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Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4)

Page 11

by Nicki Rowe

  I stand, brush the dirt off the knees of the black suit I had bought for the funeral and turn to Lucky. He reaches a hand to me, and I curl my fingers around his, taking strength from his warmth.

  “Let's go to my parents before they start wondering where we are.”

  Lucky leads me out of the cemetery and to the rental car. He helps me into the passenger seat and we're off, leaving my grandma behind.

  Chapter Ten


  The past forty-eight hours have been the worst. The repair man wasn't able to fix the freezer so I had to purchase a new one, I worried about Alex and how he was holding up after the funeral. Callum told me that when they returned to his parents' house after he said good-bye to his grandmother that he had laid in his room for the rest of the night. He didn't even stir when his aunts and mother came to bring him food.

  I wish I could have been there for him, helped him, taken care of him. I am just thankful he had Callum.

  I shift from one foot to the other as I anxiously wait for the their plane to land.

  The past forty-eight hours have been horrible for other reasons such as I feel strange not having my men at my side. I just want to hold them, kiss them.

  It's not until I see Callum's fiery red hair, and Alex's smile that I feel like I can breathe. Alex is in my arms before I can take my next breath, and Callum comes up sandwiching Alex between us. We're getting looks from people, but I don't give a shit. My men are back home, and fuck have I missed them.

  “Let's get you guys home.”

  They follow me out of the airport, hand in hand, something has changed between them. Like they're more connected, on the same page. My heart squeezes; I feel like the odd man out. I'm quiet as I start the truck and drive back to Glensville. Lucky is giving me these looks like he knows what I am feeling, but I don't look at him or acknowledge him.

  Alex seems to pick up on the tension. He squeezes my knee. “Dec?”

  I place a hand over his. “I'm okay, baby.” This is my shit. I can't project the fact that I feel slightly left out on him. It's not his fault. It's no one's fault. Things get messy and complicated when you have three people in a relationship. That's what I am beginning to learn.

  We pull into our driveway and I shut off the engine. We climb out of the truck and I haul Alex and Callum against me. “I need to fuck you both.”

  Alex shivers against me. Callum instantly grows hard. It's amazing how differently they react to my words.

  My two men are amazing in of themselves.


  I wake up a few weeks later in Declan and Lucky's bed alone, tangled in their sheets with the smell of them surrounding me. I can hear the banging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen and the smell of bacon is wafting down the hallway. I climb out of the bed and pad out into the kitchen where I find Declan making breakfast.

  He's shirtless, his tribal tattoo that takes up the entire expanse of his back is on full display. Memories of me licking every inch of that tattoo come to mind. My gaze travels lower to his round, firm ass; the tan skin hidden behind gray sweats. He's singing in low tones, and it takes me a moment to realize that he's not singing in English; he's singing in Hawaiian. He turns, catching me staring at him, and smiles.


  My stomach growls. “Ravenous.”

  I settle into a stool at the island and sip at the coffee that is already waiting for me. Declan slides a plate of bacon, eggs and homemade biscuits at me.

  “Where's Lucky?” I ask, digging in.

  “He's hanging with Carter and Diego. You and I have the day to ourselves.”

  I smile around the bite of my eggs. “What are we going to do today?”

  He turns to me as he sits and digs into his own breakfast. His hand slides up my bare leg, I shift, finding it hard to hide my growing erection in my boxers. “We're going to take a shower. I'm going to make love to you against the tiles, then we're going to get dressed.”

  I shiver. “And then?” I've abandoned my breakfast. Declan's hand and words are too distracting.

  “Then we're going to go for a ride on my bike, maybe go for dinner.”

  We finish breakfast, talking about the upcoming release of Diabolic Divas 2, and the recently released trailer. Then we're in the bathroom.

  Declan turns the shower on to as hot as we can stand. The steam is turning the mirror foggy; my skin is sticky from the moisture and the heat in the closed bathroom. Declan pushes me up against the sink.

  “How about a blowjob before I fuck you in the shower?”

  I don't say anything, I just nod vigorously. Yes, please.

  He kneels in front of me, my hands immediately go to his broad shoulders, kneading the hard muscles. He pulls underwear down so it pools at my feet. His mouth engulfs me, taking my hard-as-a-rock cock deep into his mouth.

  I let out a guttural moan. My hands go to his hair, tugging lightly on the strands. He works his tongue around my shaft. His hands travel up the back of my thighs and then play with my entrance.

  I want to look at him, see the way his cheeks hollow as he pulls my release from me. I love seeing my big man on his knees for me, but the pleasure is too much. I can't keep my eyes open. I can't think. My mind has short circuited from pure bliss.

  My climax hits me hard. My hips jerk of their own accord, burying myself deeper down Declan's throat. I shutter and shout his name as he swallows every last drop of my cum.

  He stands and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He gives me a sexy smile.

  “You taste good.”

  I laugh. “Let's get in the shower.”

  He strips and leads me into the hot shower. Before the door to the shower even closes he has me pushed up against the wall. His hands travel all over me, touching every inch of me, committing the feel of me to his memory.

  He kneels behind me, trailing kisses up from my calves, over my ass, up my spine to my neck. He sucks on the muscle at my neck. There's definitely going to be a mark left when he's done. The thought of it causes me to shiver. He reaches past me to grab the lube and a condom from the ledge that is out of reach from the shower heads.

  When he's ready, he pushes into me. My head falls forward against the tiles and I let out a low moan. My hand finds my still hard cock and I pump as he pushes into me. His movements are slow, loving. His hands are still traveling all over my body. His lips are kissing along my shoulder blades.

  In this moment I feel closer to him than I have felt to anyone.

  “You're so beautiful, Alex,” He says. His hand splays over my heart. “You're so beautiful, and so mine. Mine and Callum's.”

  Yes, I am theirs and they are mine.

  I cum for a second time with Declan whispering loving words in my ear.

  ~ ~ ~

  Declan stands in front of his pride and joy, his Heritage Classic. He looks fucking gorgeous dressed in faded jeans, a leather jacket and motorcycle boots. He's wearing a faded, and slightly holey Van Halen shirt under his jacket. The fabric is stretched tight over his pecs. His shoulder length hair is tied up at the nape of his neck.

  I think it's in this moment that I realize that Declan and Lucky have completely won me. I am so completely over-the-moon taken by them.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, sweeping my tongue into his mouth, savoring the delicious taste of him. He pulls back, but keeps an arm around me. He smiles.

  “What was that for?”

  I shrug. “For being the amazing man you are.”

  He hands me a helmet. “You want to ride alone on one of the other bikes, or behind me?”

  I don't hesitate. “Behind you.” Anything to be closer to Declan.

  He swings a leg over the bike, and I settle in close behind him. He starts the bike, and I smile at the feel of the engine rumbling under me. It's been such a long time since I have been on a bike.

  He pulls out of the driveway, and we're off. We drive through the city, to the city limits and out to the la
ke. Houses, businesses and trees whiz past us. The wind bites at my face until we slow down when we come to where the road leads up to the lake. The road is surrounded by trees and million dollar homes.

  Declan puts a hand over mine as we leisurely cruise on the road that leads through the forest. Somehow I can feel the warmth of him through the gloves both of us are wearing. He parks the bike at the lake's edge, next to the other cars and hops off. He immediately reaches for my hand, my fingers curl around his.

  To my surprise he leads me away from the lake, up a trail that looks overgrown with vines.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I want to show you my favorite spot.”

  We trudge along the path, and even deviate from it to go deeper into the woods. The sound of rushing water meets my ears before I see it. A waterfall that empties into a large shallow pool.

  “Holy shit!” I exclaim.

  The waterfall is shimmering in the sunlight, casting rainbows along the pool. There's flowers blooming along the edge, and a broken tree provides a bridge from one side of the pool to the other. I take out my phone and take a picture, but the picture doesn't do the scene justice.

  I post the picture to my Instagram and Facebook with the caption:

  Adventuring with @Declan_Jones. *heart emoji*

  Yes, I am one of those saps who uses heart emojis. The picture is immediately liked by Lucky-Dix1996. He also comments: Wish I was there.

  I reply saying that we wish he was here too. We haven't hidden our three way relationship from anyone. We've posted pictures and statuses of and about the three of us for weeks. Some of my family has let me know they are ashamed of me, the other half is happy for me. Friends have shown their love and support, and people who spew hate get blocked.

  I put my phone away and follow Declan as he sits at the edge of the pool. He pulls me up against him. We watch a few birds dip and play in the water.

  “Thank you,” I say. “Thank you for showing this to me.”

  He kisses my temple. “Anything for you, Alex.”

  We lay back against a tree trunk and enjoy the afternoon sun. We talk about trivial things, and segway into deeper topics.

  “When did you start MMA?” I ask.

  “When I overheard my mom and dad talking about how expensive Peter's medical bills were. I had grown up with this guy who entered the circuit, and he saw me working out at a gym, told me all about being a fighter, and I asked him how I could get into it. He got me in touch with the right people, and I trained. I fought in the cage after getting into shape and all that shit. Won a lot of matches, lost a few. I didn't enjoy it, but it was a good way to make good chunk of money fairly quickly.”

  “When did you quit?”

  “A few months after Peter died. I couldn't handle it anymore. I hated the rigorous training and diet. I hated the fights. So, I just stopped. My contract was ending so I finished it out, and then I left. I hadn't looked back since.”

  “And then you opened Fred's?”

  He shrugged. “I would drive by Fred's and see it's potential. It was run down, a complete shit hole when I bought it, but it was in danger of being torn down. I couldn't let that happen. That restaurant is an historic site. It's where Greta met her husband. It's where my mom and dad had their first date. It was one of the first restaurants built in Glensville. I couldn't let all that history go to waste. So, I bought it. And, yeah, I admit that I bought it for Peter. He wanted to own his own restaurant, and I'm kinda living out that dream for him, but I needed to do something.”

  “Do you love it?”

  “The restaurant?”

  “Being the owner.”

  He smiles. “Yeah. It's the best thing I have ever done.”

  I smile. “That's all that matters.”

  “I want to ask you something, but I am afraid to ruin the mood.”


  “What happened with your ex?”

  I stiffen, but then relax against him. I knew we were going to have this conversation sooner or later. Oliver is a part of my past. As much as I hate to admit it, he's the reason I am here today.

  “Oliver and I met in college. He was going for the same thing Gideon and I were going for: Veterinary Science. He was really good looking, and I was a dumb kid who thought interest from someone like Oliver meant I was worth something. Oliver comes from a rich family and he has this attitude that says, 'I'm better than you, so if I think you are worth my time then that means something'. He gave me his time, and I thought being with him made me hot shit. Everyone loved him; he was so fucking charming. Our professors were always gushing about how much they loved him. My parents couldn't wait for him and I to get married.

  “Fast forward a few years. We're living in Lawson, Idaho. Three houses down from us us were his parents, around the corner from that were his grandparents and aunts and uncles. His best friend lived fifteen minutes away. Everything in Lawson was his, and I had nothing. In college he was fine with me dressing the way I dress now: jeans, jacket, ripping Converse, piercings and tattoos on display. But when we moved to Lawson he wanted me to change. He threw out my clothes and bought me things that people in town expected the man Oliver was with to wear. It was a lot of polos, slacks and loafers. Everything that was completely opposite of who I was. I could only wear long sleeves and pants in public because they hid my tattoos, and I had to remove my piercings. He sold my motorcycle and I was forced to drive one of his BMWs. I fucking hated my life, but I thought I loved him. I thought if you loved someone that you had to change to be what they want. I believed he would only be with me if I changed, and I was so afraid to lose him.

  “About two weeks before I left I was in the supermarket trying to decide between two brands of cereal, and I found myself thinking: What would Oliver be happy with me getting? And it wasn't even in a 'I want to do something nice for Oliver' way it was in a 'What will not cause a fight?' way. And in that moment I had an epiphany. I was living my entire life for Oliver. I did what he wanted. I wore what he wanted. I said what he wanted. Somewhere in the seven and a half years of our relationship I had totally lost myself. After that moment I couldn't stand the sight of him or the house we lived in. I couldn't look in the mirror. I wanted to burn all of my clothes. I couldn't stand to be me.

  “I wasn't planning on leaving, but I wanted to talk to Oliver. See if there were things we could change. I didn't know if I was in love with him at that point, but I thought maybe I could fall back in love with him again. So, on my day off I had gone down to the clinic to bring him lunch and talk to him about our relationship. The clinic is usually closed between twelve and one, so I let myself in with my key. I heard noises coming from the back where we stored the animal food and extra stuff. I opened the door and found Oliver on his knees in front of our intern, Tony. Tony looked so shocked. He pushed Oliver off of him, pulled up his pants, stammered an apology and hightailed it out of there. Oliver kept muttering about how he's so sorry and he still loves me, all the while his lips are swollen from going down on our intern.”

  “What did you do?” Declan asks.

  “I turned around. I left the paninis I had made for us on the counter and I left. I went to the bar and got drunk, told anyone who would listen what a scumbag Oliver was, but no one saw him that way. Everyone loved him. I went home, packed my shit, called a cab and went to the nearest hotel. I called my parents and then Gideon, and booked the first flight I could to here.”

  “I'm so sorry all of that happened to you. You're ex sounds like a prick.”

  I laughed. “He was, but if none of that had happened I wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't have met you and Lucky.”

  He tightened his arm around me. “Thank God for your prick ex.”

  I laughed.


  Chapter Eleven


  It was a chilly day for a bike ride, so everyone was dressed to the T in layers and jackets. The ride was last minute. Axe pulls up next to Declan and me on his bi
ke with Mason plastered to his back behind him. Mason beams at us.

  “You happy to come along with us again, Alex?” Mason asks me.

  This is the fourth bike ride I have been on with these guys. Mason and Axe always ride together, I either ride with Lucky or Declan, but on the last one I rode alone on Declan's Triumph. Today I was riding up with Declan and back down to Glensville with Lucky. Grizz and Mills are talking over by Thorns and Roses with a few guys from Seattle who owned a bar called One More Shot. There's a girl with them named Lacey. It's the first time I have met them, but they seem like a solid, good group of people.

  Soon we are off, roaring down the highway in the direction of the coast. I can't help but laugh as I hold on. There's something about being on a bike that is freeing.

  We whiz in and out of traffic until we come to a small town and make a stop for food and gas. We all sit around a table, laughing and talking. I'm nestled in between my men, Declan's arm is thrown over the back of my chair and Lucky's hand is on my knee. He's leaning over the opposite way talking to Mason.

  “Axe said he did one of your tattoos,” Lacey says from the other side of Declan.

  I look over at her and smile. “Yeah.” I pull out my phone to show her, since I'm wearing to many layers to show her my bicep.

  She whistles low through her teeth. My tattoo's stunning; the face of the gypsy is absolutely gorgeous, outlined in bold black lines. The colors in her bandana and jewelry are vibrant. The crystal ball looks as if you can feel the smooth coolness of the glass.

  “He's really talented,” I say. “I'm never going to anyone else for a tattoo again. Axe has a loyal customer for life.”

  I look over at Axe, he's listening. I can see the appreciation in his eyes at my words, but he doesn't smile or acknowledge what I am saying. Next to him, Mason is beaming from ear to ear. He raises his glass to me in gratitude. Sometimes I think since Axe doesn't really show his emotions, that Mason does it for him. That's why they work so well together.


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