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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

Page 40

by T. L. Wainwright

  “Okay, sounds good to me,” Don agrees.

  “You could always let us walk through the gate on our own and then follow us a few minutes later,” I suggest.

  “That’s up to you. I think the Admiral would take more issue if we left you to get home on your own, than if we delivered you there safely.”

  Paul helped me fold the blanket, and carried it back to the base for me. We talked the entire way back, me telling him about my brothers and sister, and him telling me about his family and growing up on a farm.

  As we near the base, Paul slows his steps. “We report in tomorrow morning and are off duty at fifteen-hundred Friday until zero-seven-hundred Sunday. I’d really like to see you again.”

  “I’d like that too. Millie and I could meet you and maybe see a movie?”

  “I like that idea, and then we can make plans for Saturday.”

  When we reach the base, Don and Paul walk through the gates with us. Since our house and Millie’s are practically across the street from each other, we stop between them to say goodnight. Handing me the folded blanket, Paul lets his touch linger on my arm.

  “Thank you for walking us home, I had a great time tonight.”

  “Me too. Goodnight Ruby.”

  “Goodnight Paul,” I say before turning to walk to the door.

  Chapter 10

  The anticipation of getting to see Paul again, coupled with working with my mother on a summer party for the children of the bases military families, made the week go by surprisingly quick.

  While we worked, my mother asked, “Do you have plans with Millie this weekend?”

  “Yes ma’am. We’re going to a movie tomorrow afternoon, and I hear there is a carnival in town this weekend so we’re thinking of going there on Saturday.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun. Would you have time to help me with a few things Saturday morning?”

  “Of course,” I told her with a reassuring a smile. We worked in silence a few minutes before I asked something that had been on my mind, and even more so after to talking to Paul during our walk along the beach. “Mom, I was thinking of applying for a job.”

  “That’s wonderful sweetheart. What did you have in mind?”

  I’m not sure, maybe something secretarial or at one of the stores in town. Perhaps I’ll go next week and see what’s available.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  When Friday finally arrived, Millie and I completed what we needed to at home as quickly as possible and then left for town. While we wait for Don and Paul to join us, I tell Millie about my desire to get a job, so we begin looking into who’s hiring. As we pass by the bank, I saw a help wanted sign in the window.

  “Millie look!” Pointing to the sign that caught my attention across the street. “I’m going to go inquire about it.”

  Stepping inside the bank’s lobby, I make my way over to desk occupied by a well-dressed woman. Reading the nameplate on her desk, Mrs. Masterson, Executive Secretary, I address her personally. “Excuse me, Mrs. Masterson? I’m Ruby Thorpe and I’m inquiring about the help wanted sign posted in the window.”

  Looking up from her typewriter, she silently assesses me before explaining, “It’s a clerical position. Filing, typing and secretary for our newly appointed assistant manager. Do you have any experience?”

  Nervously interlocking my fingers, so I don’t fidget, I admit, “No ma’am, however I did take a typing class in high school as well as shorthand. I assist my father with correspondence when needed and I volunteer at the library, so I’m used to filing.”

  “Very well Miss Thorpe, come back Monday morning, nine o’clock sharp, you can meet with Mr. Palmer.”

  Trying to contain my excitement, I smile and offer my thanks. “Thank you so much, I’ll see you on Monday.”

  Practically floating out the door, I find Millie on the sidewalk. “Millie, you won’t believe it!”

  “Did you get the job?”

  I shake my head. “Not yet, but I’m supposed to come back on Monday to speak with Mr. Palmer.”

  “Ruby, that’s wonderful! I’m so excited for you. Now I just need to find something.”

  Threading my arm through hers I say, “Well let’s get going, maybe we’ll find something for you on our way to the theater.”

  By the time we reach the movie theater where we planned to meet Don and Paul, Millie had already secured a position at a new boutique in town.

  Approaching the theater, I hear Don say, “Look there Paul, here come our beautiful girls now.”

  “Yep, and they do look beautiful,” Paul says, his gaze never wavering from me.

  Walking straight into his arms, I smile up at him, “Still working that charm I see.”

  Smiling Paul tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and shakes his head. “No, just telling the truth,” he says before he leans down to kiss me.

  When the kiss ends, I pull back and my excitement returns. “You’ll never guess what happened today,” I begin, excited to share my news. “Millie and I were walking through town and I saw a help wanted sign in the window of the bank. I went inside to inquire about it and they asked me to come back on Monday to speak to the assistant manager.”

  “That’s great Ruby! See I told you fate would work it out for us. What would you be doing?”

  “I’d be the secretary for the assistant manager,” I reply proudly.

  Paul looks down a little sheepishly, “Does that mean I won’t see you as much?”

  Stepping closer to him, I entwine my fingers with his. “Not necessarily. It should make it easier for us to sneak around, because you boys can meet us in town.”

  Pulling me closer Paul smiles down at me, “I like the way you think Ruby Thorpe.”

  “You two ready to see the movie,” Millie asks from her place beside Don.

  “Whenever you are,” I reply moving to Paul’s side.

  Stepping inside Paul purchased our tickets from the attendant and we made our way into the theater. Taking my hand, Paul leads us back to two seats in a dark corner of the room. Once we are seated, Paul whispers in my ear, “I thought I’d have a better chance of kissing you if we sat in the back.”

  “I think your chances are pretty good no matter where we sit,” I whisper back.

  My reply was the only confirmation Paul needed that I wanted to be kissed just as much as he wanted to kiss me.

  His kiss is soft and slow as his lips linger on mine. When he pulls away he whispers, “I’ve missed you this week.”

  “I’ve missed you too. I saw you once on base, and all I wanted to do was run to you. But I had to remember where I was and that I didn’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Oh Ruby, I think I’m already in trouble.”

  When the lights dim and the movie begins to play, Paul puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. Reaching up and placing a kiss on his jaw is enough to ignite the spark between us. Turning to place a kiss on my temple, Paul leaves a trail of kisses down my jaw making his way to my lips.

  Paul wasn’t the first person I’d kissed. That honor belonged to Brian Franklin my sophomore year of high school. But those were kisses from an awkward teenage boy. Paul is no teenage boy, he’s all man and his kisses could easily set me on fire. What started out as slow and almost reverent quickly became more. We can’t seem to get enough of each other. When Paul tries to slip his tongue into my mouth, I gasp and jolt away from him, only to have him calm me instantly.

  “Oh Ruby, shhh, come here.” Urging me back to his side, Paul lifts my chin as he asks, “You’ve never been kissed like that before, have you?” Embarrassed, I shake my head as his thumb caresses my cheek. “Let me show you then.”

  Searching his eyes, I nod giving him permission, because I really didn’t want him to stop kissing me.

  Leaning in, Paul captures my lips again and this time when his tongue runs along my lips, I open for him, allowing him inside. It feels strange and wonderful at the same time. Each time his tongue brus
hes against mine, I become bolder until I had taste every inch of his mouth. When he pulls back so we could catch our breath a whimper escapes me making him smile.

  “I’m guessing you like being kissed like that,” he whispers a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

  “Very much,” I whisper back, my focus dropping to his mouth ready to have is lips on mine again.

  “Good, so did I.” The words are barely out of his mouth before he’s kissing me again.

  When the movie ends and the lights come back on, I begin to tidy my hair. “I must look a mess.”

  “No, you look beautiful.”

  “You don’t have to charm me for kisses you know, I’ll give them to you freely.”

  Paul chuckles. “I’m a lucky man, all your dances and all your kisses.”

  Smiling I lean in close so I can kiss him again. “Yes, they are only for you.”

  Before I can attempt to deepen the kiss, Paul moves away. “We need to get out of here.” Offering me his hand Paul says, “Let’s go find Don and Mille and go get something to eat.”

  Taking his hand, we walk out of the theater and find Don and Millie waiting for us on the sidewalk.

  As we walk toward the restaurant Paul asks, “Will I get to see you tomorrow?”

  “You will if you want to,” I tease.

  Smiling he says, “Just tell me when and where.”

  Grinning up at him I ask, “How do you feel about carnivals?”

  Chapter 11

  Monday morning, I dress in my favorite navy blue dress, slip into a pair of white heels and walk into the kitchen.

  “Good morning sweetheart,” my mother greets me.

  “Well, what do you think?” I ask while doing a pirouette. “Do I look professional enough to be an assistant manager’s secretary?”

  “You look beautiful, and I’m sure they will hire you on the spot.”

  “Fingers crossed,” I say as I take a seat at the table where a plate with a stack of pancakes waits for me. “I’m not sure when I’ll be home,” I say as pour myself a glass of orange juice and then drizzle maple syrup over the stack of pancakes. “Millie begins work today too, so I’ll wait for her so we can ride home together.”

  “That’s fine, your father and I have our weekly dinner with the Bishops tonight.”

  Finishing my breakfast, I take my plate to the sink and wash it before turning back to my mother. “Okay, I’m off to meet Millie. Thank you for breakfast.” I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “You’re welcome sweetheart. Good luck.”

  Thanks Mom!” I call before walking out the door. Closing the door behind me, I see Millie walking down her drive. Wearing a pink dress with white buttons, her blonde hair bounces from the excitement in her walk.

  “Millie, you look beautiful,” I say as she reaches me.

  “Thank you, so do you. I’m a little nervous,” she admits.

  “Me too.” I nod as we walk to the bus stop.

  We have a short wait until the bus arrives, taking our seats, Millie opens her purse. “I brought this with me for luck,” she says taking out the small lion Don won for her at the carnival.

  “That is adorable.”

  “He tried so hard to win me a bigger one,” she says laughing, “but it just wasn’t his lucky day.”

  “It’s perfect. Now you can carry it with you.”

  “Thank you for suggesting the carnival. I hadn’t had that much fun since I was a kid.”

  “Me either, I think Paul really enjoyed it too.”

  “I know Don did. It was nice to see them loosen up and just have fun.”

  “It really was.”

  As the bus pulls to a stop halfway between the bank and the boutique, Millie and I make our way down the aisle to the exit.

  Stepping out onto the sidewalk, Millie turns to me and takes a calming breath. We’re both a bit nervous, given this is our first day. Giving me a hug Millie says, “Good luck today.”

  “Thanks, good luck to you too,” I return her hug. “I’ll meet you at Luigi’s afterward and we can have dinner before going home.”

  “Okay, see you then.” She turns toward the boutique and I spin in the other direction toward the bank.

  I make my way down the sidewalk, trying to relax. Reaching the front of the building, I take a deep breath, grip the door handle and pull it open to step inside. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I see that I am five minutes early. That should help me make a good first impression.

  Walking up to Mrs. Masterson’s desk, I wait for her to acknowledge me.

  Sensing my presence, she asks? “Yes, may I help you?”

  “Good morning Mrs. Masterson,” I say trying to exude confidence, I only somewhat feel. “I’m Ruby Thorpe. I have a nine o’clock appointment with Mr. Palmer.”

  “Good morning Miss Thorpe, you’re right on time,” she says as she steps from behind her desk. Indicating toward the seating area she says, “If you’ll have a seat, I’ll let Mr. Palmer know you’re here.”

  “Thank you.” I watch as she walks to what I assumed to be Mr. Palmer’s office.

  When she returns, she smiles politely. “He will be with you shortly.”

  Nodding my appreciation, I return her smile and wait. A few minutes later, Mr. Palmer emerges from his office and walks to the waiting area to meet me. “Miss Thorpe?”

  “Yes.” I stand to meet him.

  He’s younger than I expected, perhaps in his early thirties. Sandy blond hair cut short, and a black suit that fit him perfectly, his kind brown eyes smiled as he offered me his hand in greeting. “Dwayne Palmer, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Palmer,” I give his hand a firm shake like my dad has taught me. “Thank you for seeing me.”

  Releasing my hand, he indicated towards his office, “If you will follow me, we’ll get started.”

  Following him inside his office, Mr. Palmer offers me a seat as he closes the door before making his way around his desk and taking a seat.

  “Mrs. Masterson tells me you were inquiring about the secretary position.”

  “Yes sir, that’s correct.”

  “What experience do you have?”

  “Honestly, this would be my first time being employed. I recently graduated from high school, but I did take both typing and shorthand.”

  He’s silent for a moment, no doubt considering what I’ve said. Sitting forward he leans his arms on his desk, “I was hoping for someone with a little more experience, Miss Thorpe.”

  Stealing myself against the disappointment of rejection, I listen as he continues.

  “However, since I am also new to this position, I’m willing to give you a try.”

  I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Mr. Palmer,” I reply trying to contain my excitement.

  “No need to thank me. Mrs. Masterson spoke very highly of you and is willing to take you under her wing.”

  “She did?” I ask, unable to hide the surprise in my voice.

  Chuckling at my surprise he says, “Yes, it seems you made quite an impression on her. And, believe me, that is no easy feat. Now, let’s go over what is expected of you, shall we?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Mr. Meyers our manager opens the bank in the morning and I close, so you’ll be expected to stay until closing. Your hours will be from nine to five daily, and the bank is closed on weekends and recognized holidays, with an hour for lunch. You’ll be responsible for taking care of my appointments and correspondence as well as filing and other duties with which I may need your assistance. Any questions?”

  “When would you like me to start?”

  He laughs lowly at my eagerness. “How about today?”

  “Today would be fine.”

  “Great,” he says as he rises from his seat. “Let’s get you out to Mrs. Masterson and she can show you around and get you settled in.”

  Rising from my seat, once again I express my appreciation, “Mr. Palmer, thank you for g
iving me this opportunity. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “It’s my pleasure Miss Thorpe,” he says as he opens the door and ushers me back to Mrs. Masterson.

  “Mrs. Masterson, say hello to my new secretary, Miss Ruby Thorpe.”

  Looking first to Mr. Palmer and then to me, Mrs. Masterson smiles, “Welcome Miss Thorpe.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Mrs. Masterson, if you could show Miss Thorpe around and get her settled in, I would appreciate it.”

  “Of course, Mr. Palmer,” she replies while rounding her desk.

  “Miss Thorpe if you’ll follow me I’ll give you the tour and introduce you to everyone.”

  When the workday ends, I head down the street to meet Millie. Just as I begin to step inside, I hear her call my name. Turning to see Millie walking up the sidewalk, I step away from the door to wait for her.

  As soon as she reaches me, Millie threads her arm through mine. “You got the job, didn’t you?”

  “I did, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. But first, let’s go inside and you can tell me all about your day.”

  Chapter 12

  Paul and I continued to see each other over the next couple of months. Having a job in town helped keep me occupied and my mind on something other than Paul, although he was never far from my thoughts.

  It had become our routine, on their days off, Don and Paul would meet Millie and me at either the theater or one of our favorite restaurants.

  As Mr. Palmer and I are leaving for the evening, from behind me, I hear, “Hello my beautiful girl.” When I turn around, I see Paul standing, looking handsome as ever, with a bouquet of flowers.

  “Paul!” I exclaim as I fly into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

  Laughing at my reaction Paul lifts me off the ground and spins me around. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well you certainly did that,” I say as he sets me back on the ground. Remembering my manners, I turn to introduce Mr. Palmer. “Paul, this is Mr. Palmer, my boss and assistant manager of the bank.”

  Offering his hand, Paul says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for giving Ruby the chance. I know she is enjoying working with you.”


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