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Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4)

Page 12

by Nicki Rowe

  “The best,” Lacey says. “I've known the guys for years. I only get my work done by them.”

  “How long have you been working at One More Shot?”

  “Almost two years. Started after I graduated college, but I have known Wally for my entire life.” She smiles. “You should stop by sometime for a drink. Totally on the house.”

  I look over at the men who owned the shop. Wally's a big man with gray hair and a full salt and pepper beard, most of his body is covered in tattoos, and Cason was no less scary with buzzed blond hair and is jacked to the heavens. He's as nearly as broad as Declan. “Um...would your bosses be okay with that?”

  Lacey laughs. “Sure, they aren't as scary as they look.”

  Declan laughs. “Cason and Wally are harmless, baby. Trust me.”

  I nod and look back at Lacey. “Okay. Maybe.”

  She smiles.

  The waiter comes and we order food. Lucky's phone dings and he pulls it out. I don't mean to read his message, but I can see that it's from Carter. It reads:

  Bring Declan and Alex when you come back to town. I have news.


  We pull into Carter and Diego's driveway as soon as we're back in town. We left the rest of the people we went on the ride with to get drunk back at Thorns and Roses. The only people that didn't join in the debauchery are Axe and Mason. Mason had gotten the same message from Diego about coming over when we got back to town. They pull up right next to Alex and me with Declan parked behind me. I can see that Edward's car is parked on the road opposite of Carter's house.

  I don't bother knocking when we come to the door. It's partially opened anyway. There's laughter and music coming from inside. Roscoe, Carter's Bullmastiff, barks happily as we enter. He licks my hand before trotting off, leading us to where everyone is gathered in the dining room.

  Caleb and Edward are there with Edward's brother, Cody. Carter and Diego are standing at the head of the table, and Diego's father and sister, Jodi are sitting at the table. Everyone is holding a flute of champagne.

  “What's going on?” I ask.

  Diego is practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. “We're engaged!”

  Everyone cheers and begins talking at once. Everyone rushes the happy couple and they're swept up in hugs and congratulations. I go to Carter and hug him, clapping him on the back twice.

  “About time you two settle down,” I say. He's smiling so broad I can't help but smile back. “Why didn't you tell me you were going to propose?”

  “This was all Diego. I told him he could propose to me whenever he was ready. I knew I wanted to marry him years ago, but I was just waiting on him to decide I was right for him.”

  Diego's arm shoots out, hitting Carter in the chest. “I knew I wanted to marry you forever ago, asshole.”

  “And yet you waited two years.”

  Diego just shrugs and goes back to talking to Caleb. I laugh.

  “You're going to have your hands full.”

  Carter laughs. “Yes, but I love him anyway.”

  I look at my own men. Both are laughing and smiling with Diego. Declan's arm is around Alex's shoulder. “The things we do for love.”

  Chapter Twelve


  It was nice of Gideon and Anthony to invite Declan and I on their coastal road trip. They have even rented a van to fit all five of us into the vehicle. We listen to different varieties of music, like Anthony's mix of Iron and Wine, and Kodaline to Gideon's love of what he calls Lo-fi Hip-Hop, to Alex's playlist of heavy metal and 80's hair bands to Declan's and mine mix of Queen, AC/DC and Journey. We talk and play car games. Anthony and Gideon argue about who was supposed to have locked the door that morning, but then they solve the issue by calling Greta to check on the house.

  We drive for hours until we hit Newport, Oregon. We pull into the parking lot of the hotel we are staying at, only a fifteen minute walk to the beach. After checking in, we all head down to the pool. Gideon and Anthony have already made friends with a couple that was in town for their honeymoon by the time the three of us have come down after making love in our hotel room. The woman is a sweet third grade teacher, and the man is a firefighter. They are from Nevada. They tell us their names are Cheryl and Thomas.

  We spend the afternoon with Cheryl and Thomas, we even meet them for a late lunch at a restaurant in town. Gideon and the woman really hit it off, bonding over their love for house flipping shows. Thomas and I bond over the fact that both of our families served the community in some capacity. He comes from a long line of firefighters and military officers, and I come from a long line of cops.

  After lunch with the newlyweds we all head to he beach despite the chilly weather, at least the sun is out. Gideon starts a game of touch football with Alex, Declan and some college kids. Anthony and I lay in the sun, but stay bundled in our jackets, Anthony's engrossed in a book and I'm engrossed in watching my men play in the sand.

  “Do you love him?” Anthony asks me.

  His question takes me by surprise, but mostly because he had been so quiet up until now. I look over at him. His blond hair is pushed back from his face, but some of the tendrils have come loose and blow in the breeze. Sunglasses are perched on his nose, hiding his eyes.

  “Who? Alex?”

  He nods.

  I look at Alex, and my heart swells. “Yeah, I love him.”

  “Does Delcan?”

  I look at Declan who is looking at Alex. There's a look of pure contentment, pure happiness on his face when he looks at Alex. It's hard to look away from the joy radiating off of him. Any fool could tell how Declan feels about Alex.

  “Yeah. I think he does.”

  Anthony nods. “Good. I think you guys are good for him.”

  “You haven't known him very long,” I observe. “How do you know?”

  “From what I have seen, and from what Gideon has told me. Alex is a good guy, and he deserves good guys. You guys are some of the best guys I know.”

  I smile. “You getting all sappy on me, Palmer?”

  He snorts. “Maybe the sun is getting to me. It's frying my brain,” he retorts drily.

  Anthony goes back to his novel, and I go back to enjoying the sun and the view of my men. This vacation was greatly needed. There's nothing better than relaxing on the beach, sun beating down on you, surrounded by friendship and love.


  Two weeks definitely isn't enough time for a vacation. After leaving Newport we drove down to Gold Beach, then San Francisco, and now we were in L.A. It's Thanksgiving week, so we were going to throw a small Thanksgiving dinner in the kitchen of the cottage we were staying in. Declan had sent me and Gideon down to the grocery store to get wine for dinner. The store's packed, everyone seems to have waited until the last minute to get what they needed for dinner. I'm waiting for Gideon to finish helping a woman get a bag of dinner rolls from the back of a shelf when I hear a voice I never thought I would ever hear again.


  God, did he always sound so condescending when he said my name? How have I never noticed how much I hate it when he calls me Alexander? I see Gideon look over his shoulder and stiffen. He and Oliver had never got along.

  Was it too late to run?

  I turn and there stands Oliver wearing tan slacks and a lilac polo. His hair styled perfectly, not a strand out of place. He looks good, and for some reason that pisses me off. Oliver has always been handsome. He has light brown hair, brown eyes and a small scar that bisects his left eyebrow; an injury from playing rugby. Because of course he played rugby. Tony is standing next to him wearing black slacks, and a baby pink button up. I notice Tony's missing the large diamond (Yes, it was real diamond) earring he wore when he first started working at the clinic. He's clean shaven, hair styled close to the same fashion as Oliver's.

  “Hey,” I offer lamely, what the fuck else could I say? How fucked up is the universe that I would see Oliver and Tony on my vacation, in L.A. of all places.

  “How are you?” Oliver asks, taking a step closer to me.

  I back up, right into Gideon. The old woman is gone. Gideon rests a hand on my shoulder. He's got me. He's had my back ever since the first year of college.


  “Are you seeing anyone?” His voice sounds like he already knows the answer to that. There's a resenting anger to it. The only answer to that could be that he's been stalking my social medias.


  He nods. “Good. That's.....good.”

  I shake my head. “What are you doing here, Oliver?”

  He flinches. I have never called him Oliver unless I was mad at him. He was always Ollie. “Tony's parents live here. We're visiting them for the Holiday.”

  I nod. Of course they are. I forgot that Tony had grown up in L.A. Oliver would never bother visiting my parents when we were together, but then again my parents live in a small ass town, his new boyfriend's parents live in the big city. They were rich. Los Angeles has everything Oliver loves. Shit, if I remembered correctly, Tony's parents had something to do with the entertainment industry.

  “We should go,” Gideon says. “The guys are waiting on us.”

  I nod. Before I can turn, Tony grabs my arm. He's so close to me we're sharing the same breath. I don't reel back like I would have if Oliver grabbed me. There's something about Tony that I pity. His light blue eyes are sad, and I wonder what has caused that sadness. But I don't ask. I have to remember that this is the man that my boyfriend of eight years cheated on me with.

  “I'm so sorry,” Tony whispers so low that only I can hear him. “I didn't know you guys were still together when he—when I—when it happened. He told me you guys broke up.”

  “And yet, you're still with him.”

  He pales. “I...I...I'm sorry, Alex.”

  I shrug. “What's done is done, Tony. I don't care anymore. I just hope he doesn't suck the life out of you like he did me.”

  But looking at the slacks, the polo, the lack of earrings and the way he styled his hair, I can tell it's already begun.

  I pull back and turn to walk away. Gideon's arm goes around my shoulder. “Well, that was less of a shit show then I imagined.”

  I couldn't help but chuckle. “Shut up, Gid.”

  “Let's go home.”

  Yes, please. I needed to go home and see my men.

  ~ ~ ~

  As soon as we're in the house I immediately find Declan in the kitchen. He's still slaving over dinner, but I go to him, taking the spatula from his hand and wrapping myself around him. I bury my face in the safety of his broad chest. He wraps his arms around me, and I sigh and inhale his smoky scent.

  “What's all this?” he asks, but I don't answer. “Baby?”

  “You feel like home,” I say. I meant to only think the words, but they spill out of my mouth before I can stop them.

  He pulls back and cups my chin. His dark eyes burrowing into my soul. “What's wrong?”

  “We saw Oliver at the market,” Gideon offers.

  I look over at him. He's sitting on the couch next to Anthony. Anthony is seemingly engrossed in a novel, but I can tell he's not actually reading it.

  “Will you guys keep an eye on dinner?” Declan asks, taking my hand and leading me out to the backyard.

  We find Lucky sitting under a tree in the backyard, watching a movie on his tablet. He smiles when he sees us, and pauses his movie. His hair glitters like copper in the sunlight. And then he sees my face and his smile falls.

  “What's wrong?” he asks.

  “Alex needs us,” Declan says.

  In the next second Lucky is standing and I am sandwiched between my men. Enveloped in their smoky, spicy, sweet scents. Their big arms are wrapped around me, and I just stand there basking in the comfort of the men I love. I don't know how long we stand like that for. Seconds, minutes, hours. I don't care. I just want to stay with them wrapped around me like this forever.

  “I love you both,” I say.

  They both pull back to look at me. Lucky's hand goes to my left cheek and Declan's goes to my right. “We love you too,” they say in unison.

  “Let's go back inside.”

  When we head inside. Anthony and Gideon are nowhere to be seen. Dinner has been pulled off the stove and put away. The house is quiet, and the van is no longer in the driveway. The three of us head to the room we are sharing.

  Lucky immediately strips me down while Declan finds the supplies we need. He comes back with lube and no condoms. We haven't done it without a condom yet. Even though I had been tested weeks ago and came back clean. We have talked about it though. I shiver.

  “On the bed,” Declan instructs. “Kneeling, facing the wall.”

  I do as he says, bracing my hands against the wall. Lucky climbs up behind me, and then Declan behind him. Lucky kisses between my shoulder blades, up to my neck where he sucks on the tendon. I hiss in a breath. Slick fingers are at my hole, teasing me open.

  Lucky's ragged breath is behind me, and I know Declan is teasing him in the same fashion that Lucky is teasing me, fingers thrust deep inside, pressing against those bundles of nerves. I want to watch them, they are so beautiful together, but I like it this way.

  Lucky's fingers disappear and then his cock is there, nudging me.

  “Please,” I beg. “Please, please, please.”

  Lucky thrusts into me in one go, he screams as he enters me, and I know it's because Declan entered him at the same moment. The pleasure's too much for him.

  I love this. All of us connected together. Every time Declan thrusts into Lucky, Lucky thrusts into me. We make love sweet and slow, all three of us moving in synch. My hand goes to my cock and I pump, twisting when I come up.

  Fingers enter me alongside Lucky's cock, and I don't know how, but I know they're Declan's. His fingers had to the friction, stretching me even wider.

  “I gonna—”

  I don't even get the words out before I explode all over the bed. Then there's a shout behind me, and Declan's cumming in Lucky. His jerky movements causing Lucky to jerk inside of me.

  “Alex!” Lucky screams.

  And then he's filling me. His hot seed spilling into me, claiming me. We all collapse together on the bed in a tangle of sweaty limbs.

  As we lay there, Declan's fingers enter my ass that's still filled with Lucky's jizz. I can feel it leaking down my leg.

  “I'm getting at this ass,” he says, pumping his fingers in and out of me. I wiggle against Lucky. “I'm going to claim you too. The whole world is going to know you belong to us.”


  We lay there for a few more moments, and then when we were ready Lucky gets on all fours in front of me. Declan goes behind me, and then he makes good on his promise. His Prince Albert feels ten times better rubbing against me then it does with a condom. Soon I am cumming again, and Declan's cum mixes with Lucky's inside of me.

  They've claimed me completely: heart, body, mind and soul.

  “I love you,” he growls in my ear after his softening cock leaves me. “I love you both so much.”




  The ride out to the lake is as beautiful as ever. I ride on the VLX that Lucky has fixed up, apparently it's mine now. A late birthday present since he didn't finish fixing it until January. I told him I didn't need anything material; him and Declan were enough, but they both insisted. I met both of their parents months ago after we returned from our road trip with Anthony and Gideon, and they had loved me. They didn't fully understand the dynamic between the three of us, but they were happy we were happy. A month ago Lucky and Declan insisted I moved in with them, and there was no way I was refusing that offer. It really has been an exquisite few months.

  The roar of the motorcycles cut out as we park our bikes along the lake's shore. There aren't many people out today since it was slightly chilly and cloudy, but I preferred it this way. More alone time with my men.

Surely, it wasn't healthy to be this obsessed with the men you are in love with; it was never like this with Oliver. I just wanted to be with Lucky and Declan all the time, and when I wasn't with them all I thought about was them. Surely, that wasn't healthy. Shit, even if it isn't healthy I don't want it to change. I want to be sick like this forever.

  We make our way down the path to the waterfall that Declan had showed me back in September. It's a quick stop before we head into Seattle to watch Diabolic Divas 2. The water's thawing with the incoming spring, but the trees are still bare from winter, but it's no less beautiful. I'm too busy gazing out at the pool of water that I don't notice the pair of them sink to their knees.

  When I turn they were both holding out a box, a silver band in each. They're looking up at me with matching smiles, and it's then that I see they also had rings on their ring fingers. They had shown me the rings before, it was the rings they proposed to each other with when they had graduated college, they rarely wore them. They had wanted to keep them safe until they got married.

  And now they were proposing to me. They both are beautiful. Lucky with his red hair and freckles and a megawatt smile. Declan with his dark features, his broad body, and his crooked smile.

  God, I'm so in love with them.

  “Are you proposing?” I ask without filtering the words coming out of my mouth.

  “We are,” Lucky says, taking the ring out of the box. “Alex, I love you so much I don't know what to do with the amount of it sometimes. I always thought that there was only one person I was meant to be with, but then you came along and I knew from the start that you were meant to be with us. You complete us. Will you marry us? Not officially, of course, since that's not allowed, but I will be so honored, so overjoyed if you wore my ring.”


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