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Winter’s Fairytale

Page 19

by Maxine Morrey

  Seriously, Rob? She’s got the idea that I’m not a threat. There’s no need to make me sound like I’m bloody staff! I threw him a dagger laden glance. I couldn’t tell if he understood it or not.

  ‘No, that would make sense. And how sweet of you to do that for her.’

  Hello? Can we all say “patronising”?

  ‘Not really. It’s my job. I’m a bridal designer. She’s paying me to do it.’ Ok, not the full story but I didn’t like the air of superiority Caroline Bennett was surrounding herself with. And Rob really wasn’t helping.

  ‘I see. I’ve been hearing all about this wedding.’ she said, pouting at Rob.

  Ha! She didn’t have an invite. Good. Childish, I know. But still. Good!

  ‘It’s a shame I won’t get to see it.’

  ‘Jenny said the local newspaper is coming, so you’ll at least get to see some pictures.’ I gave her a smile that I knew from hours and hours of dealing with difficult and stressed women came across as genuine. Even if it wasn’t. I knew exactly what she was angling for – an invite to be Rob’s plus one. I’d seen Jenny’s face and heard her groan when her dad had mentioned he’d had to extend the invite for tonight to include Caroline. I was pretty sure she wouldn’t want this woman at her wedding. Either way, it was her decision to have her there. Not something that should be imposed on her by her brother not thinking with his brain.

  ‘Is that so? How lovely. Then I’ll have to look out for that.’ She smiled at me. Clearly she’d had far less practice at it because there was no way anyone could have missed its coldness.

  She turned to Rob and whispered something to him, which resulted in a smile. I felt sick. I needed to get away. Their attention diverted with each other, I took the opportunity to knock my drink back in one.

  ‘Oh! Empty glass. Better rectify that,’ I said, ‘Would you excuse me?’ I didn’t wait for an answer but headed off to the kitchen where I found a bottle of bubbles chilling in an ice bucket. Filling my glass, I knocked it back again. I half-filled it once more and put the bottle back in the bucket. I munched on some peanuts and peered back towards the party. Caroline and Rob were still looking cosy and perfect. In the background, Michael Bublé was crooning something about wanting someone to fall in love with him over Christmas. Great. You know your love life is toilet bound when even the ever chirpy Mickey Bubbles starts mocking you. Picking up my glass, I headed out to the hall and delved into the handbag I’d left hanging on one of the coat hooks. Pulling my phone out, I texted Mags.

  Hi sweetie. How’s things?

  True to form, she responded within seconds.

  Absolutely bloody crazy. B/f coping well. Good sign. A laughing emoticon followed this snippet. I smiled, glad that my friend, my very man fussy friend, seemed to really have found someone. And someone that could cope with the chaos that ensued when her whole family got together. That really was a find.

  How’s it going with you?

  My fingers hovered over the keys. I switched to the contact screen and focused on the “call” button. What should I say? I knew she’d want to know. I actually had a feeling that she already did know, or at least had an inkling about how I felt for Rob. She was good with sussing out people. Probably because she didn’t trust them straightaway. The fact that she’d always liked Rob more than Steven should have told me something. Especially when Brett said the same thing last week. As if thinking of him hit a chord in the universe, my phone buzzed again.

  Brett says have you snogged him yet? What does he know that I don’t????

  Oh great. Thanks Brett. How to explain this? Well, yes I have. Except all it’s done is make me look a complete idiot. But the problem is I’ve now realised I’m head over heels for him but he’s not interested. He thinks I’m “nice”. However, he thinks his neighbour is a whole lot more than nice. And I’m desperately wishing I’d come and stayed with you because then I might never have come to the realisation that I’m in love with him and then it wouldn’t hurt as much as it does right now.

  I went back to the text screen on my phone.

  I think the only thing Brett knows is how to drink a lot more than you. Let me ask you – has he been drinking?

  It’s Christmas Eve! Of course he’s been drinking!

  Well, there’s your answer. Seriously. Nothing to tell.

  I wasn’t about to ruin Mags’ Christmas. If she knew I was miserable, she would be too, and I wasn’t having that.

  Ok. Let me know if that changes.

  She ended with a wink. Oh crap. She did know how I felt about him. I could see several bottles of wine in our joint future.

  Although I have fallen for Harold…

  Who’s Harold??? Tell me tell me.

  I pulled up a cute picture I’d taken of him out on the walk earlier and sent it to her.

  Awww, adorable! Not exactly what I had in mind but at least an improvement on your previous choice.

  This time a pokey tongue face ended the reply.

  Ha ha! Although, true.

  She did have a point.

  Better go. Will speak to you tomorrow. Happy Christmas Eve, Magsy. Love you lots! And give my love to everyone else. Xxxx

  And to you! Have a great time there! Love you too… Brett says he wants you to deliver your love personally… for which I apologise. LOL xxx

  As I said, definitely drunk! LOL! Xxx

  Honestly, it would probably be so much simpler if Brett actually meant that – which we all knew he didn’t. I read the text again. ‘Have a great time there’. I should. Mags was right. That’s exactly what I should do. I put the phone back in my bag and, picking up my glass, set my sights on having a good time.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ‘There you are!’ Jenny called, waving to me from across the room. I squeezed through with an assortment of ‘excuse me’s and came up to her, taking the hand she was holding out to me. Mike gave me a little look from his position next to her, perched on the arm of a chair, and laughed. Jenny was plastered.

  ‘I thought you’d gone!’

  ‘Gone? Where would I go?’ I laughed, ‘Especially in these shoes!’ I waggled my heeled foot in the air. ‘There’s a foot and a half of snow out there already.’

  ‘Well I’m glad you haven’t gone. Especially now Caroline Bennett’s shown up.’ Mike pulled a face at me while Jenny made a ‘Bleugh’ noise.

  ‘Jen!’ I said, shooshing her, but laughing at the same time.

  ‘Weeellll.’ she said, as if that explained it all. ‘Have you met her?’ she asked.

  ‘Oh yes.’ I said, taking a swig of my drink.

  ‘Then you know exactly what I mean. God knows what Rob sees in her.’

  ‘I think that’s pretty obvious.’

  ‘Apart from the obvious.’

  ‘Hate to tell you, Jen. For a lot of men, the “obvious” is more than enough. No offence, Mike.’

  ‘None taken.’ he replied, shrugging his shoulders as if at least in part agreeing with me.

  ‘I thought we’d seen the last of her when she dumped him before.’

  ‘She dumped him?’

  ‘Yeah. Effectively. But I guess she’s back as she’s now draped all over my brother yet again.’ Jenny took a swig of her drink. ‘Oh joy.’

  We all looked towards where Caroline and Rob were standing, laughing and chatting with another couple. Jenny was right. Draped was the right word. And the worst part, aside from the fact that he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it, was that they actually looked good together. Both tall, gorgeous, sexy. They looked like they belonged together.

  ‘Oh shit. They’re coming over.’ Jenny yanked me down onto the pouffe that was beside her. ‘Do not leave me with her.’

  ‘Mike’s here. It’s–’ I caught a glance at her face, ‘Nope. Right, got it. Not leaving.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She squeezed my hand.

  I had a horrible feeling I knew what Rob and Caroline’s intention was in coming over to see his sister. It was true I didn’t know
Caroline. But I’d met people like her, and all I’d heard so far only backed up my theory. Even Mr and Mrs Winchester didn’t like her, and they pretty much seemed to like everyone. Hell, they’d invited me to stay with them on the basis of one evening! I wrangled with myself as to whether to say anything. I had no intention of stirring the pot but I didn’t want Jenny put in a difficult position either.

  ‘Jen. I’ve a feeling that Caroline might be after an invitation to the wedding. Especially now.’ I finished, as we all watched her lift her thumb to Rob’s mouth, ostensibly to brush off a crumb, I guessed, but there was no mistaking the sexuality in the move, for anyone watching. And there was definitely no question that Rob understood it. His lips curved and he lifted a hand to cover her own. He leant over and whispered something. She laughed that laugh again and they continued their path towards us.

  ‘Over my dead body.’ Jenny said, a steel in her voice that I’d not heard until now. I glanced across at Mike. He gave me a tiny shake of his head.

  ‘Jennifer!’ Caroline enthused, but made no move to either hold out her hand or hug Jenny. That, along with it being the first time I’d heard anyone use Jen’s full name, told me everything I needed to know.

  ‘Hello Caroline.’

  ‘Congratulations on your wedding.’


  I reminded myself never to get on the wrong side of Jenny. I was pretty sure that if I went outside right now and played snow angels it would still be warmer than this conversation.

  ‘And is this the lucky man?’ Caroline swung her hair and batted her lashes at Mike, all the while keeping a possessive arm around Rob. Quite the achievement.

  Jenny glared at her.

  ‘How do you do?’ Mike shook her hand but there was no warmth there. It was all very formal. I was obviously missing something. Rob shot him a look. Mike gave him a blank one in return. What the hell was going on here?

  ‘Robert tells me Isabel is making your dress?’

  ‘Yes. Rob’s right. Izzy is. It’s beautiful.’

  ‘I’d love to see it.’

  Uh oh.

  ‘Sorry. Big reveal on the wedding day!’ Jenny smiled and took a sip of her champagne. I followed suit. Over the top of our glasses both of us watched as Caroline gave Rob puppy dog eyes.

  ‘Oh good grief.’ Jenny whispered.

  ‘Jen?’ Rob began.


  I made a casual glance around. This was going to be awkward. More than that, it was going to cause an atmosphere between Rob and Jenny, not only for Christmas, but also for the wedding. After everything they’d been through, how could Rob let this woman manipulate him like that? If it was clear to me earlier that Jenny didn’t like her, then he certainly knew. I couldn’t believe that he’d put his chance of getting a shag before the happiness of his sister on her wedding day. Apparently neither could Mike.

  ‘Rob, mate. Can I borrow you for a sec?’

  Rob turned from where he’d begun addressing Jenny. Mike had stood and was now waiting for Rob to accompany him. It was clear to all of us that although a request, Mike wasn’t expecting no for an answer.

  Rob waited a beat, his gaze fixed on his friend’s, before he gave a quick smile and said ‘Sure.’

  He turned to go, ‘I’ll be right back.’ he said to Caroline before following Mike through to the other room.

  When they returned a few minutes later, they were both wearing their impassive masks. Mike retook his position and slipped his hand down to take hold of Jenny’s.

  ‘Right. Back. Sorry about that,’ Rob apologised to Caroline, ‘I’ve just seen the Mitchells arrive. Let’s go and say hello.’ He clearly had no intention of finishing the request she’d asked him to make for her place at the wedding. I had a feeling that had a lot to do with Mike. Mike who, until now, I’d not seen say or do anything against his friend. Caroline really must be something. And she was not happy.

  ‘Actually, I’ve got a headache coming on. I think I’m just going to go home.’

  Wow. Sulking. Mature.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Jenny hide a smile behind her champagne glass.

  ‘I’ll take you.’

  ‘No. It’s fine.’ She smiled at Rob with all the warmth of an icepop, ‘I’ll see if Mummy and Daddy want to stay. If they do, I’ll just call a taxi.’ She put a hand to her head dramatically.

  ‘Oh for…’ The rest of Jen’s comment was lost in her glass.

  ‘Come on. I’ll take you.’ Rob put a hand on her back and steered her towards the front door, grabbing the keys to his Range Rover and a jacket as he did so.

  ‘Guess it was lucky that he didn’t drink tonight.’ I said.

  ‘He always takes the Andersons home after Mum and Dad’s party. She knew that too. She knew he’d take her home. She’ll be working on him getting her an invitation.’ Jen and I swapped a look then both hurriedly made our way to the front door and peered out of the adjacent windows, hiding ourselves as much as possible behind the curtains, one each side before peeking out.

  ‘Oh she’s turned the waterworks on.’ Jenny sounded disgusted, ‘If he falls for that, I’ll bloody kill him. I do not want that woman at my wedding.’

  ‘She won’t be at the wedding, sweetheart.’ Mike said from his position on the stairs, an amused look on his face as he sat watching us both acting like bad spies.

  ‘How do you know? I can’t believe he’s even going out with her again!’

  ‘No, I know. But I promise you. She’s not invited.’

  Jenny opened her mouth to speak.

  ‘And she won’t be.’ he finished.

  Watching Rob hand Caroline in to the same car he’d so carefully helped me out of yesterday, I could only wish that I felt Mike’s confidence. Rob closed the car door and walked around to the other side. A few moments later, the sound of gravel crunching on the drive signalled their departure.

  ‘What about the Andersons?’

  ‘He won’t forget.’

  I waggled my head. ‘I have a feeling Ms Bennett’s headache is going to clear pretty fast and I also have a feeling that she’s probably got the ability to make him forget a lot of things.’

  ‘Possibly.’ Mike replied.

  So not the answer I wanted to hear.

  ‘But not things that matter.’

  ‘Ok.’ I said, flopping down opposite them onto the bench, ‘Clearly there’s a story behind all this. Come on, spill.’

  Mike and Jenny exchanged a look.

  ‘See! Aha! There is!’ I pointed, vaguely aware that after acting like a bad spy, I was now sounding like a bad detective.

  Mike indicated for Jenny to make the decision. A sobering thought broke through.

  ‘Wait!’ I held up a hand, ‘I mean, if this is something family, personal, then don’t. Just don’t tell me. I was assuming it was just gossip but from that look on your faces, there’s something deeper here, and it’s really not my place to know. So!’ I stood up, ‘I am going to head back to the party!’

  ‘Izzy. It is family but I want you to know.’ Jenny held out her hands to me again. I glanced at Mike and he nodded, a gentle smile on his face.

  I crossed to where Jenny was and, taking her hands, I sat on the floor in front of her, my heels kicked off to the side.

  ‘None of us were thrilled when Rob started seeing Caroline. She’s vain, boring and self-obsessed. As much as it pains me to say, we all know my brother is good looking. He was still serving when they started dating and she loved all the formal balls and the pomp and circumstance of it all. Not to mention the fact she got to meet a lot of men in uniform. When he came out, she was a bit put out but of course, once she knew he’d be a solicitor in London, she was happy again. It was up to her standard. We just couldn’t understand what he saw in her. He’s intelligent and funny and we know she couldn’t possibly stimulate that side of him – all you have to do is spend five minutes in her company to know that. Anyway. Then I had my accident. Rob was incredible. I know
what it must have done to him. What it would have done to me if things had been different. But added to the fact that he’s always thought he should be able to protect me from everything, then well, I can only imagine what ran through his mind. Mike knows that side of it more. They were both out of the army by then and living close and both still doing voluntary work with veterans, so their friendship continued. Which, I am very glad about!’ Jenny touched Mike’s hand to her face. It made my eyes fill and I made a mental note to pack plenty of tissues for the wedding.

  ‘Anyway. Rob was obviously spending a lot of time at the hospital. Mum and Dad were having a hard time with it all initially, so he was trying to keep them together, keep his business going and make sure I was getting the best care possible. Mike said he looked pretty terrible some of the time.’

  ‘He wasn’t sleeping much, I know that.’ Mike added, ‘And he was worried, obviously. They weren’t sure for a while how much damage Jenny was going to suffer permanently and what would recover.’

  ‘Initially they thought I might not have the use of my arms either. Mum and Dad, well, they just fell apart a bit.’ Jenny wiped a tear away.

  ‘Jen, please don’t. Don’t tell me if it’s going to upset you. It’s Christmas Eve. It’s supposed to be a happy time!’

  ‘I’m fine. I want to tell you. I want to explain about Caroline, and show you I’m not just being a bitch.’

  I had to laugh. ‘I don’t think you’re just being a bitch! Even if you were, it’s ok. It’s your wedding so you should have final say as to who is and isn’t invited. Besides, I knew it wasn’t just that when Doctor Genial here didn’t even take to her.’

  ‘Doctor Genial?’ Mike laughed. ‘I quite like that. I might use that. Get some nametags made up.’

  ‘You should.’ I winked at him.

  ‘Anyway. Basically everyone was in a bit of a state. Rob had been seeing Caroline for about two years, on and off, at this point’.

  ‘Wow. I didn’t realise they’d seen each other for that long.’ No wonder she was warning me to back off. They really did have history. I’d been hoping they’d had a one night stand at the most.

  ‘Yeah, a while. We’d just assumed that although she didn’t seem all that deep to us, perhaps there was more to her than we’d seen. Turned out there wasn’t. Mum and Dad were a bit surprised that he always came to the hospital alone but figured at the start at least, perhaps Caroline was actually being a little sensitive and leaving us to ourselves for a while, giving us time to get over the shock, and let me get a bit stronger. But then she still didn’t come. Rob asked her to, apparently, but she always made excuses. And then she wanted to go on holiday!


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