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Page 13

by A. E. Murphy

  “Wild,” he mutters, pulling back and staring into my eyes. His pupils are as dilated as they’ve ever been. His eyes look almost black. “On your knees.”

  I blink, stupefied by his sudden aggressive tone.

  “You heard me.” He grips my chin and repeats, “On. Your. Knees.”

  Annice, who has already lowered herself, grips my hand and tugs me so I drop onto the soft, fluffy grey rug.

  “Take my cock in your hand,” Lockhart demands and I reach up, quickly exposing him to both mine and Annice’s view. I’ve never properly looked at him before. He’s as large, solid and beautiful as he feels. The size of him blows my mind. I stare at it, but he doesn’t seem fazed. He knows his cock is perfect and he probably gets off on this kind of attention. “Take it in your hand!”

  I do, gripping him at the base. It flexes happily in response.

  “Offer me to her,” he tells me and my stomach drops. I look at him sharply, my eyes willing him to punch himself in the face. How can he ask that of me? It hits me, not the cock, the situation. This is what we are. We’re fuck buddies. We have explosive sex. He can’t mean anything to me, therefore I’m not allowed to get upset. Jealousy shouldn’t be an issue.

  So why is it?

  Why can’t I just enjoy this for what it is?

  I shut off my thought processes and concentrate on the way my body feels. My body feels glorious, so I do exactly what he asks of me. I point his cock right at her and she immediately takes it into her mouth.

  Her hand threads into my hair and pulls me closer, guiding me to his thigh. She wants me in on the action. I join in, kissing, licking and sucking at every available space, teasing his balls with my mouth as she fucks his throbbing length with hers.

  He breathes heavily, moaning quietly every so often. I don’t know what it is about guys moaning that turns me on so badly.

  I concentrate on his soft skin tightening between my fingers as I suck and lick and tease it.

  His own fingers grab my hair and pull me up, giving me a chance to stand without it hurting. Then his mouth takes my own and his fingers sink into my core. My body shudders and I mentally break down, one brain cell at a time popping in my head.

  “You’re perfect,” he mutters against my lips and just as his hand frees me below, I feel her lips between my thighs and my legs almost buckle. I want to protest. I want to get angry with her for doing something so wrong. I’m not that way; I’m not into girls… am I? Because whatever she’s doing is making me want to scream with pleasure. I can hardly stand.

  Lockhart moves around my back and holds me to his chest. I wonder what he’s going to do but the answer becomes pretty clear when Annice pushes at my leg, getting me to lift it, and I feel his swollen head push against my entrance. Her tongue against my clit and his cock slowly working its way into me… I’m dead. I am weak. I lean back against his chest, trying to focus through the sensations, but it’s impossible.

  “Good girl,” he whispers in my ear, biting at my neck and grabbing generous handfuls of my breasts as he slowly and carefully slides in and out, just a fraction.

  “Burning,” I hiss.

  He smiles against me. “Let it go.”

  I do.

  My orgasm comes and doesn’t leave. I can’t even scream. It feels so amazing I just tense and for a moment I black out, losing sight and focus of everything but the pulsing in my groin. When I come around, still pulsing and tingling, Lockhart is carrying me to the bed and lowering his body onto mine. He kisses me sweetly, softly, and holds a hand out to Annice, who sits on the bed beside me

  “I’m going to fuck her,” he whispers in my ear. My stomach clenches painfully. “And I want you to kiss her and play with yourself while I do.”

  Kiss her?

  She lies down and smiles at me, her plump and swollen lips glistening with my essence. It’s so erotic, but I can’t. I can’t kiss her, not when I’m so mesmerised by the sight of him pushing into her, the way her equally swollen, pale skin stretches to accommodate his ridiculous size. She sighs. I know the feeling well but not well enough. My eyes won’t look away.

  The darker pink flesh that holds him tight becomes visible with each slow push and pull. I swallow and bite my lip. The jealousy I feel within makes me feel primal, but the strange joy I get from seeing him find his pleasure in front of me, albeit with another woman, overrides the violence bubbling.

  “Cerise,” he says and I’m forced to look up. “Kiss her.”

  Annice grabs my face with both hands and pulls my mouth to hers. I kiss her like I’d kiss Lockhart were he in this position. My tongue tangles with hers and I taste her moans as she too finds her climax. She shudders, her nails digging into my back, not enough to mark but enough to make me gasp.

  She finishes and her body relaxes, spent from the climax. Sensing her exhaustion, Lockhart shoves me face first onto the bed, removes himself from Annice and slams into me from behind.

  “See what I mean about stamina?” He chuckles and Annice flips him off but doesn’t deny whatever it is he’s talking about. She’s well and truly done.

  Hips hit my buttocks, which cushion the impact. His hand snakes around to play with my already swollen clit.

  “Not again,” I whimper, feeling as tired as Annice looks. My body certainly disagrees. It burns just like before, if not more so. I push back against him and he smacks my arse, hard. That wakes me up. I glare at him over my shoulder, which only makes him smile ruthlessly as he hits me again.

  “Motherfucker,” I curse and try to wriggle away.

  “Leave us,” he orders Annice, who nods and slinks out of bed.

  She winks at me and walks her naked body to the bathroom. I’ve never fancied a woman until now. Her arse is perfection… if perfection were an arse, hers would be it.

  Lockhart slaps the other side of my arse.

  “I’m going to kill you,” I cry, wanting to rub the sting, but his hands on my shoulders pin me into the mattress.

  “That’s it, wild one,” he chuckles. “Get angry.”

  “Fuck you,” I scream when he smacks me again. “I’m going to beat the shit out of you. That hurts!”

  “Tell me to stop,” he taunts. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

  When I don’t, he grips my hips and hammers into me. His hand finds my clit again and my knees hover an inch over the bed. How does he find the power for this?

  It’s the sweetest agony.

  We come together, him on an animalistic roar and me on a soft, tired whimper.

  I collapse and he collapses on top of me. I’m relieved when I feel him soften inside. I know how virile he is normally. Thank god this time he worked it out of his system.


  A finger prods me in the cheek and brushes my hair from my face. “Hey,” Annice whispers, tapping the end of my nose. “Come on, I’ll do your nails before I go.”

  “Huh?” I peel my sticky face from the warm, smooth chest of a man I promised myself I’d never sleep with and wince when he rolls into me. His arms wrap around me like two, muscular, tanned snakes and he hides his face in my neck. I try to tug free again but his leg locks over mine. “I can’t move. Or breathe.”

  Annice yanks on Lockhart’s hair rather sharply and he glares at her through one eye. “You need to move; you’re killing your new playmate.”

  New playmate?

  “Don’t call her that,” he snaps, kissing my forehead and finally releasing me. “She isn’t a toy.”

  “I’m not?” I murmur so only I can hear and finally climb out of bed. I look at Annice. “Can I shower first?”

  She smiles. “Go right ahead. Are you hungry? I’ll go and grab us something to eat if you like?”

  “I’m taking her to dinner later.” Lockhart interjects, sitting up and stretching. When he stands, we both stare at his swelling cock and Annice snorts. “Hurry up, both of you. I don’t want to be waiting all evening.”

  “Are you joining me in the shower?” I ask, no longer
ashamed to be so intimate in front of this complete stranger.

  He shakes his head and leans to kiss me on the lips. “I’ll get in after you or we’ll never get ready to go.”

  Even though I’ve already watched them having sex, I don’t feel comfortable leaving them alone together. The thought of him and her pleasuring each other in the next room, without me present, makes me feel a bit murderous if I’m completely honest.

  I don’t show them this though. I slip into the bathroom, relieved when I see Lockhart don his boxers before I do so. My shower is the quickest I’ve ever had.

  Lockhart takes me to a place not far from where he’s staying. We haven’t even begun to discuss what happened today and I’m not sure that I want to. I feel as though when anything like that happens between us, it shouldn’t be this major subject of how’s and why’s. I just want to do it and then bask in my embarrassment.


  I came on a woman’s face. Who even am I anymore?

  He’s turned me into a sexual monster and I can’t say that I don’t approve because as wild as it all is, I’m loving every second of it.

  “Lasagne and the chicken and tomato grill,” Lockhart told the waiter only a few minutes ago. It feels like longer. I am so hungry.

  “Put your phone away,” he snaps and I hastily stuff it into my bag. “I want your attention on me when you’re with me.”

  “I’m just letting them know that I’ll be back soon.”

  He sips his wine and then wipes the remainder of it from his lip with his tongue. “No you won’t.”

  Blink. “Sorry?”

  “You’re coming with me.”

  “Again, sorry?”

  He raises a brow and locks his fingers under his chin. “You heard. You’re coming with me.”

  “I am not having sex again for… a year. I physically can’t handle anymore.”

  Chuckling, he moves his locked hands to the top of his head and flexes his body side to side. “That’s a lie.”

  “I’m not staying with you.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  “I do.”

  “You don’t.”

  “You’re pissing me off.”

  He chuckles again and takes my hand over the table. “We’ll discuss it later.”

  “No.” I snap haughtily. “Because that means you’ll just fuck me into oblivion again.” His devilish smile comes out to play. “Why do you want to sleep with me so badly anyway?”

  He doesn’t answer and I’m not sure he actually even knows why to be able to tell me.

  “You’re a riddle.” I sip my own wine, wincing at the ache in my arms. “I feel as though I’ve been working out for hours.”

  “You have.”

  “Don’t let me have dessert after this,” I say as the plates are placed in front of us.

  “You can have whatever you wish. You’ll burn it off anyway.”

  “What did I say about being nice to me?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Did fucking another woman before your eyes not nice-proof me enough?” My mouth drops open. “Am I still not bastard enough for you?”

  Blink. “I don’t even want to talk about that ever again.”

  “You liked it,” he whispers, spearing a potato from my plate and placing it beside his lasagne. “And you know you did.”

  I look away, too proud to admit that he’s right.

  “Don’t be ashamed. What happened today was amazing. You are… amazing.” He tips his head to the side. “But we’re going to have to do something about that hair tomorrow.”

  “Hell no we aren’t,” I snap. “I love my hair.”

  “It looks good…”

  “So why change it?”

  He sips his wine again. “I suppose it’s too late to correct now anyway and I don’t want you in a wig all night.”

  I begin to eat my dinner, starved and weak from it. It’s beautiful and I inhale it.

  “Tobias Lockhart!” Tobias stands and smiles when he sees a man pushing between tables and chairs to get to us. He’s young, handsome, has strawberry blonde hair and I know him. Not personally, but I know him. I’ve known him my entire life. Well, since I was fourteen and he stumbled into existence. “Small world.”

  “I love you,” I say before I can stop myself and both men look at me. Lockhart is questioning my sanity with his eyes and Xavier is grinning stupidly. “I umm… I mean I love you, your work. I love your work, music, stuff.”

  “Why thank you, always great to meet a fan, especially one whose own work I admire.” He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Cerise Branch, correct?”

  I nod almost frantically, wishing I had a fan to fan myself with. I’m too warm. Is it hot in here?

  Lockhart glances between us both and the air around him changes. He’s angry.

  “Your violin solo during the Ballad of Ivan broke my heart. I listened to it on a loop constantly. I still do.”

  His grin gets wider and Lockhart’s vanishes entirely.

  “I am honoured. Such a lovely compliment… you make me want to play right now,” he chuckles, still holding my hand.

  Lockhart clears his throat but Xavier’s eyes don’t leave me for a second. “Are you here with your wife?”

  “No, we divorced in the Spring.” Xavier finally looks away but doesn’t let go of my hand, so I pull it free and twist it on my lap. I’m the only one sitting.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Lockhart grits. What’s his problem?

  “I’m not.” He shrugs and motions his hand between the both of us. “I apologise for interrupting. I’ll allow you to finish your dinner in peace.” When he turns to me and takes my hand again, Lockhart growls. Vocally growls. A low and guttural note claws its way through his chest, but Xavier only seems amused. “I shall call you, lovely Cerise. Maybe we can play together.” He looks to Lockhart and adds, “meaning with our instruments.”

  Even I didn’t miss that jab. He’s trying to get a reaction out of my fuck buddy and is succeeding.

  Lockhart glares at his friend, his face reddening, and I wonder if he’s holding something back. He looks ready to explode. I kind of want him to, purely because not only am I flattered by all of this attention but it’s also funny as hell.

  “I shall look forward to it,” I respond carefully, not wanting to seem too eager and also not wanting to seem as though I want to sleep with him, because I don’t. Well… not while I’m promised to another man, anyway. It’s just, Xavier has been my idol since I was young. Nobody else got it; they didn’t understand that style of music. I obsessed over it. I’d lock myself away with the music playing so loudly you could practically see it vibrate in the air. I’d picture different keys as different colours and my room would transform into a rainbow. I miss those days. Life was so much simpler then.

  “I shall call you too, Tobias,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s not like you to get possessive. I’m so very intrigued.”

  “Possessive?” Lockhart has done nothing but get angry at a man flirting with his possible date during what looks to be a romantic meal. I’d hardly say he’s been possessive.

  “Have a good evening, Xavier.” Lockhart takes his seat and Xavier walks back to his table, shared with two other men I don’t recognise. Or at least I don’t think I do; I don’t look for long enough to be completely sure.

  “Finish your dinner,” Lockhart snaps, angry at me now, or maybe just at the situation.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Finish your fucking dinner,” he repeats, “so we can go.”

  “Go?” What happened to the dessert I told him not to get me?

  He wipes his mouth on his napkin and abandons his wine, opting to drink the water in the glass beside it.

  “I feel as though you’re angry at me and I don’t know why,” I whisper, keeping my voice low so as to not cause a scene.

  He looks at me as though I’m crazy. “You don’t know why?” Then he mimics me from earlier, his tone high and pat
ronising, “I love you… I mean your work… I mean, lie down so I can fuck you.”

  “If we weren’t in the middle of a restaurant, I would throw something at you,” I hiss, smiling deceptively so curious eyes don’t catch anything amiss, and then I stand abruptly. I tug on my jacket and make my way to the exit. Lockhart follows close behind after dropping money onto the table.

  “Don’t walk away from me,” he snarls when we reach the outside. I keep walking towards his car. “Cerise, stop.”

  I do so because he hasn’t unlocked it and nor does he. Instead he boxes me in between his arms, chest and car.

  “You…” He begins but I quickly cut him off.

  “No headaches, remember?” His lips thin to a white line. “You said no bloody headaches. Yet you aren’t following your own rule!”

  “Flirting with a man in front of me, openly confessing your love for him…”

  “I was overwhelmed and I kind of thought that was allowed considering you fucked somebody else beside me in bed today, or was I imagining that?”

  “That’s different.”

  “How so?” One hand rests on my hip as the other rests against his chest, keeping him at bay. Not that it’ll work. “Because you’re allowed and I’m not?”

  A muscle ticks in his jaw and I know I’ve gotten through to him. We stare at each other, hearts pounding, chests heaving for the longest time.

  “I was a bit star struck,” I explain calmly. “I was a huge fan of his. I still am. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “I apologise for my reaction, but let me make one thing clear,” he whispers dangerously, his mouth inches from mine. “While we are enjoying each other’s company, I expect complete loyalty. You will treat me with respect. Flirting with another man so openly is, for lack of a better word, humiliating.”

  “Diddums, did I hurt your ego?”

  “Get in the car,” he orders quietly.

  I do as I’m told, mostly because I’m getting cold and I’m also very tired.

  “How would you like it if I flirted so happily with another woman while in your company? How would you feel?”


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