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A Forbidden Love (The Forbidden Series)

Page 12

by Niquel


  “I still love you, asshole.”

  “I know, good-night Ice, you have class tomorrow.”

  Chapter 14: The Nightmare

  It was the last day of class before summer break and I was so excited to get out of these four walls for a few months. I could spend more time with Al, pick up an extra shift at the sub shop, and lay on the beach with Nik! As soon as Mr. Peterson gave us the okay, I shut down my computer and bolted out the door. Before I could reach my car, my phone rang. I couldn’t get to it fast enough because it was buried in the bottom of my bag. The ringing ceased before I was able to retrieve it.

  I saw the photo of Allan and I in the missed call log. He had stolen my phone one night while I was asleep, snapped a sleeping selfie of us, and set it as his I.D photo. I nervously returned his call.

  “Hey, I was just getting out of class when you called, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing much, just wanted you to come over for the weekend.”

  “Of course, I’d love to.”

  “Good, pack your things, and meet me at my house around seven.”

  “Will do.”

  I was ecstatic to spend some quality time with him. It’ll be nice not to have to rush to work or school after a night out with him. I took a few days off from work just in case we made plans.

  I stopped by the local coffee shop down the road from my school for a cookie madness frappe, and a sausage and cheese croissant. While exiting the shop I saw a yellow Porsche similar to Lance’s parked right across the street.

  “Look familiar?”

  I turned around and bumped right into a tall muscular figure, almost dropping my coffee.

  “Lance? What are you doing here?”

  “I had a case at the courthouse around the corner from here. We’re on recess right now so I decided to stop by and grab a coffee. I see you’re still wearing that locket I gave you. How does Al feel about it?”

  “He hates it, but this locket shouldn’t mean anything to either of you. I made it special.”

  “You’re absolutely right. Alecia, I know you chose to be with him, but I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated every moment we spent together. I genuinely felt a connection with you and I could tell you weren’t in it for the money. That locket around your neck proves it.”

  “Thanks. Lance, I really should get going.”

  “Alecia, wait,” he said, pulling me close to him and planting a kiss on my lips. I yanked myself from his grip, unable to say a word, and then ran back to my car in shock.

  What the hell just happened? I obviously still had feelings for Lance, but I knew we weren’t right for each other. I was meant to be with Al, at least that’s what I felt was true in my heart. But, maybe this was a sign that my decision should have been the opposite? I tried to erase that moment with Lance out of my brain. I was supposed to hang with Al this weekend and that’s what I planned on doing.

  I raced back home and like a mad woman, I stormed through the front door, startling Lacey.

  “You scared the shit out of me, Alecia!”

  “I’m sorry, today has been a very weird day for me.”

  “I can see that, you still have coffee in that cup.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny Lacey.”

  I finished the coffee and the last bite of my sandwich while I packed my duffel bag. I made sure I stuffed it to max capacity, so I wouldn’t run out of outfit choices. There were enough clothes in there to leave town for two weeks, and not wear a single thing twice. The lack of consistent sleep finally caught up with me after packing. The coffee did nothing for me, and my eyelids felt as if they had tiny anvils weighing them down on my face. I laid down on my bed to catch a quick nap before I left.

  I must have slipped into a mini coma because I was roughly awakened by Lacey’s shoves, and pinches hours later.

  “Alright, alright, I’m up where’s the fire?”

  “Your phone has been ringing nonstop for over two hours now. I became concerned when you didn’t answer or shut it off.”

  “What time is it?”

  “6:57 P.M.”

  “Shit! I was supposed to meet Al at 7.”

  “It happens to the best of us. Luckily you passed out here and not on the road.”

  “See ya later Lace,” I said, while grabbing my bag.

  “Good, I’m glad you’re getting out, so I can study in peace,” she said jokingly.

  “Enjoy your hot date with your text books!”

  “I will!”

  I checked my phone and saw six missed calls from Al, and two from Lance.

  There was only one voicemail and it was left by Lance. “Hey Alecia, I know I probably made things awkward today, but I wanted to make sure you were really done with me. If that kiss meant nothing to you, then I swear this time I’ll leave you alone.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I deleted his voicemail. I didn’t need any reminders of what happened earlier today.

  I returned Allan’s call because I was sure he thought something terrible happened to me.


  “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I passed out after I got home from school.”

  “Okay I thought something or someone happened to you.”

  “Nope just sleep deprivation finally caught up with me. Anyways, I’m in the car now heading over there.”

  “See you when you get here.”

  It was extremely humid outside and of course my air conditioner decided to quit working this week. I manually rolled my window down for some relief but to no avail, it didn’t work.

  My phone rang on the drive over to Al’s. I couldn’t see who was calling because the phone was in my bag. I hit the Bluetooth in my ear and answered.


  “Thank goodness I caught you.”


  “Yes, I need you to tell me right now that you don’t want anything to do with me.”

  “I’m driving to Al’s house right now Lance, why are you doing this to me?”

  “I felt like there was still something between us earlier, and I wanted to hear the truth before I moved on for good.”

  “Lance, you are a great guy, I really do like you, but my heart doesn’t skip a beat when I’m around you like it does around him. I don’t dream about you day and night, like him. And I don’t see a real serious future with you. Yes, I developed strong feelings for you and they probably won’t go away for a long time because you helped me get through a very difficult time in my life, but I just can’t keep going back and forth between you two.”

  “So, is this really good-bye?”

  “I’m afraid it is good-bye, Lance.”

  “Bye, Alecia.”

  I couldn’t help but feel like a complete asshole, but I had already been honest with myself and knew Lance and I could never seriously work. I could hear the pain in his voice as we said our final good-bye but I didn’t let it get me down.

  I finally made it to Al’s house and calmed myself down before I walked in. The door was slightly cracked as if it were left open for me, but there were no lights on, which was weird because Al always left the kitchen light on. I cautiously entered the house and flipped the switch on by the door.

  “Al are you in here?” I called out before walking out of the kitchen and entering his room, which was also pitch black.

  It was very quiet in his house, a little too quiet. I turned his light on, shut the door behind me, and called his phone to find out where he was.

  “Where are you? Are you alright?”

  “Yea, I just went for a little walk to clear my head. Are you back at the house?”

  “I told you I was on my way. I’m sitting here in your creepy house all by myself, so you might want to hurry back.”

  “I’ll be back in a few.”

  I placed my bag in front of the door and paced back and forth across the wooden floor. I heard someone come inside the house, so I sat down on th
e bed in anticipation of Al walking through the door, but he didn’t.

  “Miss me?” He said while shutting the door behind him, reeking of booze and cigarette smoke.

  “Jake, what are you doing here! I don’t want any trouble!”

  “Well, you’ve found some. I told you, you should have been mine! And now it’s time.”

  “Jake, please just leave me alone!”

  “No, not this time.”

  He ran over to me and pinned me onto the bed before I could even attempt to run a way. His black shirt was slightly torn and a musty odor seeped out of his skin. The smell was strong enough to make me want to vomit.

  “Don’t scream it’ll just make things worse.”

  He covered my mouth with his rough hand, and fondled my breasts underneath my shirt with his other.

  “Your breasts feel so smooth. I wonder what the rest of your body feels like.”

  I tried to squirm and scream but he was just too powerful for me to push him off. I bit his disgusting finger and a loud yelp was able to escape my lips.

  “You are one stupid bitch. I was going to take it easy on you, but now you’re asking for it,” he said, while looking through me with his dark soul-less eyes.

  He unhooked his belt and clasped it tightly around my wrists locking them in place above my head, as he laid his body against mine. He removed his pants and boxers, parted my legs with his knees, and ripped my brown sweatpants and underwear off. I tried my best to shut my legs and shift my hips away from, but he restrained me by forcing his full weight on top of me so that I couldn’t move.

  I was helpless, Allan was gone, and Jake was finally going to get what he’s been wanting for months, me. I didn’t cry, but I knew I couldn’t hold him off any longer.

  He forcefully thrust himself inside of me and I somehow managed to scream loud enough for the dead to have heard me. He ignored my screams and rocked my hips back and forth vigorously trying to fuck the life out of me. His grunts grew louder in frustration as I fought back. He then placed his disgusting lips upon mine, attempting to justify this forced act as passionate.

  “Jake, please stop.” He ignored my pleading, ramming himself further in as deep as he could. I could feel my body giving out and wished I’d just die already.

  I heard footsteps barreling down the hall, and the door burst open. Allan had finally come to my rescue. He dropped everything in his hands and leaped onto his brother’s back peeling him off of me. He threw him on to the floor by his neck, crushing his torso with the full weight of his body. I could see the rage burning in his eyes. He was out for blood and nothing was going to stop him. He almost looked like a fully trained mixed martial arts fighter the way he punched and kicked his brother’s face and torso, pummeling Jake until he appeared to be non responsive.

  “Ice, call the cops.”

  I was frozen in place, paralyzed with fear. Blood trickled onto the floor as I attempted to get off the bed. My vagina was so swollen that I could hardly move. I couldn’t believe this happened to me. If Allan hadn’t gotten there when he did, I don’t think Jake would have ever stopped.

  Al climbed off his brother’s lifeless corpse and went to grab his phone. Jake took off and bolted out of the door, leaving a dark trail of blood behind him. Al let him go and told the dispatcher what happened.

  “My girlfriend was just raped by my asshole brother; I tried to kill him but was unsuccessful.”

  “The cops are on their way, sir.” I heard the dispatcher say over his speaker.

  He ran over to me and held me firmly against his chest. Stroking my hair back, and kissing my forehead.

  “This should have never happened, Ice. Fuck!”

  I couldn’t find the words to say, a part of me just wanted to die. No one deserves to experience this kind of pain under any circumstance.

  “All I did was leave to pick up a few things. Shit!”

  “Al, it’s not your fault,” I mumbled softly.

  “It’s not yours either, Jake has always wanted my girls but he’s never stooped this low as to try and force himself on one.”

  Red, white, and blue sirens flashed down the street looking for Jake. Bright spot lights beamed from the sky, also searching the area for him. Al helped me put my pants back on and walked me outside to help the police find his brother. Jake couldn’t have gotten far because he was bleeding profusely from his face before he ran off.

  “Jake Shaw, come out with your hands up!” The police man said over the small bullhorn.

  He staggered from behind the same tree I always parked near and tried to run. Covered in his own blood, dirt from the ground, and pant less, he was caught by two tall males in fitted blue uniforms.

  One officer forcefully planted his knee in Jake’s back, clasping his arms behind him, and the other placed the huge silver bracelets over his wrists. Our eyes met as they picked him up off the ground and read him his Miranda rights. He winked at me, and puckered his lips together, blowing me kisses.

  “Get in the car you creep!” the officer yelled, slamming the door behind him.

  Three police cruisers flew down the street, to bring Jake to his new home… Jail…

  There he goes. The psychotic brother of the man that I love. He’ll be going away for a very long time and won’t be able to hurt another innocent soul.

  Allan turned to me and said, “I should have killed him, next time I will.”

  “Al it’s alright, there won’t be a next time.”

  “That asshole will PAY for fucking with what’s mine!”


  Author Niquel is an artistic jack of all trades. She writes, does all of her own graphics, and makes custom handmade crafts for little girls. Born and raised in and around Boston, she's attended two colleges, Massasoit for graphic design and CDIA at Boston University for 3D animation. She decided to revisit her long lost passion for writing and created The Forbidden Series of books. Book one, A Forbidden Love will be released in March 2014 and the 2nd book in the series will be out late spring/early summer. Niquel currently lives just outside of Boston, with her very supportive significant other and their two precious daughters.

  Niquel loves to meet new fans and she’d love to hear feedback from you, whether it be positive or negative. Your reviews help her grow as an author! You can also contact her directly through any of the sites posted below.


  Thank you for purchasing and reading A Forbidden Love. Although this is a fictional story, there is nothing fake about rape. If you or someone you know has ever been physically harmed or sexually abused, please visit the site posted below for help!




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