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Just Between Friends

Page 3

by A. Wolfe

  “I haven’t had freckles since I was ten years old. You just never noticed anything once Michael came along,” he chuckled.

  She smiled as she recollected those days. “I guess that’s true, but you know how it is, when you fall in love.”

  “Yes,” he agreed, “I sure do. It seems all I ever think about is Miranda. I do believe I’ve been in love with her all my life. I can’t imagine my life without her in it.”

  “And what does Alec have to say about all this?” Sam questioned. “It’s always been plain to see that he’s been in love with her too.”

  He nodded. “I have to admit that has been a problem for us. Since he found out, neither Miranda nor I have seen him. He’s purposely staying away.”

  “Well, he’ll come around in time,” Sam encouraged.

  “I sure hope so. It’s hard to lose your best friend.”

  “I can imagine.” Then lightly tapping him on the arm, ordered, “Come on little brother. Let’s go in the house. There’s something Michael and I want to talk with everyone about.”

  Steven gave her a concerned gaze, “Must be awfully important for you guys to make such a long trip. I know you said it’s because you missed us, but it has to be more than that.”

  Sam smiled, and with a gleam in her eyes, she just said, “Little brother, you worry too much.”

  Steven laughed, and declared, “Brothers are supposed to worry about their sisters, it’s our job.”

  “Oh, come on,” she demanded, as she slapped his arm once more. “Michael and I will explain everything inside.”


  When everyone had gathered in the parlor, Samantha took her place beside her husband. They were a striking couple, Steven thought. Samantha, who was very petite, with pale skin and long, strawberry-blonde hair, was a contrast to her husband Michael, who was well over six-feet tall and had dark, wavy locks. Just looking at them, it was plain to see they were as much in love now, as they had been the day they married, over two years ago. Steven hoped it would always be that way for them. He also hoped he and Miranda would have such a happy marriage.

  He was standing next to his father when Michael began to speak, “We have an announcement to make everyone.”

  Samantha interrupted, for she wanted to be the one to tell her family. Her eyes were sparkling, and she seemed so jittery. Her face glowed, and the smile that radiated on it seemed to speak for her, before she even opened her mouth. “We just couldn’t wait any longer to tell you. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Amelia Reynolds, who had been sitting quietly on the sofa, hands folded, fearing what her daughter’s news was going to be, squealed as she suddenly jumped to her feet. Wisps of sandy-colored hair had pulled free from the bun she wore on the back of her head, and her green-eyes sparkled. She ran to her first-born, took her in her arms and proclaimed, with tears streaming down her face, “Oh Samantha, Michael, I’m so happy!”

  Arthur Reynolds, a stately man, who had patches of light-brown facial hair grown on the sides of his face, extending from the hairline to below the ears, and had an unbearded chin, wasn’t far behind his wife. Upon reaching his daughter, he hugged her and said, “It just seems like yesterday Amelia gave birth to you, now here you are about to make us grandparents. Shame on you!”

  But Samantha knew her father was only teasing, and she could see he was holding back tears. “Congratulations,” Michael,” he continued, while Steven hugged his sister, and gave Michael a pat on the back and a hand shake.

  Michael spoke up, “There’s more we want to talk to you about though. The doctor said that Sam needs to get out of the city and into the country until after the baby is born.”

  Worried, her father asked, “Is there something wrong with you, Samantha?”

  “No, Papa. The doctor says I’m just a little pale and he thinks the fresh air in the country will be better for me, is all.”

  “So,” Michael interrupted, “We would like to move here and maybe I could help you out on the farm until after Sam has the baby and she’s back on her feet.”

  “That would be wonderful!” Amelia chimed in. “That way I can help out with Sam and the baby, when it’s born. I’ve missed you so much. Are you here to stay, or do you have to go back for more of your things first?”

  “Well,” Michael said, “I thought Sam could stay and I could go back and get the rest of our things, with Steven’s help, if he’s willing.” He looked at Steven then and waited for his answer.

  “You know I’d be willing to help all I can,“ he replied, “that is, if I can get the time off work.”

  “I know, and thanks,” Michael said gratefully.

  “No need for thanks,” Steven responded, “but I would like to see Miranda before we leave. When did you want to start out?”

  Michael laughed, remembering how it was before he and Sam were married. Jokingly, he commented, “Can’t stand to go a day without seeing her, huh? I know the feeling. It’s still hard for me to be apart from Sam, even after two years of marriage. Anyway, I was hoping to start out early in the morning, if that meets with your approval, and if everything goes as planned, we should be back in about three days.”

  Steven thought, three whole days without seeing Miranda. He didn’t like it, but he wanted to help all he could, so he just said, “That sounds fine. I’ll just get ready and go over and see my boss and ask him for some time off, then, I’ll go see Miranda and tell her.”

  Michael just shook his head and teased, “If you and Miranda can’t stand to be apart that long, maybe we should take her with us.”

  “Good idea,” Steven agreed. “Maybe I can persuade her to go. In fact, maybe the two of us can go, and leave you here. What do you think about that?”

  “I think you should go see that girl, before you go totally insane.” They both laughed it off as a joke, but Steven knew that Michael was right. He couldn’t stand being apart from Miranda. He had a nagging feeling about Alec. Oh Steven stop imagining things, he told himself, and tried to put that feeling aside.


  One hour later, Steven was pulling into Miranda’s drive. Quickly jumping down from the wagon, he hurried up the steps to where Miranda was waiting. He swept her into his arms, and held her close to him.

  She hadn’t been expecting him and especially this early in the day. She pulled free from his embrace and looked into his eyes. “Steven, what’s going on? Did something happen?”

  “No, baby,” he assured, looking into her eyes. “It’s nothing, but I do have to talk to you. Come on let’s go sit on the swing.”

  Making their way toward it, they sat down and Steven took Miranda’s hand in his and began, “Well, I want to talk to you about a couple of things. You see, Sam and Michael are over at my place and they’re going to be staying for a while.”

  “Nothing’s wrong, is it?” Miranda asked, concerned.

  “No, you see, Sam’s going to have a baby, and the doctor said the fresh country air would be better for her, that’s all.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Oh isn’t it exciting, Steven, a baby? That’s wonderful news! I bet they’re both so excited!” She exclaimed.

  “Yes, they are, but Michael has to go back to the city for the rest of their things, and he’s asked me to go and help him. That is alright with you, isn’t it?”

  “Well, sure, but you won’t be gone long, will you?”

  “No, only about three days,” he answered. Steven drew Miranda’s hand close and stated, “But, I don’t want to go before we’ve decided on a wedding date. I think we’ve put this off long enough. I love you Miranda. I need to know you’re as excited about this as I am.”

  She reached up then, and lightly touched his face. “Oh Steven,” she reassured, “how can you think like that? You know I can’t wait until we’re married either. It’s just that we have to give Alec time to get used to the idea.”

  “Miranda, I’m getting tired of hearing about Alec! He will get over this! Now please, it’s time we started m
aking our plans!”

  She knew what he spoke was the truth, and besides, she wasn’t being fair to him. He deserved an answer, and she would give it. “You’re right, it is time,” she agreed.

  As they embraced, Steven said, “Oh baby, you’re so beautiful.” As their lips touched, he felt as if fire shot through him. His mouth devoured hers, and when her tongue entered his mouth, he felt as if his whole body was afire. He drew her closer and probed the depths of her mouth with his tongue, and he could feel Miranda shivering all over.

  They drew apart, and as Steven looked into Miranda’s eyes, he wished the wedding could be soon, but he knew he had to have time to save enough money to build them a home, and also to be able to secure their future. He gathered her against him with her head nestled on his shoulder. Neither spoke for a long while. Finally, Steven suggested, “How about we plan the wedding for early next summer? I know that may sound far away, but that will allow us the time to prepare.”

  She looked lovingly into his eyes, and agreed, “That sounds perfect.”


  It was now mid-August, and still no rain. The air had become quite stagnant, and tempers flared. The days were passing very slowly for Alec. It seemed all he could think about was Miranda and Steven’s marriage. He hardly slept anymore and would barely talk to anyone. His parents were really getting worried about him.

  Louise Williams, Alec’s mother, tried to get through to her son. She pleaded with him to talk to her, to tell her how he was feeling, but he just shunned her away, and every time his father, Ethan, tried talking to him, Alec would start an argument.

  “Ethan, what are we going to do about Alec? I’m afraid for him,” Louise fretted. “I always knew Alec was in love with Miranda, but I didn’t know he would take the news of her and Steven so hard. Deep down, I always thought that maybe one day Miranda would come to care for Alec too.”

  Louise was a short, somewhat stout woman. Her red hair was parted in the middle and waved over her ears, then turned up and pinned at the back of her neck. Her hazel-eyes had such sadness reflecting from them as she looked at her husband.

  “Now, Louise,” Ethan consoled, “we can’t settle all of our children’s problems. They have to learn that life isn’t always going to give them everything they want. It hurts me just as badly as it does you, but he’ll learn to accept it in time.”

  Ethan Williams was a tall man with jet-black hair like both his sons. His eyes were a deep-brown, appearing almost black even, when wearing his oval-shaped frames. He understood how his wife felt, for he too could see the agony Alec was in.

  “I know,” she agreed, “but, it just hurts to see your child in so much pain, and knowing you can do nothing to help them.”

  “Hey, what’s going on in here?” Alec’s younger brother, Ben, asked, as he came strolling into the room, dust falling from his overalls. “Good news, it looks a little like rain. We sure could use it. Everything is so dry out there.”

  At first he hadn’t noticed the expression on his parent’s faces, but he knew before he even spoke. “Ma, Alec is going to get through this, you’ll see. Just give it some time. He’ll come around.”

  “Your ma knows that, son, but it’s still hard on her to watch her child that way.”

  “You’ll understand that one day, Ben, when you have your own children,” Louise tried to explain. “It breaks our hearts seeing him like this and knowing there’s nothing we can do to make it better.”

  Ben knew what they meant. He was only one year younger than his brother and they shared the same bedroom. At night, when Alec thought Ben was asleep, he would hear him crying, and would often want to say something to him, to console him, but he knew he would only be humiliated if he did, so he just kept quiet. “Where is Alec?” Ben asked. “Maybe I could try to talk to him.”

  “He’s out in the barn,” Ethan replied, “but I don’t know if it will do any good. He’s in a really bad mood today.”

  “But please try anyway,” Louise cut in. “Maybe he’ll open up to you, alright, honey?”

  “Sure Ma, I’ll give it a try.” Ben knew how Alec felt. He knew what it was like to care for someone he couldn’t have, for he was in love also, but he couldn’t tell anyone, for they would think him awful for being in love with a thirteen-year old. There was only three years difference in their ages, but thirteen was still too young. He would just have to wait until Cassandra Porter was sixteen, then he would confess how he felt about her. He could only hope she would return those feelings then. Three years seemed so long.

  As he entered the barn, Alec was stacking hay in the loft. He could tell by the way his brother was throwing the bales that his anxiety was high. He wished he knew what to say to make him feel better, but he knew this was something Alec could only work out on his own. For now he could just be there if he chose to open up to him. “Care for some help?” Ben yelled up.

  “No, I think I can handle it,” Alec answered, without even a glance in his direction.

  “Are you sure? It looks like you still have a lot to do.”

  Alec had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up above his elbows, and the veins were bulging in his upper arms, as he tossed yet more bales into the stack.

  “I said I can handle it!” He replied angrily.

  “Okay, okay, I just thought I would offer my help,” Ben explained, as he climbed the ladder to join his brother. “I’ve finished with my chores, and I was kind of bored.”

  “I’m sorry.” Alec apologized. “This just hasn’t been a very good day for me.” He stopped what he was doing, swiped the back of his hand over his forehead and down his face, where perspiration was glistening against his skin, then gave Ben his full attention.

  “I understand. It’s alright. Alec, I was just wondering if we could talk. I know how badly you’re hurting, and you know I’m here for you any time you need to unload.”

  “I know, Ben, and that means a lot to me, but sometimes we have to work things through ourselves.”

  Ben hesitated a moment before he spoke, wondering if this was the time to approach such a subject, but he needed to talk with someone, “I kind of know how you feel about Miranda and all. You see, I like someone too, and I can’t have her either.”

  Alec looked at him in surprise. “What are you talking about, Ben? I didn’t know you liked anyone like that.”

  Feeling embarrassed, Ben remarked, “It’s not exactly something I’m proud of. You see, she’s younger than me. Three years younger to be exact. She’s only thirteen. Why, I couldn’t tell her or anyone until she’s older, and by that time, she’ll probably like someone else.”

  “Do you think she suspects that you like her?” Alec asked, with suspicion in his voice.

  “I don’t know. At times when I see her, she looks at me funny, and she starts fussing with her hair. Sometimes, I suspect she likes me too, but I can’t be sure.”

  “It’s Cassandra, isn’t it, Ben? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Ben could see tears forming in his brother’s eyes, as he continued. “She’s a pretty little thing. She looks a lot like her sister.” With that, Alec grew silent.

  After a while, he spoke, “You know, Ben, just because things didn’t work out for Miranda and me, doesn’t mean it can’t work out for you and Cassandra. She’ll be fourteen soon. I think you ought to tell her how you feel. Maybe if I’d been honest with Miranda all these years, I would have gotten her, instead of Steven. Now, I just have to find a way to get over her.”

  “You will,” Ben encouraged, “and who knows, they’re not married yet.”

  “That’s right,” Alec agreed, “they’re not.” With that, he slapped Ben on the arm, and went back to work, leaving Ben to wonder just what he meant by that.

  Chapter III

  The rains came, and lasted the rest of the summer, bringing relief to the crops and its workers. The seasons were passing quickly or so it seemed. Winter was almost over, and it wouldn’t be too much longer before spring set

  It was now the first day of March, and Samantha’s baby was already two weeks overdue. It was the middle of the night, but the evening before, her pains had begun. They had just been small ones then, nothing compared to what she was experiencing now. She hadn’t awakened Michael earlier, thinking it could just be a false alarm, but now, she knew it was the real thing. She woke her husband, screaming, “Michael, wake up! The baby is coming!”

  Michael jerked upright. For a moment he didn’t realize what was happening, when Samantha urged, “You must get the doctor! My water just broke!”

  Michael moved as if in a dream. Throwing on his clothes, he assured her, “I’ll just go and tell your mother I’m leaving. She’ll stay with you until I get back.” Then bending over, he kissed her on the forehead and added, “I love you,” before hurrying from the room.


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