“We’re not together babe. Me and Fran.”
He opened his eyes and turned to face me so we were both side by side, our faces inches apart. Our warm breath mingling as he gazed at me, begging me to see the honesty behind his words.
I nodded. “But…is that your choice or Fran’s?”
He puffed out a breath and scrunched up his nose. “Mine.”
“Is she happy with that?”
He pursed his lips and shook his head slowly “Nah, not really babe.”
I sighed and nodded.
Lifting my hand, I palmed his face “Then we have a problem Jax.”
His eyes closed for a moment and when he opened them I flinched at the fire he held in them. “Nah, no problem babe.”
God damn this man!
“Jax. I will not be slung into the middle of a volatile relationship. It’s just not me baby.”
His teeth pulled at his lip as he growled faintly. “Babe, you’re not hearin’ me.”
One of his fingers traced the contours of my cheek bone and followed round to outline my ear as he inched just a little bit closer.
His mouth was now a mere centimetre from mine and I couldn’t keep my eyes away from it. The curve and softness of his lips were demanding my attention.
My body was screaming at me to just take him, to lay my lips over his and make him beg for mercy. To drag his bottom lip between my teeth and bite it until he gives me what I need.
“I am hearing you Jax but you’re not hearing me. I won’t be the bitch that took someone’s man” I stated.
His hand now slid past my ear and he gently took a handful of my hair.
“Was never hers babe.”
His lips came to hover over mine. “Always yours babe, always…”
I released a long groan as he finally joined us in one of his magnificent kisses and he began his unyielding torture, turning me into a quivering, begging beast.
My body surged to life as my womb pulsed viciously, demanding that I sort out the throb that was making it clench tight.
Wrapping my arms around his shoulders and flinging my leg over his, I rolled us until I was straddled over him, taking him under me whilst he continued to devour me.
He was eating me alive and I wanted to smear myself in his favourite food stuff so he would never stop, never remove his mouth from me, just forever consume me…all of me.
His hands snaked around my back as he pulled me further onto him and I could feel his ready erection straining under his jeans.
One of his hands burrowed under my t-shirt to unhook my bra and then ventured round to cup my breast, his large calloused hand caressing me so rigorously that I begged for the same attention to my other breast.
I moaned and arched myself into his huge palm, begging for some sort of stimulant, any as long as it made me feel good.
He understood instantly and rolled my stiff nipples between his thumb and finger, sending a jolt of energy straight down to my clit.
“Please…oh God, that’s so good…please…” I whispered against his lips.
“You want this babe?”
What a stupid time to ask that! I wasn’t going to say no, was I!
“God Yes. I want everything you’re gonna give me” I breathed against his mouth triggering a growl from him as he gently flanked my bottom lip with his teeth.
I gripped the hem of his t-shirt and bunched it up. He lifted slightly so I could pull it over his head, then I sat upright and feasted my eyes on his glorious naked torso…and what a god damn exceptional torso it was.
Hot and hard and so bloody firm…yum!
His wide strong shoulders curved superiorly from his neck line, the curve of them made me want to nibble furiously along the very edge of them.
Each commanding Celtic inked bicep and forearm brought a hunger for them to be wrapped around me, holding me and protecting me.
His powerful muscular pecs made my mouth water, the contrast of his small tight brown pierced nipple against his bronzed skin made my blood heat.
His six-pack rippled fabulously and each contour of those incredible abdominal muscles made me want to run my tongue along each groove.
And then down to those magnificent wing tattooed hip bones either side of his delicious ‘V’. The very aspect of each wing made me want to trace each feather with my tongue.
I palmed his chest and devoured him with my eyes, then explored each contour and form with my fingertip, delicately adoring each of his mouth-watering regions before I continued my idolisation with my tongue.
“Fuck babe. Your tongue’s wicked.”
He groaned loud when I kissed down his man trail and popped the button on his jeans before I nudged them and his shorts over his hips and down his long legs.
Looking up at him through my eyelashes, I grinned lasciviously before I unhurriedly kissed and licked my way back up.
I stroked his scrotum with the tip of my tongue before I mouthed his testicles and sucked on each one gently.
I smiled to myself as I planted tiny kisses all the way up his velvety shaft until I reached the very tip and his strong fingers twisted in my hair as he emitted a loud moan.
“Shit babe. Fucking suck me!”
Then I slaughtered him.
Wrapping my lips behind my teeth and curling my fingers around the base of his mighty cock, I slid my mouth down as far as I could, relaxing my throat and swallowing as he hit my tonsils.
“Oooh Fuckkkkk” he growled as his fingers tightened in my hair with each plunge.
Gripping my head firmly he took control as each movement of my mouth drove him nearer to euphoria.
“Gonna come right down your throat babe.”
I groaned with his words sending a vibration through his cock and forced his climax from him.
His hips lifted high and he roared his release as his hot, creamy cum hit the back of my throat so forcefully, I couldn’t take it all and it dribbled out of the edge of my mouth.
God, I was so turned on I came right there with him, just from the pleasure of his own reaction to his orgasm.
Kissing my way back up to him, he palmed each of my cheeks as soon as I reached his face and kissed me feverishly before he gripped my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, pulling my bra along with it.
He rolled us so I was underneath his huge form and he frantically pulled off my jeans, stripping them down my legs with a swiftness that made me giggle.
He grinned up at me from my toes before he softly clamped his teeth over my little toe and bit down before swirling his tongue around the tender flesh.
I was utterly surprised to find this action extremely erotic and a soft growl erupted from me.
His eyes darkened as he made his way up my leg, his tongue tasting and teasing all the way up until he came to the new tattoo on my inner thigh.
“Fuck babe. Love it!” he snarled before he dipped right into my sex and swiped his tongue from my anus to the tiny piercing on my shaved mound.
“Christ. You fucking rip me apart babe.”
I lifted my hips to encourage him to ravish me, begging with my actions for him to bring me to explosion point.
He slid a finger inside me, swirling it round and round, preparing me for his intrusion.
Groaning I clasped his hair and pulled him further onto me “Jax please…”
“You wanna come hard babe?”
“Fuck yes…please…god, yes. So hard” I pleaded feverishly.
He inserted another finger as his tongue flicked over my clit rapidly, urging a choked whimper from my throat.
“God, you taste epic babe.”
That was it. I detonated right over his face, erupting in an almighty orgasm as he growled and lapped at me religiously.
“Fuckkkkk” I screamed loudly as my hips lifted us both off the bed.
Before I caught my breath he was pressing his solid cock straight into me.
We both groaned in appreciation as he tipped my womb and I rolled my hips, grinding myself further onto
“So good babe.”
I was panting manically as he pulled out slowly and then slid back in at his leisure, never speeding up until I was frantic with need.
“Christ Jax. Harder. Fuck me, damn it.”
His mouth sucked on a nipple, elongating it with his teeth and driving me wild.
“Damn it” I snarled and punched him in the arm. “Will you fuck me hard. I need it…please.”
I grunted as he pulled out and then thrust back in powerfully, yielding to my desire.
“Harder” I urged again.
I needed to feel him rough and ready; needed to feel his ultimate power when he took me.
He pulled back, snarled, and then drove into me with so much vigour he knocked me up the bed. “Yes” I hissed at him. “More!”
“Take it all babe” he rasped as he drove right to the tip of me and I yelped when he bounced off my cervix.
He pushed up onto his hands and continued to work me crazy and feral, each forceful drive brought me nearer to rapture while his eyes held mine, and never let them free from his intense stare.
We were both moaning and panting wildly as we fucked like animals…raw, primal and unrestrained as we took what each of us gave; fed from it, devoured it whole and then gave some more.
“Need your orgasm babe” he grunted and I could see his teeth clench as he held himself back for me. His whole body was strung so tightly I could decipher where each of his muscles ended and another started.
I was building so rapidly that each of my muscles was screaming at me for release, my teeth chattered and my nerve endings hummed violently.
I don’t quite know what happened then but I kind of went a little savage.
I flung my head back so far I heard my neck crunch; I bit my bottom lip so severely I brought blood, my fingernails scoured all the way down Jax’s back; drawing blood as they raked through his skin and I screamed so loudly I tore my throat as my cum poured from me and drenched him and the bed.
“Fucking Christ” Jax roared as he bared his teeth and came as powerfully as I did, his head dipped into my shoulder as his teeth clamped onto the soft flesh at the base of my neck and he muttered a string of curses as he pumped into me uncontrollably.
“Oh. My. God” I panted as he remained immobile against me.
I couldn’t catch my breath as my body trembled wildly, each of my nerves, muscles and organs chaotically attempting to find their correct status in my jumbled body.
I was starting to think Jax had died when he still didn’t move his body and I lay staring at the ceiling until he suddenly shifted.
“What the fuck babe?” Jax gasped as he rolled over and pulled me into his side.
“Sorry” I whispered as shame and embarrassment surged through me.
He reared back and scowled at me “What the hell for babe?”
I grimaced and lowered my face, burying my heated cheeks in his chest.
His fingers tilted my head so I was facing him again and he raised his eyebrows in a silent question.
“For?” he repeated.
“Well…I went a bit…a bit…wild.”
I could have died. I had never acted like that during sex and I was utterly mortified by my untamed behaviour.
“Are you shittin’ me?”
I just shrugged and silently wished he would shut the hell up before I died of humiliation.
He shuffled round so he was looking straight at me and took my hand in his, bringing it up to rest on his chest between us. “Babe. Been fuckin’ for near ten years now and I have never been fucked like that before.”
Well…okay…help me someone!
I frowned in confusion and a slow delicious grin erupted on his cheeky face and the sight warmed my insides.
“Was. Fucking. Utterly. Awesome. Babe…Mind-fucking-blowing!” he stated slowly.
Oh okay…that was a nice thing to say.
“Yeah?” I asked quietly.
He belted out a bark of laughter “Christ. Fuckin’ exploded babe. Passed out at one point.”
Ahh, that’s why he remained motionless against me.
“I think you gave me one of those female ejaculation thingy’s.”
Jax’s eyebrows rose with a hint of humour “Female ejaculation thingy’s?”
I grinned widely when he started laughing and pulled me in, hugging me closely.
“Christ E. Go to sleep now. Class tomorrow babe” he ordered with a soft chuckle as he planted a soft gentle kiss on my forehead.
Well that was a sudden change of direction!
I nodded and snuggled down with him, now utterly exhausted and sated.
But I lay listening to his steady breathing for a long time, treasuring our close time together.
The sensation of just been held by him, had a bout of energy coursing through my veins and I stayed awake for a long time that night…just being intimate and fused to the man I had fallen so deeply and entirely with.
We practised our song religiously all week and with all my study, work and love making with Jax in between, by the time Saturday night came I was completely shattered.
I was working the bar but Trish had popped in to cover for me whilst I performed, she was as excited as everyone else to hear the duet and I must admit I was slightly terrified.
The guy’s had been really supportive and Boss had even offered me oral relief to calm my nerves…Jax’s face was epic!!!
Friend AKA Trent had come in with his group of mates and introduced me to all of them and I was stoked when they asked me to autograph their chests; one had asked for a buttock signing…again Jax’s face was classic.
I had dressed for the gig in a tight leather black dress, fishnet stockings and knee high 5 inch boots; my make-up was sexy and smoky and my hair was messed up wildly; I had even died the tips of it red to match my fringe and it looked awesome.
Each member of Room 103 had just stared immobile and wide-eyed when they came to pick me, Luce, Kaylee, Aaron and Josh up from my dorm; apart from Jax who dragged me back into my room and pummelled me against my door whilst the guy’s waited in the van for us.
Needless to say we got a cheer and Jax received some back slaps as we returned.
Room 103 worked through their regular set and as it came nearer the time for me to join them I was a dithering wreck. My heart was pumping wildly, my blood was so hot it scorched each of my veins and my legs trembled so violently I worried I was going to have to crawl onto the stage.
“Z Bar” Jax held a finger in the air and held his hand against his ear feeding the crowd with attention.
The room screamed and cheered.
“You know what’s coming don’t ya’.”
Screams, whoops and whistles erupted before the chants began.
“E, E, E, E, E…” sung out as feet stomped on the floor rhythmically.
“Then let’s get her up here. Come on babe.”
I wobbled slowly up to the stage. Boss jumped down and gripped my waist to hoist me up as it was impossible to climb up lady like in my short dress.
The throng erupted so loudly I had to cover my ears.
“Come and Blow me E!”
“Gotta hard dick here for ya’ E!”
“Love you E!”
The sentiments kept coming until Jax glared at the crowd. “She’s mine” he growled out and I suppressed a smile at his possessiveness.
“Let’s do this” Boss shouted “Give it up for the new band member of Room 103…E as she duets with Jax with ‘Shocking Heaven’.”
I took my position on set which was on the right hand side of the stage whilst Jax stood on the left as Romeo came in with a slow melodic introduction, causing the room to start swaying already with the beat of the music.
Jax stepped forward and came in with the first verse which was slow and mellow.
“You’re there, seen from the stars
Peaceful dignity with so much quiet misery<
br />
Trying to hold on, to breathe
Just stay and don’t ever leave
I’m beggin’ ya’, ya’ need to believe”
I stepped a little closer to him as he looked over at me as the chorus shifted into a faster rock composition, upbeat and at a heavier pace and I noticed the crowd eating up every word as they swayed, then rocked, then pumped the air in time with our music, and the passion and excitement surged through my veins, lighting up every single nerve ending in my body as my heart injected each vein with electricity.
We came in together for the chorus, walking slowly nearer each other whilst singing as one and the emotion and passion that Jax expressed through the words had me believing he’d written every word for me, which he had.
“But if you’re going through hell, keep going
Cos’ you’re just shocking heaven
Shocking heaven
And shaming angels
Cos’ you’re just screaming in silence
Bringing me to my knees
With each of your silent pleas”
Then it was my turn for my solo, at a melancholy and sorrowful tempo again as Jax took another step towards me.
“You’re near, touching my mind
Forever seeing with so much abandon
Trying to take back, to live
I’ve not much more to give
But I’m beggin’, make me believe”
We rocked out the chorus again, triggering whistles and dancing bodies from the mass of fans before Jax came in with another verse.
“You’re here, inside my soul
Brutal caress with so much tender slaughter
Trying to break free, to run
Shocking Heaven Page 14