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Winter’s Fairytale

Page 18

by Maxine Morrey

  ‘Do they fit?’ Rob asked, ‘Walk around.’

  I marched around for a few moments, feeling a bit daft but having it not matter because Rob and Jenny were laughing along with me.

  ‘They fit fine.’ I said, ‘Especially once I put socks on, they’ll be perfect.’

  ‘Good.’ He smiled and began heading out of the room.

  I ran to catch up with him, wellies slapping against my bare legs. ‘Rob, wait!’

  He stopped and smiled as he looked down at my feet. ‘They suit you.’

  ‘I really do love them. Thank you. But I’d rather I paid for them.’

  His smile faded a little. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because you shouldn’t be buying me things.’

  ‘I’ve bought you one thing. And why shouldn’t I? You needed them.’

  ‘Well, we’re not… I mean. It’s…’

  ‘Not like we’re not dating, so that means I can’t buy you anything. Is that it?’

  ‘Yes. I suppose so.’ I pulled a face.

  ‘Do you ever buy Mags presents? Does she get you stuff?’

  ‘Yes, all the time, but that’s different.’

  ‘Why is it different? You’re friends. We’re friends. I think you get too hung up on the whole boy-girl thing sometimes, Izz. With me at least.’

  ‘With you?’

  ‘Yes. Can I ask you something?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘The other day at the coffee shop. That Brett bloke.’

  ‘What about him?’

  Rob ran his hand over his hair back and forth quickly, before backing further into the hall and taking a seat on the bench there. ‘Are you seeing him?’

  ‘Brett? No! Of course not. Why do you ask?’

  ‘It’s just that you seemed very… comfortable with one another.’

  I couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Funny, that’s what he said about you.’

  A crooked half smile appeared on Rob’s face. ‘Did he now?’

  ‘He did. And he’s like a brother to me. That’s why we’re comfortable. He’s known me since the day I was born. We grew up together.’

  ‘Which is why he knew, like I know, that you’re lying about how you did that.’ He pointed to my arm. Mike had unwrapped it last night and the bruise, although still several shades of the rainbow, was fading and the whole thing felt a lot easier than it had at the beginning of the week.

  I gave a big sigh and plopped down next to him on the bench, shuffling my bottom back so that my grape welly encased feet could swing. I lifted them up and looked at them, smiling. They made me happy. But there was no avoiding the subject now that he’d brought it up. I took a deep breath and started.

  ‘I went back to the flat that night and met Peter.’ I felt Rob go still beside me. I put my hand on his, ‘It’s all right. Nothing much happened.’

  ‘Nothing much indicates that something did. I’m not feeling reassured here, Izzy.’

  I continued on. ‘The rain was pouring down. I was soaked from walking from the station and upset because you and I had argued, and he was just going out to the bins. I thought of all the times he’d made my skin creep and, feeling in a bit of a bitchy mood, I closed the door behind me, instead of leaving it open for him. He took exception to it. I let him back in because he was hammering on the glass and I could just see that going everywhere. When I walked away he yanked on my coat and I stumbled back down a stair or two. I whacked my hand when I grabbed for the banister. That was it. I told him I’d kick the crap out of him if he tried anything like that again and I must have bluffed pretty well because I haven’t seen him since.’

  ‘You should have told me.’

  ‘No. I don’t think I should. You or Brett.’

  ‘I don’t want you going back there on your own.’

  ‘I live there. I have to go back. But I promise you, I am looking for somewhere else. Seriously looking.’

  ‘You could stay with me. It’s closer to work, and I’d be glad of the company.’

  ‘Rob, that’s really kind of you. But I couldn’t do that. I wouldn’t want to cramp your style for a start.’

  He shook his head slowly then leant over and kissed me on the temple. ‘We’ll talk about this again after Christmas.’ He pushed himself up off the bench and headed towards the stairs. I scooted myself off the bench and caught up with him, ducking under his arm and taking a couple of steps in front of him before turning around, my eye line now more on a level with his, for once.

  ‘What are you doing?’ he laughed.

  ‘Thank you for the boots. They’re gorgeous!’

  ‘You’re welcome.’

  I leant forward from the stair to bestow a thank you kiss. Apparently my impression of a baby deer had stuck with him because his hands automatically went to my waist, steadying me, as he smiled at me in a way that was soft and familiar. And I swear that, even though that smile was ricocheting around in my brain, I really did have every intention of going for his cheek. But somehow, with me going for one cheek and him thinking I was going for the other, my lips ended up square on his. For a split second my eyes flew wide open but immediately closed again as my hands slid from his shoulders to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Rob’s hands tightened on my waist the moment our lips touched, and as the kiss deepened, one arm wrapped itself around me and pulled me close. The other was now resting on my lower back and I could feel the warmth of his splayed hand through my dress. I pulled away slowly, my eyes locked on his. I wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened and I wanted to see if Rob’s expression gave me any clue. Nope. Just that lazy smile. Which right now was really making me want a repeat performance. Did he have any idea just how sexy that smile was? I was pretty sure the answer was no. And more to the point, how had I managed to come this far without noticing exactly how sexy that smile was? There I had a pretty good idea. I’d be so busy burying myself in work and trying to forget the humiliation of the past that I’d cut myself off from any sense that there might just be a chance of real happiness in my future. But maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t too late.

  ‘Like I said, thank you for the boots.’

  ‘Like I said, you’re very welcome.’ He leant in, gave me another very quick, very soft, kiss straight smack on the lips and then moved past me and headed up the stairs, throwing me a grin as he did so.

  ‘Come on, those boots are getting their first outing.’

  Shortly after, we all traipsed out, bundled up against at the cold with hats, mittens, coats, and scarfs and spent a lovely couple of hours in the forest, wandering along one of the accessible trails, watching the deer and the ponies and running around with the dog – who was having such fun with all his visitors, that he didn’t know who to run to first. Back at the house, we spent the next few hours gathered in the living room, drinking real hot chocolate and enjoying the fire that John had now got burning.

  I finished my drink and lifted the little project bag that contained Jenny’s veil onto my lap. With most of it hidden from Mike, I began stitching on a few more of the tiny beads that would form part of her headdress.

  ‘We really can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done, you know, Izzy.’ Eleanor said. I looked up and saw tears shining in her eyes. Her husband noticed too and put his arm around her. ‘It’s all right, love.’ he whispered, and then kissed her temple, just as Rob had kissed mine earlier. Just before he’d really kissed me.

  I dropped my glance back down to my work as I thought about that. About how it had felt. About how I felt.

  ‘Having me here is more than enough thanks.’ I said, truthfully, and flicked a quick smile at them as emotions bubbled through me.

  ‘I know you work hard, but it’s a lovely job to have I think.’ Eleanor said.

  ‘It is.’ I agreed.

  ‘Do you think you’ll make your own wedding gown?’

  I saw from the look on her face that she realised what she’d said immediately. Caught up in the warm glow of the fire, the season and the upcom
ing celebration of Jenny and Mike, Eleanor was just carried away with thinking romantically.

  ‘Oh my dear!’ Her hand flew to her mouth, ‘I didn’t mean…I–’

  ‘Oh Eleanor! Don’t be silly! It’s absolutely fine. Honestly! Please don’t upset yourself.’ I could see she was completely mortified by having accidentally brought up the subject of me and marriages. But what I’d said was true. It was fine. I was ok with it now. ‘Right now I’m more than happy to be making dresses for other people and just concentrating on my business.’ I gave her a reassuring smile and went back to working on Jen’s headdress.

  ‘I’d better take the dog for a walk.’ Rob got up from where he was sat beside me. Until this point, Harold had been contentedly sleeping with one paw on my foot but as Rob moved and he simultaneously heard the word “walk”, he was up and ready to go, scooting around Rob’s legs and almost tripping over his own feet in his excitement. ‘Come on boy.’ Rob called.

  ‘Do you want some company, mate?’ Mike asked. I saw a look pass between them. I didn’t know if it was a military thing but Mike seemed to have that unreadable expression on his face, just like the one Rob occasionally wore. It was, though, apparently only unreadable to me. Rob seemed to understand it completely.

  ‘No, you’re all right. I’ve actually got a couple of calls to make anyway, but thanks for the offer.’

  ‘No problem.’

  ‘Don’t be too late. The guests are arriving from six.’

  ‘Understood.’ Rob gave his mum a little smile and salute and headed out towards the kitchen, Harold still dancing around his legs. A few minutes later, we heard the back door open and close.

  ‘Harold’s going to be pooped tonight, that’s for sure.’ John commented.

  ‘Oh. I shouldn’t think Rob will go far.’

  ‘No, probably not. Well, the dog won’t complain.’

  He certainly didn’t complain but he was spark out in his bed, which had been put in the utility room for the evening, and snoring contentedly, when guests started arriving for the party a few hours later.

  ‘Wow!’ Jenny said when I came into the kitchen.

  ‘Is it all right?’ I said, ‘When I asked Rob what sort of dress code it was, he was a bit vague. I kind of worked out that it was a sort of cocktail dress affair. But I have something I can change into if you think this is too much?’ I’d picked out a strapless number in blue silk that was shot through with purple, and had tied a silk chiffon bolero over the top.

  ‘Don’t you dare change a thing!’ Eleanor walked in behind me, ‘You look gorgeous! It’s perfect.’

  I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Oh good! Now, is there anything I can do?’

  Rob must have gone further than his parents thought he might because when we’d all started heading off to go and get ready, he still hadn’t returned. He’d texted Jenny to say that he’d met a friend from school and was going to go for a quick drink with him, so to let their mum know he’d be a bit late, but still back in time for the party. I must have been in the shower when he came back because I hadn’t heard him go past the door to his own room. I’d wanted to stick my head out and just check that he was ok. I couldn’t shake the feeling that him walking the dog this afternoon had been a sudden inclination rather than a planned excursion. Something about it had just seemed a little off. He’d seemed a little off. As it was, I hadn’t had the chance. Until now.

  Rob was leaning against the wall, chatting to a man I’d not met. Dressed in a gunmetal grey suit that was beautifully cut and definitely not off the peg, he looked pretty damn gorgeous, I had to admit. The blue shirt he’d chosen to go under it provided just the right amount of contrast. He’d opted to forgo a tie and had left the collar open, managing to look relaxed but formal all at the same time. I felt a spark zip through me as I remembered the feel of him against me, kissing me. He caught me watching him and smiled. But it wasn’t the smile of earlier. Then again, maybe that was a good thing, considering there were a whole lot of people about, and it was already pretty warm in here. He pushed himself off the wall and excused himself from the company, heading towards me.

  ‘You look nice.’ he said.

  I did my best not to let the smile on my face drop. I’d got a “wow” from Jenny, and a “gorgeous” from Eleanor but apparently only ranked as “nice” with Rob.


  He didn’t appear inclined to say any more so I took the initiative.

  ‘Great suit, by the way.’



  He tilted his head. ‘Yes. I had a business trip to Milan a few months ago. Thought I’d go crazy. How did you know?’

  ‘I’m interested in men’s tailoring. I keep up with things.’ I teased, ‘I wouldn’t want to do it day in, day out, but I keep an interest.’

  ‘Because you’re happy right now creating wedding dresses for other people.’ He paraphrased the reply I’d given to his mum earlier. And I wasn’t sure why.

  ‘Yes.’ I looked at him a little unsure. His expression gave nothing away. Fine. I’ll do it then.

  ‘Look Rob,’ I said, lowering my voice a little so that no one could overhear, ‘About earlier.’


  I gave him a look.

  ‘Oh, you mean when you kissed me?’

  I kissed him? Well yes, technically but…

  ‘Yes, but I seem to remember you being on the other end of that kiss.’


  When he seemed disinclined to say any more, I prompted him.


  He pulled a face, half smiling, half confused. ‘And what, Izz? I really hope you’re not dissecting that? I’ve said before you read too much into things. Like with the boots. You needed boots, I got you boots. But then you’re worried about some rule you’ve made up in your head that gifts can only be received from friends if they’re female.’

  ‘That’s not entirely fair.’ I tried to defend myself.

  ‘Yeah it is, Izzy. You read too much into that, and you’re reading too much into this. Yes, we kissed. It was nice. Don’t ruin it by breaking it open to see how it works.’

  ‘It was nice?’ I repeated. Nice was apparently his word of the evening. And it had sure as hell felt a lot more than nice to me and from his response, nice didn’t cover it for him either, at the time. I mean, I know there was more attraction there than just “nice”. I felt it. And I’m not just talking metaphorically. I mean I felt it.

  ‘Didn’t you think so?’

  ‘Of course I thought so but I also thought–’

  ‘Robert! There you are. Mummy said she’d seen you. I hope you’re not hiding from me.’

  The brunette that had just walked in on our conversation with her impossibly long legs and shampoo advert worthy hair then endowed us with a tinkly little laugh. I’d never heard anyone actually laugh like that outside of a 1950s film.

  ‘Caroline. What man would ever want to hide from you? You look stunning, as always.’ Rob’s attention was firmly shifted. And apparently he’d found a new word. I’d got “nice”, she got “stunning”. Even if it was true. Which it was. Which made it even more irritating. She did the laugh again.

  ‘Isn’t he the charmer?’

  I smiled widely, ‘Quite.’

  She raked her eyes over him and I chewed the inside of my lip, feeling superfluous and trying to think of a way to leave without it seeming like I was flouncing off.

  ‘Has it really been five years? You know you haven’t changed a bit. Still as gorgeous as ever. So, doesn’t an old friend get a hello kiss?’ she asked him, the question so loaded I was amazed it didn’t clang on the floor.

  He didn’t reply with words. He didn’t have to. The kiss was enough. For me too. A bubble of petulance threatened to pop out and I was milliseconds away from asking him if that was “nice” too when I squashed it back down and flushed it away with a large gulp of champagne.

  ‘Now Rob, you
haven’t introduced us?’ the woman chided him, her arm snaking possessively around his waist.

  ‘Caroline, this is Isabel Bryant. She’s a friend from London. Izzy, this is Caroline Bennett. Her parents live the other end of the village. We went to school together.’

  She held out her perfectly manicured hand with its Christmas red nails, ‘We did a lot of things together!’ she laughed, shaking my hand.

  ‘Nice to meet you.’ I smiled, lying through my teeth. I might have been stupid when it came to thinking Rob felt more than he did. More than I did. But I hadn’t missed her meaning in the apparently conspiratorial comment she’d just shared with me. I’d seen it in her eyes. We have history. Back off! Well, that was fine. I’d seen something in his eyes too as he looked at her. And I couldn’t blame him. She was flat out gorgeous. And just his type.

  I was such an idiot. Rob was right. I did read into things too much. He’d kissed me back but it hadn’t really meant anything. And I’d started it, for heaven’s sake. It was my own fault. He was kind and being friendly and accepting a kiss between two single people. That’s all it meant to him. But it was all irrelevant because that moment, that kiss, this whole thing of being here with him, had woken me up to the fact that I was, to my utter surprise, in love with Rob Winchester. And he wasn’t in love with me. Perfect.

  ‘It was nice of Rob to invite you down for the holidays.’ Caroline said, baiting her hook and casting the line out again.

  ‘Actually it was Mum and Dad.’ Rob put in, faster than I could open my mouth.

  ‘Oh! How sweet.’ Caroline’s smile spread even further and her hand splayed and rested on Rob’s belt, just above his hip.

  ‘Yes. It was.’

  ‘Jenny had a bit of a disaster with her wedding dress. Izzy is making her a new one. It saved a lot of hassle for everyone if Izzy came here to do it, fittings and so on, apparently.’ He shrugged his shoulders at Caroline, as if to say, ‘what do I know about weddings’.


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