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A Forbidden Love (The Forbidden Series)

Page 11

by Niquel

  I woke up to my alarm blaring and couldn’t figure out why, it was Saturday. I climbed over Al, and snagged my phone off the charger. It was the reminder for my make-up test today at 9.

  “Al I’ve gotta go, I have a test to take in less than an hour. I’ll be back later.” The day we played hooky, I missed one important final, but since I told my teacher I was ‘sick’ he let me make it up.

  I threw together a quick outfit consisting of black hooded sweat suit with the word pink on the side, and drove back to Waltham as fast as I could. I made it in just enough time to spare. It was only five minutes, but I made it.

  “Alright, there were only five of you that needed to take this test and only three of you actually decided to show up. You three will have one hour to complete your portfolio page, and then you are free to go.”

  We were given a basic web template to use, and were able to create anything our hearts desired. I designed a page full of bright vibrant colors, high-end faceless vector models, swirls, swooshes, and flowers.

  “Time’s up, you may leave, you’ll receive your grades on Monday.”

  I called Al and let him know I was on my way back.


  “Hey, Al, I think we should go out and have some fun today. We never do much besides stay inside.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Let’s go play pool or something.”

  “Are you any good, Ice?”

  “I’m okay. I can hit a few balls in the right place.”

  “That’s for damn sure. I’ll be ready when you get here.”

  My trip came to a halt due to a rollover accident on the Mass pike, which backed up for traffic for miles. A semi truck crashed into the back of a minivan and it was a horrific sight. Twenty minutes had gone by, and not a single car had moved. I called Al back to give him the bad news.

  “Al, there’s been a terrible accident on the pike, I have no idea when I’ll get there.”

  “It’s alright, I’ll still be waiting until you get here. Be safe.”

  It took over two hours to finally make it back to Auburn. During the day, I knew Al left the side door open, so I went right in. He was on the computer playing a weird 3d block people game.

  “What the hell is that?”


  “Oh, why does it look like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “All block shaped and pixilated?”

  “I have no idea but, it’s fun as hell though, you can create anything you want in this game.”

  “That’s nice, not interested. We still going or what? I need food, I’m starving.”

  “We’ll hit a drive-thru on the way to the pool hall.”

  We cruise through the drive-thru with our number one’s and drive to the pool hall. Quickly stuffing our faces on the way there, full of burgers and fries.

  The name of the place was Boston Billiards. It was a fairly small pool hall; with 10 tables and a small bar that wrapped around the back of the room. It was the early afternoon, so none of the drunken pool sharks were here yet.

  “Rack em’ up, Ice. I’ll go first.”

  “Don’t hurt yourself Mr. Shaw, wouldn’t want you calling out of work Monday,” I said, while removing the triangle from the perfectly aligned balls.

  He took a small blue square shaped eraser and chalked the top of his brown and black pool stick. He bent over, arched his hand slightly and thrust the stick into the cue ball. Slightly shifting a few balls, but nothing actually went into a pocket. I pranced around the table with my all black stick, that I pulled out of my own personal case and chalked the top.

  “You must know how to play, seeing as you have your own stick.”

  “It was my grandmothers. She was the ultimate pool shark.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, red stripe, back corner pocket.”

  I knocked in three other striped balls before it was his turn again. He bent over and thrust the ball too hard, sending it flying off the table.

  “You want another try?”

  “No, just go.”

  I cleared the table, and for fun knocked his balls in too.

  “Want to play again?”

  “Fuck that, let’s go.”

  “Okay, sore loser.”

  “No one has ever beaten me before; I blame your tits because I couldn’t concentrate on anything with them at the other side of the table.”

  “Don’t blame my tits on you sucking.”

  We get back to his house, and he immediately jumps back on his stupid game.

  “Al, sweetheart?”


  “I’m heading out. I promised Nik we’d hang out after work tomorrow. I’ll be back after school on Monday.”

  He was so distracted by the game I don’t even think he realized what I said. I tried to kiss his cheek and he pushed me away.

  “Bye, Allan.”

  Chapter 13: The Chosen One

  Nikki was waiting for me in the parking lot when I pulled up from work. Our conversation started well before we made it inside.

  “So, what’s new?”

  “Where do I even begin?”

  “Start with Lance and work your way up.”

  “We went out a few nights ago, to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Afterwards, he brought me downtown and we went sailing on this really fancy sail boat. It was really elegant Nik, I wish you could’ve seen it. He led me to the bottom floor, where he had a basket sitting on the table. It was full of dark chocolate covered strawberries, a bottle of champagne, that we didn’t even open, and a 14 karat gold locket. I really enjoyed walking on the pier. It was so refreshing with the sea breeze flowing through my hair.”

  “Wow, he sounds like a real Romeo. I’m jealous, Leci.”

  “We get back here, and Allan called me just before I got out of Lance’s car. That’s where shit starts to hit the fan. It changed Lance’s whole mood. He went from Romeo, to beast in a matter of seconds. He told me I have a week to make a decision. I have to choose him or Allan.”

  “Wow, what are you gonna do?”

  “I don’t know, I called Allan back and went to see him. I forgot I promised to come back over and tried to weasel my way out of it. He reamed me a new one, told me I still better come over, and then he pulled an ultimatum on me, too. I just can’t fucking win with either of them.”

  “Maybe you should take a break from the both of them. Go straight to work and back, no dates! Hopefully you’ll be able to clear your mind and make a decision. Just follow your heart and figure out who truly deserves to have you.”

  “You’re such a girl. Don’t get all sappy on me Nik! That was a good idea though. I’ll try to ignore them, it’ll definitely be hard I won’t lie, but I’ll see how I feel in a couple days.”

  “Good, now enough about the male drama in your life, let’s swallow a pint of this frozen chocolate, and watch movies til the sun comes up!” We laughed all night long, watching a ton of Adam Sandler movies. Lacey pounded on the door a few times telling us to shut up, but after one A.M she gave up the fight.

  Nikki took my phone in case one of them called. She was determined not to let me talk to either of them until I knew for sure who I wanted to be with. I could feel the vibration of my phone on my bed, she looked at it and shook her head.

  “That’s the third time he’s called.”


  “Allan. I clicked him off the first two times, but he’s a persistent bastard.”

  “Maybe I-.” Nikki interrupted me.

  “No! You will not even dream about talking to them while I’m here. I know I can’t help much outside of your apartment, but you will learn some damn self control.”

  “Alright, alright! Calm down, mom!”

  Nikki left my house first thing in the morning. Neither of us slept a wink, but being around my best friend and downing a tub of forbidden chocolate ice cream together always cheered me up.

  Three da
ys had passed and my voicemail was full of pleading and begging from both Allan and Lance. It was flattering at first, but then it became downright annoying. I went to work that night and a short four hour shift later, I walked back to my car through the dark parking lot.

  “Hey, hey!”

  The voice sounded very familiar but it was too dark to see who it was coming from.

  “Ice, it’s me.”


  “Yeah it’s me. You hadn’t returned any of my calls so I came down to make sure you weren’t dead. One of your co workers told me you’d be in, so I waited around.”

  “How did you get here?”

  “I borrowed a car from someone.”

  “I see, well I’m fine, you can go now.”

  He ran from the darkest part of the lot and shut my car door, while I was opening it.

  “Al, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I fucking love you Alecia Moore, that’s what’s wrong with me. I didn’t want it to come to this, me stalking you at work, but its killing me not being able to see you when I want.”

  “Okay, well you saw me, can I go home now?”

  “Look at me, look me right in my fucking eyes and tell me you want me to go,” he said while tightly grasping my shoulders.

  I looked him square in the face, his eyes were lifeless, his skin was pale, and he looked like he hadn’t shaven in weeks.

  “Al, I want you to go. I haven’t made my decision yet.”

  “Fine I’ll go.”

  It broke my heart to hear him say that. I cried the whole drive home, but I had to stay strong. If he was truly my soul mate then we’ll be back together in a few days and things would return back to normal. Lacey was sitting in front of our new entertainment center when I got home. I was hoping she’d be asleep or in her room so she wouldn’t see me a blubbering mess.

  “What’s wrong, Alecia?”

  I sat down on our brown leather sofa right beside her and said, “I don’t know Lacey. I’ve tried to stay strong, I really have but, staying away from the two people that have made such an impact in my life is killing me. Al showed up at my job tonight. He looked so pitiful, like he lost his best friend. I broke down on the drive home after I told him to leave.”

  “Is there turmoil between you two? Why aren’t you seeing him anymore?”

  “Long story short, I’ve caught feelings for Lance and Allan found out. Now they both have given me ultimatums and are forcing me to decide between them.”

  “Sounds rough. If you want my honest opinion, I say you choose Al. Every time you mention his name you glow, when I see you in school after a night out with him, you’re beaming with joy. With Lance, you seem happy, but judging by the fancy car I see you speed away in, I can tell things with him are more materialistic.”

  “Thanks Lace, I really needed to hear that. Have a goodnight.”


  She was right, Al and I didn’t go many places, but just being in his company made me so happy. I always felt at home with him, I felt safe. Lance was sweet, caring, and definitely spoiled me but, I didn’t feel as strong of a connection with him. I called him right away to deliver the news.

  “Lance, I’ve made my decision.”

  “Alecia, it’s two in the morning.”

  “I know but I did a lot of soul searching, and as much as it pains me to tell you this, I can’t see you anymore. You’re a great guy but my heart belongs to another.”



  “If that’s what you really want, it sucks that I didn’t make the cut, but as long as you’re happy with your decision I’m happy. If things ever change, you know how to reach me. Goodbye, Alecia.”


  Even ‘breaking up’ with him, he was still a sincere sweetheart. I wasn’t ready to tell Al my decision yet, because the image of him in the parking lot replayed over and over in my mind and I hated it. I hope to never see him look like that again.

  I distracted myself with Photoshop and made a small collage of my grandmother and me. I printed it out, cut it into a little heart shape, and super glued my creation inside of the locket. On the left was a picture of her and me as a little girl at my third birthday party. She had straightened my curls, and baked me a homemade cake with food colored pink frosting, and edible happy birthday letters on top. It was the best thing I had ever eaten. The right side was of her and I right before she went into the hospital. Even on her death bed, that woman was photogenic.

  She had jet black hair with silver-ish gray streaks splitting from the crown of her head, all the way around to the back of her infamous single braided ponytail. She was short and fair skinned, wore thick bifocals with a thin gold frame, and was always there for me. If it wasn’t for her buying me my first computer as a kid, I wouldn’t be the art nerd I am today.

  “I’ll never take this off again, Tina, I miss you so much.” I said aloud while tightly squeezing the locket in my palm.

  I could hear the birds chirping outside my window and knew the sun was about to rise. I opened my curtains and waited for the sun to appear. A bright orange sphere slowly arouses from behind a bundle of trees and enhanced everything the rays touched. The trees were greener, the sky was a mixture of light blue and orange tones, and the clouds went from dark to light. I’ve never actually sat and enjoyed the sun rise before, but it was an amazing sight to see. It cheered me up a lot feeling the warm rays brush against my skin through my window.

  It was almost seven in the morning when the sun fully raised into the sky; I knew then, that I had to call Allan. He needed to know how I felt and that I never meant to hurt him, and never will again.

  “Hello?” he said, with a raspy voice.

  “Allan, I choose you!”

  “Wait, what, who is this?”

  “Who else would it be?”

  “I’m sorry I came to see you last night. I had to, before I did something I’d regret”

  “What do you mean before you did something you’d regret?”

  “I thought about calling Stacey over last night, but I got drunk instead.”

  “So, because I needed time to think about a situation that you put me in, you almost called your ex? But instead you got completely obliterated? Maybe I made a mistake choosing you.”

  “You didn’t make a mistake, it was just a thought, and I didn’t go through with it, so calm the fuck down.”


  “Get over here right now.”


  “Now, Ice”

  “Now, why?”

  “Because this is bullshit, and I need to teach you a lesson.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “So? I’ll make it worth the ride.”

  My nipples hardened under my thin white cami, and the warmth of desire burnt between my legs. I needed him; I needed to feel his love tool inside of me.

  I stopped and picked up a caramel frappe for the ride over. I hadn’t slept all night and I needed energy for the fate that awaited me in Auburn.

  I arrived at his house a bundle of nerves, because once inside, I became his and there was no turning back now. The side door was left open and I went inside straight to his bedroom.

  He was sitting on his bed shirtless, leaning against the wall, with a thin white sheet stretched across his lower body.

  “Shut the door, and take off all your clothes.”

  I casually removed my jeans, sweater, and cami, waiting for his next request.

  “Now, what?” I said, standing there bra-less with only my white lace panties on.

  He ripped the sheet off his lap and walked over to me. Shoving me against the door, he placed my hands above my head and licked my neck, while using his free hand to feel around underneath my panties.

  “I told you to take all of your clothes off,” he said, while biting the side of my neck.

  Soft moans began to escape my lips, which fueled him even more. He picked me up over his shou
lder, just like the 2x4’s I had seen him handle at his job, and laid me down on the bed. Sliding the lace onto the floor, his tongue greeted the inside of my thighs. He had an amazing tongue and I was prepared to release all over it.

  He pleasured me until I saturated the side of his bed, forcefully inserted his firm dick inside of me, and began smacking his body between my legs.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly while he went balls deep inside of me. He walked us over to the doorway and slammed my head up against the door. Ramming his erection in and out of me and lightly sucking on my erect nipples until I let out several loud moans. My body trembled, craving more and more of him. I loved the warmth of his bare skin against mine, and the passion in his eyes while he brought me pleasure.

  Laying me down on the floor, he stretched my arms above my head, and placed his other hand firmly around my neck. My pelvis was tilted against his which changed the sensation. He had never gone that deep before, and the sudden urge to release was stronger and more explosive than ever. His body shook as he let out several rough moans, and collapsed on the floor next to me.

  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had, Ice. You make me want to fuck to the brink of pure exhaustion.”

  I smiled and kissed him on his chin. “There’s more where that came from later, if you’re lucky.”

  “Lucky? If I want it you’ll give it to me, always.”

  “I know, and that’s why I love you Mr. Shaw.”

  He gazed into my eyes and I could see the life came back into them. He needed me just as much as I needed him. He looked around my neck and noticed the locket I was wearing.

  “Where’d ya get that?”

  “Lance gave it to me.”

  “Oh, I see, well it’s nice I guess.”

  I opened the locket to reveal the pictures of my grandmother inside. “This is why I wear it, other than him giving it to me, I don’t think of it as a reminder of him.”

  “Alright, if it means that much to you, I’ll deal. I don’t like it but I’ll accept it.

  “Thank you.”

  I was too tired to drive back home, so I slipped my cami and panties back on, and climbed back into the bed.



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