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Just Between Friends

Page 4

by A. Wolfe


  When the doctor arrived, Samantha’s pains were coming about every five minutes. After examining her, he told her and Michael that the baby would probably be arriving within the next few hours, as long as there were no complications, and for everyone to relax. Everything was going fine.

  Doctor Mitchell had been treating the people of this town for over twenty years, and during those years, he had brought many babies into this world, Samantha being one of them. He was a man of medium height and build, with thinning gray hair, and deep-set eyes. His gray mustache attached to the sideburns that ran down each side of his round face.

  He was standing at the foot of the bed waiting out another of Sam’s contractions, and when he saw her pain subside, he told the soon to be parents that he would be downstairs when he was needed.

  Michael stayed with his wife, trying to help anyway he could. It was now mid-morning, and it seemed an eternity since she had awakened him, reporting she was in labor. Shouldn’t this have been over by now? What if something was wrong with Sam or the baby?

  “Michael!” Samantha cried, “Please get the doctor, I think it’s time!”

  Michael jumped to his feet, for he had been sitting on the edge of the bed, applying cold-damp washcloths to his wife’s forehead.

  He quickly returned with Doc Mitchell in tow.

  When they entered the room, Sam was having another contraction, but this time, it took forever for it to end, and her nightdress was pushed up revealing her swollen stomach.

  Doc Mitchell hurried to her side then, and turning back to Michael, said, “Michael, if you would please leave the room now, I need to …”

  “I’m not leaving my wife!” Michael insisted.

  Sam let out another heart-wrenching scream, while digging her fingers into the bed once more. Her nightclothes and hair were soaked with perspiration. How much more was his wife going to have to endure? Michael wondered. How much more could she take?

  Sam’s face was twisted in pain, and no matter how much he wanted to help her, he knew he couldn’t. He stood at the head of the bed, holding her hand, while doc Mitchell was doing his best to help his son or daughter into the world.

  His hand was turning red where his wife was gripping it so hard, and just as he felt it release, his eyes witnessed the miracle. There she was, his beautiful baby girl. He watched as the doctor cut the umbilical cord, then after a small pat on her backside he heard her first cries. Both he and Sam watched as he cleaned her up and wrapped her in a blanket.

  There were no words to describe this feeling. Michael leaned over and placed a kiss on Sam’s forehead, and taking a wash cloth, wiped the perspiration from her skin. She was so pale, and her breathing was a bit shallow, but her green eyes lit up, as the doctor placed her new daughter in her arms.

  She looked up at Michael, noticing tears glistening in his eyes. Slowly, he spoke, “She looks just like her mama. She’s going to break all the fella’s hearts when she grows up.” He couldn’t have felt more proud, looking down at his wife and newborn daughter.

  Samantha reached up and stroked the side of his face, and lovingly proclaimed, “I love you, Michael.”

  He leaned down and kissed his wife, then his daughter, and declared, “And I love you both, very much too.”

  Just then, the bedroom door swung open and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, along with Steven came strolling in. Arthur was the first to speak, “We’ve come to see that grandbaby of ours.”

  Amelia hurried to Samantha and hugged her, asking, “How are you feeling? Were there any complications?” Her poor daughter, she thought. Her long white nightdress was still clinging to her skin, and she had red patches all over her face from the strain of giving birth. Her unkempt hair was stuck to the sides of her cheeks. She looked exhausted.

  “No Mama.” Sam assured her. “Everything went just the way it was supposed to.”

  Doctor Mitchell cut in, “A few days bed rest and she’ll be her old self again. Well, I’d better be going. You take good care of that little lass do you hear?”

  “No need to worry about that.” Michael assured him. “She’ll have us all wrapped around her little finger in no time, and thank you doctor.”

  “No need to thank me. That’s what I’m here for. It’s always such a pleasure to bring a new life into the world, especially when they arrive as smoothly as this little one.” He then retrieved his bag, as he added, “I’ll let myself out. Goodbye.”

  After doc Mitchell had gone, everyone fussed over the baby, and asked what her name was going to be.

  “Well,” Sam replied, “we’ve decided on Sarah Elizabeth, after my grandmother Sarah, and Michael’s grandmother, Elizabeth.”

  “That’s a beautiful name,” Amelia agreed, “and so wonderful that she would be named after both great-grandmothers.”

  “That’s what we thought.” Sam agreed. “Oh and by the way, Steven, you haven’t even come over to see Sarah. You’re so quiet over there. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Steven assured her. “I was just staying out of the way until everyone else had their fill.”

  Samantha sighed, “Oh for crying out loud, little-brother, get over here and meet your niece!”

  As Steven walked up to see Sarah, he could only stare in awe. Never had he seen anything so small and fragile. He touched her tiny hand, and she wrapped her little fingers around his big one. He looked at Sam and said, “She’s so beautiful. I hope one day Miranda and I are blessed with such beautiful children. This little miss would surely be hard to beat.”

  “You can say that again,” Michael chimed in. “If they all came out looking like Sarah, I’d say we have at least a dozen.”

  “Well,” Sam spoke up, “I vote we just settle for her, for a few years anyway. After all, I am the one who has to go through all the pain.”

  “Oh that was nothing,” Michael teased. “I say we have another before the year is out.”

  “Oh you,” Sam exclaimed, swatting at him, but she knew he was only joking with her.

  Steven jumped in, “I really hate to interrupt this personal conversation you two, but I think I’ll go over and see Miranda and give her the news that I’m an uncle. She’ll be thrilled.”

  “Don’t be too long, son,” Arthur advised. “We need to get this work done around here, since this is your day off.”

  “Alright Pa, I’ll see you all later,” he remarked, as he headed for the door.


  A half-hour later, Steven pulled into Miranda’s driveway. He walked up the steps, to the door and knocked.

  Cassandra swung it open, and standing in the opening, glumly said, “Oh, it’s you Steven. Come on in. Miranda’s upstairs. I’ll get her.” She then went bounding up the steps, before Steven even had a chance to respond.

  “Miranda,” she yelled through the door, “Steven’s here.”

  Lying on her bed, Miranda had been daydreaming of what marriage would be like, being responsible for a husband and children. Would she be a good enough wife to Steven, and a good enough mother to their children? Still pondering this, she called out, “Tell him I’ll be down in a minute!”

  Cassie sounded irritated, “Alright, but hurry up. He’ll be expecting me to entertain him until you get down there.”

  After checking her hair and dress, and deciding everything was suitable, she pinched both sides of her face, and went downstairs. “Good morning, Steven,” she greeted him, as she made her way down the steps. What brings you over so early?”

  “Good morning, Miranda. I have some news to tell you. I thought maybe we could go for a drive, since it’s still fairly early,” he suggested.

  “That would be nice. There’s something I wanted to discuss with you also. I’ll just go find mama and tell her we’re leaving. I’ll be right back.”

  After they left the house, Steven helped Miranda into the wagon, then walked to the other side and climbed in. Something was troubling him. He didn’t know what it was. It had been needling
at him all day. He just hoped that feeling would go away. So, he decided to make conversation. “Guess what, Miranda?” He began.

  “What?” She responded. She glanced over at him and he was looking so proud.

  “I’m an uncle!” He blurted out. “Sam gave birth to a little girl only a little over an hour ago.”

  “Oh Steven, I’m so excited!” She exclaimed, as she clasped her hands together. “Are they both doing okay? Did Sam have any trouble? Who does the baby look like? What’s her name?”

  “Whoa!” Steven interrupted, “One question at a time, alright?”

  She laughed, “I’m sorry, I just get all excited when I think of babies.”

  “I understand.” Steven joined in her laughter. “Now, let’s see, I’ll try to answer all your questions, if I can remember them all. Yes, they’re both doing fine. No, Sam didn’t seem to have any trouble. Her name is Sarah Elizabeth, after her two great-grandmothers, and I know you asked at least one more, but I can’t seem to remember it.”

  “I asked who she looked like.” Miranda reminded him.

  “Oh yes, that’s right. Well, I think she looks a little like both Sam and Michael, but she has light hair like Sam. She’s the prettiest little baby I’ve ever seen. Of course, I am prejudiced, but I honestly don’t know how they could make them any prettier.” He then added, “Except for the ones we’ll have together, of course.”

  He was making her blush. “Oh Steven, you’re just being silly.”

  “Oh, I am, am I?” He teased.

  “Just stop that kind of talk this instant, and watch where you’re going. You’re going to drive us clear off the road!” She warned.

  Steven knew she was right. It seemed every time he was alone with Miranda anymore, all he could think of was impure thoughts. He had to get himself under control. He just couldn’t wait to be married to her. He loved and needed her so much.

  When they reached the clearing, he descended, then went to the other side and lifted Miranda from the buggy. Before he released her, he pulled her close and kissed her, gently at first, reveling in the taste and smell of her.

  When her tongue touched his lips, he groaned, and opened his mouth for her. Her tongue traced his teeth, then, delved further to explore the inside of his mouth. She had no idea what she was doing to him.

  They had to stop now, or there would be no stopping. He slowly released her and whispered, “We had better go and sit down, so we can discuss whatever it is you want to talk about, Miranda.” He clasped her hand in his, and they walked to the edge of the clearing, to an old oak tree, where they spread a blanket and sat down.

  Looking over at Miranda, he thought how beautiful she was. She had mysterious dark eyes, a tantalizing mouth that curved up slightly at each corner and a little turned-up nose. Her long dark hair when allowed to hang free flowed down her back and across her shoulders. When standing next to him, she reached only his chin. She was a vision. He couldn’t imagine his life without her in it.

  He knew what was coming of this though, so thought it best to get it over with, “What did you want to discuss, Miranda?”

  “Well,” she hesitantly stammered, “it’s just something you always get edgy over whenever I talk about it, and I just don’t know how to begin.”

  Steven knew exactly what she was getting at. He shook his head and declared, “Look Miranda, I don’t have anything against Alec. We’ve been friends all our lives. You know that. It’s just different now. We’ve grown up, and unfortunately we’ve fallen in love with the same woman, and he hates me for it. I can’t say that I blame him. I’d probably hate him too if he was the one you had chosen.”

  “But, he’s not!” Miranda exclaimed. “But, he is still my friend and I worry about him! I only wish there was something we could do to help ease his pain a little. If only there was someone we could get him fixed up with. Remember, we talked about Emily? I think we should ….”

  “Now wait a minute, Miranda!” Steven corrected. “Alec’s a big boy now, and capable of finding someone himself. If, that’s what he chooses. You stay out of it!”

  She could see the muscle in his jaw twitching and she could tell this wasn’t the time to keep the subject going, but he had no right to tell her to stay out of it. She wasn’t going to let him tell her what to do. So, she continued, “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Alec is a big boy, but I sure don’t see you acting like one! Every time I even mention his name, you start acting like a jealous little schoolboy!”

  “Well, of all the …. You really can’t believe that I’m jealous of him!”

  “And what’s wrong with him?” She asked furiously. “Alec is a very handsome, young man. I’m sure any girl would find herself lucky to have him as a husband!”

  “Oh, really,” Steven looked hurt. “Even you, I suppose?”

  Miranda wanted to continue arguing. Steven shouldn’t be allowed to get away talking like that, but he looked so vulnerable, she couldn’t keep it going. She reached out her hand and touched his face and soothed, “Any girl, except me. I only have one love in my life, and I haven’t room for anyone else.”

  As she said this, she could see the glistening in his eyes, as her own filled. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I just love you so much that it makes me crazy when I think I could lose you to someone else.”

  One strand of his golden-colored hair had fallen over his right eye, and Miranda reached out lovingly, pushing it aside. She stroked the side of his face, while with a comforting voice, softly whispered, “That could never happen. You know you’re the only one for me. I love you, Steven.”

  Birds were singing in the tree above them, and a soft, cool breeze tosselled their hair, as he cupped Miranda’s face in both of his hands, giving tiny little kisses all over it. He then nuzzled her neck and kissed her there. Her hands slid upward, sliding through the soft locks of his hair. Miranda knew what was going to happen, if she was to let this go any further. It was the hardest thing she’s ever had to do, but slowly, she began to pull away from Stevens embrace.

  “Baby, no,” Steven’s breath was coming in short gasps, “please ….”

  “No, we can’t do this, it’s wrong.” Miranda reluctantly protested. “You know we have to stop, Steven. I know, it’s difficult for me too, but if this continues, you know what’s going to happen. We have to control ourselves.”

  Steven knew she was right. What was he thinking? It’s just that he wanted her so badly, and it was getting more and more difficult to control. He ran both his hands up and through his hair then wiped the perspiration from his forehead with the back of his right hand. He waited until his breath wasn’t so labored before he spoke again, “I’m sorry, Miranda. Really, I am.”

  A butterfly flittered by just then, and for a brief moment, landed on Stevens shoulder then flew away. It was such an odd sight for this time of year. They both chuckled, as they watched, its blue wings moving swiftly toward the clear blue sky. Such silence filled the air, that it seemed almost eerie.

  Steven lay down on the blanket, and pulled Miranda into his arms. He held her close, as if almost afraid to let her go. He didn’t understand this feeling he was having all of a sudden, but it was a feeling, nonetheless, he didn’t like. He was probably just being overdramatic. In only three months, he and Miranda would be husband and wife. They would be together forever. He was just being silly. He turned to look at Miranda, who had her head nestled on his shoulder.

  “I shouldn’t have let things go so far, baby. I’m sorry. I promise, from now on, I’ll behave. You’re just so beautiful, and I love you so much, that three months seems so far away, but we can make it. I just can’t wait to have you as my wife, when we can truly share our lives together. By then, the house should be ready. There’s still quite a bit to do, but it’ll be done, you have my word.”

  “Well, three months will get here before we know it, and then, maybe you’ll want to get rid of me sometimes.” She chuckled. Her
dark eyes penetrated into his light ones.

  “I can assure you, that that will never, and could never happen. I will love you till the day I die, and nothing or anyone will ever change that, Miranda.”

  The air was beginning to grow cooler, so he pulled her closer. Holding her tightly against him, he silently prayed that this ominous feeling in his heart would go away.

  Chapter IV

  Miranda woke late the next morning. She felt so happy she had barely been able to sleep, remembering all that had happened yesterday. They had discussed wedding plans, and the future. Her stomach was in knots when she thought about it. Mrs. Steven Reynolds, she repeated over and over in her mind. Mrs. Miranda Reynolds. She so loved the sound of that. She felt so blessed to have a man like him in her life.


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