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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

Page 41

by T. L. Wainwright

  “It’s nice to meet you Paul,” Mr. Palmer returns, “and believe me when I say Ruby is doing a wonderful job. Well, I should be going so I’m not late for dinner. You two enjoy your evening.”

  “You too Mr. Palmer,” I say as I move closer into Paul’s side.

  We turn to walk down the street. “He seems nice.”

  “He is,” I agree, “and so is his wife,” I add so there is no misunderstanding. Hugging him closer I say, “I can’t believe you surprised me! I thought we were meeting at the restaurant.”

  “Well, I wanted a little alone time with my girl. Don and I thought we’d shake things up a bit. He’s surprising Millie too.”

  “I’m really glad you did.” I look up at him, which Paul takes as his cue to kiss me.

  We make our way down the street to a different restaurant than we normally frequent. Once we are seated and have been given our menus, I can’t help but comment. “Wow when you said you wanted to shake things up, you really went all out.”

  Paul laughs and kisses my hand, “I have to keep you on your toes.”

  When the waitress returns, we place our order and Paul reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. As his thumb skates back and forth across mine, he says, “I got some exciting news today and I wanted to share it with you first.”

  “Really? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is fine. My commanding officer told me today that I’ll be included in the next group being sent for flight training.”

  “Paul that’s wonderful! You’ll finally get to fulfill your dream of becoming a pilot. Where are they sending you for training?”

  “The training takes place in Hawaii, at the Kaneohe Naval Air Station. I’m really excited about that part, but it’s the leaving you behind part that I’m not looking forward to.”

  “Oh Paul,” I say as I squeeze his hand. “I’m not looking forward to that part either, but this is the reason you joined the Navy. And you are going to be the best Flyboy the U.S. Navy has ever seen,” I say proudly.

  “You know,” Paul says with a mischievous gleam in his eye. “If I’m a Flyboy that means that you will be a Flyboy’s girl.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I say beaming up at him.

  Paul smiles and his eyes sparkle as he asks, “Does that mean that I get to pin up a picture of you in the cockpit?”

  My cheeks turn pink, because I know exactly the kind of pictures pilots pin up in the cockpit to keep them company. “You never know, I may surprise you,” I whisper just as the waitress returns with our meal.

  Over dinner, I tell Paul about how much I’m enjoying working at the bank, and he talks about the flight training he’ll be taking part in. His excitement is evident the more he talks about it, and I couldn’t be more proud of him. Becoming a pilot so quickly is truly an accomplishment.

  “You know,” Paul says, “I saw a place that does day trips down the coast. We could spend the day on a boat, cruising down the coast, and take in the sites.”

  “Would I be able to hold your hand and steal a few kisses?” I ask shyly, thinking about how cautious we usually are when we are together.

  “You don’t have to steal kisses remember, they’re given freely,” he smiles, giving my own words back to me.

  “Well in that case, that sounds amazing.”

  The next morning, Millie and I ride the bus into town to meet Don and Paul. Millie and Don had plans to picnic in the park, while Paul and I were on a boat cruising down the coast.

  “Ruby, I have to say I’m a little jealous that you get to cruise down the coast.”

  “I know. I’m excited. It was all Paul’s idea, which makes it even more special.”

  “You know, now that you mention it,” Millie says, “it was Don’s idea to have a picnic. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think those two were up to something.”

  Somewhat surprised that Millie hasn’t heard, I tell her Paul’s news.

  “Paul had some exciting news he’s going to be in the next group sent for flight training.”

  “Oh Ruby that’s so exciting!”

  “It really is, I’m so happy for him.”


  “Nothing, I really am happy for him.”

  “And I believe you,” Millie says. “But come on Ruby, I’ve known you for a long time and I can tell that there is more that you are not saying.”

  Sighing I resign myself to the fact that Millie can read me like a book. “It’s just that I’m going to miss him so much while he’s gone.”

  “Oh Ruby, of course you will. You and Paul have spent the last four months together. Not to mention that you make an adorable couple.”

  Laughing I have to agree with her, “We do, don’t we?”

  “Yes, you do and you’ll be even better together when he gets back from training.”

  As we get closer to our stop, I muster up the courage to ask Millie to help me with a surprise for Paul. “Millie, would you mind helping me with something before Paul leaves?”

  “Of course, not. What is it you need me to do?”

  Just as I finish explaining to her about the picture, the bus comes to a stop and we make our way to the exit and step off the bus onto the sidewalk.

  The bus pulls away, revealing Don and Paul leaning against a car across the street. My smile widens as Paul spreads his arms and asks, “Well, what do you think?”

  Millie and I look both ways, cross the street and walk right into their waiting arms. “I love it! Where did you get it?”

  “Don and I thought we should be able to take our girls out properly, so we bought it from one of the guys being transferred.”

  “Are we still going on the boat?”

  “Sure, if you want to or we could all drive down the coast.”

  I can tell he’s trying to hide his excitement and really wants to drive instead of going on the boat. “Let’s drive, then we can stop whenever we want.”

  Smiling Paul kisses my quickly, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  Shaking my head, I confirm, “As long as I get to spend time with you I don’t care what we do.”

  Smiling, Paul leans down and kisses me again before turning to Don. “Don what do you think about all of us driving down the coast?”

  Looking to Mille for confirmation, she smiles and nods. “Sure sounds good. It’ll give us a chance to get a feel for this beast,” Don says as he pats the roof of the car.

  “Great,” Paul says, “I’ll drive down and you can drive back.”

  “Sounds good, let’s go,” Don says as he opens the door for Millie and they slide into the back seat.

  Adjusting the seat back in place, Paul sweeps his arm toward the car. “After you,” he says to me and I giddily slide inside, stopping in the middle of the seat so I can sit next to Paul while he drives.

  The drive down the California coast is breathtakingly beautiful. Clear blue skies stretch out over the Pacific Ocean with just touch of a chill in the October breeze. When we reach Malibu, we stop for lunch and a walk on the beach. As Paul and I walk hand in hand along the shore, I realize I haven’t asked him when he is leaving. Though I really didn’t want to think about Paul leaving, I did want to know how much more time we had together.

  “Paul, when do you leave for flight training?”

  “November first.”

  Feeling the tears well up in my eyes, I whisper, “That’s too soon.”

  Pulling me against his chest and resting his chin on top of my head, he holds me as he murmurs. “I know, but I have to go.”

  “I know, but I’ll miss you so much while you are gone.”

  Pulling away, Paul cups my face in his large warm hands, his thumb brushing away the tears that had fallen. “Oh my beautiful Ruby don’t cry. I’ll only be gone a little while and then I’m coming home to you.”

  Willing my tears to stop falling, as I look into his eyes I whisper, “Promise?”

  A smile pulls at his lips as he answers, “Yes, I
promise,” just before he kisses me.

  Chapter 13

  October 31, 1941

  With only a few weeks remaining until Paul left for flight training, we spent as much time together as possible. We had several more dates after our drive down the coast with Millie and Don. Paul even chartered a boat that took us out to one of the islands off the coast for a picnic so we could be alone.

  The day before Paul was to ship out seemed to drag by, making the anticipation of our goodbye even more daunting. Preoccupied with thoughts of Paul, Mr. Palmer tried once again to gain my attention.

  “Miss Thorpe?”

  Jumping at the sound of his voice, I apologize, “Mr. Palmer, I’m sorry. What can I do for you?”

  “Can I see you in my office please?”

  “Yes sir,” I reply rising form my seat and making my way into his office.

  “Miss Thorpe,” Mr. Palmer begins before stopping and giving me a sympathetic smile before he continues. “Ruby, it seems you’ve had a few things on your mind lately and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Embarrassed that my personal life has affected work, I begin to apologize. “Mr. Palmer, I am so sorry. I promise I’ll be more focused…”

  Holding up his hand to stop me, he says, “Miss Thorpe, I didn’t call you in here to reprimand you, I am merely concerned about you.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I smile and reassure Mr. Palmer. “Thank you Mr. Palmer for your concern. Again, I apologize for letting personal matters interfere with my work.”

  Sitting up and leaning forward he says, “Ruby you are one of the hardest working people I’ve ever met. Your work is stellar and far from affected by whatever is going on. I just wanted to offer an ear if you needed to talk.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Palmer, I appreciate that. I may take you up on that while Paul is gone.”

  Shock evident on his face, Mr. Palmer asks, “Wait, Paul is leaving?”

  “Yes sir. He’s in the Navy and leaves in the morning for flight training.”

  “Tomorrow? Then what are you doing here?”

  “Paul had some things to take care of today, and working helps keep my mind off him leaving. He’s picking me up after work tonight.” Hesitantly I continue, “I’m not supposed to date men under my father’s command, so I stay quiet about our relationship. Our best friends are the only ones that know.”

  Confused, Mr. Palmer asks, “Your father’s command?”

  “Yes, my father is Admiral Thorpe, who happens to be in charge of the naval base. Something else I tend to stay quiet about,” I say with a shy smile.

  “I’ll say. I had no idea. So your parents don’t know you are dating Paul?”

  I shake my head, “No, not unless someone else has told them. And I assume they haven’t or they would have confronted me.”

  “That’s impressive. Your secret is safe with me.”

  “I appreciate that, and thank you for allowing me to speak freely, I feel much better now.”

  “Good,” he says smiling kindly at me. “Remember, my door is always open for you, and if there is anything we can do for you while he’s gone, let me know.”

  Rising from my seat, I make my way back to my desk to finish out the day.

  At precisely five o’clock, Mr. Palmer locks the doors of the bank as the tellers begin balancing their cash drawers. “Miss Thorpe,” he says from his position by the door. “It looks like your ride is here and you don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  Smiling, my heart does a little leap in my chest at the thought of seeing Paul. Quickly gathering my things, I walk to the door where Paul and Mr. Palmer are conversing. Opening the door wider so I can step through, Mr. Palmer shakes Paul’s hand. “Good luck to you Paul.”

  “Thank you sir,” Paul replies as he wraps his arm around me drawing me into his side.

  “You two enjoy your evening,” he says before locking the door behind us.

  Walking me to the car, Paul opens the door for me, stopping me before I get inside. Smiling down at me he says, “Hi. You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” is all I manage before he kisses me.

  Pulling away Paul says, “We better get going.”

  Sliding into the front seat, Paul closes the door before moving to the driver’s side and climbing in behind the wheel.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see,” he says giving me a quick smile before pulling out into the street.

  A few minutes later, we pull into the parking lot of the diner, where we had dinner the night after we met.

  Laughing I say, “I haven’t been here since…”

  Paul’s smile is infectious as he finishes my thought, “Since our first date?”

  “Yes,” I reply confirming that he indeed can read my thoughts.

  “Me either, come on let’s grab a bite to eat so we can get to the rest of what I have planned.”

  Finding a table in the back of the diner, our waitress is there within minutes to take our order. Ordering a burger with fries and a vanilla shake for both of us, Paul sends the waitress on her way.

  “You remembered what we had that first night.”

  “I remember everything when it comes to you Ruby. Where we’ve been, what we’ve done, what you were wearing the first night I saw you.”

  Smiling I shyly look down at my fidgeting fingers. “When you turned around and smiled at me from across the room, I thought I’d faint dead away.”

  Returning my smile, he says, “Well I’m certainly glad you didn’t,” Paul says as he leans in to kiss me.

  “So am I,” I reply as I our lips part. “Oh I almost forgot.” I scramble to retrieve my handbag. “I have something for you.” Taking an envelope out, I hand it to Paul trying in vain to control the blush I feel creeping up my neck.

  “What’s this?” he asks as he begins to open it. A slow smile begins to spread across his face as he sees what’s inside. “Wow, Ruby… These are… Wow.”

  “Do you like them?”

  “Like them? Ruby, these are incredible. When did you take these?”

  Shrugging I shyly confess as he continues to look at the photos, “You had mentioned having a picture to pin up in the cockpit, so I asked Millie if she would take them for me, so I could surprise you.”

  “Rita Hayworth’s got nothing on my girl,” he says as his smile widens and he shakes his head. “I can’t believe you did these for me.”

  “Well, I couldn’t have you going off to Hawaii and falling for an island girl. I had to remind you what you have to come home to,” I tease.

  “Ruby,” Paul says taking my hand and looking straight into my eyes. “There is nothing or no one that would ever make me forget you.”

  After dinner Paul says, “I have one more surprise for you,” as he ushers me back to the car.

  Making the short drive down the street, Paul pulls into the parking lot of the dance hall. “I thought we would spend our last night together where we first met.”

  Throwing my arms around his neck, while trying to keep my tears at bay, I whisper, “It’s perfect.”

  Stepping inside the dance hall, Paul leads me out to the crowded dancefloor, and begins to spin me around the floor to the lively Tommy Dorsey tune the band is playing. The song ends just as Paul pulls me back in and dips me back over his arm. Lifting me back up and against his chest, now breathless from the up-tempo song, the band slows things down playing the very song we first danced to, all those months ago.

  Pulling me back into his arms Paul whispers, “They’re playing our song.”

  There are no words spoken as we sway to the familiar tune, eyes locked on one another. None are needed. There on the crowed dancefloor, as the song ends, Paul leans in and captures my mouth with his. Everything and everyone around us fades into the background, leaving nothing but the two of us caught up in this moment of time, neither of us will ever forget.

  When the kiss ends, Paul whispers, “That was the best night of my life.�

  “Mine too,” I whisper back.

  “Come on. Let’s get something to drink.”

  Accepting two glasses of punch from the attendant, Paul leads us over to an empty table. After a short break, Paul excuses himself to go and speak to the bandleader. The band begins to play Big Crosby’s I’ll Be Seeing You, as Paul makes his way back to me. When he reaches the table, Paul holds out his hand and asks, “May I have this dance?”

  Smiling I place my hand in his, “I’d love to.”

  Curious I ask, “Did you ask them to play this song?”

  Paul shakes his head, “No, but it’s fitting, because no matter where I am I’ll be thinking of you.”

  “Oh Paul, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  As the song ends, the band begins to play Yours by Jimmy Dorsey.

  “This is the song I requested,” Paul says gaining my attention. “Ruby, these last few months spent with you have been better than I could have imagined. I love you Ruby Thorpe. I’m done hiding our relationship, and when I get back, I want to tell your parents that I’m in love with you. Because now and forever, Ruby, I’ll be yours.”

  “Oh Paul, I love you too,” I exclaim, “and I’ll be yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Taking my face in his hands, Paul kisses me thoroughly, before pulling away and whispering, “Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 14

  November 1941

  Paul’s flight to the training center in Hawaii took off at nine o’clock Saturday morning. Even though we had said our goodbyes the night before, it crushed me that I wasn’t there to see him off. Paul had promised to write as often as he could, and I promised to do the same.

  Each day I rushed home to check the mail, anxious to hear from Paul and to hear how his training was going.

  The first letter arrived the following Saturday.

  My Beautiful Ruby,

  After a long flight, we arrived in Hawaii safe and sound.


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