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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

Page 34

by T. L. Wainwright

  “OMG, that’s so romantic,” he coos as he cuts a few millimetres off my ends. “A two week road trip with a sexy solider. Sounds like my kind of week,” he adds with a wink.

  I find it way too easy to talk to Charlie, because without realising it, my fears seem to fall from my lips. “What’s going to happen next, though? We never talked about what would happen when our time was over.”

  “You’ve fallen in love with him, haven’t you?”

  I avert my gaze because Charlie’s stare is too intense. It’s as if he’s reading my thoughts.

  “Yes,” I whisper. “What am I meant to do now?”

  “You need to talk to him, darlin’. See if he feels the same way.”

  “What if he doesn’t? I mean, he says all the right things, but what if this really was just two weeks of fun for him whilst he’s on leave? What if this is it?”

  “From what you’ve said, I don’t think that’s the case.”

  “I don’t even know where he’s based,” I huff, thinking of all the times I’ve tried to bring the subject of his work up only to have him side step it.

  “What do you think?” Charlie asks when he holds up a mirror behind me.

  “It’s gorgeous. I don’t know how you did it.”

  “Pure genius.”

  I stare at my reflection with perfect curls framing my face. Charlie’s not only cut and curled my hair to perfection, but he also added some highlights that give it a real sun kissed look. It’s stunning, it really is. “You are. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, darlin’. I hope it knocks his socks off.”

  Charlie has just walked off when a slightly older woman approaches. “Erin, I’m Ronnie, I’m going to do your nails and make up for you.”

  “Okay.” I get up and follow her to her station at the other side of the room.

  “Nails are to be red,” she states. “Let’s see your hands then, love.”

  I do as I’m told and lift my hands so she can inspect my nails. They’re not in bad condition per se; I don’t chew them or anything but I don’t exactly look after them. “Why have they got to be red?” I ask.

  “That’s what I’ve been told.”

  “By whom?”

  She shrugs, but it’s kind of obvious, really.

  Ronnie’s easy to chat as well—not as easy as Charlie mind you, and thankfully she steers clear of any talk of relationships. By the time she’s finished with me, my fingers and toes are fire engine red and my face is flawless. I thought Frankie had a way with make-up, but this woman seriously has skills. As I stare at myself in the mirror, looking better than I ever have in my life, I have the sudden desire to take a selfie, which is very unlike me.

  “Do I need to pay for all of this?” I ask before leaving the spa.

  “Nope, it’s all sorted.” I’m torn between being really grateful for what Jay’s done and annoyed that he’s spent even more money on me.

  As I make my way to the lift, I see the frosted windows hiding the view of the gym goers behind. Something tells me he’s right there on the other side of the glass, and I wish I could see him. I’d love to watch him putting everything he has into his exercise, watching his muscles bulge and the sweat pour from him. I shake my head to clear the thoughts. Who is this woman I’m turning into? I’ve never before even considered what a guy would look like working out.

  I hit the button in the lift for the top floor with frustration, although I’m not sure if it’s fuelled by my straying thoughts or still lingering after our kiss earlier.

  I let myself into our room and just as I expected, I’m alone. I take the opportunity to explore the suite, as the only thing I explored before was Jay. I walk through the living area to find a bedroom with the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously I think about ten people would be able to sleep in it. It seems totally over the top for two; we’re gonna have to shout at each other, we’ll be so far apart. Through a door on the other side of the bedroom there is one impressive bathroom with a two-man Jacuzzi bath in the centre. I may have just had the most relaxing couple of hours of my life but still, my body aches to be laid out in that with the jets massaging my muscles.

  Regretfully, I turn and walk back into the bedroom. Something catches my eye that I didn’t see before. Hanging in front of the mirrored wardrobe door is a black dress. I walk over and run my fingertips down over the satin fabric. It’s plain, simple, and way too slinky for my liking. It’s more like something Frankie would pick, not me.

  I lift it from the wardrobe and turn it around, and not only do I find that it’s almost backless, but there’s a label hanging from it.

  “Wear me.”

  I put it back and take a step away. I look at the dress before looking down at myself. It’s going to look awful clinging to all my lumpy bits. I glance in the mirror at my perfectly done hair and make-up, and the sight gives me some courage.

  After quickly stripping out of my clothes and changing into a fresh pair of knickers, I pull the dress on. Thankfully, it doesn’t cling like I was expecting it to; it skims over my skin perfectly.

  I spin to look at my back and notice the most horrendous VPL. “Shit.”

  I rummage through my small case but only find what I was expecting: more cotton knickers. Fuck.

  I lift the skirt and regretfully pull my knickers down my legs before smoothing the fabric back into place. It looks much better but I’m hyperaware of my bare skin.

  I slide on my red court shoes, telling myself there’s no way Jay will know I’m not wearing any underwear. I spritz myself with some perfume before sitting on the edge of the bed. I’m just about to grab my phone to take a photo of myself to send Frankie when I hear the door open.

  My heart begins to pound as I wait for him to round the corner into the bedroom. I listen to his footsteps for a few seconds before he begins to get closer.

  My breath catches the moment he appears in the doorway.

  “Wow,” I breathe, taking him in from head to toe.

  He’s dressed in a perfectly pressed white shirt with a slim black tie and black trousers. It’s a million miles away from how he’s looked in his jeans and hoodies.

  “I could be saying the same thing. You look stunning,” he says, his eyes running over every inch of my body. “I knew that dress was made for you.”

  “When did you get it?”

  “That morning I went off in Inverness.”


  “I saw in it a window and it had your name written all over it.”

  “It’s gorgeous.”

  “You are.”

  He steps up to me and cups my cheek in his hand. “How was I so lucky to find you?” Tears pool in my eyes. “Hey, none of that. We’ve got reservations.” He leans in to kiss me but when he glances at my red lips, he changes his mind at the last minute and goes for my neck instead. He kisses and nips down my neck and across my chest until he’s skimming the swell of my breasts with his soft lips.

  “I wish you understood how sexy you look to me.” As he says this, he runs his hands down my back and squeezes my arse. I feel his head lift from my cleavage and when I look up, his dark, hungry eyes are gazing at me. “Skittles?” he questions as he continues caressing my arse.

  “Shit.” My face flushes, knowing I’ve been caught without underwear.

  “Oh, no. Never apologise for being this incredibly sexy. If I wasn’t so fucking hungry I’d have made you come already; I can still taste you from the last time. I was so fucking desperate to have you that night but caving to it has only made it worse.”

  He drops to his knees and presses his nose between my legs. I want to be embarrassed but one look in his eyes when he glances up and I feel anything but. He presses his nose in a little harder and sparks shoot from my clit. My knees threaten to buckle but thankfully, Jay stands and pulls me to him.

  “Dinner?” he asks, as if that didn’t just happen.


  Dinner was amazing—from wh
at I can remember of it. Having those grey eyes looking at me over the table had me pretty distracted. Every time I looked at Jay, I was back upstairs with his hands and lips on me. It doesn’t help that every chance he gets, he places his hand high up on my thigh or runs his foot up my leg. I’m sat here just about ready to combust.

  I thought we were done and was eager to get back upstairs to have him alone when he accepts the waiter’s offer of coffee.

  “Didn’t you want coffee?” he asks, although I can see a glint in his eye.


  “Or is there something you want more?”

  I squirm in my seat and a slow, sexy smirk appears on his face.

  “Tell me what it is you do want, Erin.”

  I break my eye contact, too embarrassed to vocalise what I’m thinking.

  “Now’s not the time to be shy, Skittles. If you want what I think you want, you’re going to have to tell me. I told you I’d only do anything once you were begging. Well, now’s the time to start, baby.”

  My chin drops open and I look back into his eyes. Am I about to beg for more of Jayden Baxter? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I am. A little voice sparks up in my head; it’s now or never. I swallow down the never part because I don’t want thoughts of our fast approaching end ruining tonight, and I focus on the now.

  “I want you.”

  He raises his eyebrows as if he wants me to continue.

  “I want you to do what you did before.”

  Another eyebrow arch.

  “With your tongue,” I whisper as I fight to keep eye contact.

  “And…” he encourages.

  I drop my eyes down to his crotch before slowly climbing back up to meet his amused yet hungry eyes. “I want all of you.”

  He stares at me, looking totally unaffected, but his darkening eyes tell me he’s very much interested.

  “Thank you,” Jay says, confusing me, but seconds later two coffees are placed on our table.

  I sit back and glance around the room as I try to relax. I jump when Jay’s hand lands on my thigh. “Come on, drink up,” he says as his little finger starts to stray until it’s gently rubbing against my mound. “I’m not opposed to getting you off right here,” he warns before sipping on his coffee.

  I have two sips of mine before I push my chair out behind me, grab my bag, and begin to walk off. I feel him behind me in seconds, his heat warming my bare back and his hands landing on my waist.

  “I didn’t think you were ever going to move,” he whispers in my ear.

  Jay crowds me into the corner of the lift once the doors open and he’s just about to lean in to kiss me when I feel someone else step into the small space. Jay looks into my eyes before reluctantly stepping back from me. That one look holds a promise, a promise that makes my insides quiver.

  As soon as the doors open, he grabs my hand and pulls me to our room and through to the bedroom.

  “Jay, slow down,” I complain, when my heels stop me moving as fast as him. “What the fuck?” I squeal, when my feet leave the floor.

  “Can’t wait for you,” Jay mutters once he has me over his shoulder.

  One of his hands squeezes my arse while the other one shoots up under the fabric of my dress and slowly starts to slide up my leg. Heat pools between my thighs with every inch closer he gets.

  I just about manage to contain my moan when he stops and throws me onto the bed. “Hey,” I complain, but when I look up to see him pulling at his tie, I shut my mouth in favour of watching him strip.

  His tie hits the floor before he starts working on his shirt buttons. I follow his hands as he makes his way down. The white fabric soon joins the tie and I expect him to start on his trousers but, to my surprise, he drops to his knees instead.

  He grabs one of my ankles and gently slides my shoe off before it drops to the floor with a thud, followed by the other.

  “You have no idea what kind of images have been running around my head with you looking like this tonight. The things I want to do to you…”

  I groan at his words. He could suggest almost anything right now and I think I’d say yes.

  When his lips touch my ankle, I fall back onto the bed in favour of focusing on the sensation. Before I know it, he has my dress around my waist and my legs spread. I’m totally exposed to him.

  “Beautiful,” he mutters between kisses up my inner thigh. As he gets closer, my muscles start to clench in anticipation. “I’ve dreamt about doing this every minute since I first tasted you.”

  “Jay,” I moan just as his tongue connects with my sensitive skin. “Shit, ahhhh.”

  It’s as good as I remember but when I open my eyes and see Jay between my legs, it becomes so much more. I scratch my nails over his short hair as I moan and rock against his mouth.

  “Come on my mouth,” I hear him say against me, and the vibration of his words gets me right on the edge of my release. He presses his thumb to my clit before sliding his tongue inside me, and it’s the final straw. Light bursts behind my eyes and my entire body twitches and shakes as my release hits. Jay says something again and the vibrations make my orgasm stronger.

  I’m panting when he pulls away from me and stands. I feel his stare but I can’t open my eyes, not yet.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” I’m not sure I believe him in this instance, as I’m sweating with my dress hitched up around my waist. “Erin, look at me.”

  When I do as I’m told, Jay is gloriously naked before me. I take my time running my eyes over every solid but perfect inch of him. I’ve never seen a man naked in the flesh before, so when I get to his waist, I’m not sure where to look. That is, until he takes himself in his hand. Then, I’m fascinated.

  “Get up,” he demands, and I do immediately.

  I step up to him so my breasts brush his chest and he wastes no time in taking my mouth. I can taste myself on his lips. For a second, it makes me want to pull away, but as soon as I feel his tongue against mine I forget all about it. His hands lift to my shoulders and he pulls the straps down over my arms, allowing my dress to pool at my feet. The second it hits the floor, he pulls his lips away from mine and stands back.

  “Fuck,” he mutters as he runs his eyes over me. “So fucking perfect.” My skin ignites as his eyes burn a trail into me. “You ready for this?”

  I nod, because the way he’s looking at me renders me speechless.

  “You sure you want it to be me? You don’t want to wait for someone special, someone who can give you everything you deserve?”

  I’m desperate to tell him he is special, that he’s given me everything and more during our time together, but the words get stuck on my tongue. So instead of speaking, I step back into him and show him. I run my hands up from his waist, across his chest and over his shoulders so I can pull him to me. I kiss him as I walk us back to the bed. When I feel the mattress against my legs, I fall back and pull him with me.

  Jay allows me to scoot up the bed before crawling over me, ensuring he kisses every bit of skin he can on the way up.

  “I don’t think this will last very long,” he admits as he runs the tip of his tongue around the shell of my ear. “I’ve been waiting for too long.”

  “Don’t care.”

  Jay’s fingers run down my stomach until he finds my swollen clit. He teases me until I’m squirming under him again before pumping his fingers inside me to ensure I’m ready.

  “Okay?” he asks when he’s in position between my open legs with his cock in his hand.

  I nod. I know what he’s really saying, this is going to hurt, but I’m okay with that. This is right; there’s no one else I’d rather be here with right now, no one else I’ve ever really considered. I didn’t know it before, but I was waiting for him.

  A second later, I feel myself stretch as he presses inside me slowly. It doesn’t hurt like I was expecting. It actually feels nice, and I’m seriously relieved.


  I nod and he presses farther, and just as
I think everyone exaggerates about the pain, it hits me.

  “Ugh,” I grunt.

  “I’m sorry.” Jay leans forward to kiss me before he quickly thrusts forward again. I moan against his lips and dig my nails into his back. He continues to kiss me as the pain subsides.

  “I know you’re hurting right now but you have no idea how fucking incredible you feel,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I’m okay,” I say as I flex my hips slightly.



  “Thank fuck.” His hips are moving before he finishes speaking.

  Just like he warned, it doesn’t last very long. It’s only a few thrusts before he groans; his entire body goes still, and then I feel him releasing inside me. The look on his face as he comes is an image I’ll never forget as long as I live.

  When he’s finished, he falls on top of me, panting; he’s heavy, but I love the weight of him on me. I wrap my arms around his back and make the most of this time.

  After a minute or two, he pulls his head from my neck and sweeps away the hair that had fallen across my face. “Are you okay?” he asks, so softly it makes tears sting my eyes.

  “Yes. Was that…?”

  “Incredible, Erin. Fucking incredible.”

  I smile wide.

  “Next time, I’m going to make you scream,” he promises. “But first,” he says, as he gets up and walks to the bathroom. The sound of running water gets me moving and in seconds, I’m stood in the doorway, watching him leaning over the bath, adjusting the water temperature.

  “Hey,” he says when he turns around and sees me watching.


  He looks at me like he wants to say something else, but he must change his mind because after a few seconds, he walks over, lifts me into his arms, and kisses me before gently placing me in the soothing warm water.

  “Where are you going?” I ask in a panic when he starts to leave the room. I thought this was going to be a two-person bath.

  “I’ll be back,” he says before disappearing and leaving me alone. Reality hits me hard in that moment. After the high of tonight, knowing this is all about to come to an end is a hard blow to take.


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