He smiled widely. “You are so gonna rock that place to the ground.”
He sensed my hesitance as I looked to the horizon with my top teeth deeply embedded in my bottom lip. “It’s just…gonna be so hard. You know” I admitted, hating myself for submitting to my worries.
Could I really do this with Jax? Stand by his side and let the passion in the song take me away, knowing that each word we sang together, side by side, was written for me.
“Right, come on misery. Let’s go watch some porn, have mad sex and roll about on that God damn ancient rug before I go.”
I glanced sideways at him and chuckled. “Such a romantic” I mocked.
He nodded sternly “Always Darlin’.”
I let him pull me up and as he did he pulled me tight against him, his arms wrapped around me as though he was frightened I would fall. “I’m gonna go now. Hate goodbye’s and all that shit E, makes me look like a pussy” his whispered breath in my ear made me shiver.
I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to hold him forever and never face the world again.
I swallowed heavily and nodded. He smiled softly, planted a gentle kiss on my lips and walked away.
A tear left my eye as I watched his back retreat.
As he rounded the corner, he turned back, nodded once and then disappeared.
Then I realised he still owed me for the pizza last night.
Stepping off the train Monday morning, I sighed heavily. I could already feel the weight bearing at my heart.
Damn it E…Get the hell on with it.
I grinned widely and looked around immediately for the voice I had grown to love so much.
I saw him, barrelling at speed towards me and I knew he wasn’t going to stop.
He charged at me and jumped right aboard. His arms flung around my shoulders and his legs wrapped around my waist.
Now, bear in mind, I’m 5ft 2” and Boss is like 6ft…you can see where I’m going can’t you?
I clung to his large body as we both slowly toppled backwards and my arse hit the floor with so much oomph, I’m positive I felt my coccyx bone hit my tonsils. Boss ended up straddled over me and I’m sure to all the commuters in the station it looked like a position from the Kama Sutra.
“Christ Boss. You need to shape up boy.”
He landed his lips on mine and kissed me hard. “I Fucking missed you baby.”
I nudged him with my elbow “Kinda missed you too.”
He picked up my case and we made our way to the car park.
There was something he was holding back on and I could see it in the way he held himself and I was almost too frightened to ask.
He plonked my case in the rear of the van and then opened my door for me before he climbed in beside me.
“You gonna talk to me?” I asked as soon as he sat down.
He stole a quick glance at me and I could see the worry behind his eyes.
He sighed and turned towards me “Your Mom…she, well we’re not sure what’s wrong but she’s been in hospital E.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Not quite sure what to make of that.
Boss nibbled on his bottom lip. His frown was both assessing and anxious.
I smiled and squeezed his hand “I’m not gonna go get whipped if that’s what you’re worrying about Boss.”
He sighed and scrunched his nose up “That’s not all E.”
He was hesitant and my blood rushed at his distress.
“Is…is she okay?”
Please God!!
He nodded and smiled reassuringly. “God, sorry, yes she’s okay now. They sent her home the day after, did some tests and all that but...”
“Will you bloody spit it out!” I urged.
He held his hands up “Okay. I’m just gonna say it.”
About time!
“She turned up at yours while you were in Cornwall.”
Oh God!!!
He looked at me with a cringe and it all became clear.
I could feel the anger bubbling away inside. “Did she take it?” I practically growled.
Boss shook his head “No. But not for want of trying.”
My fist slammed on his dashboard.
“Christ. What is it with my dash?” He huffed.
“It takes it Boss. Your tour bus is solid stuff. It’s like a man cave on wheels” I winked then mouthed sorry.
He side huddled me and kissed my cheek “Go for it hot stuff. Better than my face.”
I thoroughly agreed with him.
I barked out a laugh then sagged and rubbed my face with my hands.
“So how come she didn’t get the Gibson?”
“You have good friends E” I turned to look at him with wide eyes. “Did you…?”
He nodded. “Luce rang Cam in a panic, said your Mom was there trying to take it. Well it’s a good job Jax has a fast car!”
I groaned and closed my eyes. Could my life embarrass me any further with that man?
“Oh God!”
A huge blush covered my face. I was mortified they had all seen my mother in one of her ‘moods’.
Boss grabbed my hand.
“Enough E. We’re your friends. Your shit became our shit when you drank my tequila and stripped down to your bra.”
I shook my head in amusement but grinned at him.
“I love ya’ hot stuff. Even if you did refuse to blow me” he said so earnestly I thought he was serious. Then he grinned and elbowed me.
I just adored this man.
“Think you might deserve one now.”
His eyes widened and sparkled as he made for his zip.
My own eyes widened before he belted out a laugh and tilted his cheek in my direction “A kiss will do hot stuff.”
I reached over, palmed his face and turned him to me before planting a huge smacker on his lips.
“Thank you” I whispered sincerely.
He winked and started the engine.
And then started the engine again.
And then started it again.
I looked at him cynically as I pursed my lips.
Boss stuck his nose in the air, ignoring my high eyebrows and gave me a blasé glance.
“Give her a moment. PMT week.”
I stifled a laugh and looked out of the window. “Sure. I have chocolate in my bag if she needs it.”
The engine started and it kept ticking over this time.
“She gonna make it Boss?”
He glared at me, his eyes narrow but I could see the humour behind them. “She’s a woman hot stuff. Even on her back she can do the job.”
My jaw dropped and I slapped his arm.
“We are good for other things you know.”
He nodded wildly “Of course baby…we men have to eat as well.”
I walked into Z Bar that night to a raucous welcome back.
Everybody wanted to know where I had been so I just told them I had been caring for a sick relative and no more was asked.
I hadn’t seen Jax yet but Boss had informed me we were to rehearse the song that night in his garage. Apparently that was where they did all their rehearsals and I was slowly building myself up for the grilling that I knew would come.
“You wanna give me a hand for an hour E?” Rachel asked when she was snowed under in orders.
“Sure.” I hopped onto the bar and swung my legs over, stashed my bag and turned to my first customer.
Friend’s beaming face was bang in front of mine.
“Christ friend” I beamed back, leant over the bar and planted a wet kiss on his cheek.
“I’ve been looking all over the halls for you friend.” He stated as he kissed me back.
I nodded at him. “Been away for a few weeks but I’m back now. Anyway drink?”
His brows huddled together in puzzlement
“Drink? You know. Beer, spirit, cocktail, pop?”
“Oh god yes, sorry. I’ll take a Stella and your proper name.”
I laughed. “E. Short for Eve.”
His head tipped and his brow furrowed again “You’re never the E that everybody’s been talking about?”
Ooh dear! Did I want to hear this?
“Not sure. What has everybody been saying?”
He grinned and waggled his eyebrows and I narrowed mine on him.
He held up his hands and laughed.
“Nothing bad. Just about how the band and their fans missed you for the past few weeks. My mate dragged me here last weekend to hear you but you weren’t here.”
I nodded as I popped the cap on his bottle and passed it him.
“Yeah. I’m back now. Performing Saturday if you can make it.”
He pulled a long swill on his beer and nodded. “If it’s anything like our rendition of Close to you then I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
I laughed loudly as I turned to the next customer and took their order. “You gonna hop on that stage with me on Saturday and give it another blast?”
He shook his head in horror as he finished his beer then pulled out his phone “Gimme your number friend.”
We exchanged numbers before he left to return to class. I found out his name was Trent but I still entered him under ‘Friend’ as he did me.
I worked until the lunchtime rush had died down then hopped over the bar and treated myself to a sandwich and beer whilst I was filled in on the gossip by Rachel.
I smiled as I swallowed the last of my sandwich and turned to the voice.
I desperately tried to keep the smile on my face for Romeo but it was hard when I saw Jax stood beside him.
Here goes.
I wasn’t sure if he was pissed off or aroused.
Maybe both.
Hopefully the latter.
His dark eyes found mine and I gulped at their intensity.
My body screamed to life at the sight of him and I silently cursed myself as I felt the rumble between my thighs.
Every time I saw him, he seemed to get hotter.
If that was possible.
He was stood staring at me in hot tight faded black jeans, the ones that hugged his strong thighs and magnificent arse so nicely and a worn Guns N’ Roses t-shirt that clung to each muscle on his glorious chest.
His customary black boots were on his feet.
His eyes just wore me.
Romeo planted his backside in the stool next to me and side hugged me. “Where have you been Spanner?”
I removed my gaze from Jax as he slowly stalked across the room, each impressive leg taking a torturous route nearer and nearer.
“I…I well, I…”
I could feel him behind me now. His warm breath on the nape of my neck and I bit my lower lip harshly at the force he emitted.
“Clue us in babe?” he growled and I shivered at the huskiness of it.
Romeo’s eyes were switching between us wildly and as if he sensed the coming storm, he battened down his hatches and buggered off.
Jax slid onto Romeo’s vacated stool and tilted his head at me in query, his eyebrows high as he sucked on his bottom lip.
“The fuck babe?”
There it was! To be honest I had missed it!
I lowered my face, refusing to see the question written all over his.
His finger and thumb gripped my chin and he turned me to look at him.
“Please don’t” I urged quietly.
I couldn’t handle this now. I was doing so well and he just came tearing back in and ripped all the pain back into the open.
His eyes flicked from my eyes to my mouth, to my hair and then back to my mouth.
“What the fuck happened babe?”
Why did he have to keep bloody digging? He had a family on the way, why didn’t he go eye-fuck his girlfriend instead of me?
Even though he eye-fucked really, really well! God, so well.
“What the fuck do you want from me Jax?” I managed to stutter out, proud of myself for forming a sentence.
He leaned in close and I swallowed back the need to run my fingers through his soft spikes, the urge to just touch him was overpowering and I clenched my hand into a fist to control myself.
He rested his mouth beside my ear.
“What I want is you, underneath me and beggin’ babe. I want my mouth on your perfect pink nipples, worshipping them with my tongue. I want to bury myself so fucking far in you that I tattoo myself on your womb babe. I want my name ripped from your lips when I make you come hard. Hard enough to make you clamp me so fucking tight, that every ridge of my cock etches onto the walls on your delicious pussy babe.”
Okay, yes, that’s sounds really nice. Thank you.
I just gulped and stared.
Was that actually a paragraph?
Christ, it was a fucking poem!
“You hear me babe?” he rumbled as his thumb traced along my bottom lip.
“I hear ya’ Jax but I don’t think you’re hearing me” I whispered.
His eyes continued to watch the route his thumb was taking as it now trailed straight down the middle of my throat. It’s touch singeing each of my tiny hairs on the way down.
“We need to talk babe.”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
He nodded with me “And you need to listen babe.”
“You gonna do the same Jax?”
His eyebrows lifted but he smiled. “Yeah babe.”
I gave him a small smile in return.
He suddenly jumped off the stool but held my eyes.
“After rehearsal tonight babe” he ordered and I nodded. “Yeah.”
Before I could move, his lips were on mine, moving so slowly and tenderly I didn’t have the courage or the inclination to refuse.
God, he felt good. I had missed him so much.
My hands finally relented and slipped through his shock of black softness, curling round the thickness tightly.
He groaned and stole my mouth with his tongue, drawing mine into his mouth and sucking on it relentlessly.
One of his huge hands cupped the side of my head while the other curved around my neck and I knew he was claiming me back, demanding my attention and control.
His knee nudged itself between my closed thighs and I opened them immediately and let him in, dropping my hands around his neck and pulling him in closer.
Both of his hands now dropped to my bottom and bumped me across the stool until I wrapped both legs around his waist.
He picked me up and held me tight as he continued to fuck my mouth with his expert tongue and I moaned and drew him closer to me, my rock hard nipples pressing against the firmness of his chest.
“Fuck babe. Need you. Need to fuck you so damn hard.”
Who said romance was dead?
“Put me down Jax” I whispered in his ear.
He growled softly but removed his hands from my backside and my feet dropped to the floor.
He rested his mouth on my forehead. “7 O’clock” was all he said before he turned and left.
7 O’clock then E!
“I think we got it covered Bulk” Jax growled after hours of relentless practice.
I agreed with Jax. We sounded awesome, even after only a few hours.
The song had gripped everyone and it had just flowed effortlessly between us all. Each member of Room 103 and me, syncing with the other as we all worked our parts to perfection.
Even though we had another four rehearsals before Saturday, I knew we would nail it.
“Yeah. It’s cool Guy’s. That’ll do until tomorrow.”
As soon as the words left Bulk’s lips, Jax stalked over to me, lifted me over his shoulder and carried me straight up to his room.
Man cave and club came to mind.
He dumped me unceremoniously in th
e middle of his huge bed, and then stood at the bottom of it just staring at me.
He stayed there so long I wondered if he’d actually slipped into a vertical coma.
Suddenly he grinned; a huge dirty smile lifted the corners of each of his pink lips as his eyelids dropped to half-mast.
He palmed the bed and proceeded to leisurely crawl towards me, his hands and knees penning me underneath his huge frame as he climbed higher up the bed.
“Ah, ah, ah. No nookie until after you apologise, buy me a field of flowers, finger feed me masses and masses of chocolate and kiss my feet” I chastised playfully.
He paused on his adventure and his eyebrows rose but I caught the slight twitch of his lips.
“Babe. Who needs flowers and chocolates when I got a fucking hard dick right here for you?”
Okay. That works as well!
I bit my bottom lip as I tried to stifle the grin that was threatening to erupt.
“You are so romantic Jax.”
He smiled and carried on towards me until his forehead was resting against mine.
“Just need to breathe you babe.”
Oh Christ. Why did he have to say things like that when I was trying to be angry with him?
He softly planted a kiss on my forehead then ran his nose down mine until his lips were gently resting against mine.
His eyes held mine for what seemed like forever. The darkness of them swallowing mine and I could see straight into his soul, into his damaged and broken soul.
The twin to mine.
He eventually rolled over and lay flat on the bed beside me and I turned onto my side, propping my head on my hand to look at him.
Shocking Heaven Page 13