hand froze on the door handle but I refused to turn round. If she had anything to say, she could say it to my back.

  “What’s the problem Luce? You want all the limelight on your pretty face instead of mine?” I snapped; her lack of support hurt like hell.

  “Fuck you E! I suppose he hasn’t told you she’s fucking pregnant!”

  What the hell?

  My knees jarred slightly and I held on to the door, frantically trying to hold myself upright as my lungs emptied in one fell swoop.

  “Shit E, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you like that.” She appeared beside me but I held up a hand and shook my head at her. I didn’t want to hear it now. I felt sick and my head was spinning and I needed to get the hell out of there.

  She was still shouting me as I slammed the dorm front door behind me and took myself off at speed to…anywhere, fucking anywhere; all the time fighting the familiar urge to give into my pain.


  “Goddd, I lurve this songggg” I slurred to the random sat beside me as I saluted the track with my glass of…whatever it was, its funny pink colour spilling over the sugared edge of the glass and onto my favourite Mötley Crüe T-shirt.

  “It’s fucking skill Friend” We both nodded reverently as we dedicated a melancholy moment to appreciate the skill of Scorpion.

  “….Babe, it wasn’t easy to leave you alone

  It’s getting harder each time that I go

  If I had the choice, I would stay

  There’s no one like you

  I can’t wait for the nights with you

  I imagine the things we’ll do

  I just wanna be loved by you…”

  The tears came as I sang the last line “I just wanna be loved by him Friend, you know?”

  Random nodded grimly “Yeah Friend. He’s a fucking fool, especially with a hot voice like yours.”

  I nodded in agreement as I signalled the bar tender for another of…whatever it was.

  “I mean he’s fuckin’…God he’s so fuckin’…” I groaned as his magnificent hard body appeared in my head and I sighed. “That good?” Random sighed along with me.

  I nodded firmly “Oh yes friend, he’s fucking hot. He has the most amazing arse I’ve ever seen…Oh Jesus now I’m horny!”

  “…I imagine the things we’ll do

  I just wanna be loved by you

  No one like you”

  I finished the song and Random tapped my glass with his in a toast “To Two-timing bastards!”

  I barked out a laugh and returned his toast as my phone rang for the twentieth time.

  “Yo. This is a hologram. E can’t talk to you right now cos’ she’s getting wasted” I answered this time, not sure why, just thought I’d better let my friends know I wasn’t dead.

  “Where the fuck are you?” Cam growled through the earpiece.

  My brow knitted and I nearly toppled off the stool as I reared back from his voice “Cam, do you know how much I love you?”

  His huge sigh was loud and drawn out but his voice softened “Please tell me you’re just drunk E.”

  “I’m just drunk Cam…very, very drunk Cam.” I giggled and Random spat out his drink in laughter and leaned in to my phone “Hey Dude, she’s very, very, very drunk!”

  I nodded and laughed “Too right my friend.”

  “E, who the fuck are you with?”

  “I have no fucking idea but he’s my friend” I retorted and Random grinned at me “You’re my friend too.” I returned his grin.

  “Christ sake E! Where are you?”

  “I have no…fucking…idea” I chuckled, and then turned to the bar tender “Where are we?”

  His eyebrows rose at me as if I was stupid “The Hell Pit” he informed me.

  “Cool name” I nodded with respect and he laughed “Thanks sugar.” I gave him a grin before he shook his head in amusement.

  “Apparently I’m in a cool place called ‘The Hell Pit’ and it’s fucking awesome. I have made an awesome friend Cam. He likes me.”

  Random nodded seriously “I like you very much my Friend.”

  We grinned happily at each other like escapees from the local asylum. Cam chuckled through the phone “Stay there E, I’ll be there soon.”

  I nodded even though he couldn’t see me and ended the call. “My Bro is coming to join us” I told Random, who nodded earnestly “That’s cool friend. I would love to meet your brother.”

  His face lit up as he waggled his eyebrows “You wanna do karaoke Friend?”

  “Hell yes!”

  We both wobbled over to the stage, supporting each other and as we picked up the mics’ the whole room cheered, all four people…oh, and a dog.

  “What you wanna sing Friend?” he asked me as we both squinted at the list of options. “I dunno Friend, I can’t fucking focus on the titles” I tittered. He nodded solemnly “I’ll just pick one and we’ll hope for the best Friend.”

  I nodded in agreement and took stance at the front of the stage and waited for the song to open.

  I laughed loudly when it started:

  “Why do birds suddenly appear

  Every time you are near?

  Just like me, they long to be

  Close to you”

p; Random took over and I grimaced at him as his tones made my ears bleed but I swayed happily alongside him before it was my turn again.

  “On the day that you were born the angels got together

  And decided to create a dream come true

  So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair

  Of golden starlight in your eyes of blue”

  Random again:

  “That is why all the girls in town”


  “Girls in town”


  “Follow you”


  “Follow you”


  “All around”


  “All around”


  “Just like me, they long to be

  Close to you

  Close to you”

  We finished the song as Cam, Luce and Boss walked through the door.

  “My Family!” I declared as I introduced Random to them.

  Boss grinned at me. “I fucking love you Boss” I shouted as I launched myself off the stage and leaped straight into his arms. “You wanna fuck Boss?” I smacked my lips over his and gave him a snog of the century. He returned it obviously.

  “Hey Hot Stuff” he said softly and I grinned at him as he walked me back over to the bar stool and settled me onto it.

  He palmed my cheek with a sad expression. “Why so sad Boss?” I pouted to him.

  “Cos’ I love you back hot stuff and right now you’re hurting sweetheart.”

  His words pierced my heart and under my drunken stupor I understood what he was saying “I hear ya’ Boss.”

  He nudged me with his elbow. “Great rendition of the Carpenters hot stuff” I giggled and looked at him seriously “Do you know Jax has that song on his iPod?” I winked cheekily as Boss stared at me in astonishment.

  My sombre mood returned swiftly at the thought of Jax and my face fell at my heartache. “Oh God E” Boss wrapped his arms around me as the tears fell, his strong embrace held me tight, so safe and secure in my friends arms “He’s a fucking Dick for doing this to you!”

  “I told him Boss, I told him every. Fucking. Thing…” I sobbed as I fiddled with his pony tail, twisting it around my fingers as I concentrated on it.

  “You told him what sweetheart?” Boss’s soft voice lulled me into calm and I looked at him sadly “…Everything…”

  “E?” Cam asked from behind me “You told him?”

  I nodded marginally “I trusted him. He told me everything and I told him everything.”

  I knew I wasn’t making any sense to them in my half trance and I think I was rationalising everything to myself instead of them, but maybe that’s what I needed to make sense of it all.

  “Let’s get you home hot stuff” Boss said as he turned round and patted his backside, telling me to hop on for a piggy back.

  I jumped aboard and looked for Random, finding him perched on a bar stool with his head in his arms, resting on the bar top. “Friend, you need a lift?”

  His head lifted and his bloodshot eyes met mine as he frowned at me in confusion. “Lift home? Wherever home may be Friend” I reiterated.

  He grinned widely “Sure Friend. Blythes Hall Student Village if it’s not out of your way?”

  “No Shit! Me too” I grinned broadly and he nodded in admiration “Fucking awesome Friend.”

  “Come on” I swooped my arm at him, gesturing for him to follow as I rested my chin on Boss’s shoulder. “Take me home baby.”

  Boss carried me out to the car park and over to a clapped out white van. “Holy Shit!” I breathed “Is this gonna get us home?”

  “Hey hot stuff, don’t diss the tour bus.”

  I laughed hysterically, so much so I had to clamp my legs harder around Boss so I didn’t pee my pants. Tour Bus!

  He opened the rear doors, turned round and plonked me down on the edge of the floor.

  Random and Luce climbed in and I rolled over and crawled up the floor, clambering precariously over their stage kit until I reached them.

  “I’m sorry E” Luce whispered in my ear as we held on tight against Boss’s erratic driving. He seemed to be taking corners at 160Mph and all three of us clamped hold of each other for dear life.

  I banged on the partition wall between us and the front cabin “Fuck Boss, if you don’t want my face imprinted in one of your drums, slow the hell down!”

  He slowed down.

  “It’s okay Hun, it wasn’t your fault. Both of us said some things.”

  She shrugged and remained silent for a while “So what are you gonna do?”

  What was I going to do? Face him? Kick the shit out of him? Create a voodoo doll of him and stick extra-long pins in his testicles?

  All of the above?


  She nodded solemnly and we both raised our eyebrows when Random started moaning and talking in his intoxicated sleep…”Brad, oh God Brad! Sooo good baby….”

  She smirked, I giggled, she laughed, I fell over.


  “Oh Christ!”

  Rolling over and laying my arm across my eyes to shut out the horrendous light, I groaned again as my phone sang from somewhere in my room.

  “Please go away” I sounded like a hoarse Kermit the Frog high on marijuana, and I forced a swallow.

  I was begging now. The damn thing had been chirping happily for the last hour and I was seriously considering teaching it how to fly.

  It rang off.

  It rang again!

  “God damn it!” Fumbling around on the floor under the bed, my hand seized the damn thing and I threw it unceremoniously through my en-suite door and I cringed when I heard an unwelcome splash. “Shit!”

  Shrugging, I rolled over and succumbed to the wonders of sleep.

  Ooh that felt sooo good, so good that it made me moan in appreciation.

  I loved these types of dreams.

  Erotic dreams were always that so much better when they were lucid dreams and I thanked the wonders of alcohol for delivering this one to me.

  “Mmmm” my hips rolled as I felt the brush of fingers over the outside of shorts.

  Now come on dream! You could have at least removed the shorts!

  The pressure built as my dream answered my demand and the finger now slid inside the crotch and straight into the very core of me. “Yess.”

  Thank you!

  The finger worked me well, rapidly pumping until another finger joined it and a thumb brushed over my sensitive clit, making my hands lift to my own needy breasts, caressing the flesh until my orgasm approached and blew my head clean off. “Fuckkkkk” I growled.

  I relaxed and sighed.

  Thank you very much Mr Sandman.

  I smiled to myself then my eyes flew open as I felt someone crawl up the bed, their body caging me underneath as their nose inhaled deeply.

  “What the hell Jax?”

  I scrambled up the bed, trying to etch the outline of my body into the old wooden headboard.

  His eyes narrowed on me as he watched my reaction. “The fuck babe?”

  I stared at him, my mouth hanging open as my eyes blazed.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked, holding on to my temper by a thread, a very fine bloody thread.

  He reared back and sat back on his heels “Now, looks like I’m trying to love my girl babe.”

  I scoffed loudly.

  He glared sternly.

  “And which girl would that be Jax? Me?...Fran?...Or the one currently residing in her fucking womb?” I snarled.

  The thread had split; in fact it had bloody severed.

  His eyes widened slightly and he reined it in quickly, but I had noticed it and he knew I had noticed it.

  My eyebrows rose in question “Well?”

  He inhaled deeply and turned to sit on the edge of the bed. “Fuck babe.”

  I shook my head in disgust as I watched him rake his fingers through his soft bla
ck spikes. “It’s definitely ‘Fuck babe’ or we could try ‘Fuck off babe.”

  He spun round so quickly the bed creaked its disapproval loudly and I pressed further into the headboard. His large hands slammed beside each of my trembling thighs as his eyes transferred every inch of the rage he was bearing “You wanna repeat that babe?”

  My own eyes widened now. How dare he! How fucking dare he!!

  “Yeah…babe… ‘Fuck off’” I growled feeling pretty pleased with myself at my show of bravery.

  Good Girl E!

  The growl that ripped from his throat brought forward a whimper and I swallowed heavily, wondering if I sucked hard enough I could vacuum the words right back into my voice box.

  “If I had thought you needed to know then I would have fucking told you babe.”

  His anger was palpable and I urged down the need to run.

  I nodded slowly. “So it’s not important that your long term fuck buddy is pregnant? Which I find pretty amazing seems as though you told me you only went bare-back with me but..” I shrugged mockingly “…Hey, I obviously don’t understand simple things like that because you didn’t feel the need to tell me before you fucked me.”

  His narrow eyes were blazing “You need to calm the fuck down babe.”


  “I NEED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN????” I was furious.

  Jesus Christ, had this man no shame?

  He pressed his body further into me and nodded slowly. “Don’t do this babe” his warning was not lost on me but I stepped right over it.

  “I will fucking do it babe, cos’ it needs fucking doing!” I snarled at him “I trusted you Jax. I shared fucking…things with you because I thought you were important enough to share with. Now get the fuck out of my room until you think I’m important enough to share important things with me.”


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